Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
Our Health insurance, mine and the hubby's has gone up every single year for the past 25 years....in one way or another... premium might have stayed the same but deductibles or out of pocket expenses went up, or the deductibles stayed the same and premiums went way up.... and it does become a hardship, at some point, I can agree.

I do have some questions though, The ACA's mandate that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is the most expensive part of these mandates that would make your Insurance policy go up if your insurance policy never covered pre-existing conditions....BUT, GROUP POLICIES, which are the kind you get from your employer, ALREADY COVER pre-existing conditions by federal law, LONG long before the ACA.... and most all group policies already covered maternity coverage, and birth control etc....

So, my question is, did your insurance go up for other reasons than these mandated coverages that were already covered by your group insurance at work? Was this just the insurance company's annual hike?

Or did your employer decide that he was going to pay less of his portion thus you had to pay more in your portion?
Is Obama a liar?

I assume you consider this a rhetorical question ....
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
Our Health insurance, mine and the hubby's has gone up every single year for the past 25 years....in one way or another... premium might have stayed the same but deductibles or out of pocket expenses went up, or the deductibles stayed the same and premiums went way up.... and it does become a hardship, at some point, I can agree.

I do have some questions though, The ACA's mandate that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is the most expensive part of these mandates that would make your Insurance policy go up if your insurance policy never covered pre-existing conditions....BUT, GROUP POLICIES, which are the kind you get from your employer, ALREADY COVER pre-existing conditions by federal law, LONG long before the ACA.... and most all group policies already covered maternity coverage, and birth control etc....

So, my question is, did your insurance go up for other reasons than these mandated coverages that were already covered by your group insurance at work? Was this just the insurance company's annual hike?

Or did your employer decide that he was going to pay less of his portion thus you had to pay more in your portion?
Is Obama a liar?

For most of those people having to use the Exchange because they could not afford to buy an Individual Plan...Insurance costs went down even MORE than that $2500..... As example, when Matt and I first moved to main, Matthew did not have a job and we were paying around $700 a month on his COBRA insurance for the two of us, until he could find a job with health care benefits....it was an awful lot of money for just 2 people to pay, when neither of us had jobs at the time.... so I began my hunt for Health care Insurance on the open Individual Market, and with Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem, one of the 2 or 3 insurance companies we have in our State, it was $25,000 A YEAR for the two of us...both under 50, neither are smokers and neither of us took any meds, and these are questions the Insurance companies asked when applying...that was about 6-7 years ago.... needless to say, we became HAPPY with our $700 a month for our COBRA payment.....then shortly afterwards Matthew was able to find a job up here in Maine and get Insurance for the both of us through his employer... Thank the Lord!

So yes, he was lying about ALL of us having our Insurance premium reduced, if he said ALL.... but most of those using the Obamacare exchange because Health Insurance was not provided by their employer and they were getting insurance on the individual market on their own, did save MORE than that...

There are exceptions, like Mr.H.... no denying that...

So Obama sold a lie. He never read the law...It use to be I could find fairly inexpensive heath insurance on the net. That day has passed....I want my $2500 :mad:
Cheaper VS affordable. I want the health care I had last year, that was effective. But... I lost my job, because of the rise in health care prices, now I get this generic Canadian/ British AMERICAN social alternative. It doesn't work. At least not as well as the old American health care system. Cough cough cough...any one have a cheap effective cough drop?
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...

You don't 'remember' him claiming that there were 30 million people uninsured, and they were too poor to get insurance? You don't remember that? If the poor 'didn't know about Medicaid', I'm guessing the education program would be a hell of a lot cheaper than this monstrosity.

Now, explain to me by what possible rationale the government should help a family of 3 making $75K? Their irresponsibility should not be condoned, and then covered by my money.

Let's tell the honest truth - Obamacare was a political ploy ... it had nothing to do with, and has not enhanced, healthcare. In fact, it's made it worse. We won't even talk about the coercion, bribery, extortion, and theft it took to get it passed over the wishes of the American people. It was a naked political power grab designed to solidify our permanent underclass and tie them to the Democratic Party.
Single payer would be just another social welfare program designed to give all the same despite some paying more into it.

And that would be bad, why?

YOu know, I really wonder about this brain defect in conservatives where they are absolutely horrified that rich people have to pay more in taxes.

Initially, the argument was that you had Laffer curves and supply side, and tax cuts for rich people would pay for themselves. But that didn't happen. The debt exploded after the rich stopped paying their fair share.

Then their argument was that if you gave the rich tax cuts, they'd create jobs. But that shit didn't happen. At least not in this country, anyway. I'm sure Pradip and Ching were happy for the poverty wage jobs they got.

