Damn that Rosa Parks....

If I draw a cartoon of Mohammed saying "Praise Allah", should Muslims be offended and want to kill me?

It's not as though Geller ever lets facts get in the way of a good opportunity: After the attack, she didn't call for dialogue, for understanding, for bringing people together, which is what real leaders do.

Instead, she went on Fox news and called it a war. And that appears to be what she wants. That's why she's dangerous, not brave. She's not celebrating hate speech for the sake of free speech, but to provoke reactions that polarize America, set people at odds, and alienate Muslims, who are American citizens and often first in line to report planned terrorist attacks. (American Muslims are allies, not enemies.)

And plenty of people know this, not just American Muslims, who might be presumed to be partial.

Don t be fooled by Pamela Geller - CNN.com

And should you be surprised if a few people react violently, even if that violence is unacceptable? (Which it is.) What if you kept doing it, over and over again? For what possible reason would you want to?

Don't let Pamela Geller fool you. She might use an American value to defend her work, but it's merely a means to an end, and you won't like where she's taking us.
It should be done over and over again. Every city, every person, should draw big mo the pedophile every day. Several times a day. Put the drawings on trees and lampposts, the sides of buildings and fences. Draw the terrorists to their deaths.

Give in and you will be giving in forever. Taking offense won't stop with cartoons. It will move on to something else.
There is no comparison. Rosa Parks was standing up to an unconstitutional situation wherein the government treated black people as second class citizens.

Drawing cartoons of Mo is allowed and no government entity in the USA is trying to outlaw it.

Stupid thread by a stupid fool.
That is true; however, should we allow extremist Islam dictate our speech?
Should I fear for my life if for drawing a stick figure and calling it Mohammad.

The point is that we don't really have free speech if we allow fear to control our speech. Also, it is one thing to be offended because a cartoon of Mo is drawn in which he is rapeing a pig. It's completely different than being offended to the point of killing people over any and all depictions of Mo.
I'm not feeling my free speech rights are being controlled by fear. You? If you do, that's on you.
It should be done over and over again. Every city, every person, should draw big mo the pedophile every day. Several times a day. Put the drawings on trees and lampposts, the sides of buildings and fences. Draw the terrorists to their deaths.

Give in and you will be giving in forever. Taking offense won't stop with cartoons. It will move on to something else.
When will you start?
It should be done over and over again. Every city, every person, should draw big mo the pedophile every day. Several times a day. Put the drawings on trees and lampposts, the sides of buildings and fences. Draw the terrorists to their deaths.

Give in and you will be giving in forever. Taking offense won't stop with cartoons. It will move on to something else.

give in? as if your right to insult people was ever at risk?? :eusa_liar:

insult people and they tend to take offense...

no one endorses irrational violence but why endorse gratuitously offending people?

deliberately provoking extreme offense is not clever and accomplishes absolutely nothing worthwhile.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.

Another side of that is , though she herself is not a victim....... she is speaking for the countless victims of 'radical' Islam, right now who are holed up in fear somewhere with no microphone, wishing someone understood their fate.

We are lucky enough to live in a minority muslim country which means the amount of radicals we have here is even smaller.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
So I can burn an American flag on the town square?
Only someone as profoundly retarded as Darkwind could compare Pam Geller to Rosa Parks.

Pam Geller is on the level of the KKK, not Rosa Parks.

Geller is trumpeting Sunday's foiled attack as a victory for herself, and "truth and freedom." It was neither.

For Geller's group, the event was a flop.

The only reason to rent a giant convention center for a cartoon-drawing contest is publicity. If the subject of the contest is an image deemed blasphemous by large segments of a major world religion, well then you can add provocation to the list of motives. That fits with Geller: Muslim-baiting and publicity-chasing are sort of her things.

The Dallas area's sizable Muslim community reacted using the same strategy my mother advises when confronted with inflammatory idiocy: They ignored her. There were no protesters outside Garland's Curtis Culwell Center, no angry op-eds, no griping to the national news media, no trying to tap into the well-oiled outrage machine. Nobody outside of the Dallas Metroplex would have ever heard of the contest if not for Simpson, 31, and Soofi, 34.

Why Pam Geller s Muslim-baiting stunt in Garland was a big fat flop

Yes, people are talking about Geller now — including me, obviously — but the debate is over whether Pam Geller is a bigoted champion of free speech or just a bigot. That's not the conversation she wanted.

By haplessly dying, Simpson and Soofi deprived Geller of what she most wants, which is for us to be afraid of Muslims, like she is.

