Damn! Putin Sounds More American than Obama!

So Putin points out the same foreign policy failures of Bush that our loving liberals have filled threads with their disapproval.
He also points out the foreign policy failures of Obama that the resident republicans have bitched about.

And this thread devolves into a "commie Obama", "Putin-loving" bullshit flame-fest that is nothing but red herring and straw.

Just because a piece of shit speaks the truth doesn;t make that truth any less TRUE.

Nothing...absolutely fucking NOTHING we have done in the middle east has changed a fucking thing.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result.

No one minds the Putins etc and what they say, kiddo.

But when folks say Putin and Russia would be better than Obama and the USA; fuck em, son.
Obviously, Russia would not be a place I'd like to live. No guns for 1 thing. Autocratic, horribly corrupt etc.
Obviously, Russia would not be a place I'd like to live. No guns for 1 thing. Autocratic, horribly corrupt etc.

You have just described Los Angeles. Do you wanna try for New York City that way out totalitarians the most totalitarian communist government that ever existed.

It's funny watching liberals recoil over the communists when this autocratic government is worse. At its worst, communist central command resulted in little available food. But, if people had it they could eat. American liberals take lunches away from school children because the contents weren't approved.
So Putin points out the same foreign policy failures of Bush that our loving liberals have filled threads with their disapproval.
He also points out the foreign policy failures of Obama that the resident republicans have bitched about.

And this thread devolves into a "commie Obama", "Putin-loving" bullshit flame-fest that is nothing but red herring and straw.

Just because a piece of shit speaks the truth doesn;t make that truth any less TRUE.

Nothing...absolutely fucking NOTHING we have done in the middle east has changed a fucking thing.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result.


yet here we are again.
Anyone who supports Putin and Russia over the USA and our president is un-American and deserves to be shunned in public.
Putin is like an ex-wife without support or alimony, and really poed at the property settlement. Largely powerless to affect you, beyond pointing out your limitations to your enemies.

As for being a leader, he leads a society that values the illusion of world power and state subsidies over liberty. I'd think the RW ers here would find that obamaesque.

There's nothing funnier than watching so-called "freedom loving" Conservatives stick their tongues up the ass of He-man Putin.

You guys realize he's a autocratic dictator, right?

No more so than Obama is.

BTW, it is hilariously stupid how you libtards have to make everything a sexual term.

And frankly I don't care if you project your sexual preferences on conservatives, but it says more about YOU than anyone else, lololol.
The Founding Fathers would have agreed with Putin, the head of state of Russia, instead of Obama.

WTF is happening to OUR country? It is time for the adults to put the kids back in the playroom and take charge again.

Putin's Eerily Persuasive Message to Barack Obama | Independent Journal Review

Only the right wing feels this way.


Because, this is the sort of fellow they want leading this country.

A commie dictator.

Grats boys.

You out yourselves daily. :clap:

Your reading comprehension is pathetic.

Oh wait, you didn't actually read a damn thing.

The Founding Fathers would definitely have opposed this Syria strike, as does Putin.

Obama, on the other hand is doing it merely to distract from Benghazi, the IRS abuse of TP groups, the ACA mess that he has to exempt all his political friends from so they will support it, and his heavy handed federali thugs that are putting those billions of rounds of ammo to use like that EPA swat team that raided some gold panning locations in Alaska.
Putin is like an ex-wife without support or alimony, and really poed at the property settlement. Largely powerless to affect you, beyond pointing out your limitations to your enemies.

As for being a leader, he leads a society that values the illusion of world power and state subsidies over liberty. I'd think the RW ers here would find that obamaesque.

Hmm, maybe you might read up on Russia more these days. Russia isn't broke, has gads of natural resources, has more economic freedom than the USA, and they have a disciplined leader in Putin who isn't a damned clown like Obama.
Anyone who supports Putin and Russia over the USA and our president is un-American and deserves to be shunned in public.

Lol, Starkey says that not supporting Obama makes you an un-American traitor.

I could not possibly care less what you try to think, you little bitch.
Which leader is directing his country to spy on its citizens?


Putin is ex-kgb.


Get it??

As to the op -

Putin Sounds More American than Obama

I'd love to see you commie scum suddenly transported to Russia and see how long you lasted under the regime you love so much.

Lol, now opposition to Obama makes you a commie scum, along with being a racist, an idiot and uneducated.

roflmao, the libtards just cannot find anything worth saying except 'LOVE OBAMA OR ELSE...BESIDES IT IS BUSHES FAULT ANYWAY!'
I could not possibly care less what you try to think, you little bitch.

I say that un-American folks like JimBowie should be shunned for his love of Russia and Putin and communism.

JimBowie loves communism and Syria and gassing children.
I could not possibly care less what you try to think, you little bitch.

I say that un-American folks like JimBowie should be shunned for his love of Russia and Putin and communism.

JimBowie loves communism and Syria and gassing children.

lol, you are such a low life loser.

you just make things up and hurl it like shit out of your mouth.

Fuck off, you liar.
Russia invaded Afghanistan and got their asses handed to them, no wonder Putin talks of peace the Russian military machine is a paper tiger.

They're losing the provinces that they forced into the Soviet Union, quit basically they are still weak and ineffective in world politics. Russians being peaceniks, don't you believe it for one second or they would not supply arms to the bad nations of the world, but you two faced RWers keep on supporting Putin, N. Korea, Iran, Syria, etc.
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Russia invaded Afghanistan and got their asses handed to them, no wonder Putin talks of peace the Russian military machine is a paper tiger.

They're losing the provinces that they forced into the Soviet Union, quit basically they are still weak and ineffective in world politics. Russians being peaceniks, don't you believe it for one second or they would not supply arms to the bad nations of the world, but you two faced RWers keep on supporting Putin, N. Korea, Iran, Syria, etc.

Hey, I've even agreed with Rdean a time or two.
Agreeing with something Putin says does not equal support.
The rest of the bloviating about NK, Iran, Syria, etc....is BS.

Syria is a lose/lose situation.
We either support the legitimately elected government or we support the AQ-backed rebels.
Or, C........we simply tell them all to fuck off and die and focus on our economy

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