Damn! This Jenner ad is AWESOME!

you want a sick crossdresser for governor.wow that says it all about you.if the choices are this sick freak over newsome,i would rather newsome stay as any sane person would.god help the entire world the day a a sicko crossdresser gets in high power.

I would support anybody who has the right plans to fix the mess California is in, regardless of what they look like and how they dress. Your prejudice is an issue with you.
HE is stricken with mental issues. No political leadership seats should ever be filled by people with severe mental illnesses.
Call it bigotry if you like, I don't care.
Sadly MANY Republicans will support HIM simply because HE has an R after HIS name.

No, it's not bigotry. It's stating a fact, granted.

But what if Jenner actually does benefit the state?

Are we incapable of separating Jenner's transgenderism from "her" ability to serve? Prejudice is an impediment to improvement, and Jenner would be an exponential improvement over Newsom, who has practically run the state into the ground.

You can think however you like, Gramps, but sometimes I wish people would look past their prejudices in order to benefit themselves and others instead.

It shouldn't matter who does it as long as it gets done. If it's a fking tranny, so be it.
So me stating a fact is prejudice?


Therefore stating black crime statistics makes me a racist right?

I am saying you are incapable of separating a mental disorder (which in this case does not impact competence) from actual mental disorders that do.

You are correct that transgenderism is a mental disorder insomuch as it impacts the person's ability to identify with the gender they were born as. It, however, would not impact how they carry out normal tasks or in this case, duties affiliated with elected officials.

But if Jenner does make California better, then what? Why are we playing into the liberal narrative that we don't favor diversity? Because there he/she/it is, running for governor of CA.
Being willing to cut off parts of your body and supporting others doing the same in order to fulfill a delusion cause by abnormal mental thoughts is definitely a sign of mental incompetence

And would that directly impact Jenner's ability to carry out "her" duties if "she" were elected? Someone having sex-change surgery does not impact me directly. People are free to give in to delusions like those, so long as they don't interfere with their ability to carry out their sworn duties.

When their delusions impact their ability to carry out their sworn duties, when those delusions start driving policy that directly impacts me, I will speak out fervently against it. That is exactly what Newsom has done in CA, and he's straight.
No, Gramps, I don't think any of this is funny. I think it is patently sad what politics is doing to people in this country.
you want a sick crossdresser for governor.wow that says it all about you.if the choices are this sick freak over newsome,i would rather newsome stay as any sane person would.god help the entire world the day a a sicko crossdresser gets in high power.

I would support anybody who has the right plans to fix the mess California is in, regardless of what they look like and how they dress. Your prejudice is an issue with you.
HE is stricken with mental issues. No political leadership seats should ever be filled by people with severe mental illnesses.
Call it bigotry if you like, I don't care.
Sadly MANY Republicans will support HIM simply because HE has an R after HIS name.

No, it's not bigotry. It's stating a fact, granted.

But what if Jenner actually does benefit the state?

Are we incapable of separating Jenner's transgenderism from "her" ability to serve? Prejudice is an impediment to improvement, and Jenner would be an exponential improvement over Newsom, who has practically run the state into the ground.

You can think however you like, Gramps, but sometimes I wish people would look past their prejudices in order to benefit themselves and others instead.

It shouldn't matter who does it as long as it gets done. If it's a fking tranny, so be it.
So me stating a fact is prejudice?


Therefore stating black crime statistics makes me a racist right?

I am saying you are incapable of separating a mental disorder (which in this case does not impact competence) from actual mental disorders that do.

You are correct that transgenderism is a mental disorder insomuch as it impacts the person's ability to identify with the gender they were born as. It, however, would not impact how they carry out normal tasks or in this case, duties affiliated with elected officials.

