Dan Crenshaw challenges SNL to donate $1million to veterans chairty

Cute video
Dan Crenshaw is a Navy SEAL who lost an eye serving our country in Afghanistan.
But the terrorists did not win.
This Texan is out to prove he can still live the American dream.
And he's living it large.

He lost an eye fighting Muslims...would you expect democrats to forgive that?

He's much too masculine. I KNOW Democrats will never forgive THAT.
Here's the solution to SNL and other leftist media numbskulls, who disparage our military heros. Send out a helicopter with a snare net, and scoop up the loudmouths, and then drop them into the middle of a combat zone.



Pretty fucked up thing to say.

Not as bad as what Trump said about McCain, of course, but still fucked up.

Lots of fucked up things being said right now.

How proud we must be.

I'm plenty proud, because I'm not a hypocrite. You seem to be plenty proud, although you haven't a single legitimate reason to ever be.

You are the living embodiment of Revelation 3:16.
I appear to have said something you feel is wrong.

What was that, precisely?

Look up the quote and figure it out, if you're bright enough.
I did. The quote doesn't tell me what I said that you think was wrong.

I made three clear and specific points. Nothing "lukewarm" about any of them in the least.

So go ahead. Instead of tossing out quotes, perhaps you can make a clear point, or three, as I did.

My memory is longer than five minutes, and extends back past your most recent post. Put simply, I find your "Whatever happens, the highest virtue is to be on the fence about everything!" mindset more repulsive than being a partisan leftist would be.

And that's why I said, "Figure it out IF YOU'RE BRIGHT ENOUGH": because I was pretty certain you weren't. And you proved me right.

Move along, WeakSauce.
"On the fence"? Ah. That lie is addressed in the second line of my sig.

Unlike you, I happily take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, soft, warm, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and fling poo.

Unlike you, I don't need one.
Cute video
Dan Crenshaw is a Navy SEAL who lost an eye serving our country in Afghanistan.
But the terrorists did not win.
This Texan is out to prove he can still live the American dream.
And he's living it large.

He lost an eye fighting Muslims...would you expect democrats to forgive that?

The United States Navy does not fight "Muslims", retard.
Funny how it was OK for Rump to mock the physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him, and now suddenly you find Jesus here.
Isn't it.

Having it both ways ------------- priceless.
He did NOT mock Kovaleski's disability, he mocked his refusal to own up to his 2001 Washington Post Muslims article, and I already schooled you on that, so don't try that BULLSHIT in here now, you phony-ass.

See what I mean? :dig:

Exactly, you sat here on this board, you personally, and tried to sell this bogus song and dance that Rump was "not" mocking a congenital disability, because obviously he didn't sell it. Yet here you are taking a halfwit comedian to task for doing the same thing, yet this time he "is" mocking.

So here you sit
Full of shit
A bald faced flaming hypocrite.

Burma Shave.

As for Kovaleski, he did exactly stand behind his reporting of 2001 which said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "thousands and thousands" *NOR* was it a "Muslims" article anyway, since the actual dancers on the van -- there were FIVE in number --- were fucking Israelis.

---- Which means, moron, that Rump MADE UP the whole booga-booga story about "thousands and thousands", as well as making up the story that he saw it on TV, because neither of those happened. And when Kovaleski would not back his fabrication up BECAUSE they didn't happen, Rump mocked Kovaleski's congenital disability out of his own butthurt, because his little mendacity game got called out for exactly what it was --- made-up crap to sell to the gullible.

And there ain't a goddam thing in the world you can do about that except flail around trying to make excuses for your orange freak.

So no, there was no "muslim [sic] article", there were no "thousands and thousands", and there was no TV report of what didn't happen. Rump made it up and you bought it and went "yes master, may I have another".

Flaming IDIOT.
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Pretty fucked up thing to say.

Not as bad as what Trump said about McCain, of course, but still fucked up.

Lots of fucked up things being said right now.

How proud we must be.

I'm plenty proud, because I'm not a hypocrite. You seem to be plenty proud, although you haven't a single legitimate reason to ever be.

