Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
Then those that don't can do without unless you're going to pay their costs. Poor don't pay for aircraft carriers fool. Income taxes they don't pay fund them.

Actually, the poor do pay for it... As a WISE Republican once said...

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower

How did we get from wisdom like that to an evil, racist asshole like you?
You dumb shit, his rates went up (just like most everyone elses) to a) cover shit he doesn't need and b) cover others so they don't have to pay as much. Just what the hell do you think a subsidy is?

Uh, guy, that has nothing to do with his insurance. I'm sure we aren't getting the whole story here.

STILL haven't answered my question. Why should someone with a p/e pay the same as someone without a p/e when those with p/e's cost more to insure because they are a higher risk? Stop tap dancing around and explain that to me, Joe.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a congenital retard who was incapable of reading.

Health care should be a public service, available to everyone, irregardless of their lifestyle or their ability to pay. Just like fire protection or police protection or any other public service.

Which is EXACTLY how every other country in the world does it.
Unions, huh? Anyone that relies on a union to do his/her bidding isn't worth hiring. Never worked for one and do quite well.

so you keep telling us, Cleetus. You have the benefits you have because a union guy got out there on a picket line and put his life on the line to get it for you.

Private businesses haven't forfeited the right to make those decisions except to idiots like you that don't understand it's not your money or place to tell them how much they should pay.

Private Businesses forfeited that when they didn't stand up for America in 2008 and instead looked to how they could use this recession as an oppurtunity to screw working folks.

Well, the thing is, the working folks can screw back. Much harder.
Individual jobs are unimportant. Companies I've worked for have completely gone under after I left them, I'm still here.

Did it require a special sort of education to push them over the edge so easily?
No, just having Joe on the payroll should do it. With social media search for high paying jobs I think we may be witnessing an online career suicide in progress.
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

There was some competition and it could have been opened up to increase competition even further. I've bought my insurance on competitive priced insurance websites for years
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?

He brought up "being a Jew". I didn't see what was the relevance to my post on Obamacare but since HE opened the door...

As far as who and/or what else I stereotype ????

Ye Gaaadddss !! Neither of us has the time to go over that much ground.. :lol:

Whats was that again? your quote in response to mine

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?
As far as telling large businesses, (small businesses are exempt already) that they must cover health care insurance for their employees...I do not necessarily agree with that.... I'd rather see Universal Health Care for all, and every business and individual citizens contribute towards achieving that, via taxes...
Costs have went up for small business... Too amny of big business got waivers
Those businesses support infrastructure, too. You think you have too much say in something you don't. I guess you really believe what your n****r President said when they didn't build that. Perhaps that's why you blame your former employer for ridding themselves of an idiot like you.

Well, I blame them for outright lying to me, like the Regional VP who asked me to stay during the transition and promised I would be reassigned new work afterwards.

but that's neither here nor there. The reality is, you didn't build that. Businesses exist because we have a system that nurtures them. We give them shitloads of tax breaks on the promise they'll create jobs, and they still manage to cheat the rest of us.

We should go back to what we had before Reagan. Tax the fuck out of the rich, pay for infrastructure and if private companies want to compete for workers, they'll have to offer competitive benefits.
Shut the fuck you idiot. Big government inhibits small business, it doesn't "nurture' anything. Crony capitalism helps big business not small business
Now, we understand where you're coming from .... and it ain't a pretty sight.

You failed ... but you want us to pay for your failure.

I do pretty well, actually, given that there's been a 30 year war by the rich to demolish the middle class in this country.
Obama is the one destroying the"middle class" the rich are doing fine under your boy
What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?

He brought up "being a Jew". I didn't see what was the relevance to my post on Obamacare but since HE opened the door...

As far as who and/or what else I stereotype ????
Ye Gaaadddss !! Neither of us has the time to go over that much ground.. :lol:

Whats was that again? your quote in response to mine

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?

He brought up "being a Jew". I didn't see what was the relevance to my post on Obamacare but since HE opened the door...

As far as who and/or what else I stereotype ????

Ye Gaaadddss !! Neither of us has the time to go over that much ground.. :lol:

Whats was that again? your quote in response to mine

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

D stands for dumber as well as Democrat so give it up.
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.

Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system

It's not. I pay about 400.00 a month for three dependants.

Maybe so, but that's a little over 1/3 of the price this person posted, which would be almost $1,100.00 per month

I'm assuming she is getting her insurance through her employer, and her share of the cost is $400 for the discount Group Policy and her employer is footing the bill for the majority of the cost?

Individual policies do not get discounted as larger Group policies that employers are able to purchase.
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.

Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system

It's not. I pay about 400.00 a month for three dependants.

Maybe so, but that's a little over 1/3 of the price this person posted, which would be almost $1,100.00 per month

I'm assuming she is getting her insurance through her employer, and her share of the cost is $400 for the discount Group Policy and her employer is footing the bill for the majority of the cost?

Individual policies do not get discounted as larger Group policies that employers are able to purchase.

Wrong....Formally you could join some group or organization for a small membership fee and get group rates
You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?

He brought up "being a Jew". I didn't see what was the relevance to my post on Obamacare but since HE opened the door...

As far as who and/or what else I stereotype ????
Ye Gaaadddss !! Neither of us has the time to go over that much ground.. :lol:

Whats was that again? your quote in response to mine

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?

He brought up "being a Jew". I didn't see what was the relevance to my post on Obamacare but since HE opened the door...

As far as who and/or what else I stereotype ????

Ye Gaaadddss !! Neither of us has the time to go over that much ground.. :lol:

Whats was that again? your quote in response to mine

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

D stands for dumber as well as Democrat so give it up.

Nothing dumber than a USMB member that thinks I'm a democrat.
You dumb shit, his rates went up (just like most everyone elses) to a) cover shit he doesn't need and b) cover others so they don't have to pay as much. Just what the hell do you think a subsidy is?

Uh, guy, that has nothing to do with his insurance. I'm sure we aren't getting the whole story here.

STILL haven't answered my question. Why should someone with a p/e pay the same as someone without a p/e when those with p/e's cost more to insure because they are a higher risk? Stop tap dancing around and explain that to me, Joe.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a congenital retard who was incapable of reading.

Health care should be a public service, available to everyone, irregardless of their lifestyle or their ability to pay. Just like fire protection or police protection or any other public service.

Which is EXACTLY how every other country in the world does it.

Just as I figured, dodgeball.
You people that voted for Obama, you must realize by now what fools you were, right? Obama should never never never never never ever have been elected, and this dill weed is really hurting allot of us Americans, not helping US . Even Bush Jr. wasn't didn't do this much harm. And, Presidents aren't about how much harm they to do to us. Man, they are supposed represent US. And Protect Us, not allow slow harm to over whelm us... Not manipulate and hurt us. I don't remember his name.... For a moment, I couldn't even remember Obama's name. President JERK.
You people that voted for Obama, you must realize by now what fools you were, right? Obama should never never never never never ever have been elected, and this dill weed is really hurting allot of us Americans, not helping US . Even Bush Jr. wasn't didn't do this much harm. And, Presidents aren't about how much harm they to do to us. Man, they are supposed represent US. And Protect Us, not allow slow harm to over whelm us... Not manipulate and hurt us. I don't remember his name.... For a moment, I couldn't even remember Obama's name. President JERK.

Who were they SUPPOZED to vote for...That Morman?? Or have that bat shit crazy Sara a senile old fuckers last breath a heartbeat away from the White House?

Is it the Dem's fault that the republicans don't take the election of a president seriously?
You people that voted for Obama, you must realize by now what fools you were, right? Obama should never never never never never ever have been elected, and this dill weed is really hurting allot of us Americans, not helping US . Even Bush Jr. wasn't didn't do this much harm. And, Presidents aren't about how much harm they to do to us. Man, they are supposed represent US. And Protect Us, not allow slow harm to over whelm us... Not manipulate and hurt us. I don't remember his name.... For a moment, I couldn't even remember Obama's name. President JERK.
Obama voters are too stupid to A) realize they are Ds and B) Not to rat themselves out see above post.
Nobody seems to take American politics seriously any more, it's just a game. It is disgusting, in a word. Who cares?

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