Damn that Rosa Parks....

Poking a tiger in the eye might be legal but is it smart?

Ponder that
So the lesson of Rosa Parks is lost on you. Gottcha.
Rosa Parks was being mistreated by America. I fully understand her story.

You said to ponder. I did, don't complain about the results.

So threatening to kill people for drawing a picture isn't mistreating them?

It's fun watching turds like you twist yourself into knots attacking the victim of this circus.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.

So threatening to kill people for drawing a cartoon is not oppressing them? You are seriously trying to tell us that?
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.

No, you and all the other drones who think we should allow threats from bloodthirsty savages control what we can say are the truly stupid. I won't call it "selfish" because that would require you to do the smart thing, which is to confront thugs.
Yet, they are. Because you are afraid to offend extremists. Its easy to hide behind your monitor and insult political opponents when you know they'll not be coming after you with guns or bombs.

But when you actively start saying people should not do something for fear of inciting an enemy, that is cowardice in the extreme.

most people manage not to insult others without fear of anything. :lol:
Yet, they are. Because you are afraid to offend extremists. Its easy to hide behind your monitor and insult political opponents when you know they'll not be coming after you with guns or bombs.

But when you actively start saying people should not do something for fear of inciting an enemy, that is cowardice in the extreme.

most people manage not to insult others without fear of anything. :lol:
Very true. I can go whole years without insulting anyone, simply by living My life. Then there are people who cannot go an entire hour without a need to insult someone. They're name is usually prefixed with a D....

In either case, the moment we say we should not do something because we know it will offend someone, is the very moment that free speech and liberty is lost.

If the group that is offended is an actual enemy of the country, it is even more imperative that we do not curb our tendency to exercise free expression.
Yet, they are. Because you are afraid to offend extremists. Its easy to hide behind your monitor and insult political opponents when you know they'll not be coming after you with guns or bombs.

But when you actively start saying people should not do something for fear of inciting an enemy, that is cowardice in the extreme.

most people manage not to insult others without fear of anything. :lol:
The other side to that is that most people don't avoid insulting the people that they wish to insult because they fear being murdered. Insult a Christian, no problem. Insult a Muslim, better hire security.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Ms. Parks and other African-Americans in 1955 Alabama were subject to segregation measures enacted by government and enforced as authorized by the law, where indeed Ms. Parks was subject to arrest for having violated that law.

Unlike Ms. Parks, Geller is subject to no laws, acts of government, or measures seeking to deny her her First Amendment rights or her right to speak freely.

Indeed, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in an effort to deflect from the GOP and conservatives the racism and bigotry that find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

That there are private citizens denouncing Geller's ignorance and hate in no way constitutes a 'violation' of her right to 'free speech'; only government has the authority to seek to limit or preempt speech when such efforts comport with First Amendment jurisprudence. Private citizens have no such authority, nor does the myth of 'political correctness.'

In fact, to attempt to compare Ms. Parks and her courageous struggle against segregation laws with the likes of Pamela Geller and other hateful, ignorant bigots is repugnant and unwarranted.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Well, you prove with each point that you clearly don't understand the world around you. I now can write you off as worthless and a waste of time to communicate with.

I see by the other leftists in this thread that you are all equally as stupid.

However, I am NOT surprised that each of you is against the First Amendment. You fail to learn the lesson on why it is important for this country (and this world) to defend and practice free speech.
You remain willfully stupid. Her first amendment rights were never in jeopardy.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Ms. Parks and other African-Americans in 1955 Alabama were subject to segregation measures enacted by government and enforced as authorized by the law, where indeed Ms. Parks was subject to arrest for having violated that law.

Unlike Ms. Parks, Geller is subject to no laws, acts of government, or measures seeking to deny her her First Amendment rights or her right to speak freely.

Indeed, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in an effort to deflect from the GOP and conservatives the racism and bigotry that find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

That there are private citizens denouncing Geller's ignorance and hate in no way constitutes a 'violation' of her right to 'free speech'; only government has the authority to seek to limit or preempt speech when such efforts comport with First Amendment jurisprudence. Private citizens have no such authority, nor does the myth of 'political correctness.'