You are the living embodiment of Revelation 3:16.
I appear to have said something you feel is wrong.

What was that, precisely?

Look up the quote and figure it out, if you're bright enough.
I did. The quote doesn't tell me what I said that you think was wrong.

I made three clear and specific points. Nothing "lukewarm" about any of them in the least.

So go ahead. Instead of tossing out quotes, perhaps you can make a clear point, or three, as I did.

My memory is longer than five minutes, and extends back past your most recent post. Put simply, I find your "Whatever happens, the highest virtue is to be on the fence about everything!" mindset more repulsive than being a partisan leftist would be.

And that's why I said, "Figure it out IF YOU'RE BRIGHT ENOUGH": because I was pretty certain you weren't. And you proved me right.

Move along, WeakSauce.

Ironic term for a wagette who's still running away and hiding from her own claim, two weeks later.
You are not allowed to rant self righteous about this. Trump ruined that with his crack about POW's and McCain.
Stuff it.
Stuff it yourself. Trump was right about McCain. He wasn't a war hero. He was a collaborator with the North Vietnamese, who got so much US military information from McCain they called him "songbird" (as did his fellow POWs)

Bullshit. :eusa_hand:
Check it out. The only charity related to Veterans that the left tends to support is PTSD. The Obama administration set the standards that any Veteran could apply for a psychological disability pension regardless of the fact that he/she ever experienced a combat situation. The goal of the left is to use a fake issue claimed by a minority of veterans to portray the American Military as victims rather than heroes.
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Here's the solution to SNL and other leftist media numbskulls, who disparage our military heros. Send out a helicopter with a snare net, and scoop up the loudmouths, and then drop them into the middle of a combat zone.




How about just (1) send out the helicopters and (2) drop them?

See what I mean? :dig:

Exactly, you sat here on this board, you personally, and tried to sell this bogus song and dance that Rump was "not" mocking a congenital disability, because obviously he didn't sell it. Yet here you are taking a halfwit comedian to task for doing the same thing, yet this time he "is" mocking.

So here you sit
Full of shit
A bald faced flaming hypocrite.

Burma Shave.

As for Kovaleski, he did exactly stand behind his reporting of 2001 which said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "thousands and thousands" *NOR* was it a "Muslims" article anyway, since the actual dancers on the van -- there were FIVE in number --- were fucking Israelis.

---- Which means, moron, that Rump MADE UP the whole booga-booga story about "thousands and thousands", as well as making up the story that he saw it on TV, because neither of those happened. And when Kovaleski would not back his fabrication up BECAUSE they didn't happen, Rump mocked Kovaleski's congenital disability out of his own butthurt, because his little mendacity game got called out for exactly what it was --- made-up crap to sell to the gullible.

And there ain't a goddam thing in the world you can do about that except flail around trying to make excuses for your orange freak.

So no, there was no "muslim [sic] article", there were no "thousands and thousands", and there was no TV report of what didn't happen. Rump made it up and you bought it and went "yes master, may I have another".

Flaming IDIOT.
YOU are the flaming idiot, and you know it. But you're a liberal. And so you do what liberals do. That is, you PRETEND that things are the way you would like them to be, relying on public ignorance to let you slide on it.

Trump was mocking Kovaleski's exact words when he said "Ah I don't know what I said. Ah, I don't remember." Then, Hillary (the cheap, 2 bit, liar tramp that she is) twisted the thing into being a mock of a disability, because she knew the public would look unfavorably at that, and then could use that as ammunition against Trump.

To this day, a lot of people still don't know the Hillary scam is not the truth. Some liberals on this board do know though (like Pogo) and they keep pushing the Hillary lie - a perfect example of why we must never allow this kind of filth to ever run our government again.
See what I mean? :dig:

Exactly, you sat here on this board, you personally, and tried to sell this bogus song and dance that Rump was "not" mocking a congenital disability, because obviously he didn't sell it. Yet here you are taking a halfwit comedian to task for doing the same thing, yet this time he "is" mocking.