But if Jenner does make California better, then what? Why are we playing into the liberal narrative that we don't favor diversity? Because there he/she/it is, running for governor of CA.
Being willing to cut off parts of your body and supporting others doing the same in order to fulfill a delusion cause by abnormal mental thoughts is definitely a sign of mental incompetence

And would that directly impact Jenner's ability to carry out "her" duties if "she" were elected? Someone having sex-change surgery does not impact me directly. People are free to give in to delusions like those, so long as they don't interfere with their ability to carry out their sworn duties.

When their delusions impact their ability to carry out their sworn duties, when those delusions start driving policy that directly impacts me, I will speak out fervently against it.
So you will wait for someone like HIM to get elected and start pushing their delusions in their platform.

That's just stupid.

You hire an alcoholic to run your bar as long as he tells you he won't drink before you hire him?



prej·u·dice | \ ˈpre-jə-dəs \

Definition of prejudice

(Entry 1 of 2)
1: injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims

2a(1): preconceived judgment or opinion <---------

(2): an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge

b: an instance of such judgment or opinion

c: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
you want a sick crossdresser for governor.wow that says it all about you.if the choices are this sick freak over newsome,i would rather newsome stay as any sane person would.god help the entire world the day a a sicko crossdresser gets in high power.

I would support anybody who has the right plans to fix the mess California is in, regardless of what they look like and how they dress. Your prejudice is an issue with you.
HE is stricken with mental issues. No political leadership seats should ever be filled by people with severe mental illnesses.
Call it bigotry if you like, I don't care.
Sadly MANY Republicans will support HIM simply because HE has an R after HIS name.

No, it's not bigotry. It's stating a fact, granted.

But what if Jenner actually does benefit the state?

Are we incapable of separating Jenner's transgenderism from "her" ability to serve? Prejudice is an impediment to improvement, and Jenner would be an exponential improvement over Newsom, who has practically run the state into the ground.

You can think however you like, Gramps, but sometimes I wish people would look past their prejudices in order to benefit themselves and others instead.

It shouldn't matter who does it as long as it gets done. If it's a fking tranny, so be it.
So me stating a fact is prejudice?


Therefore stating black crime statistics makes me a racist right?

I am saying you are incapable of separating a mental disorder (which in this case does not impact competence) from actual mental disorders that do.

You are correct that transgenderism is a mental disorder insomuch as it impacts the person's ability to identify with the gender they were born as. It, however, would not impact how they carry out normal tasks or in this case, duties affiliated with elected officials.

But if Jenner does make California better, then what? Why are we playing into the liberal narrative that we don't favor diversity? Because there he/she/it is, running for governor of CA.
Being willing to cut off parts of your body and supporting others doing the same in order to fulfill a delusion cause by abnormal mental thoughts is definitely a sign of mental incompetence

And would that directly impact Jenner's ability to carry out "her" duties if "she" were elected? Someone having sex-change surgery does not impact me directly. People are free to give in to delusions like those, so long as they don't interfere with their ability to carry out their sworn duties.

When their delusions impact their ability to carry out their sworn duties, when those delusions start driving policy that directly impacts me, I will speak out fervently against it.
So you will wait for someone like HIM to get elected and start pushing their delusions in their platform.

That's just stupid.

You hire an alcoholic to run your bar as long as he tells you he won't drink before you hire him?
How do you know he will start pushing his delusions on anyone? That's prejudice. You have this preconceived notion that anyone who is trans has an agenda to push on others, when in this case, it may just be someone wanting to make life better for everyone else.

Being trans does not impact the ability of a person to do good for others. Practicing goodwill is a universal trait that anyone is capable of putting into practice.

Why is there an assumption that the left must support her just because she's trans? Or black, or a woman, or whatever?

Because that's the standard you set.

No, not at all. That's the standard YOU expect. We support trans rights, gay rights, and women's rights. There's a difference.

We supported the trans woman for the Assistant Health Secretary's job because she had the education, credentials, and experience to make her the best person for the job. Jenner has NONE of those things.

