Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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See how narrow minded you are??? Did I say anything about Medicare? Or, did you join the asses who made assumptions? I am shocked that you even thought that you would not be called down with such a stupid comment.

Oh! pardon me! You are a senior that is not covered by Medicare. By all means, report yourself to Ripley's, "Believe it, or not!". You will be in their next book!
Medicare IS an option - one I choose not to use. I want real healthcare ...

Spare, you really are a piece of work! You come on this board and piss and moan about how government controlled healthcare is making your insurance costs go up 30%. THEN, on challenge, you reveal that you don't even USE government controlled Health insurance, because you want REAL healthcare!

Spare, I do believe that you win the Spammy for the most asinine post of the day on this board!

Your stupidity is only overwhelmed by your ignorance ... my private insurance costs went up 30%, even though I don't use government controlled health insurance. The increase is caused by the ACA compliance issue.

Why do i use personal insurance rather than Medicare? Because treatments I receive are NOT covered by Medicare, AND because the doctors I use refuse to accept Medicare.

Anything else you would like to assume .... and you DO know about assuming, don't you?

Sorry Spare, but by now, your credibility has gone south, as you continue to go north....

When it's idiots like you who judge, I worry not.
We haven't seen all the destruction which will happen because of Obamacare . Hopefully the Supreme courts takes care of the subsidies which will killl it
Apparently the liberals in this thread don't read the WSJ,NYT, Kaiser Healthcare News or Modern Healthcare. It's all right there in black and white .

Obama's word is gospel...That's why some pray to him. Who needs G-d when they have Obama?..

I swear that the posts on this board are almost word for word what people were saying in 1965/1966 about Medicare. {sigh}
Oh. You mean like in Obama's rush to get people to sign up he brokered a deal with doctors where he was to give them a 3 percent incentive to take on new patients to meet his quotas...Then expired it...and is trying to make them accept 2012 rates now? Making it cost too much for them to take on more new patients ...so that the doctors are now backing out? Hmmm.
Oh. You mean like in Obama's rush to get people to sign up he brokered a deal with doctors where he was to give them a 3 percent incentive to take on new patients to meet his quotas...Then expired it...and is trying to make them accept 2012 rates now? Making it cost too much for them to take on more new patients ...so that the doctors are now backing out? Hmmm.

Recent survey in the local paper (Colorado Springs Gazette) said that 61% of the doctors in this city won't accept Medicare or Tricare patients. Can't really blame them ....
Oh. You mean like in Obama's rush to get people to sign up he brokered a deal with doctors where he was to give them a 3 percent incentive to take on new patients to meet his quotas...Then expired it...and is trying to make them accept 2012 rates now? Making it cost too much for them to take on more new patients ...so that the doctors are now backing out? Hmmm.

Recent survey in the local paper (Colorado Springs Gazette) said that 61% of the doctors in this city won't accept Medicare or Tricare patients. Can't really blame them ....
Or Medicaid in this state.
Next up. Free clinics closing due to lack of government funding and folks not giving donations due to Obama care .

Yes, yes, we've been hearing your wet dreams about how ObamaCare was going to kill us all, and you'll all be in front of the Death Panels Palin warned about.
Show me the quote where Romney said "I don't care about you".

Here's EXACTLY what that Mormon scumwad said.

These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean, that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Now, besides the fact his numbers are wrong, it certainly shows an attitude. If you are so poor you don't pay income tax, he doesn't care about you.

And a whole bunch of you guilt ridden white trash voted for Obama because electing a black eased that guilt.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. And I voted for him in 2012 because I think Mormons are inherently evil. Romney pretty much proved that every time he opened his mouth.
We haven't seen all the destruction which will happen because of Obamacare . Hopefully the Supreme courts takes care of the subsidies which will killl it
Apparently the liberals in this thread don't read the WSJ,NYT, Kaiser Healthcare News or Modern Healthcare. It's all right there in black and white .

Yes, we don't read Rupert Murdoch's propaganda.

But here's the reality. The justices aren't going to yank health coverage for 10 million people. Ain't gonna happen.
We haven't seen all the destruction which will happen because of Obamacare . Hopefully the Supreme courts takes care of the subsidies which will killl it
Apparently the liberals in this thread don't read the WSJ,NYT, Kaiser Healthcare News or Modern Healthcare. It's all right there in black and white .

Yes, we don't read Rupert Murdoch's propaganda.

But here's the reality. The justices aren't going to yank health coverage for 10 million people. Ain't gonna happen.
Nope. All the healthcare news updates from Kaiser Healthcare news and Modern Healthcare. Try again.
Show me the quote where Romney said "I don't care about you".

Here's EXACTLY what that Mormon scumwad said.

These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean, that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Now, besides the fact his numbers are wrong, it certainly shows an attitude. If you are so poor you don't pay income tax, he doesn't care about you.

And a whole bunch of you guilt ridden white trash voted for Obama because electing a black eased that guilt.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. And I voted for him in 2012 because I think Mormons are inherently evil. Romney pretty much proved that every time he opened his mouth.
Last election really gave you a case of butthurt, huh?

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