Damn, that Ann Coulter sure makes sense!

Could someone distill this down to one or two sentences for me? I know that it is a rant of some kind or another, but I don't know if it is about doctors, Africa, or just your garden variety Ann Coulter asinine talking points.

Basically it boils down to "Charity begins at Home" and she is totally correct.

Are you of the opinion that all foreign aid ought to be suspended?
You do know that Ann Coulter is a she, don't you? Did the short hair confuse you?

A........hrumph! This is the internet! This is SERIOUS!!

I am pretty sure Coulter is female, just looks male:


That neck..............................

If she would fulfill her womanly duty as a true conservative and bear children we could be sure she is a woman

But given that she is barren, one has to wonder if she has the correct parts
Could someone distill this down to one or two sentences for me? I know that it is a rant of some kind or another, but I don't know if it is about doctors, Africa, or just your garden variety Ann Coulter asinine talking points.

Basically it boils down to "Charity begins at Home" and she is totally correct.

Are you of the opinion that all foreign aid ought to be suspended?

Yes Americans should take care of Americans first. That should go without saying.
For Example: There should be no need for Charities like Wounded Warriors, take the money we are using over seas and treat our vets like they should be treated.
Your own words suggest you know there is no god. You're so smart you must be a democrat.

My own words were and I quote: "I am not a Democrat. Nor do I know there is no god." That seems neither to suggest that I know there is no god nor that I'm a Democrat but explicity SAYS that I am neither a Democrat nor someone who knows there is no god. Is that clear enough for you, o smart one?

Some conservatives want English as the official language but don't seem to understand it themselves...

Your words...

"Christians are being left behind by the modern world and would do better to go to undeveloped, third world countries which more closely reflect their level of mentality and where less educated populations in desperate circumstances are more easily sold on an eternal afterlife in paradise."

You tell 'em, god.

Please bold in my quotes where I wrote that: 1. I know there is no god, 2. I'm a Democrat, and 3. Where I even impled that I'm God.

When you can't, please write something else to try to get around the fact that you made a stupid assumption - some deflection or lame defense will be just fine. Or stop posting in the forum and run away. You could accept that you did something dumb but I won't hold my breath.
More than 40 percent of babies are born out of wedlock. Despite the runaway success of "midnight basketball," a healthy chunk of those children go on to murder other children, rape grandmothers, bury little girls alive -- and then eat a sandwich.

Anyone gullible enough to swallow that hyperbolic drivel probably needs help velcroing their shoes in the morning.
A........hrumph! This is the internet! This is SERIOUS!!

I am pretty sure Coulter is female, just looks male:


That neck..............................

If she would fulfill her womanly duty as a true conservative and bear children we could be sure she is a woman

But given that she is barren, one has to wonder if she has the correct parts

Coulter should fulfill the duties of a human being before venturing into gender(.)

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Why does this make sense to you?

Because people like this look remarkably like liberals who are status whoring. There are loads of poor people in America, why ignore your neighbor and fly to Africa to help people there? The Africa aspect buys reputation/status, it demonstrates some feature like degree of caring, willingness to bear a burden, etc. that helping poor people in rural America or urban America can't provide,.

As I noted, I'm not a Christian but I'm also not on an Atheist jihad criticizing Christians for spreading their gospel. If they're going to spread their message it actually would be more effective to reform Hollywood than it would be to convert every single damn person in Africa.

I'll back her up on the charge that American Christian missionaries do exhibit some cowardice by avoiding the American demographics she targets for fear of godless liberals blasting back that the missionaries are racists or sexists and other namecalling - the easier path is to avoid that hardship. (Hint: notice the behavior of many of the liberals in this very thread - reason, evidence, clear writing are like what Holy Water is to Vampires.)
Why does this make sense to you?

Because people like this look remarkably like liberals who are status whoring. There are loads of poor people in America, why ignore your neighbor and fly to Africa to help people there? The Africa aspect buys reputation/status, it demonstrates some feature like degree of caring, willingness to bear a burden, etc. that helping poor people in rural America or urban America can't provide,.

As I noted, I'm not a Christian but I'm also not on an Atheist jihad criticizing Christians for spreading their gospel. If they're going to spread their message it actually would be more effective to reform Hollywood than it would be to convert every single damn person in Africa.

