Dan Crenshaw triggered by 10 year old girl

Crenshaw was commissioned in the United States Navy, and served on SEAL Team 3 in the War in Afghanistan, reaching the rank of lieutenant commander. He was wounded in action during his third deployment, losing his right eye to an improvised explosive device. He served as a legislative assistant to Representative Pete Sessions, and was elected to Congress in the 2018 midterm election to succeed the retiring Ted Poe.

Awesome.... Crenshaw is your hero. Nothing wrong with that.

"Every time you think of something you shouldn't do that's exactly what he does. He is building the Taliban back much better," he said. "That's exactly what he has done. He is not building America back better."

"You know what the House has been working on all week – what Pelosi has been putting on the floor – is giant inflation-driving spending bills. $3.5 trillion, which is actually closer to really $6 trillion if the math is done correctly as well as that $1 trillion of infrastructure spending. That's what they're talking about right now," Crenshaw said.

Crenshaw noted Biden "self-imposed" the deadline and "made it up in his head… and the Taliban took it and ran with it and said ‘it’s our red line' – and Joe Biden said, ‘See, it’s their red line'."

REP. DAN CRENSHAW: I encourage the American people to accept the reality of the situation. We've been wishing for a different situation, wishing for a different reality for a very long time, and that got us into this mess. We have to acknowledge that there are people out there that want to kill us, that wake up every single day, and if they have any space whatsoever, any room, any time whatsoever, they're planning an attack on the homeland. That's the way it is. I wish it were different. It's not different. And we have to acknowledge that fact. Biden has refused to acknowledge that fact.

Every president since Bush has had to deal with this really difficult decision – Obama, Trump. But Biden is the only one who really followed through with the stupidest possible option. And now we're paying in blood for it. There's still ways to reverse course on this. There's still ways to uphold our dignity, to save our people on the ground. These people deserve to be saved, whether they're citizens or whether they're interpreters that I knew, that I worked with who have done more for this country than most citizens of this country. We need to help them.

Wow.... that's some decorated war hero wisdom. Yes, it makes the stuttering shit clown, with (6) draft deferments for 'childhood asthma', look like a fucking laughstock... but it's coming from ex-Navy Seal, wounded in battle.... so it must be accurate. We're all on the same page now.
War hero Dan Crenshaw went after child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz and Q-anon piss drinker Marjorie Tard Greene, and Bone Spur's rubes do not like that.
Since you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back up those ridiculous claims, you are obviously projecting.
Since you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back up those ridiculous claims, you are obviously projecting.
There was literally a guy in the room filled with right wingers saying that Crenshaw was "a moron" and "lets go brandon" which is the trumpanzee chimps mating call.
LOL yea okay. That’s the way people talk idiot. If we make a statement saying “no one ever…” that just means the vast majority, not that not one single person ever didn’t do such a thing.

My God you are stretching. So according to you MTG is a “liar” because she says people didn’t used to run to the doctor to get tested unless they were actually sick before WuFlu happened, and now we have all these people running to get tested when they have little or no symptoms.
Don't get caught up in the Tar Baby's traps. You'll wind up endlessly arguing with a dishonest attention starved
She read an out of context quote back to Dan Crenshaw.

He said, "let me fix that for you. Put a period after 'Jesus' and don't question my faith.'"

Crowd went nutts.
The Trumptards are eating their own now.

Crenshaw has always been a RINO. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are simply too low information to know that.

However, giving that answer to the kid is nothing compared to the massive destruction President Potatohaead is doing to our country.
She read an out of context quote back to Dan Crenshaw.

He said, "let me fix that for you. Put a period after 'Jesus' and don't question my faith.'"

Crowd went nutts.
Some people booed him. But as he explained himself, some clapped for him at the end.

I’m glad to see lefties though defending Crenshaw. Good to know he is getting some Democrats to vote for him.
Some people booed him. But as he explained himself, some clapped for him at the end.

I’m glad to see lefties though defending Crenshaw. Good to know he is getting some Democrats to vote for him.
LOL at how you equate defending someone with voting for someone. But this is EXACTLY why animals like you are so susceptible to conspiracy theories. Because you dont know how to think logically.
LOL at how you equate defending someone with voting for someone. But this is EXACTLY why animals like you are so susceptible to conspiracy theories. Because you dont know how to think logically.
It was a joke, moron. It’s just funny to see these leftwing dingbats defend him as if they would ever vote for him.
That’s funny. I posted a thread about MTG’s two hour interview, not one lefty can even point out one “dumb thing” she says in the entire interview.

Feel free to pick apart one thing she says or talks about. But you can’t, because you’re afraid to even listen to what she has to say.
Marjorie Tard Greene denies Biden won the election. Her batshittery continues unabated.
She’s referencing all the idiots running to the doctors to get tested when they aren’t even sick, the masked Covidians waiting in lines for three hours for a runny nose.

How is she wrong? I mean seriously, this is the worst you can find?

Are they like Davidians?

It's Texas so you never know.....
According to your first link, she merely agreed with some other comment on FB that Parkland was a “planned false flag”, how is that in any way claiming the shooting didn’t happen? It’s merely saying the person doing it planned it….which is pretty obvious.
No, she agreed it was a false flag. She is a batshit fucktard without the slightest consideration of the dead kids or their families.

Fuck her to hell.
I did, according to your first link she agreed the shooting happened and was planned. How is that a conspiracy theory?

Your second link provides no quote whatsoever, it’s a lame petition.
She agreed it was a FALSE FLAG, tard.

The second link is to show her batshittery affects real people.

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