Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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My insurance, which I get through my employer as part of my compensation, costs me ZERO/year. We have a Health Reimbursement Plan with a $6000 out of pocket max/year and a $3000 deductible. My employer pays $2250 of the deductible and it's 80/20 after that. For inpatient, they reimburse for the 20%. That means for a major surgery, which I had about 3 months ago, it costs me out of pocket $750. Would hate to see Obamacare and things associated with it drive up the premiums and out of pocket.

Waaaaaaah.... you expect your employer to pay for your health care? What kind of liberal parasite are you?

So if you get cancer next year and your employer decides its cheaper to fire you than to keep paying for your treatments, are you going to be totally cool with that?
Because someone else besides them is being forced to pay for it on their sorry behalf. You may not see being forced to support someone that thinks you owe it to them as bad but I do. Since you don't have a problem with it, pay my portion. We'll see just how much you really care or whether or not you are the typical do nothing, good intention bleeding heart.

Guy, I know you are a little dense, but here's the thing.

We are all paying for each other's health care already. Even if you have private insurance, in any given year, either you are paying for someone else's care, or if that's the year you had issues, someone else is paying for yours.

The only question is, who can manage that better, greedy insurance companies or the government. Now, I know you've been brainwashed into thinking "government bad, private sector good", but the reality is, Medicare works really well, Medicaid works reasonably well. The VA worked pretty well until dumbass Bush dumped a couple hundred thousand new injured vets into the system and then trashed the economy so they couldn't find jobs.

Fact is, there's plenty of money in the system already. It's just not being spent smartly. Frankly, if I had to pay for part of Ed Hanaway's 100 million dollar retirement package as a Cigna policyholder, then you should be happy paying for granny's medicare.
As opposed to your extreme density? What pert of unsustainable entitlements escapes your "comprehension"?
.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.

Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system

It's not. I pay about 400.00 a month for three dependants.

Maybe so, but that's a little over 1/3 of the price this person posted, which would be almost $1,100.00 per month
As opposed to your extreme density? What pert of unsustainable entitlements escapes your "comprehension"?

The fact that it isn't "unsustainable". Every other country has single payer. Every other country covers all of its citizens and spends less than we do. While we spend 18% of our GDP, other countries spend 8-11%.
Because someone else besides them is being forced to pay for it on their sorry behalf. You may not see being forced to support someone that thinks you owe it to them as bad but I do. Since you don't have a problem with it, pay my portion. We'll see just how much you really care or whether or not you are the typical do nothing, good intention bleeding heart.

Guy, I know you are a little dense, but here's the thing.

We are all paying for each other's health care already. Even if you have private insurance, in any given year, either you are paying for someone else's care, or if that's the year you had issues, someone else is paying for yours.

The only question is, who can manage that better, greedy insurance companies or the government. Now, I know you've been brainwashed into thinking "government bad, private sector good", but the reality is, Medicare works really well, Medicaid works reasonably well. The VA worked pretty well until dumbass Bush dumped a couple hundred thousand new injured vets into the system and then trashed the economy so they couldn't find jobs.

Fact is, there's plenty of money in the system already. It's just not being spent smartly. Frankly, if I had to pay for part of Ed Hanaway's 100 million dollar retirement package as a Cigna policyholder, then you should be happy paying for granny's medicare.
As opposed to your extreme density? What pert of unsustainable entitlements escapes your "comprehension"?
Seems Joe thinks it's his place to tell a private business how to use its money.
My insurance, which I get through my employer as part of my compensation, costs me ZERO/year. We have a Health Reimbursement Plan with a $6000 out of pocket max/year and a $3000 deductible. My employer pays $2250 of the deductible and it's 80/20 after that. For inpatient, they reimburse for the 20%. That means for a major surgery, which I had about 3 months ago, it costs me out of pocket $750. Would hate to see Obamacare and things associated with it drive up the premiums and out of pocket.

Waaaaaaah.... you expect your employer to pay for your health care? What kind of liberal parasite are you?

So if you get cancer next year and your employer decides its cheaper to fire you than to keep paying for your treatments, are you going to be totally cool with that?

They offered it to me. It's part of the compensation I get. Only people like you expect it.