I'll back her up on the charge that American Christian missionaries do exhibit some cowardice by avoiding the American demographics she targets for fear of godless liberals blasting back that the missionaries are racists or sexists and other namecalling - the easier path is to avoid that hardship. (Hint: notice the behavior of many of the liberals in this very thread - reason, evidence, clear writing are like what Holy Water is to Vampires.)

Studying filoviruses worldwide can only help America; polio, cholera, small pox, diptheria, and the bubonic plague all required study before treatments were developed. Better to know as much, as soon as possible; the US has waited too long to already. Yes, research has been done, but since Ebloa isn't a money maker, not enough. Remember, Ebola has already been in the US, wanna wait until a strain deadly to humans arrives? No thanks.
Why does this make sense to you?

Because people like this look remarkably like liberals who are status whoring. There are loads of poor people in America, why ignore your neighbor and fly to Africa to help people there? The Africa aspect buys reputation/status, it demonstrates some feature like degree of caring, willingness to bear a burden, etc. that helping poor people in rural America or urban America can't provide,.

As I noted, I'm not a Christian but I'm also not on an Atheist jihad criticizing Christians for spreading their gospel. If they're going to spread their message it actually would be more effective to reform Hollywood than it would be to convert every single damn person in Africa.

I'll back her up on the charge that American Christian missionaries do exhibit some cowardice by avoiding the American demographics she targets for fear of godless liberals blasting back that the missionaries are racists or sexists and other namecalling - the easier path is to avoid that hardship. (Hint: notice the behavior of many of the liberals in this very thread - reason, evidence, clear writing are like what Holy Water is to Vampires.)

Studying filoviruses worldwide can only help America; polio, cholera, small pox, diptheria, and the bubonic plague all required study before treatments were developed. Better to know as much, as soon as possible; the US has waited too long to already. Yes, research has been done, but since Ebloa isn't a money maker, not enough. Remember, Ebola has already been in the US, wanna wait until a strain deadly to humans arrives? No thanks.

I'm glad that you got that off your chest but why did you randomly pick my comment to respond to, seeing how nothing in your comment referencing any damn point I made in my comment?
Because people like this look remarkably like liberals who are status whoring. There are loads of poor people in America, why ignore your neighbor and fly to Africa to help people there? The Africa aspect buys reputation/status, it demonstrates some feature like degree of caring, willingness to bear a burden, etc. that helping poor people in rural America or urban America can't provide,.

As I noted, I'm not a Christian but I'm also not on an Atheist jihad criticizing Christians for spreading their gospel. If they're going to spread their message it actually would be more effective to reform Hollywood than it would be to convert every single damn person in Africa.

I'll back her up on the charge that American Christian missionaries do exhibit some cowardice by avoiding the American demographics she targets for fear of godless liberals blasting back that the missionaries are racists or sexists and other namecalling - the easier path is to avoid that hardship. (Hint: notice the behavior of many of the liberals in this very thread - reason, evidence, clear writing are like what Holy Water is to Vampires.)

Studying filoviruses worldwide can only help America; polio, cholera, small pox, diptheria, and the bubonic plague all required study before treatments were developed. Better to know as much, as soon as possible; the US has waited too long to already. Yes, research has been done, but since Ebloa isn't a money maker, not enough. Remember, Ebola has already been in the US, wanna wait until a strain deadly to humans arrives? No thanks.

I'm glad that you got that off your chest but why did you randomly pick my comment to respond to, seeing how nothing in your comment referencing any damn point I made in my comment?

I used bold on your comment about American missionaries exhibiting cowardice. The two now fighting for their lives are among the best this nation produces. Coulter is a worn out, discarded girlfriend of a soft core porn peddler, that writes easy to read hate drivel, yes, she makes millions, so do drug cartels.
Why does this make sense to you?

Because people like this look remarkably like liberals who are status whoring. There are loads of poor people in America, why ignore your neighbor and fly to Africa to help people there? The Africa aspect buys reputation/status, it demonstrates some feature like degree of caring, willingness to bear a burden, etc. that helping poor people in rural America or urban America can't provide,.

As I noted, I'm not a Christian but I'm also not on an Atheist jihad criticizing Christians for spreading their gospel. If they're going to spread their message it actually would be more effective to reform Hollywood than it would be to convert every single damn person in Africa.

