Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

Do they pay the taxes that fund the subsidy they get. Paying property taxes doesn't count. Paying sales taxes doesn't count. That's like saying a welfare and food stamp recipient pays the taxes that fund both of them and we both know better.
Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Just another example of entitlement minded pieces of shit getting something else handed to them funded by those of us that can actually keep a job.
And please note
Meaning that the sky hasn't fallen, so you don't have any credibility.

YOu know what my observation of ObamaCare is. Before ObamaCare, we had that annual company meeting about how our health insurance was going to cost more and provide less, every year. We even had one year where our Human Resource Cow said, "Im so glad my husband has an HMO and I'm not on our program!"

Guess what, we don't have those meetings anymore since ObamaCare.
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Just another example of entitlement minded pieces of shit getting something else handed to them funded by those of us that can actually keep a job.

Some people will settle for sub par crap as long as it is free. Just wait until the day they get shafted due to deductibles,lack of participating doctors or fines they didn't see coming. : )
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Just another example of entitlement minded pieces of shit getting something else handed to them funded by those of us that can actually keep a job.
And please note
Meaning you have zero knowledge about what is going on in the healthcare industry as a whole ( including in Washington) and just speak out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Checked outside. Sky still isn't falling. We did get some nice snow last night.
I love the willfully ignorant when they lose an argument. LOL

i love when panic-mongers sputter in frustration when they can't get people to get as upset as they are.

ObamaCare is going to be just fine. Single Payer would be better.
Just another example of entitlement minded pieces of shit getting something else handed to them funded by those of us that can actually keep a job.

Some people will settle for sub par crap as long as it is free. Just wait until the day they get shafted due to deductibles,lack of participating doctors or fines they didn't see coming. : )

The sad part is they'll run to the government to get a subsidy to fund that.
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.
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Who is upset? I have great insurance and am not forced to rely on The crappy Obamacare bait and switch policies others do. I just feel sorry for the people Obamacare dupes that are (mostly the struggling middle class).

Yes, and that's the point. Most people I know didn't have their insurance changed one bit, either. But here you are every day like chicken little screaming how the sky is falling.

I do know one person who got new insurance through ObamaCare, and she says it's an improvement over what she had before.
The sad part is they'll run to the government to get a subsidy to fund that.

and that would be bad, why?

Look, you guys want to maintain the current system of private insurance. There's no good reason for it, it adds nothing to the quality of care and makes our system more expensive - 18% of GDP compared to 8-11% of GDP for other industrialized nations.

It also makes us less competitive in the workplace in that employers have to add the cost of that health care onto every product they make while their German and Japanese counterparts just pay their tax and can produce cheaper products.
Too proud my ass. They aren't too proud to take food stamps, welfare, WIC, and live in government housing.

Yes, those poor people. HOW DARE they insist on continuing to live.

Subsidies to one for healthcare no matter what they make is wrong. It means someone else is having more taken from them. Medicaid is the same thing. My former doctor started taking Medicaid patients. Last time I saw him, I had just paid my $30 copay and would get a bill for what my insurance didn't cover. A woman and her child came in. When she was asked to pay whatever the copay was for Medicaid, somewhere around $3, she raised hell about that. I doubt she got a bill later either.

I got to wonder what kind of fucked up you are that you begrudge a poor woman $3.00.
Some people will settle for sub par crap as long as it is free. Just wait until the day they get shafted due to deductibles,lack of participating doctors or fines they didn't see coming. : )

Well, no, here's the problem. I have private insurance now. I have private insurance on my last job, and because I am getting up there in years, on the last job I took the more expensive Point of Service Plan instead of the HMO. (I referred to these as Piece of Shit and Horrible Medical Options, because neither one of them were great.)

Well, in 2007, I ran up a lot of medical issues. Required two operations, ran up something like $60,000 in medical claims. But heck, I had insurance! And even though I ended up paying something like $15,000 out of pocket, it was a good thing I had insurance.

