Dan Crenshaw challenges SNL to donate $1million to veterans chairty

You are not allowed to rant self righteous about this. Trump ruined that with his crack about POW's and McCain.
Stuff it.
Stuff it yourself. Trump was right about McCain. He wasn't a war hero. He was a collaborator with the North Vietnamese, who got so much US military information from McCain they called him "songbird" (as did his fellow POWs)

And what's heroic about bombing poor peasants who never attacked America, or even said anything unkind about us ?
And now we see how the trumpanzees REALLY feel about our vets and our former POWs.....SNL is comedy....trumpanzees are stupidly serious in their hatred of our troops.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

Actually, SNL will NOT "mock anyone in the news". They utterly refused to mock Obama the entire time he was in office.

I absolutely cannot understand people who "cannot understand" something just because they don't want to. We're really supposed to believe that your panties are ALL in a ruffle over mean things said about McCain, but somehow, you are totally bewildered about why mocking Crenshaw would be anything bad? Exactly WHY is it that you think Trump's remarks about McCain were bad, then? You're making it pretty obvious that it wasn't his veteran status which you considered important, since you're telling us with a completely straight face that mocking another veteran leaves you more befuddled than normal over what's wrong with it. So if the things said about McCain were "abysmal", but not because you defend and respect veterans, it must be because they were said by people you want to hate, and you consider veterans to be occasionally useful tools in that area.
Funny how it was OK for Rump to mock the physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him, and now suddenly you find Jesus here.
Isn't it.

Having it both ways ------------- priceless.
He did NOT mock Kovaleski's disability, he mocked his refusal to own up to his 2001 Washington Post Muslims article, and I already schooled you on that, so don't try that BULLSHIT in here now, you phony-ass.
He MOCKED his disability, you moron.
Here's the solution to SNL and other leftist media numbskulls, who disparage our military heros. Send out a helicopter with a snare net, and scoop up the loudmouths, and then drop them into the middle of a combat zone.



Good plan, if Trump goes with them for his mocking of McCain's years as a POW.

Are you still trying to make lame excuses why it's only bad when Republicans are rude, and why it's ALWAYS okay for leftists, because "REASONS!"?


Unlike you, I have never been a hypocrite on this subject. I thought Trump was an asshole when he badmouthed McCain, and said so at the time. I still think he's an asshole, and I say so when I think it's necessary. And I'm here to tell you that this limp-dicked soy boy who thinks he has some sort of standing that makes it okay for him to be nasty about a combat veteran is ALSO wrong and an asshole.

Further, if you are NOT saying he was wrong because you're too busy saying, "Well, Trump was worse because . . . he's Trump and that makes him worse!" then you deserve every bit of scorn and disrespect that can be heaped on a hypocrite.
I watch SNL, so I saw the spot. I didn't think it was funny, except for Davidson's "he got it in war or whatever..." showing Davidson's character to be the dumb ass New Yorker he always plays. I certainly didn't think it was a big enough deal to cause all this butt hurt.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.

Also not true. There was nothing "rightful" about Trump's slam against McCain's status as a PoW. Not only was it crass and inexcusable, it was irrelevant to any of the issues pertaining at the time.
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.

What happened on SNL is NOT called satire, but what's spewing out of your wrinkled hole IS called hypocrisy.

Get educated and then get some decency.
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.

What happened on SNL is NOT called satire, but what's spewing out of your wrinkled hole IS called hypocrisy.

Get educated and then get some decency.
You aren't the boss of me.
And yes, SNL is satire.
I didn't find the Davidson joke funny OR highly offensive. So sue me. Or call me a hypocrite. Whatever.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.

Also not true. There was nothing "rightful" about Trump's slam against McCain's status as a PoW. Not only was it crass and inexcusable, it was irrelevant to any of the issues pertaining at the time.

Well, McCain got back at Trump and we the people by spoiling the President's effort to reform health care. So since he was offended, he did return the favor, and then some, as he barred the President from his liberal loveliest funeral reminiscent of the Wellstone Memorial.
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.

What happened on SNL is NOT called satire, but what's spewing out of your wrinkled hole IS called hypocrisy.

Get educated and then get some decency.
You aren't the boss of me.
And yes, SNL is satire.
I didn't find the Davidson joke funny OR highly offensive. So sue me. Or call me a hypocrite. Whatever.
looks familiar
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.

What happened on SNL is NOT called satire, but what's spewing out of your wrinkled hole IS called hypocrisy.

Get educated and then get some decency.
You aren't the boss of me.
And yes, SNL is satire.
I didn't find the Davidson joke funny OR highly offensive. So sue me. Or call me a hypocrite. Whatever.

Really? I say to you the same thing you said to someone else, and you're going to go with "You're not the boss of me"? Not only is that infantile, I would like to point out that YOU "are not the boss of" protectionist, but that didn't stop you from issuing lofty orders. So once again, you paint yourself as a hypocrite. And while we're trotting out trite, childish cliches, I guess this is a good time to mention that if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Meanwhile, Mrs. "Educate yourself" Hypocrite, here's the education you manifestly lack:


sat·ire | \ˈsa-ˌtī(-ə)r \
Definition of satire

1: a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn

2: trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

I got that from this thing called a "dictionary". I realize looking up the meanings of words is harder work than simply inventing one on the spot to suit you, but it turns out that words have actual meanings beyond the vague mouthings of illiterate geezers like you.

There is nothing satirical about insulting people, which is all the dickless weasel you're so desperate to defend did.

I don't call you a hypocrite because you "didn't find it funny". I don't even CARE if you found it funny, no matter how important you apparently think that is. I call you a hypocrite because every word you ever post is hypocritical.

