Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
Now, we understand where you're coming from .... and it ain't a pretty sight.

You failed ... but you want us to pay for your failure.

I do pretty well, actually, given that there's been a 30 year war by the rich to demolish the middle class in this country.

If you're looking for an excuse, that's as good as any ... if you're looking for the reason, look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, his rates went up (just like most everyone elses) to a) cover shit he doesn't need and b) cover others so they don't have to pay as much. Just what the hell do you think a subsidy is?

Uh, guy, that has nothing to do with his insurance. I'm sure we aren't getting the whole story here.

STILL haven't answered my question. Why should someone with a p/e pay the same as someone without a p/e when those with p/e's cost more to insure because they are a higher risk? Stop tap dancing around and explain that to me, Joe.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a congenital retard who was incapable of reading.

Health care should be a public service, available to everyone, irregardless of their lifestyle or their ability to pay. Just like fire protection or police protection or any other public service.

Which is EXACTLY how every other country in the world does it.

Just as I figured, dodgeball.
Health Insurance will never be Ala carte, their business model relies on healthy people paying for those who do become sick or in an accident...thus the larger the group of people on a group policy, the cheaper the employer can get the policy for...

However, smokers do pay more on most policies now a days, and they do pay more on the exchange, depending on what State they live in. There are some States that do not allow Insurance companies to charge more for Smokers, but I believe most States do... for smoking. But if heart disease runs in your family, or breast cancer runs in your family or diabetes runs in your family, you are not charged more for that higher risk that you have than the other people in the same group policy.
Now back to your brother, I hate seeing what he is going through...I did a little bit of googling, and from what I gathered, Hospitalization/catastrophic plans are still available to buy out there in the market place....

Maybe your brother could buy one of these much cheaper Hospitalization plans, AND pay the penalty to the ACA, and still come out a couple hundred dollars cheaper each month, than the 3 times amount he is having to pay with an ACA compliant plan?
Tell that to Mr. H who gave the example of making 85k, family of 3, and not being able to afford the cost of Health care Insurance.... it truly depends on where you live and what the cost of living is there.....

As I also mentioned earlier, On the Independent Insurance market, for a decent Health care plan that covered 80%/20% with a lower deductible, was just astronomical in price, about $12,500 a year, per PERSON here in Maine...and that is just ridiculous when the average family in Maine, combine income, is in the 40's...each state is different, but my State area, way up here in nowhere land, doesn't attract a lot of Doctors or Dentists....easier to be in a populated area to make their bucks.
Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system
It's not. I pay about 400.00 a month for three dependants.

Maybe so, but that's a little over 1/3 of the price this person posted, which would be almost $1,100.00 per month
I'm assuming she is getting her insurance through her employer, and her share of the cost is $400 for the discount Group Policy and her employer is footing the bill for the majority of the cost?

Individual policies do not get discounted as larger Group policies that employers are able to purchase.
Wrong....Formally you could join some group or organization for a small membership fee and get group rates
Well, that would have been good to know when we moved here 6 years ago and I applied for a plan as an individual, on the internet, on Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield's site for my State.... I wrote about it and the cost of it here on this site, several years ago...I believe before the ACA was even passed, but while it was being debated in Congress....If memory serves me, American Horse was part of the conversation, and looked up how screwy Maine's Insurance Commission was with some of their regs, that he said made Maine's insurance market one of the worst in the Nation.

We have very little competition because most insurers will not operate in my State, with my State's rules.

Before the ACA, only 2 insurance companies provided over 90% of the health Insurance policies in the State. No competition and a duopoly.

there were only 2 Insurance companies that went on the exchange last year, and now 3 this year, which is a huge percentage increase, although it is only an increase of 1.

When you look at Florida as an example, (which is where my parents reside), there are 14 Insurance companies offering plans on the Exchange.
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Individual jobs are unimportant. Companies I've worked for have completely gone under after I left them, I'm still here.

Did it require a special sort of education to push them over the edge so easily?
No, just having Joe on the payroll should do it. With social media search for high paying jobs I think we may be witnessing an online career suicide in progress.

well, if they knew who I was, yeah. Not that I haven't said anything about prior employers here i haven't said openly.
Shut the fuck you idiot. Big government inhibits small business, it doesn't "nurture' anything. Crony capitalism helps big business not small business

Yeah, guy, but here's the thing. Nobody gives a fuck about small business. Of course, small business can't exist without government, either. But if you think that the people who run your movement care about the small businessman thinking he's a little bit above the peons he pays minimum wage to, you are delusional.
Individual jobs are unimportant. Companies I've worked for have completely gone under after I left them, I'm still here.

