Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
Compassion doesn't come from forcing others to pay.

You didn't make anyone do anything. You can't even keep a job. It's not a wonder you hate people with money. The only way you get it is to have it handed to you. Keep a job so the rest of us don't have to take care of your old ass.

Boy, man, you sound pretty bitter and angry. I think you need to get over that.

It's not the poor who are making your life miserable. It's the rich.

The rich aren't the ones demanding I support them. The poor are.
My brother had an individual catastrophic policy (before the shit) that cost him $170/month w/a 3k or so deductible. That's gone, his comparable plan (BC) that replaced it was $590/month w/a 6k deductible and that just went up to $675/month.

Six hundred seventy five dollars PER MONTH. He's single, no kids, mid-50's. Someone explain to me how you're ok with this? You idiots keep saying "oh, but MILLIONS! now have insurance" yet you say NOTHING of those who are getting royally screwed footing the bill. What about those MILLIONS?? What we had before was 85% insured and happy with it; 15% not insured. So they upended the entire system, screwing over the 85% for the 15%, when they could have addressed things like pre-exisiting conditions and such on an individual basis without screwing it for the vast majority. While we're at it, someone explain to me how you believe it's ok for someone with a p/e to pay the same as someone without a p/e. Who the hell do you think is paying the difference?? because those with p/e's are a higher risk and cost more to insure. It isn't free, it isn't "government money", we the taxpayer are being jacked out the ass paying for this shit. So stop with your "millions can now get insurance!" bullshit. It isn't sustainable, it will collapse, rising premium costs are not being addressed, where the hell is the $2,500 premium savings per family that obutthead promised, huh? It's all shit.
The problem is you define fair as paying some people more than the skills are worth to the one doing the paying. Not your place. I think people should be paid based on their skills and also think that it's not my place to determine what those skills are worth for a business that's not mine or the one where I work.

NO, i define fair as the person receiving his labor should be paying his way instead of me. You see, when WalMart pays their employees shit wages, they go looking for medicare and food stamps and section 8 housing the rest of us end up paying for.

That is your OPINION about Mormonism. Nothing more.

No, it's pretty much an established fact that there weren't any Hebrews living in pre-columbian America. They've done the archeology and everything. Joseph Smith lied to fool less smart people into giving them their money and their teenage daughters.

Someone buying a Lexus and someone on a phone crossing traffic while on his phone are two different things unless you're going to tell me only those that drive a Lexus do that.

But every time I've seen an asshole do it, it's an asshole in a Lexus.
PROVE your claim. Saying it happens isn't proof.

I provided you three links. CHeck it out.
My brother had an individual catastrophic policy (before the shit) that cost him $170/month w/a 3k or so deductible. That's gone, his comparable plan (BC) that replaced it was $590/month w/a 6k deductible and that just went up to $675/month.

Six hundred seventy five dollars PER MONTH. He's single, no kids, mid-50's. Someone explain to me how you're ok with this? You idiots keep saying "oh, but MILLIONS! now have insurance" yet you say NOTHING of those who are getting royally screwed footing the bill. What about those MILLIONS?? What we had before was 85% insured and happy with it; 15% not insured. So they upended the entire system, screwing over the 85% for the 15%, when they could have addressed things like pre-exisiting conditions and such on an individual basis without screwing it for the vast majority. While we're at it, someone explain to me how you believe it's ok for someone with a p/e to pay the same as someone without a p/e. Who the hell do you think is paying the difference?? because those with p/e's are a higher risk and cost more to insure. It isn't free, it isn't "government money", we the taxpayer are being jacked out the ass paying for this shit. So stop with your "millions can now get insurance!" bullshit. It isn't sustainable, it will collapse, rising premium costs are not being addressed, where the hell is the $2,500 premium savings per family that obutthead promised, huh? It's all shit.

I would ask what the $170.00 a month policy actually covered, and Im willing to bet it wasn't much. The reason they charge more now is they CAN'T cheat guys like your brother by claiming pre-existing conditions.

My insurance is the same as it was when i started. So excuse me if I don't take cover because you say the sky is falling.
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

What a lying sack of steaming dog poop you are. Health care costs tripled during the Bush years. You people that want to blame Obama for every little hangnail and paper cut you get haven't taken responsibility for a single damned thing that was brought on by that idiot chimp.

I don't blame the dems for being disappointed that Obama hasn't been able to do more of what he promised but then that's not my problem...I didn't vote for him. But YOU assholes should be kissing the ground he walks on for guiding our country out of the worst financial disaster we have EVER faced.

