Damn America you need to wake up


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
This past friday a lot of Americans have proven that they are not in any way shape or from prepared for an economical crisis. What will these people do when the sheleves are empty in the local super markets? If this video is a calibur of how they will react.......

May God have mercy on us all for what we have done.
That was taken at at a Palin Book signing.

And here we have yet another reason why America is doomed. Can you for once stop being a child and make an adult comment?
Do you think America is prepared for an economical crisis? Such a crisis that we have never seen before?
That was taken at at a Palin Book signing.

And here we have yet another reason why America is doomed. Can you for once stop being a child and make an adult comment?
Do you think America is prepared for an economical crisis? Such a crisis that we have never seen before?

USCitizen is one the very few adults here. And our shelves will not empty, we make our own food. Worst case scenario is that we become as poor as Mexicans who are still wealthier than Chinese.
I don't think anyone's being childish, but what other kind of comments would you expect to get from a post like that? I'm not trying to be rude, but a lot of the post on this board are "the end is coming!" type of posts. If I put up a post that said "Beware! The big meteorite is coming in a month!", or "A great earth quake is coming, you better be prepared!", or "America is going to crumble soon!", what would your reply to my post be? You'd probably tell me to shut my mouth.

Sorry, I'm not trying to stir the pot, but sometimes I think this board is full of people who always think the cup is half empty. Lighten up, the world is pretty messed up, but I'd rather live in America than anywhere else. I think EVERYONE on this board is aware of the world's problems, but it's funny how hardly anyone has any ideas on how to help, they only complain and shoot down any ideas that come up.

Oh yeah, I did like the video.
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A lot of the clips that video was taken from is from outside of America. Just goes to show that greed and wanting useless crap for low prices is a global thing.
That was taken at at a Palin Book signing.

And here we have yet another reason why America is doomed. Can you for once stop being a child and make an adult comment?
Do you think America is prepared for an economical crisis? Such a crisis that we have never seen before?

USCitizen is one the very few adults here. And our shelves will not empty, we make our own food. Worst case scenario is that we become as poor as Mexicans who are still wealthier than Chinese.

We make our own food? This isn't the 50's where the Family farm was a normal everyday thing. Monstanto grows our food. They sell us their seed. They have a seed that will only produce one year crop then you must go back and buy more seed. The government is taking away the rights of people to have a garden. Look at some of the new FDA regulation. So no we do not grow our food anymore.
A lot of the clips that video was taken from is from outside of America. Just goes to show that greed and wanting useless crap for low prices is a global thing.

A lot of the clips that video was taken from is from outside of America

What part of the clips were taken outside of America? Sure Korea was mentioned, but what segment oher than the korea part was clips made outside of America?
This past friday a lot of Americans have proven that they are not in any way shape or from prepared for an economical crisis. What will these people do when the sheleves are empty in the local super markets? If this video is a calibur of how they will react.......

May God have mercy on us all for what we have done.
Hayek owning Keynes in rap form. ;)
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And here we have yet another reason why America is doomed. Can you for once stop being a child and make an adult comment?
Do you think America is prepared for an economical crisis? Such a crisis that we have never seen before?

USCitizen is one the very few adults here. And our shelves will not empty, we make our own food. Worst case scenario is that we become as poor as Mexicans who are still wealthier than Chinese.

We make our own food? This isn't the 50's where the Family farm was a normal everyday thing. Monstanto grows our food. They sell us their seed. They have a seed that will only produce one year crop then you must go back and buy more seed. The government is taking away the rights of people to have a garden. Look at some of the new FDA regulation. So no we do not grow our food anymore.

Even if Monsanto controls some crops ie soybeans (and this is due in part to justice Thomas who used to work for Monsanto and did not excuse himself from a supreme case) We still grow our own foods.
And anyone can raise a well varied garden with heirloom seeds if they choose and save your own seeds.
I really do not eat many soybeans myself.
Such gloom and doom .......
And here we have yet another reason why America is doomed. Can you for once stop being a child and make an adult comment?
Do you think America is prepared for an economical crisis? Such a crisis that we have never seen before?

USCitizen is one the very few adults here. And our shelves will not empty, we make our own food. Worst case scenario is that we become as poor as Mexicans who are still wealthier than Chinese.

We make our own food? This isn't the 50's where the Family farm was a normal everyday thing. Monstanto grows our food. They sell us their seed. They have a seed that will only produce one year crop then you must go back and buy more seed. The government is taking away the rights of people to have a garden. Look at some of the new FDA regulation. So no we do not grow our food anymore.

I understand your point about Big Food corps, but you can still go down to your local nursery and buy all the veggie seeds you would ever need. You can even, God forbid, go to walmart or home depot and buy them.

And if that's not enough, you can pick up some lumber from home depot, build a little chicken coop, and then go to your local animal auction or farm, buy some chickens and a rooster, and get your own eggs.

The only potential drawback is accessibility. Some are closer to animal auctions than others, I guess. But it's not like there aren't plenty of options available to get off the corporate food tit.
USCitizen is one the very few adults here. And our shelves will not empty, we make our own food. Worst case scenario is that we become as poor as Mexicans who are still wealthier than Chinese.

We make our own food? This isn't the 50's where the Family farm was a normal everyday thing. Monstanto grows our food. They sell us their seed. They have a seed that will only produce one year crop then you must go back and buy more seed. The government is taking away the rights of people to have a garden. Look at some of the new FDA regulation. So no we do not grow our food anymore.