Now, they are just reduced to screaming "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!!"
Meaning. You know nothing about what is going on in the healthcare industry and are just spewing Useless BS

Meaning. I don't buy a bunch of panic talk. Because you guys have been saying the sky is falling for six years now.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning. You know nothing about what is going on in the healthcare industry and are just spewing Useless BS

Meaning. I don't buy a bunch of panic talk. Because you guys have been saying the sky is falling for six years now.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Meaning. You know nothing about what is going on in the healthcare industry and are just spewing Useless BS

Meaning. I don't buy a bunch of panic talk. Because you guys have been saying the sky is falling for six years now.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
Meaning. You know nothing about what is going on in the healthcare industry and are just spewing Useless BS

Meaning. I don't buy a bunch of panic talk. Because you guys have been saying the sky is falling for six years now.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL
Meaning. I don't buy a bunch of panic talk. Because you guys have been saying the sky is falling for six years now.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Who is upset? I have great insurance and am not forced to rely on The crappy Obamacare bait and switch policies others do. I just feel sorry for the people Obamacare dupes that are (mostly the struggling middle class).
Yes it will mean there is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients. And as an aside...Medicaid tries to make money ( millions infact) fining those doctors and hospitals for the patients they treat every year and what they consider " unwarranted infections and complications". If patients aren't being treated the fines can't be tacked on to the hospitals yearly and Medicaid can't pay their bills. Oh darn. Look at that. Wonder how the government will make back that revenue?

Golly, Bue, I have been in the health insurance business for 50 years and I had no idea that Medicaid's primary focus is to fine hospitals to make money! Bet ya got that bit of insider information from Rush and company!
Nope. Read the information direct from the sources themselves. The two hospitals in my state that were both billed over $ 70 million dollars a piece .

See ...I am an analyst for the hospital. I know all about "insurance" as well as fines,pro fees .RAC audits and much more fun stuff.

Ps. Also where I read about the loop holes that let the doctors decline new Medicaid patients.

Like I said believe it or don't... I don't care.

I'm glad that you are not offended by rejection of your conspiracy theories and fear mongering!
Hmmm hmmm. That the best you got?

Blue, you simply do not know what you are I cofounded 2 HMO's. Trying to explain to you what it took me 50 years to learn is like teaching a giraffe to roller-skate. I don't have the time or patience. Under the circumstances, I will, just get back to the bottom line. ACA is here to stay. It will not be repealed. You can piss and moan all you like, and it has absolutely no impact on the fact that this country is joining the rest of the industrialized world in adopting a health care system to fit the needs of the people. Whine about it, or get over it. I really don't care.
Single payer would be just another social welfare program designed to give all the same despite some paying more into it.

And that would be bad, why?

YOu know, I really wonder about this brain defect in conservatives where they are absolutely horrified that rich people have to pay more in taxes.

Initially, the argument was that you had Laffer curves and supply side, and tax cuts for rich people would pay for themselves. But that didn't happen. The debt exploded after the rich stopped paying their fair share.

Then their argument was that if you gave the rich tax cuts, they'd create jobs. But that shit didn't happen. At least not in this country, anyway. I'm sure Pradip and Ching were happy for the poverty wage jobs they got.

Now, they are just reduced to screaming "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!!"

I thought people like you wanted equal. I guess that means results not responsibilities.

I'm not horrified that the rich pay MORE in taxes. What bothers me is that those who pay zero in income taxes demand those already paying pay more while they continue to pay none. Hate to break it to you but if you have a family income of $47,000 for a family of four and you pay zero income taxes, that's not a fair share.

If I earned it, it is MINE, MINE, MINE. Your problem is you think those that didn't earn it are OK is doing the same with money that isn't theirs. I don't give a shit what their situation is. If it isn't to your liking, you support them. MY money is for MY family.
Meaning you either can't or just don't read and make shit up to suit your agenda.

Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Just another example of entitlement minded pieces of shit getting something else handed to them funded by those of us that can actually keep a job.
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...

Too proud my ass. They aren't too proud to take food stamps, welfare, WIC, and live in government housing.

Subsidies to one for healthcare no matter what they make is wrong. It means someone else is having more taken from them. Medicaid is the same thing. My former doctor started taking Medicaid patients. Last time I saw him, I had just paid my $30 copay and would get a bill for what my insurance didn't cover. A woman and her child came in. When she was asked to pay whatever the copay was for Medicaid, somewhere around $3, she raised hell about that. I doubt she got a bill later either.

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