Damn that Rosa Parks....

Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
"Poking a tiger in the eye"? I assume the tiger is the Islamic jihad. The jihad is dangerous only when it is feared. That's why they call them terrorists. As long as the American left continues to encourage fear and respect and kiss the 6th century maniac asses they will continue to commit atrocities.

What atrocities? Was your cab late? Food overcooked? Jesus

It is you all that are in fear. All you all talk about is how much you fear them & how we have to stand up to them. They are gonna destroy our freedoms you say.

Funny cause I have never met nor seen a single jihadist. Not one. Other than the news I have also never heard one. You all are creating the monster with your fearp
While trolling may be free speech, we should not forget that it is petty trolling.
Poking a tiger in the eye might be legal but is it smart?

Ponder that
So the lesson of Rosa Parks is lost on you. Gottcha.
Rosa Parks was being mistreated by America. I fully understand her story.

You said to ponder. I did, don't complain about the results.
I'm not complaining about the results. I'm remarking on your failure to reach a logical and reasonable conclusion.

That Rosa Parks knew there would be a backlash against her exercising her first amendment right, but did not let that dissuade her from doing so.

This is how each and every American should act. Including laughing in the face of Islamic extremists.

Was Rosa Parks' action designed to antagonize, insult, and offend all white Americans, including those who had no hostility towards her...those who did not oppose her cause?
There is no comparison. Rosa Parks was standing up to an unconstitutional situation wherein the government treated black people as second class citizens.

Drawing cartoons of Mo is allowed and no government entity in the USA is trying to outlaw it.

Stupid thread by a stupid fool.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.

So you put Rosa Parks, Pam Geller, and Al Sharpton all in the same category as American heroes?
Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews because he did not believe there were any innocent Jews.

Does the OP believe there are any innocent Muslims?
There is no comparison. Rosa Parks was standing up to an unconstitutional situation wherein the government treated black people as second class citizens.

Drawing cartoons of Mo is allowed and no government entity in the USA is trying to outlaw it.

Stupid thread by a stupid fool.
That is true; however, should we allow extremist Islam dictate our speech?
Should I fear for my life if for drawing a stick figure and calling it Mohammad.

The point is that we don't really have free speech if we allow fear to control our speech. Also, it is one thing to be offended because a cartoon of Mo is drawn in which he is rapeing a pig. It's completely different than being offended to the point of killing people over any and all depictions of Mo.
It could be seen coming from miles away. Exercising free speech like that, knowing that the white man would retaliate and do something about this uppity negro.....

What was she thinking, that free speech is free and that she can do just anything she wants?

Oh, wait. Sometimes controversial exercise of free speech effects profound change.......

Ponder it a moment.....

Damn those democrats...

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