So here you sit
Full of shit
A bald faced flaming hypocrite.

Burma Shave.

As for Kovaleski, he did exactly stand behind his reporting of 2001 which said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "thousands and thousands" *NOR* was it a "Muslims" article anyway, since the actual dancers on the van -- there were FIVE in number --- were fucking Israelis.

---- Which means, moron, that Rump MADE UP the whole booga-booga story about "thousands and thousands", as well as making up the story that he saw it on TV, because neither of those happened. And when Kovaleski would not back his fabrication up BECAUSE they didn't happen, Rump mocked Kovaleski's congenital disability out of his own butthurt, because his little mendacity game got called out for exactly what it was --- made-up crap to sell to the gullible.

And there ain't a goddam thing in the world you can do about that except flail around trying to make excuses for your orange freak.

So no, there was no "muslim [sic] article", there were no "thousands and thousands", and there was no TV report of what didn't happen. Rump made it up and you bought it and went "yes master, may I have another".

Flaming IDIOT.
YOU are the flaming idiot, and you know it. But you're a liberal. And so you do what liberals do. That is, you PRETEND that things are the way you would like them to be, relying on public ignorance to let you slide on it.

Trump was mocking Kovaleski's exact words when he said "Ah I don't know what I said. Ah, I don't remember." Then, Hillary (the cheap, 2 bit, liar tramp that she is) twisted the thing into being a mock of a disability, because she knew the public would look unfavorably at that, and then could use that as ammunition against Trump.

To this day, a lot of people still don't know the Hillary scam is not the truth. Some liberals on this board do know though (like Pogo) and they keep pushing the Hillary lie - a perfect example of why we must never allow this kind of filth to ever run our government again.

You might be believable if that darned video of him doing it didn't exist.
Bullshit. :eusa_hand:
In voluntary/deliberate denial also about McCain. Looks like you're just going to follow the CNN-MSNBC line no matter what. How does McCain's fellow POWs sound for "proof" ? And plenty of proof. Even the North Vietnamese called McCain "Songbird" (as did the POWs). Sorry that you're a CNN-MSNBC dupe, but your problem, not mine.

Vietnam POW Activists Called McCain ‘Songbird’ and ‘Manchurian Candidate’

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
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See what I mean? :dig:

Exactly, you sat here on this board, you personally, and tried to sell this bogus song and dance that Rump was "not" mocking a congenital disability, because obviously he didn't sell it. Yet here you are taking a halfwit comedian to task for doing the same thing, yet this time he "is" mocking.

So here you sit
Full of shit
A bald faced flaming hypocrite.

Burma Shave.

As for Kovaleski, he did exactly stand behind his reporting of 2001 which said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "thousands and thousands" *NOR* was it a "Muslims" article anyway, since the actual dancers on the van -- there were FIVE in number --- were fucking Israelis.

---- Which means, moron, that Rump MADE UP the whole booga-booga story about "thousands and thousands", as well as making up the story that he saw it on TV, because neither of those happened. And when Kovaleski would not back his fabrication up BECAUSE they didn't happen, Rump mocked Kovaleski's congenital disability out of his own butthurt, because his little mendacity game got called out for exactly what it was --- made-up crap to sell to the gullible.

And there ain't a goddam thing in the world you can do about that except flail around trying to make excuses for your orange freak.

So no, there was no "muslim [sic] article", there were no "thousands and thousands", and there was no TV report of what didn't happen. Rump made it up and you bought it and went "yes master, may I have another".

Flaming IDIOT.
YOU are the flaming idiot, and you know it. But you're a liberal. And so you do what liberals do. That is, you PRETEND that things are the way you would like them to be, relying on public ignorance to let you slide on it.

Trump was mocking Kovaleski's exact words when he said "Ah I don't know what I said. Ah, I don't remember." Then, Hillary (the cheap, 2 bit, liar tramp that she is) twisted the thing into being a mock of a disability, because she knew the public would look unfavorably at that, and then could use that as ammunition against Trump.