If Obama hadn't gotten the HMOs to take their stewardship of the costs of health care more seriously the money WASTED keeping YOUR sorry asses healthy would have doubled or tripled AGAIN!!!

Tell me?... Just WHAT pray tell has the GOP done about repairing the failing infrastructure of this country?

That's what I thought... NOTHING...they were too damned busy making sure Obama's occupancy of the white house failed.

Why don't you Christian Fascists just go ahead on with your end of times rapture bullshit and leave the good Americans the hell alone?

You're a moron and i'm Jewish you idiot.. oh yeah you dont care for Jews much...you should be happy they helped get your boy elected....Infrastructure? LOL.. please too much crony bullshit going on...

Competition lowers costs not some stupid government mandates

You are an idiot. THERE WAS NO COMPETITION before Obamacare !!!

BTW You are pretty stupid for a Jew. Usually they are more intelligent when it comes to matters of money.

Stereotyping Jews? Interesting, who else do you stereotype?

He brought up "being a Jew". I didn't see what was the relevance to my post on Obamacare but since HE opened the door...

As far as who and/or what else I stereotype ????

Ye Gaaadddss !! Neither of us has the time to go over that much ground.. :lol:
The problem is you define fair as paying some people more than the skills are worth to the one doing the paying. Not your place. I think people should be paid based on their skills and also think that it's not my place to determine what those skills are worth for a business that's not mine or the one where I work.

NO, i define fair as the person receiving his labor should be paying his way instead of me. You see, when WalMart pays their employees shit wages, they go looking for medicare and food stamps and section 8 housing the rest of us end up paying for.

That is your OPINION about Mormonism. Nothing more.

No, it's pretty much an established fact that there weren't any Hebrews living in pre-columbian America. They've done the archeology and everything. Joseph Smith lied to fool less smart people into giving them their money and their teenage daughters.

Someone buying a Lexus and someone on a phone crossing traffic while on his phone are two different things unless you're going to tell me only those that drive a Lexus do that.

But every time I've seen an asshole do it, it's an asshole in a Lexus.
PROVE your claim. Saying it happens isn't proof.

I provided you three links. CHeck it out.

What you don't get is when someone is getting paid a wage EQUIVALENT to their skill level, it's not shitty. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equal, yet when things are equal and you don't like it, you don't have a problem with someone getting more than they are worth. If the person making a low but equivalent wage can't cut it, they should look in the mirror and see the cause of why they can't. They are the ones providing shitty skills yet want to be paid a wage more than they are worth. The rest of us shouldn't be paying for them to live if the reason they can't cut it is THEIR low skill level.

Who is the they that have done the research? It is a bunch like you that hate religion and twist anything they can to say it's false?

I drive about 22 miles to work each day. I see people do all sorts of things and they are driving all sorts of cars including ones with "Obama 2012" stickers on them.

Three examples out of 325 million people isn't proof. They are called exceptions.
What you don't get is when someone is getting paid a wage EQUIVALENT to their skill level, it's not shitty. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equal, yet when things are equal and you don't like it, you don't have a problem with someone getting more than they are worth. If the person making a low but equivalent wage can't cut it, they should look in the mirror and see the cause of why they can't. They are the ones providing shitty skills yet want to be paid a wage more than they are worth. The rest of us shouldn't be paying for them to live if the reason they can't cut it is THEIR low skill level.

Uh, no, guy. People aren't paid what htey are worth on either end of the spectrum. You have CEO's getting 8-figure packages when their companies fail and the government has to bail them out. and this is mostly all right with folks like you.

If you are doing a hard day's work, you should get a fair wage. That is what the Minimum Wage was all about before it got bastardized.

Who is the they that have done the research? It is a bunch like you that hate religion and twist anything they can to say it's false?

Guy, are you really going to get on here and argue the Book Of Mormon is true? Okay. Here's the thing by numbers. You had the Nephite/Lamanite civilization, which was supposedly in North America, but later Mormons modified that to being "somewhere" in America. There is no evidence that such a civilization existed. No ruins, no coins, no Native American languages that share anything in common with Hebrew, no evidence that any Native American civilization worshipped Yahweh or was even polytheistic.

Now, here's the thing. According to Joseph Smith, the Nephite Civilization lasted as long as the Roman Empire, about 1100 years. We can see signs of the Roman Empire's existence all over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Ruins, coins, name places, and so on. We have languages that evolved from Latin. In short, even though the Roman Empire is mentioned in the bible, we know it existed from other sources and methods.

In fact, every relic claimed to be a Nephite find has proven to be a fake.

Three examples out of 325 million people isn't proof. They are called exceptions.

