Damn Russians Are Responsible For Everything, to Include protesting Pelosi!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It is now 100% certifiably a proven fact - Democrats / snowflakes have gone completely 'It's Russia's Fault' Bat-Shit Crazy!

Dem Senator Suggests RUSSIA To Blame For DREAMers Protesting Pelosi
- Dem Sen. Suggests RUSSIA To Blame For DREAMers Protesting Pelosi [VIDEO]

“DREAMers and young people across the country are frustrated, and they want to go to college and join the military and get jobs and be Americans, which is what they are. This is the only country most of them have ever known,” Shaheen answered, largely dodging the question as to why the activists have turned their anger on Democrats.

When pressed repeatedly on whether Pelosi’s collaboration with Trump on DACA, which has
angered left-wing activists, led to the anti-Pelosi protests, Shaheen suggested instead that Russia was to blame."

I can't believe RUSSIANS FORCED Pelosi to work with President Trump!

I bet they stripped Anthony Weiner down buck-naked, and placed Hillary's classified data-filled Huma laptop down on top of his junk right after contacting that under-aged minor on-line. too. :p
Just when I thought yesterday's bat shit crazy liberal shit couldn't be topped, this. :laugh:
This crap would be funny if I didn't know that they are serious.
Unfortunately, they are

"Russian Hackers also stole ALL
of the snowflakes' evidence of
Trump-Russia Collusion'!"

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