Oh, no. Wait. After I made claims, they were suddenly very keen on getting me off the payroll, despite six years of glowing reviews.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.

Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system
The sad part is they'll run to the government to get a subsidy to fund that.

and that would be bad, why?

Look, you guys want to maintain the current system of private insurance. There's no good reason for it, it adds nothing to the quality of care and makes our system more expensive - 18% of GDP compared to 8-11% of GDP for other industrialized nations.

It also makes us less competitive in the workplace in that employers have to add the cost of that health care onto every product they make while their German and Japanese counterparts just pay their tax and can produce cheaper products.

Chamber of Commerce talking points. Who knew you were a fan:dunno:
Some people will settle for sub par crap as long as it is free. Just wait until the day they get shafted due to deductibles,lack of participating doctors or fines they didn't see coming. : )

Well, no, here's the problem. I have private insurance now. I have private insurance on my last job, and because I am getting up there in years, on the last job I took the more expensive Point of Service Plan instead of the HMO. (I referred to these as Piece of Shit and Horrible Medical Options, because neither one of them were great.)

Well, in 2007, I ran up a lot of medical issues. Required two operations, ran up something like $60,000 in medical claims. But heck, I had insurance! And even though I ended up paying something like $15,000 out of pocket, it was a good thing I had insurance.

Oh, no. Wait. After I made claims, they were suddenly very keen on getting me off the payroll, despite six years of glowing reviews.
Nothing wrong with HMOs actually. I had a choice between those or PPO both good. Government control doesn't bring down the cost of anything. Maybe you can list some examples of where that has actually happened. I'm also not quit sure how late 40s would be considered "up there in age"
Some people will settle for sub par crap as long as it is free. Just wait until the day they get shafted due to deductibles,lack of participating doctors or fines they didn't see coming. : )

Well, no, here's the problem. I have private insurance now. I have private insurance on my last job, and because I am getting up there in years, on the last job I took the more expensive Point of Service Plan instead of the HMO. (I referred to these as Piece of Shit and Horrible Medical Options, because neither one of them were great.)

Well, in 2007, I ran up a lot of medical issues. Required two operations, ran up something like $60,000 in medical claims. But heck, I had insurance! And even though I ended up paying something like $15,000 out of pocket, it was a good thing I had insurance.

Oh, no. Wait. After I made claims, they were suddenly very keen on getting me off the payroll, despite six years of glowing reviews.
Like I said. Still happening under the ACA. People who can't afford the premium coverage are signing up for the cheaper coverage that they can afford only to find out they can't meet the deductibles and are turning around and dropping the insurance.

And now in 2015 those same folks will be fined by the IRS for lack of insurance.

So spare me the drama.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.

Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system

It's not. I pay about 400.00 a month for three dependants.
The sad part is they'll run to the government to get a subsidy to fund that.

and that would be bad, why?

Look, you guys want to maintain the current system of private insurance. There's no good reason for it, it adds nothing to the quality of care and makes our system more expensive - 18% of GDP compared to 8-11% of GDP for other industrialized nations.

It also makes us less competitive in the workplace in that employers have to add the cost of that health care onto every product they make while their German and Japanese counterparts just pay their tax and can produce cheaper products.

If they are paying it in taxes, they are raising their prices to cover the tax. So there is no competitive advantage. If I'm spending 10% on health care whether through taxes or through direct pay, the cost is still the same. It's just charged differently, except if the corporation is paying the health care they can take a tax deduction, if they pay it through taxes, there is no deduction.

It's a wash.
Obamacare is going to cost the Ds a lot more seats in 2016 and unless the Rs go with cross-state competition the Ds will ride a wave in 2018.
Too proud my ass. They aren't too proud to take food stamps, welfare, WIC, and live in government housing.

Yes, those poor people. HOW DARE they insist on continuing to live.

HOW DARE they demand someone else owes them a living.