I'll back her up on the charge that American Christian missionaries do exhibit some cowardice by avoiding the American demographics she targets for fear of godless liberals blasting back that the missionaries are racists or sexists and other namecalling - the easier path is to avoid that hardship. (Hint: notice the behavior of many of the liberals in this very thread - reason, evidence, clear writing are like what Holy Water is to Vampires.)

Feel free to show that he is ignoring people in the US.

The fact is that he is a trained doctor, and understands how to deal with Ebola. If there was an outbreak of Ebola in Texas I am sure he would have no trouble going there to treat it, even while you ran the other way. Since there isn't, he went where his skills would be of the most use.

Frankly, I don't see why anyone would even try to fault him for that, but I am not a selfish, intolerant, hateful, liberal. Apparently, you are.
Why does this make sense to you?

Because people like this look remarkably like liberals who are status whoring. There are loads of poor people in America, why ignore your neighbor and fly to Africa to help people there? The Africa aspect buys reputation/status, it demonstrates some feature like degree of caring, willingness to bear a burden, etc. that helping poor people in rural America or urban America can't provide,.

As I noted, I'm not a Christian but I'm also not on an Atheist jihad criticizing Christians for spreading their gospel. If they're going to spread their message it actually would be more effective to reform Hollywood than it would be to convert every single damn person in Africa.

I'll back her up on the charge that American Christian missionaries do exhibit some cowardice by avoiding the American demographics she targets for fear of godless liberals blasting back that the missionaries are racists or sexists and other namecalling - the easier path is to avoid that hardship. (Hint: notice the behavior of many of the liberals in this very thread - reason, evidence, clear writing are like what Holy Water is to Vampires.)

Feel free to show that he is ignoring people in the US.

The fact is that he is a trained doctor, and understands how to deal with Ebola. If there was an outbreak of Ebola in Texas I am sure he would have no trouble going there to treat it, even while you ran the other way. Since there isn't, he went where his skills would be of the most use.

Frankly, I don't see why anyone would even try to fault him for that, but I am not a selfish, intolerant, hateful, liberal. Apparently, you are.

Oh yeah! He's a liberal! It's obvious!
Studying filoviruses worldwide can only help America; polio, cholera, small pox, diptheria, and the bubonic plague all required study before treatments were developed. Better to know as much, as soon as possible; the US has waited too long to already. Yes, research has been done, but since Ebloa isn't a money maker, not enough. Remember, Ebola has already been in the US, wanna wait until a strain deadly to humans arrives? No thanks.

I'm glad that you got that off your chest but why did you randomly pick my comment to respond to, seeing how nothing in your comment referencing any damn point I made in my comment?

I used bold on your comment about American missionaries exhibiting cowardice. The two now fighting for their lives are among the best this nation produces. Coulter is a worn out, discarded girlfriend of a soft core porn peddler, that writes easy to read hate drivel, yes, she makes millions, so do drug cartels.

Notice that I bolded the word "Study." These physicians were not research scientists going over to Africa to "study" ebola, they were physicians going over to treat patients with ebola. We're discussing two different activities. I still don't understand what your point about hypothetical researchers going over there to study ebola relates to my point.
From her latest column:

Ebola Doc's Condition Downgraded to 'Idiotic'

I wonder how the Ebola doctor feels now that his humanitarian trip has cost a Christian charity much more than any services he rendered.

What was the point?

Whatever good Dr. Kent Brantly did in Liberia has now been overwhelmed by the more than $2 million already paid by the Christian charities Samaritan's Purse and SIM USA just to fly him and his nurse home in separate Gulfstream jets, specially equipped with medical tents, and to care for them at one of America's premier hospitals. . . .

Why did Dr. Brantly have to go to Africa? The very first "risk factor" listed by the Mayo Clinic for Ebola -- an incurable disease with a 90 percent fatality rate -- is: "Travel to Africa."

Can't anyone serve Christ in America anymore?

No -- because we're doing just fine. America, the most powerful, influential nation on Earth, is merely in a pitched battle for its soul.

About 15,000 people are murdered in the U.S. every year. More than 38,000 die of drug overdoses, half of them from prescription drugs. More than 40 percent of babies are born out of wedlock. Despite the runaway success of "midnight basketball," a healthy chunk of those children go on to murder other children, rape grandmothers, bury little girls alive -- and then eat a sandwich. A power-mad president has thrown approximately 10 percent of all Americans off their health insurance -- the rest of you to come! All our elite cultural institutions laugh at virginity and celebrate promiscuity.