The murderous assault on French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo sparked a heated discussion on the merits of free speech versus "hate speech," but not even Charlie Hebdo wants any part in Geller's "harsh" and "anti-Islamic movement," as Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Jean-Baptiste Thoret and Gerard Biard explained to Charlie Rose on Monday:

Charlie Hebdo Staffers No Comparison to Texas Cartoon Attack May 4 2015 Charlie Rose - YouTube
So it's perfectly fine that thousands of people in America insult Christians and Christ everyday, but there is a public outcry against Geller! Why is this?
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
Rosa Parks taught many what true courage was.
Pamela has reaffirmed for many what true stupidity and selfishness is.
I see. Well, cowardice always was prevalent on this forum.
I think you ment ignorance because it's been on full display for several days now.

But since you're so brave you need to head to the nearest ghetto and proclaim your free speech rights by wearing a sign showing two blacks in chains with the term nigg3rs in captions.
Don't be a coward about it either. It is about the free speech not the image right?

Why would I do somthing I don't believe in?

Standing up to Islamic jihadists I believe in. Putting blacks back into chains, I don't believe is right.

Maybe you should stop shaking long enough to formulate a rational response.

Bravery =/= drawing cartoons dumbfuck

Bravery is the men & women who are actually fighting this fight. YOU are not one of those men.

Hiding behind your keyboard making ridiculous announcements is not bravery
Well, you prove with each point that you clearly don't understand the world around you. I now can write you off as worthless and a waste of time to communicate with.

I see by the other leftists in this thread that you are all equally as stupid.

However, I am NOT surprised that each of you is against the First Amendment. You fail to learn the lesson on why it is important for this country (and this world) to defend and practice free speech.
Lol, the OP fled the thread and never came back. At least once in awhile a tardwinger knows when they've lost the argument.
Moron. I posted that I had a doctors appointment. I also work at night and sleep during the day. I have not fled this thread. Why would I? I only have to contend with idiots and morons. Easily defeated and a great source of entertainment for Me.
Rosa Parks was a victim of American oppression and fought back. Pamela is a victim of her own imaginatiom. Huge difference. It appears YOU can not see the difference.
Pemela is a victim of political correctness, and is trying to effect change in America. Just as Rosa Parks did.

I can see the difference, but I"m not asking for a comparison of the difference. I"m asking what lessons people take away from Rosa Parks and her knowingly antagonizing the powers that be.

If we fear to express controversial speech, we are being oppressed, just as Rosa was being oppressed.
So I can burn an American flag on the town square?
Yes, you can.
It should be done over and over again. Every city, every person, should draw big mo the pedophile every day. Several times a day. Put the drawings on trees and lampposts, the sides of buildings and fences. Draw the terrorists to their deaths.

Give in and you will be giving in forever. Taking offense won't stop with cartoons. It will move on to something else.

give in? as if your right to insult people was ever at risk?? :eusa_liar:

insult people and they tend to take offense...

no one endorses irrational violence but why endorse gratuitously offending people?

deliberately provoking extreme offense is not clever and accomplishes absolutely nothing worthwhile.
It can accomplish many things. One example is that is sparked an entire revolution for civil rights.

That is no small thing.
There is no comparison. Rosa Parks was standing up to an unconstitutional situation wherein the government treated black people as second class citizens.

Drawing cartoons of Mo is allowed and no government entity in the USA is trying to outlaw it.

Stupid thread by a stupid fool.
That is true; however, should we allow extremist Islam dictate our speech?
Should I fear for my life if for drawing a stick figure and calling it Mohammad.

The point is that we don't really have free speech if we allow fear to control our speech. Also, it is one thing to be offended because a cartoon of Mo is drawn in which he is rapeing a pig. It's completely different than being offended to the point of killing people over any and all depictions of Mo.
I'm not feeling my free speech rights are being controlled by fear. You? If you do, that's on you.
Yet, they are. Because you are afraid to offend extremists. Its easy to hide behind your monitor and insult political opponents when you know they'll not be coming after you with guns or bombs.

But when you actively start saying people should not do something for fear of inciting an enemy, that is cowardice in the extreme.
It could be seen coming from miles away. Exercising free speech like that, knowing that the white man would retaliate and do something about this uppity negro.....

What was she thinking, that free speech is free and that she can do just anything she wants?

Oh, wait. Sometimes controversial exercise of free speech effects profound change.......

Ponder it a moment.....

Damn those democrats...
Its not just Democrats. There are some on the right to who fear using speech to affect change.

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