To this day, a lot of people still don't know the Hillary scam is not the truth. Some liberals on this board do know though (like Pogo) and they keep pushing the Hillary lie - a perfect example of why we must never allow this kind of filth to ever run our government again.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. You're lying again. What Kovaleski said was that he didn't remember hearing “anyone saying there were thousands, or even hundreds, of people celebrating”. AT NO TIME did he claim he "didn't remember" his own story, LIAR.

And he wouldn't have heard that, for the same reason that NOBODY would have heard that, because NO SUCH STORY EVER EXISTED. So again ---- AS I SAID ---- Rump melted down because Kovaleski would not lie for him.

What Rump later said was that HE -- RUMP -- didn't remember Kovaleski, even though the two of them had been on a first-name basis for years. He said that to try to sell this utter BULLSHIT story that he wouldn't have known about Kovaleski's disability. He DID fucking know, just as he knew who the fuck David Duke is. And you came crawling in on your knees to gobble up yet another obvious LIE because you're a self-delusional HACK.

"Kovaleski's exact words" my fucking ASS.
Republican congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye during his third tour in Afghanistan, called on Saturday Night Live Monday morning to donate $1 million to a veterans charity after cast member Pete Davidson joked he looks like “a hitman in a porno movie.”Dan Crenshaw Challenges 'SNL' to Donate $1 Million to Veterans Charity

On a daily basis you scum just can't help prove yourselves as the lowest pos on the planet.......

THey won't donate cheap lying losers aren't ever going to donate to something they have no balls for and that's by being a soldier.... Most trendy soldiers they're just as useless since they hid under a rock while everybody else gets fired upon...( ok maybe not all of you pathetic pukes would do that".
You are not allowed to rant self righteous about this. Trump ruined that with his crack about POW's and McCain.
Stuff it.
Spineless McCain was a different person as a career politician... He was a weasel no two ways about it
You might be believable if that darned video of him doing it didn't exist.
How stupid can you be ? You call it mocking a disability, because Hillary Clinton said that's what it is ?

He was merely mocking Kovaleski for refusing to admit what he said in his Sept 2001 Washington post article. You don't know the first thing about this.

Unbelievable that in November 2018, this is still an ongoing scam Democrats push.
BULL FUCKING SHIT. You're lying again. What Kovaleski said was that he didn't remember hearing “anyone saying there were thousands, or even hundreds, of people celebrating”. AT NO TIME did he claim he "didn't remember" his own story, LIAR.

And he wouldn't have heard that, for the same reason that NOBODY would have heard that, because NO SUCH STORY EVER EXISTED. So again ---- AS I SAID ---- Rump melted down because Kovaleski would not lie for him.

What Rump later said was that HE -- RUMP -- didn't remember Kovaleski, even though the two of them had been on a first-name basis for years. He said that to try to sell this utter BULLSHIT story that he wouldn't have known about Kovaleski's disability. He DID fucking know, just as he knew who the fuck David Duke is. And you came crawling in on your knees to gobble up yet another obvious LIE because you're a self-delusional HACK.

"Kovaleski's exact words" my fucking ASS.

Good grief. What bad lying. So what if Trump knew about Kovalesli's disability or not ? The only relevance that disability has, is in Hillary Clinton's truth-twist, to try to villainize Trump, consistent with what the loon left has been doing 100 other times for 2 years now. This was just one of the earlier ones, that's all.

Liberal MELTDOWN (with large/bold letters) when their scam talk isn't bought, and instead is exposed (except this one was exposed 2 years ago) Oh, yes lots of fancy talk, spin, spin. This is old stuff. Ho hum.

All you do is put a lot of crap into a post that has nothing to do with what I said > that Trump did NOT mock Kovalseki's disability, he only mocked his DISHONESTY for not owning up to what he wrote in the Washington Post, about people who were allegedly seen celebrating the 9-11 attacks, and holding tailgate style parties on rooftops, as they watched the attacks across the river from New Jersey.
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You might be believable if that darned video of him doing it didn't exist.
How stupid can you be ? You call it mocking a disability, because Hillary Clinton said that's what it is ?