So no, there's nothing for a Christian to do here.

If Dr. Brantly had practiced at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles and turned one single Hollywood power-broker to Christ, he would have done more good for the entire world than anything he could accomplish in a century spent in Liberia. Ebola kills only the body; the virus of spiritual bankruptcy and moral decadence spread by so many Hollywood movies infects the world. . . . . . .

Of course, if Brantly had evangelized in New York City or Los Angeles, The New York Times would get upset and accuse him of anti-Semitism, until he swore -- as the pope did -- that you don't have to be a Christian to go to heaven. Evangelize in Liberia, and the Times' Nicholas Kristof will be totally impressed.

Which explains why American Christians go on "mission trips" to disease-ridden cesspools. They're tired of fighting the culture war in the U.S., tired of being called homophobes, racists, sexists and bigots. So they slink off to Third World countries, away from American culture to do good works, forgetting that the first rule of life on a riverbank is that any good that one attempts downstream is quickly overtaken by what happens upstream.

America is the most consequential nation on Earth, and in desperate need of God at the moment. If America falls, it will be a thousand years of darkness for the entire planet. . . .

Right there in Texas, near where Dr. Brantly left his wife and children to fly to Liberia and get Ebola, is one of the poorest counties in the nation, Zavala County -- where he wouldn't have risked making his wife a widow and his children fatherless.

But serving the needy in some deadbeat town in Texas wouldn't have been "heroic." We wouldn't hear all the superlatives about Dr. Brantly's "unusual drive to help the less fortunate" or his membership in the "Gold Humanism Honor Society." Leaving his family behind in Texas to help the poor 6,000 miles away -- that's the ticket.​

More at the link.

No -- because we're doing just fine. America, the most powerful, influential nation on Earth, is merely in a pitched battle for its soul.

If that statement's true then her whole mean-spirited, selfish, isolationist article demonstrates one of the reasons why.
A........hrumph! This is the internet! This is SERIOUS!!

I am pretty sure Coulter is female, just looks male:


That neck..............................

If she would fulfill her womanly duty as a true conservative and bear children we could be sure she is a woman

But given that she is barren, one has to wonder if she has the correct parts

Could Ann be a closet lesb.......Naw....can't be.
I'm glad that you got that off your chest but why did you randomly pick my comment to respond to, seeing how nothing in your comment referencing any damn point I made in my comment?

I used bold on your comment about American missionaries exhibiting cowardice. The two now fighting for their lives are among the best this nation produces. Coulter is a worn out, discarded girlfriend of a soft core porn peddler, that writes easy to read hate drivel, yes, she makes millions, so do drug cartels.

Notice that I bolded the word "Study." These physicians were not research scientists going over to Africa to "study" ebola, they were physicians going over to treat patients with ebola. We're discussing two different activities. I still don't understand what your point about hypothetical researchers going over there to study ebola relates to my point.

Learning the treatment that improves the condition is study, Coulter made no point, she just rambled about "Hollywood power brokers", which does not have anything to do with Ebola. Coulter does nothing but attack, unike actual intellects, Coulter resents & restricts thought. Like all chicken necked creatures, nipping and yipping is the sum total of her contribution.
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I used bold on your comment about American missionaries exhibiting cowardice. The two now fighting for their lives are among the best this nation produces. Coulter is a worn out, discarded girlfriend of a soft core porn peddler, that writes easy to read hate drivel, yes, she makes millions, so do drug cartels.

Notice that I bolded the word "Study." These physicians were not research scientists going over to Africa to "study" ebola, they were physicians going over to treat patients with ebola. We're discussing two different activities. I still don't understand what your point about hypothetical researchers going over there to study ebola relates to my point.

Learning the treatment that improves the condition is study, Coulter made no point, she just rambled about "Hollywood power brokers", which does not have anything to do with Ebola. Coulter does nothing but attack, unike actual intellects, Coulter resents & restricts thought. Like all chicken necked creatures, nipping and yipping is the sum total of her contribution.

Coulter is not trying to make a legitimate point or be rational. He just takes shots and liberals and is well paid to do so.

Best to look at him as a troll....a well paid troll

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