Dan Crenshaw challenges SNL to donate $1million to veterans chairty

If you are truly unaware of any of Trumps lies, you are either mentally challenged, or lying. I suspect both. I'm not going to play your silly game. I doubt many will.
He MOCKED his disability, you moron.
Good plan, if Trump goes with them for his mocking of McCain's years as a POW.
He DID NOT mock any disability, you SUCKER.

McCain got mocked by Trump because he DESERVED it.
Good plan, if Trump goes with them for his mocking of McCain's years as a POW.

President Trump only attacked McCain AFTER McCain attacked the 60 million or so Americans who supported Trump as "crazies" (McCain's word) first.

McCain and McCain's family have never apologized to us.

Outrageous. I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't have that many supporters, but they are all "crazies"
Outrageous. I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't have that many supporters, but they are all "crazies"
That's what YOU are, but you maybe will never know it. Like many other leftys in this forum, you're a lost cause.

No matter though.

We on the right, have all 3 branches of govt in the palms of our hands. You nutjobs can't change anything.
Republican congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye during his third tour in Afghanistan, called on Saturday Night Live Monday morning to donate $1 million to a veterans charity after cast member Pete Davidson joked he looks like “a hitman in a porno movie.”Dan Crenshaw Challenges 'SNL' to Donate $1 Million to Veterans Charity

On a daily basis you scum just can't help prove yourselves as the lowest pos on the planet.......

THey won't donate cheap lying losers aren't ever going to donate to something they have no balls for and that's by being a soldier.... Most trendy soldiers they're just as useless since they hid under a rock while everybody else gets fired upon...( ok maybe not all of you pathetic pukes would do that".
I like soldiers who weren’t captured.

Making fun of veterans is horrible. But cutting their job training and their food stamps and their medical care and their benefits are even worse.

Republicans protests are hollow when they cry about protecting veterans and then fuk veterans balls deep with their terrible policies.
Outrageous. I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't have that many supporters, but they are all "crazies"
That's what YOU are, but you maybe will never know it. Like many other leftys in this forum, you're a lost cause.

No matter though.

We on the right, have all 3 branches of govt in the palms of our hands. You nutjobs can't change anything.

At least not until the end of the day.
I like soldiers who weren’t captured.

Making fun of veterans is horrible. But cutting their job training and their food stamps and their medical care and their benefits are even worse.

Republicans protests are hollow when they cry about protecting veterans and then fuk veterans balls deep with their terrible policies.
That's what Democrats did. Since Trump took over, veterans' lives have improved a lot, with Trump's improvements to the VA.

. The VA was one of the most reviled entities in government, during the Obama administration, after becoming one of the most disappointing, bureaucratic quagmires ever. Let's just revisit a few of their many offenses:

1. Veterans have had to wait so long for care that they have literally died while waiting for their appointments. To add insult to injury, a former Secretary compared the long wait times for medical care to waiting for rides at Disneyland.

2. During President Obama's administration, the budget for the VA was well over $160 billion... and still was unable to do basic things efficiently. Plus at one new hospital, the government bragged about spending $6 million on... art.

3. To cover up long wait times, the VA simply lied about improvements. Instead of calculating how many days the patient actually has to wait, they calculated how many days transpired when the staffer actually call the veteran back and made an appointment.

And honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The way a nation treats its veterans says a great deal about the country. And we should all be shamed at how awful the VA had become. President Trump has changed that, through first Secretary Shulkin, and now Secretary Wilkie. And he's getting no credit for that from the anti_trump media. Jim Geraghty reports in National Review about the rapid improvements to the agency:

  • The department announced last week that between President Trump’s inauguration and July 3, it had fired 526 employees, demoted another 27, and temporarily suspended another 194 for longer than two weeks.

  • In April, the department launched a new website that lets veterans compare the wait times at its facilities and view Yelp-style reviews of each facility written by previous patients.

  • Veterans Health Administration’s Veterans Crisis Line — designed for those struggling with PTSD, thoughts of suicide, and other forms of mental stress — is now answering “more than 90 percent of calls within 8 seconds, and only about one percent of calls are being rerouted to a backup call center.” A year ago, an inspector general report noted that “more than a third of calls were being shunted to backup call centers, some calls were taking more than a half hour to be answered and other callers were being given only an option to leave messages on voicemail.”

  • At the end of June 2017, Shulkin unveiled the world’s most advanced commercial prosthetic limb — the Life Under Kinetic Evolution (LUKE) arm — during a visit to a VA facility in New York. Veteran amputees demonstrated the technology, a collaboration among the VA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the private sector. (The name alludes to the lifelike robotic hand that Luke Skywalker is fitted with in The Empire Strikes Back.)

