Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
Nope. All the healthcare news updates from Kaiser Healthcare news and Modern Healthcare. Try again.

You mean they all come from the company with a vested interest in the status quo?
Meaning they are updates of everything happening in the healthcare industry. Period.

Meaning that if we ever went to Single Payer, they'd lose shitloads of money if health care cost what it actually cost to produce.
Nope. All the healthcare news updates from Kaiser Healthcare news and Modern Healthcare. Try again.

You mean they all come from the company with a vested interest in the status quo?
Meaning they are updates of everything happening in the healthcare industry. Period.

Meaning that if we ever went to Single Payer, they'd lose shitloads of money if health care cost what it actually cost to produce.
Meaning. You know nothing about what is going on in the healthcare industry and are just spewing Useless BS
Poor seniors are the ones who really got screwed by Obamacare.

As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

As a senior, I've never been more displeased with my health insurance. I've experienced a composite raise of over 30% for the past two years. Not too mention, the quadrupling of my deductible and my co-pay increasing 300%.

Total, utter nonsense. All of us seniors who are not on Medicare Advantage pay exactly the same amount for Medicare, which means that I pay exactly what you pay. I get exactly the same benefits you get. In short, this is an out and out untrue statement. I am shocked that you even thought that you would not be called down with such a ridicules post.

See how narrow minded you are??? Did I say anything about Medicare? Or, did you join the asses who made assumptions? I am shocked that you even thought that you would not be called down with such a stupid comment.

Oh! pardon me! You are a senior that is not covered by Medicare. By all means, report yourself to Ripley's, "Believe it, or not!". You will be in their next book!
im considered a senior but yet i aint old enough for medicare.....tell ripleys.....
Show me the quote where Romney said "I don't care about you".

Here's EXACTLY what that Mormon scumwad said.

These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean, that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Now, besides the fact his numbers are wrong, it certainly shows an attitude. If you are so poor you don't pay income tax, he doesn't care about you.

And a whole bunch of you guilt ridden white trash voted for Obama because electing a black eased that guilt.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. And I voted for him in 2012 because I think Mormons are inherently evil. Romney pretty much proved that every time he opened his mouth.
So you voted against religion? I think ****** Obama is inherently evil. Bet you have a problem with me doing that yet you believe it's ok for you to do it.
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
Our Health insurance, mine and the hubby's has gone up every single year for the past 25 years....in one way or another... premium might have stayed the same but deductibles or out of pocket expenses went up, or the deductibles stayed the same and premiums went way up.... and it does become a hardship, at some point, I can agree.

I do have some questions though, The ACA's mandate that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is the most expensive part of these mandates that would make your Insurance policy go up if your insurance policy never covered pre-existing conditions....BUT, GROUP POLICIES, which are the kind you get from your employer, ALREADY COVER pre-existing conditions by federal law, LONG long before the ACA.... and most all group policies already covered maternity coverage, and birth control etc....

So, my question is, did your insurance go up for other reasons than these mandated coverages that were already covered by your group insurance at work? Was this just the insurance company's annual hike?

Or did your employer decide that he was going to pay less of his portion thus you had to pay more in your portion?
Last election really gave you a case of butthurt, huh?

Not really. If you are talking about 2012, I got what I wanted. The Mormon Lost.

2014, meh, you guys won the Cleetus Midterms because no one showed up. Obama is ignoring you guys because he knows that you don't have any stature.
Obama ignores because the arrogant zebra can't face he got his ass whipped.

You keep coming up with more excuses.
I am still trying to understand why a cheap generic med like Phenobarbital that used to cost like 12 bucks full price NOW cost me $44 AFTER a deductible.... Why is that it cost more NOW with Obama's forced health care program than full price WITHOUT coverage? What makes it so...affordable, Obama?
Nope. All the healthcare news updates from Kaiser Healthcare news and Modern Healthcare. Try again.

You mean they all come from the company with a vested interest in the status quo?
Meaning they are updates of everything happening in the healthcare industry. Period.

Meaning that if we ever went to Single Payer, they'd lose shitloads of money if health care cost what it actually cost to produce.
Single payer would be just another social welfare program designed to give all the same despite some paying more into it.
The system was due for a radical change, which is why the insurance companies looked to government for help. That change could have, and should have, been led by the voluntary will of consumers - choosing alternatives that worked or them. Instead, it's been dictated by a coalition of Congress and the insurance industry.