No, it's called proof that this is probably a common practice. It didn't take me two minutes to find these examples.
What you don't get is when someone is getting paid a wage EQUIVALENT to their skill level, it's not shitty. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equal, yet when things are equal and you don't like it, you don't have a problem with someone getting more than they are worth. If the person making a low but equivalent wage can't cut it, they should look in the mirror and see the cause of why they can't. They are the ones providing shitty skills yet want to be paid a wage more than they are worth. The rest of us shouldn't be paying for them to live if the reason they can't cut it is THEIR low skill level.

Uh, no, guy. People aren't paid what htey are worth on either end of the spectrum. You have CEO's getting 8-figure packages when their companies fail and the government has to bail them out. and this is mostly all right with folks like you.

If you are doing a hard day's work, you should get a fair wage. That is what the Minimum Wage was all about before it got bastardized.

Who is the they that have done the research? It is a bunch like you that hate religion and twist anything they can to say it's false?

Guy, are you really going to get on here and argue the Book Of Mormon is true? Okay. Here's the thing by numbers. You had the Nephite/Lamanite civilization, which was supposedly in North America, but later Mormons modified that to being "somewhere" in America. There is no evidence that such a civilization existed. No ruins, no coins, no Native American languages that share anything in common with Hebrew, no evidence that any Native American civilization worshipped Yahweh or was even polytheistic.

Now, here's the thing. According to Joseph Smith, the Nephite Civilization lasted as long as the Roman Empire, about 1100 years. We can see signs of the Roman Empire's existence all over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Ruins, coins, name places, and so on. We have languages that evolved from Latin. In short, even though the Roman Empire is mentioned in the bible, we know it existed from other sources and methods.

In fact, every relic claimed to be a Nephite find has proven to be a fake.

Three examples out of 325 million people isn't proof. They are called exceptions.

No, it's called proof that this is probably a common practice. It didn't take me two minutes to find these examples.

What's right with me is a business that I don't own or run paying it's employees what the BUSINESS thinks they are worth.

If you skills for doing that job make a wage equivalent to what those skills and job is worth, it's fair. Not your place to tell a business what it should pay anyone unless you own the business. Otherwise, fuck off and mind you own business. Your kind is fond of telling people what is done privately is no one else's business. Practice it.

It's not a matter of whether or not it's true. That's not my argument. However, if you can vote against someone because you don't like their religious beliefs, someone else voting against someone, including your President, for whatever reason is also fair game. You can't do something, says it's OK based on what you believe, then chastise someone else for doing the same because they vote a different way than you. Actually, you can but with zero credibility.

I can find plenty of examples where black people voted for Obama and the only reason they did so was due to skin color. Should I take those examples to mean all blacks do because of skin color. If you can use three examples as proof of your claim, then you should accept three I can provide as the same. If you don't, you've proven again that your practice double standards.
What's right with me is a business that I don't own or run paying it's employees what the BUSINESS thinks they are worth.

If you skills for doing that job make a wage equivalent to what those skills and job is worth, it's fair. Not your place to tell a business what it should pay anyone unless you own the business. Otherwise, fuck off and mind you own business. Your kind is fond of telling people what is done privately is no one else's business. Practice it.

Sorry, guy, as long as the rest of us support businesses through infrastructure and taxes and YES, providing the health care for their employees becuase they are too cheap to do it, we have a place telling them how to do business. That's why we have business laws.

It's not a matter of whether or not it's true. That's not my argument. However, if you can vote against someone because you don't like their religious beliefs, someone else voting against someone, including your President, for whatever reason is also fair game. You can't do something, says it's OK based on what you believe, then chastise someone else for doing the same because they vote a different way than you. Actually, you can but with zero credibility.

Actually, I can. If Mitt Romney read the book of Mormon and came away from it thinking, "Yeah, that shit totally happened", and he really thinks his underwear protects him from Evil and he's going to be a God ruling his own planet, then I can make a practical judgement this guy probably shouldn't be trusted making any big decisions on nukes and shit.

I can find plenty of examples where black people voted for Obama and the only reason they did so was due to skin color. Should I take those examples to mean all blacks do because of skin color. If you can use three examples as proof of your claim, then you should accept three I can provide as the same. If you don't, you've proven again that your practice double standards.

Guy, again the obsession with race.

I'm sure there were black folks who voted for Obama because he was black. So what?
What you don't get is when someone is getting paid a wage EQUIVALENT to their skill level, it's not shitty. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equal, yet when things are equal and you don't like it, you don't have a problem with someone getting more than they are worth. If the person making a low but equivalent wage can't cut it, they should look in the mirror and see the cause of why they can't. They are the ones providing shitty skills yet want to be paid a wage more than they are worth. The rest of us shouldn't be paying for them to live if the reason they can't cut it is THEIR low skill level.