He was merely mocking Kovaleski for refusing to admit what he said in his Sept 2001 Washington post article. You don't know the first thing about this.

Unbelievable that in November 2018, this is still an ongoing scam Democrats push.

No. I call it mocking a disability because that's what the video shows.
See what I mean? :dig:

Exactly, you sat here on this board, you personally, and tried to sell this bogus song and dance that Rump was "not" mocking a congenital disability, because obviously he didn't sell it. Yet here you are taking a halfwit comedian to task for doing the same thing, yet this time he "is" mocking.

So here you sit
Full of shit
A bald faced flaming hypocrite.

Burma Shave.

As for Kovaleski, he did exactly stand behind his reporting of 2001 which said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "thousands and thousands" *NOR* was it a "Muslims" article anyway, since the actual dancers on the van -- there were FIVE in number --- were fucking Israelis.

---- Which means, moron, that Rump MADE UP the whole booga-booga story about "thousands and thousands", as well as making up the story that he saw it on TV, because neither of those happened. And when Kovaleski would not back his fabrication up BECAUSE they didn't happen, Rump mocked Kovaleski's congenital disability out of his own butthurt, because his little mendacity game got called out for exactly what it was --- made-up crap to sell to the gullible.

And there ain't a goddam thing in the world you can do about that except flail around trying to make excuses for your orange freak.

So no, there was no "muslim [sic] article", there were no "thousands and thousands", and there was no TV report of what didn't happen. Rump made it up and you bought it and went "yes master, may I have another".

Flaming IDIOT.
YOU are the flaming idiot, and you know it. But you're a liberal. And so you do what liberals do. That is, you PRETEND that things are the way you would like them to be, relying on public ignorance to let you slide on it.

Trump was mocking Kovaleski's exact words when he said "Ah I don't know what I said. Ah, I don't remember." Then, Hillary (the cheap, 2 bit, liar tramp that she is) twisted the thing into being a mock of a disability, because she knew the public would look unfavorably at that, and then could use that as ammunition against Trump.

To this day, a lot of people still don't know the Hillary scam is not the truth. Some liberals on this board do know though (like Pogo) and they keep pushing the Hillary lie - a perfect example of why we must never allow this kind of filth to ever run our government again.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. You're lying again. What Kovaleski said was that he didn't remember hearing “anyone saying there were thousands, or even hundreds, of people celebrating”. AT NO TIME did he claim he "didn't remember" his own story, LIAR.

And he wouldn't have heard that, for the same reason that NOBODY would have heard that, because NO SUCH STORY EVER EXISTED. So again ---- AS I SAID ---- Rump melted down because Kovaleski would not lie for him.

What Rump later said was that HE -- RUMP -- didn't remember Kovaleski, even though the two of them had been on a first-name basis for years. He said that to try to sell this utter BULLSHIT story that he wouldn't have known about Kovaleski's disability. He DID fucking know, just as he knew who the fuck David Duke is. And you came crawling in on your knees to gobble up yet another obvious LIE because you're a self-delusional HACK.

"Kovaleski's exact words" my fucking ASS.

Good grief. What bad lying. So what if Trump knew about Kovalesli's disability or not ? The only relevance that disability has, is in Hillary Clinton's truth-twist, to try to villainize Trump, consistent with what the loon left has been doing 100 other times for 2 years now. This was just one of the earlier ones, that's all.

Liberal MELTDOWN (with large/bold letters) when their scam talk isn't bought, and instead is exposed (except this one was exposed 2 years ago) Oh, yes lots of fancy talk, spin, spin. This is old stuff. Ho hum.

You gonna believe the right wing rhetoric, or your own eyes?
No. I call it mocking a disability because that's what the video shows.
No, that's what you and Hillary, and Pogo, and thousands of other liberals try to BS the American public into thinking. A ploy in 2016. A ploy now. Ho hum.

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