Did it require a special sort of education to push them over the edge so easily?

No, it just demonstrates that these "geniuses" didn't know much about running their businesses.

Case in point. First job out of the army, the "geniuses" decided to close down the Chicago warehouse and service all the the chicago clients out of their Milwaukee Warehouse. Which meant adding 90 minutes onto their route, they were unable to get fast resolution on emergency shipments.

So within a year of letting us all go, the people who loaned them all that money to buy their big fancy new warehouse foreclosed on them.
Bullshit.. I How'd i get better than that for under $200 a month Maine has a problem then. ive never heard of such a thing it certainly isnt the norm, if even true. which i don't believe. Try competition across state lines, not blowing up the entire healthcare system
It's not. I pay about 400.00 a month for three dependants.

Maybe so, but that's a little over 1/3 of the price this person posted, which would be almost $1,100.00 per month
I'm assuming she is getting her insurance through her employer, and her share of the cost is $400 for the discount Group Policy and her employer is footing the bill for the majority of the cost?

Individual policies do not get discounted as larger Group policies that employers are able to purchase.
Wrong....Formally you could join some group or organization for a small membership fee and get group rates
Well, that would have been good to know when we moved here 6 years ago and I applied for a plan as an individual, on the internet, on Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield's site for my State.... I wrote about it and the cost of it here on this site, several years ago...I believe before the ACA was even passed, but while it was being debated in Congress....If memory serves me, American Horse was part of the conversation, and looked up how screwy Maine's Insurance Commission was with some of their regs, that he said made Maine's insurance market one of the worst in the Nation.

We have very little competition because most insurers will not operate in my State, with my State's rules.

Before the ACA, only 2 insurance companies provided over 90% of the health Insurance policies in the State. No competition and a duopoly.

there were only 2 Insurance companies that went on the exchange last year, and now 3 this year, which is a huge percentage increase, although it is only an increase of 1.

When you look at Florida as an example, (which is where my parents reside), there are 14 Insurance companies offering plans on the Exchange.
Simple fix. open up states to more competition...Less crony government, fake capitalism is a good thing is a good thing:thup:
Shut the fuck you idiot. Big government inhibits small business, it doesn't "nurture' anything. Crony capitalism helps big business not small business

Yeah, guy, but here's the thing. Nobody gives a fuck about small business. Of course, small business can't exist without government, either. But if you think that the people who run your movement care about the small businessman thinking he's a little bit above the peons he pays minimum wage to, you are delusional.

Liberty is the movement learn it.... it's not a hard concept even for you
Simple fix. open up states to more competition...Less crony government, fake capitalism is a good thing is a good thing

why is it that COnservatards never have a solution that doesn't involve the rich being able to make more money.

Here's why that's kind of a stupid idea. Some out of state outfit that got licensed in NV but could never be licensed in IL because we actually still protect our consumers here, what's their recourse if the insurance company cheats them?
Liberty is the movement learn it.... it's not a hard concept even for you

The problem is, when you guys talk about "Liberty", it usually means the haves fucking over the have-nots or have lesses.

we seek evolution in action and I certainly see why you would fear that.

No, actually, what you are is a bunch of trained poodles who've been taught how to roll over and give up your birthright when a Koch Brother gives you a command.
Simple fix. open up states to more competition...Less crony government, fake capitalism is a good thing is a good thing

why is it that COnservatards never have a solution that doesn't involve the rich being able to make more money.

Here's why that's kind of a stupid idea. Some out of state outfit that got licensed in NV but could never be licensed in IL because we actually still protect our consumers here, what's their recourse if the insurance company cheats them?

It's called reality ....
As far as telling large businesses, (small businesses are exempt already) that they must cover health care insurance for their employees...I do not necessarily agree with that.... I'd rather see Universal Health Care for all, and every business and individual citizens contribute towards achieving that, via taxes...

Problem with your idea of Universal Healthcare for all is that you say it would be paid for via taxes by individuals. What about those not paying the taxes that fund it. Should they still get it? If so, then what you believe in is UH for all paid by some. At least be honest.
yes, if they make so little that the standard deduction and personal exemption that we all get for the first $10k or so, or first $20k or so that we earn if married, allows them to owe no income tax.