If you had done a good job your employer would have kept you. They didn't because you sucked old man.
Because someone else besides them is being forced to pay for it on their sorry behalf. You may not see being forced to support someone that thinks you owe it to them as bad but I do. Since you don't have a problem with it, pay my portion. We'll see just how much you really care or whether or not you are the typical do nothing, good intention bleeding heart.

Guy, I know you are a little dense, but here's the thing.

We are all paying for each other's health care already. Even if you have private insurance, in any given year, either you are paying for someone else's care, or if that's the year you had issues, someone else is paying for yours.

The only question is, who can manage that better, greedy insurance companies or the government. Now, I know you've been brainwashed into thinking "government bad, private sector good", but the reality is, Medicare works really well, Medicaid works reasonably well. The VA worked pretty well until dumbass Bush dumped a couple hundred thousand new injured vets into the system and then trashed the economy so they couldn't find jobs.

Fact is, there's plenty of money in the system already. It's just not being spent smartly. Frankly, if I had to pay for part of Ed Hanaway's 100 million dollar retirement package as a Cigna policyholder, then you should be happy paying for granny's medicare.

Who the hell are you old man to tell a business how to spend it's money? Cigna paying him and granny getting Medicare aren't related.

You can't get past blaming others yet keep kissing the n******s ass.
Seems Joe thinks it's his place to tell a private business how to use its money.

No, I just don't think that health care should be a private business. We are the only country that does it that way. And it's stupid.

Not surprised. You think the government should do everything. There are places like that. Take your old ass to one.

Seems you base your opinion on healthcare on us being the only one to do it that way. Is it stupid because it's wrong or because in your pea brain we should conform to what others do? You're one of those that if it isn't done your way it's wrong. That sounds like a 5 year old.
Who the hell are you old man to tell a business how to spend it's money? Cigna paying him and granny getting Medicare aren't related.

You can't get past blaming others yet keep kissing the n******s ass.

Ah, yes, you aren't at all racist.

Here's the thing. Cigna has a business model. That business model is people pay for insurance, and when they get sick or injured, Cigna is supposed to cover that. Got it? Good.

Okay, except what Cigna did under Ed Hanaway's administration was to collect insurance payments, and then find excuses not to pay out. The most famous one was the case of Nataline Sarkisyan, a young lady who needed a liver transplant, whose father got insurance from Cigna, but Cigna determined the procedure to be "experimental". Her father sued Cigna, but the courts ruled that since the contract was between his employer and Cigna, he didn't have standing.

One vice President of Cigna, Wendell Potter, was so disgusted by the whole affair he became an advocate for single payer.

Morally, it's a simple case. Cigna routinely cheated its customers, and then paid an asshole a lot of money for it.

This is like the oppossite of efficient. Lots of money was expended and people died.
Not surprised. You think the government should do everything. There are places like that. Take your old ass to one.

Seems you base your opinion on healthcare on us being the only one to do it that way. Is it stupid because it's wrong or because in your pea brain we should conform to what others do? You're one of those that if it isn't done your way it's wrong. That sounds like a 5 year old.

After having the bad luck to have been put through the private insurance grinder, I'd like to not only ban private insurance companies but send guys like Hanaway to a Re-education camp for hard labor until they fucking die. BUt that would be a bit harsh.

The reason I think it's wrong is we spend more than any other country. 1/4 of our population (before ACA) had either no insurance or inadequate insurance. We have the highest infant mortality and lowest life expectancy in the Industrialized world. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those people had insurance when the crisis started.

So if everyone else does it a certain way and have good results, and we do it the stupid way, spend more money and get AWFUL results, that's probably a clue that we are doing it wrong. At least to reasonable people.
Who the hell are you old man to tell a business how to spend it's money? Cigna paying him and granny getting Medicare aren't related.

You can't get past blaming others yet keep kissing the n******s ass.

Ah, yes, you aren't at all racist.

Here's the thing. Cigna has a business model. That business model is people pay for insurance, and when they get sick or injured, Cigna is supposed to cover that. Got it? Good.

Okay, except what Cigna did under Ed Hanaway's administration was to collect insurance payments, and then find excuses not to pay out. The most famous one was the case of Nataline Sarkisyan, a young lady who needed a liver transplant, whose father got insurance from Cigna, but Cigna determined the procedure to be "experimental". Her father sued Cigna, but the courts ruled that since the contract was between his employer and Cigna, he didn't have standing.