YOU expect us to support any candidate who isn't a white CIS gendered male because "minorities". We're not under any obligation to support any "non-traditional" candidate just because they're not a white CIS-genered male.

We should ALL be evaluating candidates firstly on the basis of their qualifications, secondly based on their platform, and then on other factors. I wouldn't reject a trans candidate because they're trans, but I sure wouldn't vote for someone whose platform and qualifications were lacking just because they ticked off some minority box, without them.
you want a sick crossdresser for governor.wow that says it all about you.if the choices are this sick freak over newsome,i would rather newsome stay as any sane person would.god help the entire world the day a a sicko crossdresser gets in high power.

I would support anybody who has the right plans to fix the mess California is in, regardless of what they look like and how they dress. Your prejudice is an issue with you.
HE is stricken with mental issues. No political leadership seats should ever be filled by people with severe mental illnesses.
Call it bigotry if you like, I don't care.
Sadly MANY Republicans will support HIM simply because HE has an R after HIS name.

No, it's not bigotry. It's stating a fact, granted.

But what if Jenner actually does benefit the state?

Are we incapable of separating Jenner's transgenderism from "her" ability to serve? Prejudice is an impediment to improvement, and Jenner would be an exponential improvement over Newsom, who has practically run the state into the ground.

You can think however you like, Gramps, but sometimes I wish people would look past their prejudices in order to benefit themselves and others instead.

It shouldn't matter who does it as long as it gets done. If it's a fking tranny, so be it.
So me stating a fact is prejudice?


Therefore stating black crime statistics makes me a racist right?

I am saying you are incapable of separating a mental disorder (which in this case does not impact competence) from actual mental disorders that do.

You are correct that transgenderism is a mental disorder insomuch as it impacts the person's ability to identify with the gender they were born as. It, however, would not impact how they carry out normal tasks or in this case, duties affiliated with elected officials.

But if Jenner does make California better, then what? Why are we playing into the liberal narrative that we don't favor diversity? Because there he/she/it is, running for governor of CA.
Being willing to cut off parts of your body and supporting others doing the same in order to fulfill a delusion cause by abnormal mental thoughts is definitely a sign of mental incompetence

And would that directly impact Jenner's ability to carry out "her" duties if "she" were elected? Someone having sex-change surgery does not impact me directly. People are free to give in to delusions like those, so long as they don't interfere with their ability to carry out their sworn duties.

When their delusions impact their ability to carry out their sworn duties, when those delusions start driving policy that directly impacts me, I will speak out fervently against it.
So you will wait for someone like HIM to get elected and start pushing their delusions in their platform.

That's just stupid.

You hire an alcoholic to run your bar as long as he tells you he won't drink before you hire him?

Alcoholism is a disease. Being a trans person is not. Nor is it a "mental disorder". It's a genetic reality.

Yes, I would hire an alcoholic to tend bar, if he had the qualifications and experience, and the references saying he could stay sober.
We supported the trans woman for the Assistant Health Secretary's job because she had the education, credentials, and experience to make her the best person for the job. Jenner has NONE of those things.

Now that's funny. Because Jenner is running as a trans woman. Delusion or not, you are against "her" because "she" is not from the correct party. Therefore you are not putting into practice that which you claim to believe.

And no, you didn't support the Assistant Health Secretary because of the credentials, you supported "her" because they identified as trans. Please don't lie.
Being a trans person is not. Nor is it a "mental disorder". It's a genetic reality.

It isn't a "genetic reality." I can prove it to you. Think carefully before you start launching your protests.

Otherwise, I will demonstrate who is the true believer in science, and who is not.


All genomic disorders involving gender skew to one gender or another. Those disorders display characteristics of one or both sexes, not any previously undiscovered gender. Transgenderism has no genetic expression whatsoever. That only leaves it to be a mental disorder, not a genetic disorder.

Genes express two ways, X or Y.

X for male, Y for female.

Science. Deal with it.
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We support trans rights, gay rights, and women's rights. There's a difference.