The problem is, consumers would have bought bargain basement policies that would have left them high and dry if they ever got seriously ill.
And? I thought you Liberals believed in choice.
What % of those people are illegals? People that shouldn't even be here ? You libs are funny. You cry that the federal government doesn't take care of our people, but you cheer as we let more and more people come here illegally and compete for our jobs and put a strain on our social services. Double talkers?

Guy, if you fools were serious about the illegal problem, then maybe you need to talk to the Republican Chamber of Commerce for supporting amnesty.

You want to end illegals, here's how you do it. If you are caught with an illegal in your employ, you get fined $10,000 and are put on a government watch list for five years. The second time you are caught doing it, it's a $100,000 fine and you have to put a sign up saying what you got caught doing. Third time, government confiscates your business.
No punishment for illegals?
No, that's fraud, and has nothing to do with what I was responding to.

NO, guy, that's not fraud.

That's what THE LAW ALLOWED before the ACA was enacted. An insurance company could go through your medical records and declare that the acne you had as a teen was a "existing precondition" for the cancer you have now.

And here's the dirty little secret about employer provided health plans. You have no legal recourse. When the father of Nataline Sarkisyan sued Cigna to get them to pay for his daughter's liver transplant, Cigna took the position that their contract was not with the Sarkisyan family, but with Lexus, his employer, and he had no standing to sue them.
How much did you voluntarily contribute to help pay?
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
Our Health insurance, mine and the hubby's has gone up every single year for the past 25 years....in one way or another... premium might have stayed the same but deductibles or out of pocket expenses went up, or the deductibles stayed the same and premiums went way up.... and it does become a hardship, at some point, I can agree.

I do have some questions though, The ACA's mandate that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is the most expensive part of these mandates that would make your Insurance policy go up if your insurance policy never covered pre-existing conditions....BUT, GROUP POLICIES, which are the kind you get from your employer, ALREADY COVER pre-existing conditions by federal law, LONG long before the ACA.... and most all group policies already covered maternity coverage, and birth control etc....

So, my question is, did your insurance go up for other reasons than these mandated coverages that were already covered by your group insurance at work? Was this just the insurance company's annual hike?

Or did your employer decide that he was going to pay less of his portion thus you had to pay more in your portion?
Is Obama a liar?

I have had persistent cough, it's probably just bronchitis. I have had it for 3 weeks, and Obama care passed this off to the "urgent care facility" that in turn charged me $20 for making me wait 2 hours to tell me...nothing, Great, guys. really bloody freeing great! Take Musinex, call me two weeks from now. That really helps! (cough cough cough)....
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
Our Health insurance, mine and the hubby's has gone up every single year for the past 25 years....in one way or another... premium might have stayed the same but deductibles or out of pocket expenses went up, or the deductibles stayed the same and premiums went way up.... and it does become a hardship, at some point, I can agree.

I do have some questions though, The ACA's mandate that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is the most expensive part of these mandates that would make your Insurance policy go up if your insurance policy never covered pre-existing conditions....BUT, GROUP POLICIES, which are the kind you get from your employer, ALREADY COVER pre-existing conditions by federal law, LONG long before the ACA.... and most all group policies already covered maternity coverage, and birth control etc....

So, my question is, did your insurance go up for other reasons than these mandated coverages that were already covered by your group insurance at work? Was this just the insurance company's annual hike?

Or did your employer decide that he was going to pay less of his portion thus you had to pay more in your portion?
Is Obama a liar?

For most of those people having to use the Exchange because they could not afford to buy an Individual Plan anymore...Insurance costs went down even MORE than that $2500..... As example, when Matt and I first moved to Maine, Matthew did not have a job and we were paying around $700 a month on his COBRA insurance for the two of us, until he could find a job with health care benefits....it was an awful lot of money for just 2 people to pay, when neither of us had jobs at the time.... so I began my hunt for Health care Insurance on the open Individual Market, and with Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem, one of the 2 or 3 insurance companies we have in our State, it was $25,000 A YEAR for the two of us...both under 50, neither are smokers and neither of us took any meds, and these are questions the Insurance companies asked when applying...that was about 6-7 years ago.... needless to say, we became HAPPY with our $700 a month for our COBRA payment.....then shortly afterwards Matthew was able to find a job up here in Maine and get Insurance for the both of us through his employer... Thank the Lord!

So yes, he was lying about ALL of us having our Insurance premium reduced, if he said ALL.... but most of those using the Obamacare exchange because Health Insurance was not provided by their employer and they were getting insurance on the individual market on their own, did save MORE than that...

There are exceptions, like Mr.H.... no denying that...
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