One vice President of Cigna, Wendell Potter, was so disgusted by the whole affair he became an advocate for single payer.

Morally, it's a simple case. Cigna routinely cheated its customers, and then paid an asshole a lot of money for it.

This is like the oppossite of efficient. Lots of money was expended and people died.

I call people what they are. I believe I given you the same label although you're white trash. It isn't color but mindset and both of you have it. By the way, if a black person calls him/herself one, is that racist?

The model includes things for which insurance doesn't cover. I have life insurance. Based on what you say, when I die, it's supposed to pay. However, if my death is at my own hands, they won't. Got it? Good.

You have proof they cheated? Proof isn't some story.

To use a phrase you bleeding hearts often use, don't dictate my morals. You don't want me doing it for you.
Not surprised. You think the government should do everything. There are places like that. Take your old ass to one.

Seems you base your opinion on healthcare on us being the only one to do it that way. Is it stupid because it's wrong or because in your pea brain we should conform to what others do? You're one of those that if it isn't done your way it's wrong. That sounds like a 5 year old.

After having the bad luck to have been put through the private insurance grinder, I'd like to not only ban private insurance companies but send guys like Hanaway to a Re-education camp for hard labor until they fucking die. BUt that would be a bit harsh.

The reason I think it's wrong is we spend more than any other country. 1/4 of our population (before ACA) had either no insurance or inadequate insurance. We have the highest infant mortality and lowest life expectancy in the Industrialized world. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those people had insurance when the crisis started.

So if everyone else does it a certain way and have good results, and we do it the stupid way, spend more money and get AWFUL results, that's probably a clue that we are doing it wrong. At least to reasonable people.

I'd say the same about you but don't think it's harsh.

Where were you bleeding hearts voluntarily showing your compassion you say you have? Why didn't you good intentioned do nothing bleeding hearts pool your own money and do for them? That's right, you aren't compassionate except in words then try to force it out of someone else with the mindset that it actually came from your pockets. It's easy to spend someone else's money.
I call people what they are. I believe I given you the same label although you're white trash. It isn't color but mindset and both of you have it. By the way, if a black person calls him/herself one, is that racist?

The model includes things for which insurance doesn't cover. I have life insurance. Based on what you say, when I die, it's supposed to pay. However, if my death is at my own hands, they won't. Got it? Good.

You have proof they cheated? Proof isn't some story.

To use a phrase you bleeding hearts often use, don't dictate my morals. You don't want me doing it for you.

I don't think you have any morals. You have misogyny and racism and homophobia you dress up as morals.

the fact the N-word is even in your vocabulary says a lot about you, and none of it good.

Obviously, Ms. Sarkisyan's case wasn't like the grifter who buys an insurance policy and shoots himself. Her father took that job with the reasonable expectation that a top notch company would have top notch insurance. (His employer was Lexus, maker of fine cars for Douchebags since 1988).

The thing is, the insurance companies used redaction and pre-existing conditions and encouraging employers to let go of employees who had a lot of expenses. And that's the problem. THeir first goal was not to provide health care, it was to create a profit.
Where were you bleeding hearts voluntarily showing your compassion you say you have? Why didn't you good intentioned do nothing bleeding hearts pool your own money and do for them? That's right, you aren't compassionate except in words then try to force it out of someone else with the mindset that it actually came from your pockets. It's easy to spend someone else's money.

We did show our compassion. We voted to fix the current system so the health insurance companies stopped cheating people.

And we made rich people pay for it. Which is even more awesome.
I call people what they are. I believe I given you the same label although you're white trash. It isn't color but mindset and both of you have it. By the way, if a black person calls him/herself one, is that racist?

The model includes things for which insurance doesn't cover. I have life insurance. Based on what you say, when I die, it's supposed to pay. However, if my death is at my own hands, they won't. Got it? Good.

You have proof they cheated? Proof isn't some story.

To use a phrase you bleeding hearts often use, don't dictate my morals. You don't want me doing it for you.

I don't think you have any morals. You have misogyny and racism and homophobia you dress up as morals.

the fact the N-word is even in your vocabulary says a lot about you, and none of it good.

Obviously, Ms. Sarkisyan's case wasn't like the grifter who buys an insurance policy and shoots himself. Her father took that job with the reasonable expectation that a top notch company would have top notch insurance. (His employer was Lexus, maker of fine cars for Douchebags since 1988).