Uh, no, guy. People aren't paid what htey are worth on either end of the spectrum. You have CEO's getting 8-figure packages when their companies fail and the government has to bail them out. and this is mostly all right with folks like you.

If you are doing a hard day's work, you should get a fair wage. That is what the Minimum Wage was all about before it got bastardized.

Who is the they that have done the research? It is a bunch like you that hate religion and twist anything they can to say it's false?

Guy, are you really going to get on here and argue the Book Of Mormon is true? Okay. Here's the thing by numbers. You had the Nephite/Lamanite civilization, which was supposedly in North America, but later Mormons modified that to being "somewhere" in America. There is no evidence that such a civilization existed. No ruins, no coins, no Native American languages that share anything in common with Hebrew, no evidence that any Native American civilization worshipped Yahweh or was even polytheistic.

Now, here's the thing. According to Joseph Smith, the Nephite Civilization lasted as long as the Roman Empire, about 1100 years. We can see signs of the Roman Empire's existence all over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Ruins, coins, name places, and so on. We have languages that evolved from Latin. In short, even though the Roman Empire is mentioned in the bible, we know it existed from other sources and methods.

In fact, every relic claimed to be a Nephite find has proven to be a fake.

Three examples out of 325 million people isn't proof. They are called exceptions.

No, it's called proof that this is probably a common practice. It didn't take me two minutes to find these examples.

What's right with me is a business that I don't own or run paying it's employees what the BUSINESS thinks they are worth.

If you skills for doing that job make a wage equivalent to what those skills and job is worth, it's fair. Not your place to tell a business what it should pay anyone unless you own the business. Otherwise, fuck off and mind you own business. Your kind is fond of telling people what is done privately is no one else's business. Practice it.
Robber Barons.... study your American History....

Is this what you want again? I vehemently disagree...
What you don't get is when someone is getting paid a wage EQUIVALENT to their skill level, it's not shitty. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equal, yet when things are equal and you don't like it, you don't have a problem with someone getting more than they are worth. If the person making a low but equivalent wage can't cut it, they should look in the mirror and see the cause of why they can't. They are the ones providing shitty skills yet want to be paid a wage more than they are worth. The rest of us shouldn't be paying for them to live if the reason they can't cut it is THEIR low skill level.

Uh, no, guy. People aren't paid what htey are worth on either end of the spectrum. You have CEO's getting 8-figure packages when their companies fail and the government has to bail them out. and this is mostly all right with folks like you.

If you are doing a hard day's work, you should get a fair wage. That is what the Minimum Wage was all about before it got bastardized.

Who is the they that have done the research? It is a bunch like you that hate religion and twist anything they can to say it's false?

Guy, are you really going to get on here and argue the Book Of Mormon is true? Okay. Here's the thing by numbers. You had the Nephite/Lamanite civilization, which was supposedly in North America, but later Mormons modified that to being "somewhere" in America. There is no evidence that such a civilization existed. No ruins, no coins, no Native American languages that share anything in common with Hebrew, no evidence that any Native American civilization worshipped Yahweh or was even polytheistic.

Now, here's the thing. According to Joseph Smith, the Nephite Civilization lasted as long as the Roman Empire, about 1100 years. We can see signs of the Roman Empire's existence all over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Ruins, coins, name places, and so on. We have languages that evolved from Latin. In short, even though the Roman Empire is mentioned in the bible, we know it existed from other sources and methods.

In fact, every relic claimed to be a Nephite find has proven to be a fake.

Three examples out of 325 million people isn't proof. They are called exceptions.

No, it's called proof that this is probably a common practice. It didn't take me two minutes to find these examples.

What's right with me is a business that I don't own or run paying it's employees what the BUSINESS thinks they are worth.

If you skills for doing that job make a wage equivalent to what those skills and job is worth, it's fair. Not your place to tell a business what it should pay anyone unless you own the business. Otherwise, fuck off and mind you own business. Your kind is fond of telling people what is done privately is no one else's business. Practice it.
Robber Barons.... study your American History....

Is this what you want again? I vehemently disagree...

