Dan Crenshaw triggered by 10 year old girl

A parent shouldnt be putting their 10 year old in that situation because they hate a politician so much. But like I said, what else would you expect from a deplorable?


Do you feel stupid..... obviously I mean stupider than usual.
A parent shouldnt be putting their 10 year old in that situation because they hate a politician so much. But like I said, what else would you expect from a deplorable?

Spare us your faux outrage. The left LOVES weaponizing children. I seem to recall a teenage halfwit sobbing in front of the UN climate summit because you psychos have convinced her that the weather is going to kill her.

Do you feel stupid..... obviously I mean stupider than usual.
What specific politician is she going after, dummy? Two completely different situations. But of course your brain isnt capable of understanding that. We understand.
Spare us your faux outrage. The left LOVES weaponizing children. I seem to recall a teenage halfwit sobbing in front of the UN climate summit because you psychos have convinced her that the weather is going to kill her.
Oh look another dummy that doesnt understand the difference between weather and climate.
What specific politician is she going after, dummy? Two completely different situations. But of course your brain isnt capable of understanding that. We understand.

Actually it's the same overall operational concept. Use a kid to attack someone or something, and when the other side defends themselves bemoan how they are attacking a child.
Actually it's the same overall operational concept. Use a kid to attack someone or something, and when the other side defends themselves bemoan how they are attacking a child.
So who put Greta up to talking about climate? I think kids talking about climate because they actually care about climate is a more plausible concept then a kid getting up in a room to attack a politician that doesnt like trump over a convoluted quote and thinking the 10 year old came up with that on their own. I dunno that's just me though.
A parent shouldnt be putting their 10 year old in that situation because they hate a politician so much. But like I said, what else would you expect from a deplorable?
What proof do you have that the girl or her parents are “deplorables”? Whatever that means.
I’m no fan of Crenshaw, but I hardly call that getting “triggered”. He gave her an answer.
He answered her like he was talking to an adult. If he really wanted to out her as a plant by her parents, he could have pretty easily done it without making himself look like he was attacking a child.
So who put Greta up to talking about climate? I think kids talking about climate because they actually care about climate is a more plausible concept then a kid getting up in a room to attack a politician that doesnt like trump over a convoluted quote and thinking the 10 year old came up with that on their own. I dunno that's just me though.

Yeah, her parents had nothing to do with it......

Greta is a borderline aspie kid who found her obsession, and her parents rode with it.

What's more is her attacks are usually pretty severe, but god forbid anyone retort in kind... ZOMG YOU ARE ATTACKING A CHHIIIIILLLLDDDDD!!!!!!
He answered her like he was talking to an adult. If he really wanted to out her as a plant by her parents, he could have pretty easily done it without making himself look like he was attacking a child.
I don’t see how he was “attacking” a child.
She was attempting to "prove" that Dan Crenshaw doesn't believe Jesus was a real person.
The little girl was being argumenative

she asked crenshaw to explain and he did

but then she still wanted to belabor the point

now what sort of an acorn here do libs think they have found?

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