The thing is, the insurance companies used redaction and pre-existing conditions and encouraging employers to let go of employees who had a lot of expenses. And that's the problem. THeir first goal was not to provide health care, it was to create a profit.

I don't care what a piece of shit like you thinks.

I believe people should earn what they get not based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. You, on the other hand, don't.

You said you hate Mormons and religion and want to talk to me about morals.

That you can't afford a Lexus is your problem. Maybe that's why you have a problem with people that have money. You don't and never will.

You have proof that insurance companies encourage employers to let people go? Saying so doesn't make it so. Proof please.
Where were you bleeding hearts voluntarily showing your compassion you say you have? Why didn't you good intentioned do nothing bleeding hearts pool your own money and do for them? That's right, you aren't compassionate except in words then try to force it out of someone else with the mindset that it actually came from your pockets. It's easy to spend someone else's money.

We did show our compassion. We voted to fix the current system so the health insurance companies stopped cheating people.

And we made rich people pay for it. Which is even more awesome.

Compassion doesn't come from forcing others to pay.

You didn't make anyone do anything. You can't even keep a job. It's not a wonder you hate people with money. The only way you get it is to have it handed to you. Keep a job so the rest of us don't have to take care of your old ass.
I don't care what a piece of shit like you thinks.

I believe people should earn what they get not based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. You, on the other hand, don't.

I believe people should earn a fair living wage, no matter what they do for a living. You seem to think that employers should cheat them based on gender or race, and then wonder why they turn to government.

It makes me think you aren't terribly bright.

You said you hate Mormons and religion and want to talk to me about morals.

Mormonism is a lie based on the lies of a child-molesting con man. It deserves contempt beyond what most religions deserve. Mormonism is Scientology + 150 years.

That you can't afford a Lexus is your problem. Maybe that's why you have a problem with people that have money. You don't and never will.

I don't have a problem with someone who buys a Lexus. I have a problem with someone who buys a Lexus and then serves across the road because he's talking on his cell-phone.

You have proof that insurance companies encourage employers to let people go? Saying so doesn't make it so. Proof please.

Besides it happening to me personally?

Wells Fargo facing lawsuit after firing father of dying cancer patient over healthcare costs RT USA

Triage Fired because of medical expenses A Peoria case

Subscription Center ChicagoBusiness.com
Compassion doesn't come from forcing others to pay.

You didn't make anyone do anything. You can't even keep a job. It's not a wonder you hate people with money. The only way you get it is to have it handed to you. Keep a job so the rest of us don't have to take care of your old ass.

Boy, man, you sound pretty bitter and angry. I think you need to get over that.

It's not the poor who are making your life miserable. It's the rich.
I don't care what a piece of shit like you thinks.

I believe people should earn what they get not based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. You, on the other hand, don't.

I believe people should earn a fair living wage, no matter what they do for a living. You seem to think that employers should cheat them based on gender or race, and then wonder why they turn to government.

It makes me think you aren't terribly bright.

You said you hate Mormons and religion and want to talk to me about morals.

Mormonism is a lie based on the lies of a child-molesting con man. It deserves contempt beyond what most religions deserve. Mormonism is Scientology + 150 years.

That you can't afford a Lexus is your problem. Maybe that's why you have a problem with people that have money. You don't and never will.

I don't have a problem with someone who buys a Lexus. I have a problem with someone who buys a Lexus and then serves across the road because he's talking on his cell-phone.

You have proof that insurance companies encourage employers to let people go? Saying so doesn't make it so. Proof please.

Besides it happening to me personally?

Wells Fargo facing lawsuit after firing father of dying cancer patient over healthcare costs RT USA

Triage Fired because of medical expenses A Peoria case

Subscription Center ChicagoBusiness.com

The problem is you define fair as paying some people more than the skills are worth to the one doing the paying. Not your place. I think people should be paid based on their skills and also think that it's not my place to determine what those skills are worth for a business that's not mine or the one where I work.

That is your OPINION about Mormonism. Nothing more.

Someone buying a Lexus and someone on a phone crossing traffic while on his phone are two different things unless you're going to tell me only those that drive a Lexus do that.

PROVE your claim. Saying it happens isn't proof.

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