What happened on SNL was just exactly as wrong as what Trump said about John McCain. EXACTLY as wrong. Any word you say which tries to deny or dismiss that brands you a hypocrite. Period. End of discussion.
I can't believe how low SNL has gone.

Still a few of the original out there, lets ask them what they thought of that display.

this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.

Also not true. There was nothing "rightful" about Trump's slam against McCain's status as a PoW. Not only was it crass and inexcusable, it was irrelevant to any of the issues pertaining at the time.

Well, McCain got back at Trump and we the people by spoiling the President's effort to reform health care. So since he was offended, he did return the favor, and then some, as he barred the President from his liberal loveliest funeral reminiscent of the Wellstone Memorial.

Which is relevant and meaningful to this discussion how?
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.
You don't have an ounce of decency. There are some things you don't joke about, no matter what excuse name you think you can slap on it. Typical liberal unAmericanism.
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
As for McCain, according to his fellow POWs, he was a traitor, nicknamed "Songbird", and has kept locked up all records of his incarceration for decades, to hide the truth.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

The real John McCain. "33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs." McCain was #1 on the list ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

McCain’s Victims May Be Vindicated By “Hanoi Hilton Songbird” Audio\
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.

What happened on SNL is NOT called satire, but what's spewing out of your wrinkled hole IS called hypocrisy.

Get educated and then get some decency.
You aren't the boss of me.
And yes, SNL is satire.
I didn't find the Davidson joke funny OR highly offensive. So sue me. Or call me a hypocrite. Whatever.

Really? I say to you the same thing you said to someone else, and you're going to go with "You're not the boss of me"? Not only is that infantile, I would like to point out that YOU "are not the boss of" protectionist, but that didn't stop you from issuing lofty orders. So once again, you paint yourself as a hypocrite. And while we're trotting out trite, childish cliches, I guess this is a good time to mention that if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Meanwhile, Mrs. "Educate yourself" Hypocrite, here's the education you manifestly lack:


sat·ire | \ˈsa-ˌtī(-ə)r \
Definition of satire

1: a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn

2: trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

I got that from this thing called a "dictionary". I realize looking up the meanings of words is harder work than simply inventing one on the spot to suit you, but it turns out that words have actual meanings beyond the vague mouthings of illiterate geezers like you.

There is nothing satirical about insulting people, which is all the dickless weasel you're so desperate to defend did.

I don't call you a hypocrite because you "didn't find it funny". I don't even CARE if you found it funny, no matter how important you apparently think that is. I call you a hypocrite because every word you ever post is hypocritical.

What happened on SNL was just exactly as wrong as what Trump said about John McCain. EXACTLY as wrong. Any word you say which tries to deny or dismiss that brands you a hypocrite. Period. End of discussion.
Yes, it is satire. Google it if you don't believe an English teacher.
Cecelie, I am not going to argue with you any longer. You're too foolish to waste my time on.
this is not new, SNL also ridiculed disabled veterans Bob Dole and John McCain in the past
SNL will mock anyone in the news. It's what they do. Davidson's "appearances" on the Evening News spot is as a character who is kinda dumb and politically incorrect and that is as funny as the stuff he says. It's a double joke.
I absolutely cannot understand this whining about the guy with the eye patch after all the abysmal things the right wingers here said about John McCain after his Obamacare vote and again as he lay dying.

McCain was rightfully slammed on his Flipflop on Obamacare- which was only done, BTW, because McCain wanted to "get back" at Trump.

In reality however, McCain just got back at we, the people.

Also not true. There was nothing "rightful" about Trump's slam against McCain's status as a PoW. Not only was it crass and inexcusable, it was irrelevant to any of the issues pertaining at the time.

Well, McCain got back at Trump and we the people by spoiling the President's effort to reform health care. So since he was offended, he did return the favor, and then some, as he barred the President from his liberal loveliest funeral reminiscent of the Wellstone Memorial.

Which is relevant and meaningful to this discussion how?

Its relevant as although McCain was offended, he did get back at the people in retaliation.

So that is that, the issue of McCain being offended is resolved.
And now we see how the trumpanzees REALLY feel about our vets and our former POWs.....SNL is comedy....trumpanzees are stupidly serious in their hatred of our troops.
You are shallow and distorted. I don't hate our troops. I was one of them, and am now a veteran. But the reality is the Vietnam War was wrong, and so was McCain to bomb innocent Vietnamese people. The primary responsibility was with the 60s politicians, but McCain was a volunteer, not a draftee. He bears responsibility/blame .
Also not true. There was nothing "rightful" about Trump's slam against McCain's status as a PoW. Not only was it crass and inexcusable, it was irrelevant to any of the issues pertaining at the time.
Trump was right about McCain. As I stated earlier in the thread he was not a war hero. Quite the contrary, he was a traitor.

And Trump only talked about McCain's status, because the interviewer brought it up, while he was attacking Trump. So what is Trump supposed to do, just sit there and be a punching bag for the interviewer ?

Trump comment about McCain - Bing video
Yes, it is satire. Google it if you don't believe an English teacher.
Cecelie, I am not going to argue with you any longer. You're too foolish to waste my time on.
If it even could be called satire, you think that justifies making fun of a war hero's terrible wounds ? You are sick. This is the trash heap that leftist loons are wallowing in nowadays.
The idea of mocking "anyone in the news" is unacceptable. If you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this disgrace, not praise it.
It's called satire. Goes back to Aesop.
Get educated and take the stick out of your ass.
You don't have an ounce of decency. There are some things you don't joke about, no matter what excuse name you think you can slap on it. Typical liberal unAmericanism.
No, you're right, I wouldn't joke about that. It wasn't funny. It doesn't make me unAmerican because I'm not entirely bent out of shape about it, though. That is just not fair or accurate.

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