Even if Monsanto controls some crops ie soybeans (and this is due in part to justice Thomas who used to work for Monsanto and did not excuse himself from a supreme case) We still grow our own foods.
And anyone can raise a well varied garden with heirloom seeds if they choose and save your own seeds.
I really do not eat many soybeans myself.
Such gloom and doom .......
Monsanto was put in charge of the FDA by Obama, not surprisingly Monsanto is a major campaign donor to the Obama administration, as for the debate on using seeds Monsanto doesn't want any competition, including by organic farmers, that is good economic sense (it holds patents on the seeds which spread through the air, destroying all organic farms), and the direct product of the current economic system which rather than being a free market is just simply many big corporations competing till at last a few big ones control everything. What? You think when Monsanto does this it considers the human cost, it doesn't because if it doesn't make the tough, cruel decisions some other corporation will, it's a shark vs shark economy, and people get hurt. You could always import better food from other nations I guess. :rolleyes:
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Monsanto doesn't own Burpee Seed company, which is who I use for my veg gardens.

It was a rumor that started years ago, but Burpee is still privately owned. They do buy some of their supplies from a company called Seminis, which Monsanto does own, but Burpee itself is not owned by them.

Monsanto doesn't control EVERYTHING.
We make our own food? This isn't the 50's where the Family farm was a normal everyday thing. Monstanto grows our food. They sell us their seed. They have a seed that will only produce one year crop then you must go back and buy more seed. The government is taking away the rights of people to have a garden. Look at some of the new FDA regulation. So no we do not grow our food anymore.

Even if Monsanto controls some crops ie soybeans (and this is due in part to justice Thomas who used to work for Monsanto and did not excuse himself from a supreme case) We still grow our own foods.
And anyone can raise a well varied garden with heirloom seeds if they choose and save your own seeds.
I really do not eat many soybeans myself.
Such gloom and doom .......
Monsanto was put in charge of the FDA by Obama, not surprisingly Monsanto is a major campaign donor to the Obama administration, as for the debate on using seeds Monsanto doesn't want any competition, including by organic farmers, that is good economic sense (it holds patents on the seeds which spread through the air, destroying all organic farms), and the direct product of the current economic system which rather than being a free market is just simply many big corporations competing till at last a few big ones control everything. What? You think when Monsanto does this it considers the human cost, it doesn't because if it doesn't make the tough, cruel decisions some other corporation will, it's a shark vs shark economy, and people get hurt. You could always import better food from other nations I guess. :rolleyes:

Wrong Mansanto won control of soybeans by sueing all farmers who had a trace of their genetic soy modification in their crops and soy beans cross pollenate from another field raising Monsanto soy crops. In a few years there will be ZERO soy seeds available in america that are not contaminated by genetically modified soy seeds.
They won their case in the supreme court under Justice Thomas whose law firm had Monsanto as a MAJOR customer.

Learn a bit there. A very good show on PBS about this a while back.

A nice try to defend rebnc, but even if I am wrong this is just one crop.
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Hope for the best.

Prepare for the worst.

I don't think you folks really realize how terribly close we came to an economic meltdown that would have shut this society down, a few years ago.

As far as I can tell, we haven't really changed the conditions which caused that event.

Our society is too damned important for us to continue to allow laywers, businessmen and bureaucrats to be making the important decisions about how it works.

But that's who is calling the shots, and folks?

They are not qualified to be making those decisions.

Seriously...they're not.
Hope for the best.

Prepare for the worst.

I don't think you folks really realize how terribly close we came to an economic meltdown that would have shut this society down, a few years ago.

As far as I can tell, we haven't really changed the conditions which caused that event.

Our society is too damned important for us to continue to allow laywers, businessmen and bureaucrats to be making the important decisions about how it works.

But that's who is calling the shots, and folks?

They are not qualified to be making those decisions.

Seriously...they're not.
Kinda like this:
Hipiter, even though right now I am calling for a keynesian response to this deflationary cycle we're stuck in, I do NOT entirely discount the Heyackian POV.

There are times when we need to give the SUPPLY side the advantage, and times when we need to give the DEMAND side advantage.

What we're facing now is the result of us having given the SUPPLY side so much advantage that the DEMAND side no longer can live up to its responsibilites to buy stuff and pay their bills.

And as far as I can tell, continuing to give the SUPPLY side the advantage is only going to make things even worse.
Without clicking I assume these clips were from Black Friday.
Going on that assumption, this is a limited time pre-scheduled event.
Sensible humans should already be preparing ahead for real events.
In the case of a real emergency half the population will be waiting for the government to help them.
Without clicking I assume these clips were from Black Friday.
Going on that assumption, this is a limited time pre-scheduled event.
Sensible humans should already be preparing ahead for real events.
In the case of a real emergency half the population will be waiting for the government to help them.

Most people really are not in a position to prepare for the breakdown of civilization.

Oh most of us can prepare for a few weeks or months of hard times, if we're lucky, but to prepare for a world where nothing is working for an extended period of time?

Very few people are in a position to prepare for that event.

If we're VERY LUCKY, when/if we have that sort of monumental economic meltdown, (one where money is worthless, and nothing is working) there will still be enough authority left for the central or local governments to declare martial law.

Sounds horrid doesn't it?

Well even martial law is not nearly so horrid as anarchy.

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