Dan Crenshaw triggered by 10 year old girl

Crenshaw called out what he felt was bullshit. Someone questioned his faith, and he took offense to that.

I've no problem with him defending his beliefs. In fact, I would think most people would see that a a trait to be admired...
Stop using children as political human shields.

Something both sides can learn.
LOL, Crenshaw:

No wonder the left loves Crenshaw, he loves him some Liz Cheney.

What else would you expect from deplorables? Of couse they are going to defend the lowest common denominator. Because they are animals that have no place in a civilized society.
If only you believed that enough to do something about it.
No, she implied that Crenshaw implied Jesus was fiction.

The kid is a stooge for whoever that is standing right next to her.
The endless number of liberal arts stooges that we have, and you type that!
Democrats seem to be trying to wish into existence all us Americans fighting each other. It's almost like they believe they can make it happen with their media.

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