Paying someone an equivalent wage for the skills they have, one that should be deciding by the payer not some bleeding heart like you, doesn't make them a robber barron. What I want is for people like you to STFU about what a business chooses to pay its employees unless your the business owner do the paying. Don't like what the person makes, start your own business and pay them what you think they should make. I won't say a word if you're doing the paying.
As far as telling large businesses, (small businesses are exempt already) that they must cover health care insurance for their employees...I do not necessarily agree with that.... I'd rather see Universal Health Care for all, and every business and individual citizens contribute towards achieving that, via taxes...
What's right with me is a business that I don't own or run paying it's employees what the BUSINESS thinks they are worth.

If you skills for doing that job make a wage equivalent to what those skills and job is worth, it's fair. Not your place to tell a business what it should pay anyone unless you own the business. Otherwise, fuck off and mind you own business. Your kind is fond of telling people what is done privately is no one else's business. Practice it.

Sorry, guy, as long as the rest of us support businesses through infrastructure and taxes and YES, providing the health care for their employees becuase they are too cheap to do it, we have a place telling them how to do business. That's why we have business laws.

It's not a matter of whether or not it's true. That's not my argument. However, if you can vote against someone because you don't like their religious beliefs, someone else voting against someone, including your President, for whatever reason is also fair game. You can't do something, says it's OK based on what you believe, then chastise someone else for doing the same because they vote a different way than you. Actually, you can but with zero credibility.

Actually, I can. If Mitt Romney read the book of Mormon and came away from it thinking, "Yeah, that shit totally happened", and he really thinks his underwear protects him from Evil and he's going to be a God ruling his own planet, then I can make a practical judgement this guy probably shouldn't be trusted making any big decisions on nukes and shit.

I can find plenty of examples where black people voted for Obama and the only reason they did so was due to skin color. Should I take those examples to mean all blacks do because of skin color. If you can use three examples as proof of your claim, then you should accept three I can provide as the same. If you don't, you've proven again that your practice double standards.

Guy, again the obsession with race.

I'm sure there were black folks who voted for Obama because he was black. So what?

Those businesses support infrastructure, too. You think you have too much say in something you don't. I guess you really believe what your n****r President said when they didn't build that. Perhaps that's why you blame your former employer for ridding themselves of an idiot like you.

So voting solely because of race is OK with you? Would voting against someone because of that be OK since you voted against Romney based on religion? Bet you would call that racists and bigoted.
As far as telling large businesses, (small businesses are exempt already) that they must cover health care insurance for their employees...I do not necessarily agree with that.... I'd rather see Universal Health Care for all, and every business and individual citizens contribute towards achieving that, via taxes...

Problem with your idea of Universal Healthcare for all is that you say it would be paid for via taxes by individuals. What about those not paying the taxes that fund it. Should they still get it? If so, then what you believe in is UH for all paid by some. At least be honest.
Paying someone an equivalent wage for the skills they have, one that should be deciding by the payer not some bleeding heart like you, doesn't make them a robber barron. What I want is for people like you to STFU about what a business chooses to pay its employees unless your the business owner do the paying. Don't like what the person makes, start your own business and pay them what you think they should make. I won't say a word if you're doing the paying.

Actually, businesses long ago forfeited that kind of consideration.

The thing was, they did pay their workers a fair wage at one time. It was that period in the 1950-1970's when most of the workforce was unionized or got good wages to match what the union guys got.

And the wealthy couldn't wait to fuck that up.
Problem with your idea of Universal Healthcare for all is that you say it would be paid for via taxes by individuals. What about those not paying the taxes that fund it. Should they still get it? If so, then what you believe in is UH for all paid by some. At least be honest.

It should be paid for by those who can afford to pay, just like those aircraft carriers you are so fond of.
As far as telling large businesses, (small businesses are exempt already) that they must cover health care insurance for their employees...I do not necessarily agree with that.... I'd rather see Universal Health Care for all, and every business and individual citizens contribute towards achieving that, via taxes...

Problem with your idea of Universal Healthcare for all is that you say it would be paid for via taxes by individuals. What about those not paying the taxes that fund it. Should they still get it? If so, then what you believe in is UH for all paid by some. At least be honest.
yes, if they make so little that the standard deduction and personal exemption that we all get for the first $10k or so, or first $20k or so that we earn if married, allows them to owe no income tax.

You and I are not paying taxes on the initial amount that we earn in which the standard deductions and personal exemptions cover either.

As far as child tax credits and earned income credits and paying for Medicaid for the poorest, and CHIP for the children without health care programs, and getting health care through Social security disabilty, and reimbursing Hospitals for the Health Care for the indigent gotten through the Emergency Room, etc etc etc....taking those things away from our tax code or killing the programs or revising them should be done....due to now having Universal Health Care.... so ALL of those kind of health care programs that are piece meal now, would and should be eliminated.

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