In fact, to attempt to compare Ms. Parks and her courageous struggle against segregation laws with the likes of Pamela Geller and other hateful, ignorant bigots is repugnant and unwarranted.
Well, I"m not surprised you failed to learn the lesson and decided to go with the phoney comparison.

As to political correctness. It can be found everywhere. More so right in this discussion on free speech. I'll lump you in with the others, however.

Now, time for Me to get out of here.
Poking a tiger in the eye might be legal but is it smart?

Ponder that
So the lesson of Rosa Parks is lost on you. Gottcha.
Rosa Parks was being mistreated by America. I fully understand her story.

You said to ponder. I did, don't complain about the results.

So threatening to kill people for drawing a picture isn't mistreating them?

It's fun watching turds like you twist yourself into knots attacking the victim of this circus.

I'm not attacking her numbnuts. I'm attacking YOU.

Good grief some of your are beyond help
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Well, you prove with each point that you clearly don't understand the world around you. I now can write you off as worthless and a waste of time to communicate with.

I see by the other leftists in this thread that you are all equally as stupid.

However, I am NOT surprised that each of you is against the First Amendment. You fail to learn the lesson on why it is important for this country (and this world) to defend and practice free speech.
You remain willfully stupid. Her first amendment rights were never in jeopardy.
And you lack the most rudimentary critical thinking skills. This is not ONLY about free speech, but using free speech to affect change.

Time to put you out in the corn field.
It could be seen coming from miles away. Exercising free speech like that, knowing that the white man would retaliate and do something about this uppity negro.....

What was she thinking, that free speech is free and that she can do just anything she wants?

Oh, wait. Sometimes controversial exercise of free speech effects profound change.......

Ponder it a moment.....

I pondered......she was a victim of Democrat policy and enforcement. She stood up to Democrats.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Well, you prove with each point that you clearly don't understand the world around you. I now can write you off as worthless and a waste of time to communicate with.

I see by the other leftists in this thread that you are all equally as stupid.

However, I am NOT surprised that each of you is against the First Amendment. You fail to learn the lesson on why it is important for this country (and this world) to defend and practice free speech.
You remain willfully stupid. Her first amendment rights were never in jeopardy.
And you lack the most rudimentary critical thinking skills. This is not ONLY about free speech, but using free speech to affect change.

Time to put you out in the corn field.
You don't create change by drawing cartoons dummy. You create change through congress or in this case by killing them in their home country. Drawing pictures is as stupid as a hash tag campaign to free 300 girls.

You are certifiable
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?


Geller did not have her 'meeting' in a community of Muslims. She held it at the same location that Muslims held their 'Stand With The Prophet' meeting.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Geller wasn't hiding behind her keyboard.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?


Geller did not have her 'meeting' in a community of Muslims. She held it at the same location that Muslims held their 'Stand With The Prophet' meeting.
Irrelevant dear but thanks for playing
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Geller wasn't hiding behind her keyboard.
More irrelevant bullshit. If you keep it up you'll be on ignore. Offer some substance or stfu
Poking a tiger in the eye might be legal but is it smart?

Ponder that
So the lesson of Rosa Parks is lost on you. Gottcha.
Rosa Parks was being mistreated by America. I fully understand her story.

You said to ponder. I did, don't complain about the results.
I'm not complaining about the results. I'm remarking on your failure to reach a logical and reasonable conclusion.

That Rosa Parks knew there would be a backlash against her exercising her first amendment right, but did not let that dissuade her from doing so.

This is how each and every American should act. Including laughing in the face of Islamic extremists.

Was Rosa Parks' action designed to antagonize, insult, and offend all white Americans, including those who had no hostility towards her...those who did not oppose her cause?

Seriously? That is the 'new standard'? What about all the Christians that were seriously offended by 'Piss Christ'? What about Catholics and the 'art' of feces covered Mary?

Offending people, even 'a lot' of people is not the standard of the first amendment.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?


Geller did not have her 'meeting' in a community of Muslims. She held it at the same location that Muslims held their 'Stand With The Prophet' meeting.
Irrelevant dear but thanks for playing
You were the one trying to say one has to 'get in people's faces' to make the point. It's not necessary.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Geller wasn't hiding behind her keyboard.
More irrelevant bullshit. If you keep it up you'll be on ignore. Offer some substance or stfu

Just responding to what you previously wrote. I really don't care if you wish to ignore or not.

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