  • In May, Shulkin said the department had identified more than 430 vacant buildings and 735 underutilized ones that cost the federal government $25 million a year. He said that most of the buildings are not treatment facilities and could profitably be closed or consolidated. Of course, if he actually attempted to close or consolidate some of the buildings, he might face a controversy along the lines of those touched off by military-base-closing announcements in recent decades.
Of course, the mainstream media hasn't mentioned this, because they are too busy combing through Trump's Twitter account looking for collusion clues to care about our veterans. However, the rest of America notices... and is thankful.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.
You know how hateful the posts were about him. McCain tried to stand up for we the people, but it fell on deaf ears by those who needed it the most. He wanted the most important legislation Congress could or would pass to be carefully considered and crafted. There is nothing in that that warranted such animosity. And considering the vapors the right is having today about a joke over an eye patch on a veteran, I should think McCain's status as a Holy Veteran would protect him, as well.
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
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I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.
You know how hateful the posts were about him. McCain tried to stand up for we the people, but it fell on deaf ears by those who needed it the most. He wanted the most important legislation Congress could or would pass to be carefully considered and crafted. There is nothing in that that warranted such animosity. And considering the vapors the right is having today about a joke over an eye patch on a veteran, I should think McCain's status as a Holy Veteran would protect him, as well.

McCain flipflopped on the Obamacare issue, after making a solemn vow to oppose the atrocity. The ACA has been compared to Slavery Itself, and McCain supported it
***YOU*** brought up "muslim" [sic] shit-for-brains. I even spelled it as you did right there. Kovaleski said nothing about "muslims" [sic]. I don't believe even Rump brought up "muslims" [sic]. YOU did that. Reflecting the fact that you don't have the first fucking clue what you're even talking about, yet you yammer on regardless.

Pusillanimous lying HACK.

You cannot prove any of that wrong. You lose. As liars always do. Go ahead, lying hack --- continue to flail about trying to bring in "muslims" [sic] and "Hillary" and anything else you can think of to shift the topic away from the inconvenient hole into which you've dug yourself.
Loudmouth FOOL. I only mentioned Muslims (Post # 35) as part of the reference to Kovaleski's WaPo 2001 article, not about Trump saying it, as you have been blabbering.
As for proving things, you CANNOT disprove what I've said >> that Kovaleski wouldn't own up to his 2001 WaPo article, and instead pretended to forget about it.

And you cannot prove that when Trump was flailing his arms around that that was related to a disability. The proof that it was NOT about a disability is that Trump has on a number of occasions done this arm flailing thing, when mocking other people who don't have any disability. Even mocking himself. I provide proof here on video >> a collection of instances of Trump mocking people (all without disabilities) and flailing his arms >>

SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.
Funny how it was OK for Rump to mock the physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him, and now suddenly you find Jesus here.
Isn't it.

Having it both ways ------------- priceless.
He did NOT mock Kovaleski's disability, he mocked his refusal to own up to his 2001 Washington Post Muslims article, and I already schooled you on that, so don't try that BULLSHIT in here now, you phony-ass.
He MOCKED his disability, you moron.
Here's the solution to SNL and other leftist media numbskulls, who disparage our military heros. Send out a helicopter with a snare net, and scoop up the loudmouths, and then drop them into the middle of a combat zone.



Good plan, if Trump goes with them for his mocking of McCain's years as a POW.

Are you still trying to make lame excuses why it's only bad when Republicans are rude, and why it's ALWAYS okay for leftists, because "REASONS!"?


Unlike you, I have never been a hypocrite on this subject. I thought Trump was an asshole when he badmouthed McCain, and said so at the time. I still think he's an asshole, and I say so when I think it's necessary. And I'm here to tell you that this limp-dicked soy boy who thinks he has some sort of standing that makes it okay for him to be nasty about a combat veteran is ALSO wrong and an asshole.

Further, if you are NOT saying he was wrong because you're too busy saying, "Well, Trump was worse because . . . he's Trump and that makes him worse!" then you deserve every bit of scorn and disrespect that can be heaped on a hypocrite.
Republican congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye during his third tour in Afghanistan, called on Saturday Night Live Monday morning to donate $1 million to a veterans charity after cast member Pete Davidson joked he looks like “a hitman in a porno movie.”Dan Crenshaw Challenges 'SNL' to Donate $1 Million to Veterans Charity

On a daily basis you scum just can't help prove yourselves as the lowest pos on the planet.......

THey won't donate cheap lying losers aren't ever going to donate to something they have no balls for and that's by being a soldier.... Most trendy soldiers they're just as useless since they hid under a rock while everybody else gets fired upon...( ok maybe not all of you pathetic pukes would do that".

IMHO, NBC should make the contribution, and then cancel SNL after the atrocity they committed on Saturday evening against Mr. Crenshaw.

The network can play reruns of something wholesome like "The Apprentice" in that time slot instead.

Dude, I agree with you that it was inexcusable behavior, but "atrocity"? Breathe a little bit. It was egregiously rude, but calling it an atrocity is unnecessary hyperbole.
Republican congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye during his third tour in Afghanistan, called on Saturday Night Live Monday morning to donate $1 million to a veterans charity after cast member Pete Davidson joked he looks like “a hitman in a porno movie.”Dan Crenshaw Challenges 'SNL' to Donate $1 Million to Veterans Charity

On a daily basis you scum just can't help prove yourselves as the lowest pos on the planet.......

THey won't donate cheap lying losers aren't ever going to donate to something they have no balls for and that's by being a soldier.... Most trendy soldiers they're just as useless since they hid under a rock while everybody else gets fired upon...( ok maybe not all of you pathetic pukes would do that".
SNL is about satire and mocking everything. Why is there suddenly snowflakeyness from a .......SEAL?

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