Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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friend of mine expects to ,maybe. earn $8500 this coming year. Bronze for her is minimum, $264 a month with possible $6200 out of pocket. That is $1000+ MORE than she expects to earn. What????

I thought if you landed in the poverty bracket you aren't expected to pay as people who make over a certain amount.
That's another reason why this is se en as punitive and discriminatory.

If you make that little isn't it cheaper to pay 1% of your salary as the tax.
Either way it encourages dependence on govt and isn't about rewarding citizens businesses and organizations
for investing in medical development of education, facilities and services. It is backwards by being punitive instead of innovative.

[The reason for this is the liberals se e the Government as representing the will of the people, so when Govt does these things they DO consider that to be the people being in charge democratically. While the conservatives see the consent and control of the people is what is supposed to be running things like health care, not the Govt. So until all the people are united then the Govt policy is divided. Both groups think they are representing the will of the people, and don't get that the will of the people must include not exclude the other parties to be complete.]
friend of mine expects to ,maybe. earn $8500 this coming year. Bronze for her is minimum, $264 a month with possible $6200 out of pocket. That is $1000+ MORE than she expects to earn. What????

I thought if you landed in the poverty bracket you aren't expected to pay as people who make over a certain amount.
That's another reason why this is se en as punitive and discriminatory.

If you make that little isn't it cheaper to pay 1% of your salary as the tax.
Either way it encourages dependence on govt and isn't about rewarding citizens businesses and organizations
for investing in medical development of education, facilities and services. It is backwards by being punitive instead of innovative.

[The reason for this is the liberals se e the Government as representing the will of the people, so when Govt does these things they DO consider that to be the people being in charge democratically. While the conservatives see the consent and control of the people is what is supposed to be running things like health care, not the Govt. So until all the people are united then the Govt policy is divided. Both groups think they are representing the will of the people, and don't get that the will of the people must include not exclude the other parties to be complete.]

She is not required to purchase anything since she is a resident of Tennessee and is not eligible for Medicaid nor any subsidy from FED. No fine, but could be very very expensive with one trip to the emergency room. She wants and need insurance but just can't afford it..Well, I guess she could for a while if she sold the stake in the meager investment vehicle that caused her denial of coverage in the first place.But that wouldn't last long and then she is worse off.

Counting down to the magical moment when a few thousand vocal activists discover their Obamacare subsidies are taxable income!

Counting down to the magical moment when a few thousand vocal activists discover their Obamacare subsidies are taxable income!

The subsidy is NOT taxable from what I have read. What is taxable is the money those on the exchange pay as their portion of the premium...there is no tax deduction for those on the exchange with subsidy, as there is if you get your insurance through your employer, for your portion of the premium.
Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that Republicans actually believe their own BS.

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