Damn, Michael Johnson is Good!

I’m not accusing him. I’m reporting what he said…

I am no position to criticize his observation of the different challenges faced by his two sons. But until I know what he thinks the problems are and how they should be addressed I won't say he's wrong.

There is systematic racism in this country:
--affirmative action concepts
--requirement that people of color must be included however irrational to the circumstances
--Generating hard feels re black people due to characterizations/accusations of white people because they're white and such
--Disallowing--even calling it racist--to treat all people the same. Deference and 'sensitivity' is required to be extended to black people but not white people and such.
Etc. etc. etc.

If that is his perspective I'm right there with him.
Don’t get too excited.
He believes George Floyd was murdered and that we suffer from systemic racism.
So, what? A bad perp and a bad cop often results in a bad situation. And he said that his son has suffered from "systematic" racism. I don't know what he meant by that. Do you?
Have you ever thought that I don't care what you think?
Not at all. Because I honestly don't give a damn what you think. So I'll stop trying to encourage you to think about how you come across to people and stop participating in your thread derailment and wish you a pleasant afternoon.
Blah, I put him in ignore long ago....He's not worth expending brain cells on.
I shouldn't respond to them I know. It's just in my dna to teach and I still at an advanced age haven't quite accepted a complete concept of futility yet. :)

And back on topic: Mike Johnson was brilliant in the OP video clip.
Israel helps keep the mad dogs and goat fornicators from blowing up more of our priceless landmarks while killing thousands of Americans.

Ukraine is currently crippling the people that supply those mad dogs and goat fornicators. And who also started or helped start -- WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Malayan Emergency, Cuba, Venezuela, and about 20 other brush wars in Africa, South America, Asia and supported the Red Brigades, the Bader-Meinhoff gang, etc, etc, etc

But if you want all that and more, by all means, let's cut off aid to Ukraine and Israel.
Cut all aid now.

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