Damn that Rosa Parks....


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
It could be seen coming from miles away. Exercising free speech like that, knowing that the white man would retaliate and do something about this uppity negro.....

What was she thinking, that free speech is free and that she can do just anything she wants?

Oh, wait. Sometimes controversial exercise of free speech effects profound change.......

Ponder it a moment.....
Poking a tiger in the eye might be legal but is it smart?

Ponder that
So the lesson of Rosa Parks is lost on you. Gottcha.
Rosa Parks was being mistreated by America. I fully understand her story.

You said to ponder. I did, don't complain about the results.
I'm not complaining about the results. I'm remarking on your failure to reach a logical and reasonable conclusion.

That Rosa Parks knew there would be a backlash against her exercising her first amendment right, but did not let that dissuade her from doing so.

This is how each and every American should act. Including laughing in the face of Islamic extremists.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.

I don't agree with you about her. This is America, we have rights. One of those is the right to free speech. Now, true that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, but at what point do you say "enough is enough?"
WHY you all are so eager to antagonize our enemy is beyond me. It's simply baffling. Are you all that eager for them to bring the battle to our city streets?
Pamela drawing pictures of their stupid God or NOT doing it has absolutely no impact on my free speech and I submit it has no impact on yours either.

The Muslim god seems like a real wack a doodle. Having said that neither he nor his defenders have ANY influence over any of My rights.

Pamela has been interviewed on many TV shows. Her freedom of speech is CLEARLY not in jeopardy.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
One can only assume that you are referring to Rosa's refusal to move to the back of the bus, in which case one must ask wht the hell does that have to do with free speech?
Her speech was action. She refused to do so. She stated that she would not be getting up and moving to the back of the bus. She knew and understood that she would be antagonizing the forces allied against her (in this case, the white racists of the south), but she decided that she was tired of the fear and stood up to them.

Political correctness and the stench of fear of antagonizing people who are hell bent on destroying us anyway is nothing more than being told to go sit in the back of the bus if we don't stand up to it.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

WHY you all are so eager to antagonize our enemy is beyond me. It's simply baffling. Are you all that eager for them to bring the battle to our city streets?
Pamela drawing pictures of their stupid God or NOT doing it has absolutely no impact on my free speech and I submit it has no impact on yours either.

The Muslim god seems like a real wack a doodle. Having said that neither he nor his defenders have ANY influence over any of My rights.

Pamela has been interviewed on many TV shows. Her freedom of speech is CLEARLY not in jeopardy.
Case you haven't been listening they've been planning on doing that anyway.........
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.
"Poking a tiger in the eye"? I assume the tiger is the Islamic jihad. The jihad is dangerous only when it is feared. That's why they call them terrorists. As long as the American left continues to encourage fear and respect and kiss the 6th century maniac asses they will continue to commit atrocities.

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