You and I are not paying taxes on the initial amount that we earn in which the standard deductions and personal exemptions cover either.

As far as child tax credits and earned income credits and paying for Medicaid for the poorest, and CHIP for the children without health care programs, and getting health care through Social security disabilty, and reimbursing Hospitals for the Health Care for the indigent gotten through the Emergency Room, etc etc etc....taking those things away from our tax code or killing the programs or revising them should be done....due to now having Universal Health Care.... so ALL of those kind of health care programs that are piece meal now, would and should be eliminated.

Then you're entire claim about individual citizens contributing toward the goal of healthcare for all really means only certain ones of us not all of us. If it's universal, then the entire citizenry should pay regardless of income.

Difference between me and the ones not paying due to the initial deductions and exemptions is that I still have to pay while the don't and many of them actually get more than they may have put in through the EIC. That's bullshit. It's one thing to get back all you put in. It's another to get back more than you put in that someone like me has to pay. I don't owe anyone a damn thing.

Bullshit on your claim that they would be eliminated. Currently, low income children get free lunch and breakfast as the schools in the District that I fund. Many of them receive food stamps which is calculated on 1095 meals/year or 3 meal/day x 365 days/year. Since they are already getting one handout funded by taxes they don't pay, it's redundant to provide them something funded by other taxes they don't pay when that need is already being met. When is the amount for food stamps going to be reduced on an equivalent to the number of meals they get through another handout program. That's 360 meals/year (180 school days x 2 meal/school day.

When has any social welfare leech handout program ever gone away?
I'm not hung up on the poor not being able to afford healthcare taxes....you cant get blood out of a turnip.... they still need the same medical attention as the rest of us and sorry, I don't support letting them die just because they don't pay one part, of the many taxes that are part of our nation's taxes, the fed income tax...

As far as CHIP, the children's health care program, it would be eliminated, and MEDICAID for the poor, it would be eliminated, and healthcare for the disabled, it would be eliminated, and Veterans health expenditures also would be eliminated because all of these programs would be incorporated in to the one and only, Universal Healthcare plan....and even Medicare for the elderly and CHAMPUS for the Military could all be eliminated if we all, from birth to death, just had Healthcare universally covered.... think of all the money that could be saved at the bureaucratic levels, that could go towards paying for this thing....
As far as telling large businesses, (small businesses are exempt already) that they must cover health care insurance for their employees...I do not necessarily agree with that.... I'd rather see Universal Health Care for all, and every business and individual citizens contribute towards achieving that, via taxes...

Problem with your idea of Universal Healthcare for all is that you say it would be paid for via taxes by individuals. What about those not paying the taxes that fund it. Should they still get it? If so, then what you believe in is UH for all paid by some. At least be honest.
yes, if they make so little that the standard deduction and personal exemption that we all get for the first $10k or so, or first $20k or so that we earn if married, allows them to owe no income tax.

You and I are not paying taxes on the initial amount that we earn in which the standard deductions and personal exemptions cover either.

As far as child tax credits and earned income credits and paying for Medicaid for the poorest, and CHIP for the children without health care programs, and getting health care through Social security disabilty, and reimbursing Hospitals for the Health Care for the indigent gotten through the Emergency Room, etc etc etc....taking those things away from our tax code or killing the programs or revising them should be done....due to now having Universal Health Care.... so ALL of those kind of health care programs that are piece meal now, would and should be eliminated.

Then you're entire claim about individual citizens contributing toward the goal of healthcare for all really means only certain ones of us not all of us. If it's universal, then the entire citizenry should pay regardless of income.

Difference between me and the ones not paying due to the initial deductions and exemptions is that I still have to pay while the don't and many of them actually get more than they may have put in through the EIC. That's bullshit. It's one thing to get back all you put in. It's another to get back more than you put in that someone like me has to pay. I don't owe anyone a damn thing.

Bullshit on your claim that they would be eliminated. Currently, low income children get free lunch and breakfast as the schools in the District that I fund. Many of them receive food stamps which is calculated on 1095 meals/year or 3 meal/day x 365 days/year. Since they are already getting one handout funded by taxes they don't pay, it's redundant to provide them something funded by other taxes they don't pay when that need is already being met. When is the amount for food stamps going to be reduced on an equivalent to the number of meals they get through another handout program. That's 360 meals/year (180 school days x 2 meal/school day.

