Dan Crenshaw triggered by 10 year old girl

Your 4th link has this quote:

“It’s odd there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon. But anyways, I won’t—I’m not going to dive into the 9/11 conspiracy. But 9/11 had happened. Our country was very much into a war.”

Seriously? That’s the best you got? Doesn’t sound like much.
The Q-tard said there was no evidence a plane hit the Pentagon.

It just doesn't get more retarded than that, and it is very revealing you don't see the problem with that batshit claim.
War hero Dan Crenshaw went after child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz and Q-anon piss drinker Marjorie Tard Greene, and Bone Spur's rube herd does not like that.
He didn’t win the election. He was installed by election rigging.
Further proof you are mentally ill. Do you also believe the Iowa primary was rigged because trump lost to Cruz and Trump said it was also rigged? Where is the outrage over that?
The Q-tard said there was no evidence a plane hit the Pentagon.

It just doesn't get more retarded than that, and it is very revealing you don't see the problem with that batshit claim.
He's shown numerous times in this thread he is mentally ill. So no need to be surprised.
I don't know about this guy...he seems to be all over the map....
No, she agreed it was a false flag. She is a batshit fucktard without the slightest consideration of the dead kids or their families.

Fuck her to hell.
Saying something is a false flag isn’t saying that it didn’t happen. It’s just speaking to what the motives are.

Nice try.
Saying something is a false flag isn’t saying that it didn’t happen. It’s just speaking to what the motives are.

Nice try.
It was not a false flag, tard.

Saying something is a false flag that was not a false flag is batshittery. I cannot believe you are so stupid this has to be explained to you.

No wonder you admire the Q-tard. You are too dumb to even understand how batshit her statements are.
Saying something is a false flag isn’t saying that it didn’t happen. It’s just speaking to what the motives are.

Nice try.
Where in that quote did he mention it "not happening". Oh that's right, he didnt. You just are making stuff up out of thin air now.
It was not a false flag, tard.
Your opinion, not fact.

Some in law enforcement could had allowed this to happen on purpose. We know the cop on duty at the location did nothing and allowed it to happen. The FBI also knew of the shooter, and didn’t stop him. It’s entirely plausible if these people were TDS deranged lefties, they would like to see a big school massacre on President Trump’s watch and use it to push more gun control.

It doesn’t mean the shooter was put up to it, just that they may have allowed it to happen.
Your opinion, not fact.

Some in law enforcement could had allowed this to happen on purpose. We know the cop on duty at the location did nothing and allowed it to happen. The FBI also knew of the shooter, and didn’t stop him. It’s entirely plausible if these people were TDS deranged lefties, they would like to see a big school massacre on President Trump’s watch and use it to push more gun control.

It doesn’t mean the shooter was put up to it, just that they may have allowed it to happen.
I'm not saying this to be funny, but someone needs to put you under a 72 hour psych hold. You arent dealing with reality.
Your opinion, not fact.

Some in law enforcement could had allowed this to happen on purpose. We know the cop on duty at the location did nothing and allowed it to happen. The FBI also knew of the shooter, and didn’t stop him. It’s entirely plausible if these people were TDS deranged lefties, they would like to see a big school massacre on President Trump’s watch and use it to push more gun control.

It doesn’t mean the shooter was put up to it, just that they may have allowed it to happen.
Like I said, it is no wonder you admire the Q-anon piss drinker Marjorie Tard Greene.

It all makes sense now.
Red Flag Dan is a RINO. He pissed off a bunch of people when he supported Liz Cheney, among other things.

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