No you don't.

You can ask Andy Ngo about that.

Or Guy Benson, or Tammy Bruce, or...

Want me to keep going?

You left of Milos, Sarah Palin, and numerous others. And you just proved my point. We don't support right wing racists, assholes or pedophiles just because they're gay, trans, minorities or women.

Those people are assholes and liars. We don't support assholes or liars of any persuasion. Just because someone is gay, trans, or whatever doesn't mean have to personally support any idiocy they propose. We treat them like we treat asshole white men who propose idiocy.
Meh. California has normal issues. Anyone who thinks San Francisco is some kind of a cesspool hasn’t been there and doesn’t know WTF they are talking about. The biggest problem is everyone wants to live there so pricing is high. Move to Alabama if you want a cheap crappy place to live.
I've been there many times over the span of 15 years. This isn't the same SF that I saw in 2005. Do you ever tell the truth? 18k businesses have fled California. You're one weird dude.
You left of Milos, Sarah Palin, and numerous others. And you just proved my point. We don't support right wing racists, assholes or pedophiles just because they're gay, trans, minorities or women.

I did offer to keep going. Apparently, you like skipping over complete sentences, as anyone with preconceived biases do.

However, you claim your support is for all of them, regardless of what they think or believe. But, that support changes when they start expressing the ideals of the opposing party.

You make my point, lady. And you shouldn't try to wiggle out of this.
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Meh. California has normal issues. Anyone who thinks San Francisco is some kind of a cesspool hasn’t been there and doesn’t know WTF they are talking about. The biggest problem is everyone wants to live there so pricing is high. Move to Alabama if you want a cheap crappy place to live.
I've been there many times over the span of 15 years. This isn't the same SF that I saw in 2005. Do you ever tell the truth? 18k businesses have fled California. You're one weird dude.

They live in a perpetual state of denial.
you want a sick crossdresser for governor.wow that says it all about you.if the choices are this sick freak over newsome,i would rather newsome stay as any sane person would.god help the entire world the day a a sicko crossdresser gets in high power.

I would support anybody who has the right plans to fix the mess California is in, regardless of what they look like and how they dress. Your prejudice is an issue with you.

It’s message and sentiment are spot on, but honestly, anybody half sane with an iQ would produce a video / campaign framed within that exact same message...it’s hard to get excited by something so obvious.
Its also hard to take a man dressing like a woman seriously when it’s not at an office party on October 31.
No offense but I question the mental stability of ANYBODY who does or can take these whackos seriously.
This country and our looned-out people are just too accepting...we are scared shitless of established normalities...we have to lie at the butt of jokes all over the world.
It's a genetic reality.
Hahaha...NO IT’S NOT!
Chicks with dicks are a new-age Leftist concoction...today’s pole puffers and rug munchers.
Think about it; where were all these batshit loony twisted weirdos 15 years ago?
We supported the trans woman for the Assistant Health Secretary's job because she had the education, credentials, and experience to make her the best person for the job. Jenner has NONE of those things.

Now that's funny. Because Jenner is running as a trans woman. Delusion or not, you are against "her" because "she" is not from the correct party. Therefore you are not putting into practice that which you claim to believe.

And no, you didn't support the Assistant Health Secretary because of the credentials, you supported "her" because they identified as trans. Please don't lie.

How is Jenner in any qualified to be governor? She has a degree in physical education from Graceland College. Other than being an Olympic athlete, she's never worked a day in her life, run a business, or managed anything other than a career as a celebrity and a media whore.

How is Jenner in any way qualified to manage the 5th largest economy in the world? To deal with matters of health care, infrastructure, forest fires, education, and homelessness?

Jenner is basically qualified to coach sports as an assistant coach at the college level, or advise retiring athletes on a successful post athletic career in the media. But with no governmental experience, educational or work experience whatsoever, Jenner is less qualified than Donald Trump was to run the USA.

And look how that turned out.

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