When has any social welfare leech handout program ever gone away?
I'm not hung up on the poor not being able to afford healthcare taxes....you cant get blood out of a turnip.... they still need the same medical attention as the rest of us and sorry, I don't support letting them die just because they don't pay one part, of the many taxes that are part of our nation's taxes, the fed income tax...

As far as CHIP, the children's health care program, it would be eliminated, and MEDICAID for the poor, it would be eliminated, and healthcare for the disabled, it would be eliminated, and Veterans health expenditures also would be eliminated because all of these programs would be incorporated in to the one and only, Universal Healthcare plan....and even Medicare for the elderly and CHAMPUS for the Military could all be eliminated if we all, from birth to death, just had Healthcare universally covered.... think of all the money that could be saved at the bureaucratic levels, that could go towards paying for this thing....

Then they either need to pay what the rest of us pay or people like you voluntarily do it for them. It's not my place to be forced to fund some bleeding heart social program you believe in and for which there is no Constitutional basis. I support you, if you see the need as that great, to pay their bills when they can't. I'm not interested.

That mindset is what we, where I live, were told if a one cent county-wide addition was added to the sales tax to go to road and bridge improvement. When we pay property taxes on vehicles, there is a $20 Road Maintenance Fee as part of it. We were told it would go away if the sales tax addition was passed. I knew better and voted against it. Apparently, there were enough idiots that did and passed it. Just received my annual property tax bill on one of my vehicles. The $20 fee is still there.

Just think of all the money people bleeding hearts like you could save the rest of us if you would put YOUR money where your mouth is instead of putting your vote to cause the rest of us to fund your good intentions programs that the intelligent ones of us know won't eliminate others.
Then they either need to pay what the rest of us pay or people like you voluntarily do it for them. It's not my place to be forced to fund some bleeding heart social program you believe in and for which there is no Constitutional basis. I support you, if you see the need as that great, to pay their bills when they can't. I'm not interested.

It's not my place to pay for a bloated military industrial complex, but you guys make me do it anyway.

Just think of all the money people bleeding hearts like you could save the rest of us if you would put YOUR money where your mouth is instead of putting your vote to cause the rest of us to fund your good intentions programs that the intelligent ones of us know won't eliminate others.

It would be nice if wealth were fairly distributed, and then maybe people wouldn't vote to redistribute it.

But as I keep pointing out, we are ALREADY paying for the current system far in excess of what other industrialized nations pay.
After careful consideration and much consternation, I decided that I have no choice but to enter the ACA Marketplace and sign up for a subsidized policy. Hear me out...

Subsidies are only available through this Marketplace. Yes, I have an ACA-compliant policy through my current insurer but they just today raised my premium to $921/month. A subsidized policy through the Marketplace (Silver) is just over $600/month.

The Crux of this Biscuit is that in order to qualify for the reduced premium, I can not claim an Adjusted Gross Income greater than $79,000/year. After crunching the numbers, I believe it's going to be close. I'm in a serious cash-flow crunch and it's not going to get better any time soon. SO, the chance that I am taking here is this - at the end of the year IF my AGI exceeds the $79K threshold, the IRS will bill me for the difference in those two premiums.

It's a chance I have to take. I can only afford to worry about this a year from now.

Fuck it all.

And the thing to remember is this- many of those who were on "Marketplace" policies in 2014 are going to get this very same rude awakening when they file their tax returns. IF they exceeded their AGI thresholds, they are going to get hammered by the IRS.

You fucking Democrats passed this shit, us right wing kooks didn't. Fuck you too. :fu:
Guy, if you are making 79K a year, you can afford $7200 a year for health coverage.
Guy, if you are making 79K a year, you can afford $7200 a year for health coverage.
That's what I'm hoping. But without the Marketplace policy, the premiums are over $11K/year. As I said, it's about cash flow and it's not flowing like it was six months ago. And no, $79K/year with a mortgage and a kid in college, etc. does not these days afford me any luxury.
Guy, if you are making 79K a year, you can afford $7200 a year for health coverage.
That's what I'm hoping. But without the Marketplace policy, the premiums are over $11K/year. As I said, it's about cash flow and it's not flowing like it was six months ago. And no, $79K/year with a mortgage and a kid in college, etc. does not these days afford me any luxury.
Good, do it!

Now let me give you something to be aware of.... That $600 a month is NOT tax deductible as your $920 would be....at least that was my understanding...so put a pencil to it to see if you are truly coming out ahead... or if you have an accountant, ask him....

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