Subsidies to one for healthcare no matter what they make is wrong. It means someone else is having more taken from them. Medicaid is the same thing. My former doctor started taking Medicaid patients. Last time I saw him, I had just paid my $30 copay and would get a bill for what my insurance didn't cover. A woman and her child came in. When she was asked to pay whatever the copay was for Medicaid, somewhere around $3, she raised hell about that. I doubt she got a bill later either.

I got to wonder what kind of fucked up you are that you begrudge a poor woman $3.00.

I have to wonder just how bad of a bleeding heart you are to think that she can pay nothing and get to see the same doctor that costs me copays, deductibles, etc. I begrudge anyone that thinks someone owes them something.
The sad part is they'll run to the government to get a subsidy to fund that.

and that would be bad, why?

Look, you guys want to maintain the current system of private insurance. There's no good reason for it, it adds nothing to the quality of care and makes our system more expensive - 18% of GDP compared to 8-11% of GDP for other industrialized nations.

It also makes us less competitive in the workplace in that employers have to add the cost of that health care onto every product they make while their German and Japanese counterparts just pay their tax and can produce cheaper products.

Because someone else besides them is being forced to pay for it on their sorry behalf. You may not see being forced to support someone that thinks you owe it to them as bad but I do. Since you don't have a problem with it, pay my portion. We'll see just how much you really care or whether or not you are the typical do nothing, good intention bleeding heart.
I'm horrified at being forced to fund it for them. I don't owe them healthcare.
cigarette smokers don't owe Children Health care either...life sucks and then you die....

and many of these people getting subsidies on the exchange DO PAY TAXES too, so it is not just you paying for them, their own taxes are paying for themselves as well...

The poorest among us, already had Medicaid which paid for the most of that group category already, and long before Obamacare, was available to them.

.... but wasn't the 'poorest among us' the rationale for Obamacare?
Apparently, a good deal of the poorest didn't even know they qualified for Medicaid before Ocare or in some cases too proud to take the help....

And I don't know if he ever used the poorest among us as one of his ''sells''?

o-care gives some subsidy help to a family of 3 making $70-75k a year, if healthcare insurance is not provided by their employer...

so, it reaches lower to some upper middle class families, again, if healthcare benefits are not provided by their employers.... the o-care on the exchange is for people who work for a living, the Medicaid part covers those who primarily are not working, plus some very very low income families...is my understanding...
A family making $75,000 per year should easily be able to afford their own health insurance. Obamacare does not make insurance more affordable. The sooner you admit that the sooner you'll be living in reality


Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.

I'll tell Mr. H that he needs to cut spending elsewhere if he can't afford it on $85,000. Cost of living isn't always based on where you live but HOW you live.

My insurance, which I get through my employer as part of my compensation, costs me ZERO/year. We have a Health Reimbursement Plan with a $6000 out of pocket max/year and a $3000 deductible. My employer pays $2250 of the deductible and it's 80/20 after that. For inpatient, they reimburse for the 20%. That means for a major surgery, which I had about 3 months ago, it costs me out of pocket $750. Would hate to see Obamacare and things associated with it drive up the premiums and out of pocket.
Because someone else besides them is being forced to pay for it on their sorry behalf. You may not see being forced to support someone that thinks you owe it to them as bad but I do. Since you don't have a problem with it, pay my portion. We'll see just how much you really care or whether or not you are the typical do nothing, good intention bleeding heart.

Guy, I know you are a little dense, but here's the thing.

We are all paying for each other's health care already. Even if you have private insurance, in any given year, either you are paying for someone else's care, or if that's the year you had issues, someone else is paying for yours.

The only question is, who can manage that better, greedy insurance companies or the government. Now, I know you've been brainwashed into thinking "government bad, private sector good", but the reality is, Medicare works really well, Medicaid works reasonably well. The VA worked pretty well until dumbass Bush dumped a couple hundred thousand new injured vets into the system and then trashed the economy so they couldn't find jobs.

Fact is, there's plenty of money in the system already. It's just not being spent smartly. Frankly, if I had to pay for part of Ed Hanaway's 100 million dollar retirement package as a Cigna policyholder, then you should be happy paying for granny's medicare.

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