Dangerous Denial: Just 29% Of Democrats Say Orlando Was An Islamic Terror Attack


Nobody is blaming "All Gun Owners". We simply don't think there's any good reason for civilians to own guns, or at a minimum, that guns shouldn't be as easy to get as they are.

I will concede that the majority of gun owners are never, ever going to kill anyone, but they give someone the potential to kill people with absolutely no benefit. Therefore, they should be restricted.

Aren't "all gun owners" included in the definition of "civilians?"

It doesn't matter what you think because the 2nd Amendment says they can own guns. Until you overturn that amendment your whining is meaningless.

BTW, using your logic we should ban all Muslims. We admit the vast majority will never kill anyone, but if it prevents even one mass shooting, they should be banned. Don't you agree?

Using your logic, you should ban semi automatic weapons. If it prevents one mass shooting, they should be banned. Don't you agree?

Nobody is blaming "All Gun Owners". We simply don't think there's any good reason for civilians to own guns, or at a minimum, that guns shouldn't be as easy to get as they are.

I will concede that the majority of gun owners are never, ever going to kill anyone, but they give someone the potential to kill people with absolutely no benefit. Therefore, they should be restricted.

Aren't "all gun owners" included in the definition of "civilians?"

It doesn't matter what you think because the 2nd Amendment says they can own guns. Until you overturn that amendment your whining is meaningless.

BTW, using your logic we should ban all Muslims. We admit the vast majority will never kill anyone, but if it prevents even one mass shooting, they should be banned. Don't you agree?

Using your logic, you should ban semi automatic weapons. If it prevents one mass shooting, they should be banned. Don't you agree?

That's not my logic. That's yours.
1. Thanks for admitting that Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter." Your theory amounts to saying that since Clinton praised the troops, that he was praising Timothy McViegh.

2. God isn't responsible for what ISIS says, moron

3. I am an atheist. So how do your moronic justifications square with that?

1. Reagan praised the guys who were fighting a specific fight, including Bin Laden. in fact, Bin Laden was a major leader in that fight, unlike McVeigh, who never got past E-6.

2. God isn't responsible for anything. He's a figment of your imagination.

3. sucking up to the Bible thumpers makes you a little bit worse, actually.
The fact that radical Islamists are mentally unstable is beside the point. We still need to keep them out of the country. The beasts who did the 9/11 mass murder all went to strip clubs before they ran civilian airliners into the WTC in the name of Allah.

Actually, that isn't true.

Strip clubs

The thing is, the three guys who did mass shootings in the last 10 years were all born here. So we can't really "keep them out of the country" if they are born here.

Many people in the Middle East suffer from mental retardation and below normal intellects because of severe in breeding.

Kind of like the Red States, eh?
I am a Libertarian who believes that Omar Mateen,perpetrated a retaliatory jihadist attack.

In a jihadist attack the individual knows that he/she will die in the process so to them the penalty is irrelevant.

The US must remove the underlying motivation for these type of attacks

The government officials do not give a shit - they will either summarily confiscate weapons or impose martial law.

If there was ever proof that Dims are a bunch of brainwashed drones, this is it.

Radical Islam: Omar Mateen could not have been more clear or more emphatic about his motivation for killing 49 people and wounding 53 others at an Orlando gay nightclub. [snip] Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.

What if, for sake of argument, the attack was all about homophobia?

Isn't that just as bad?
1. Thanks for admitting that Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter." Your theory amounts to saying that since Clinton praised the troops, that he was praising Timothy McViegh.

2. God isn't responsible for what ISIS says, moron

3. I am an atheist. So how do your moronic justifications square with that?

1. Reagan praised the guys who were fighting a specific fight, including Bin Laden. in fact, Bin Laden was a major leader in that fight, unlike McVeigh, who never got past E-6.

2. God isn't responsible for anything. He's a figment of your imagination.

3. sucking up to the Bible thumpers makes you a little bit worse, actually.

1. Bush Sr. praised all the troops who fought the first Gulf War. Apparently you believe that means he was specifically praising McViegh for blowing up the building in Oklahoma. You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving what a profound douche bag you are.

2. I'm an atheist, douche bag. God isn't in my imagination.

3. How do I "suck up" to the Bible thumpers?
If there was ever proof that Dims are a bunch of brainwashed drones, this is it.

Radical Islam: Omar Mateen could not have been more clear or more emphatic about his motivation for killing 49 people and wounding 53 others at an Orlando gay nightclub. [snip] Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.

What if, for sake of argument, the attack was all about homophobia?

Isn't that just as bad?

You are desperately trying to make it about anything except Islamic terrorism, aren't you?
The fact that radical Islamists are mentally unstable is beside the point. We still need to keep them out of the country. The beasts who did the 9/11 mass murder all went to strip clubs before they ran civilian airliners into the WTC in the name of Allah.

Actually, that isn't true.

Strip clubs

Your source is questionable at best.

The thing is, the three guys who did mass shootings in the last 10 years were all born here. So we can't really "keep them out of the country" if they are born here.

Their parents weren't born here, and the wife who participated in San Bernardino certainly wasn't born here. On thing is beyond question, if we had never allowed immigration from Islamic countries, these attacks wouldn't have occurred. Your idiotic parroting of the lame "they were Americans" narrative only fool the gullible.

Many people in the Middle East suffer from mental retardation and below normal intellects because of severe in breeding.

Kind of like the Red States, eh?

You're a 200 proof jack ass.
Their parents weren't born here, and the wife who participated in San Bernardino certainly wasn't born here. On thing is beyond question, if we had never allowed immigration from Islamic countries, these attacks wouldn't have occurred. Your idiotic parroting of the lame "they were Americans" narrative only fool the gullible.

Except 30 years ago when they immigrated here, these places weren't our enemy yet. We wuz too worried about the Godless Commies to worry about the Jihadis.

I'm more worried about the "how" of mass shootings than the "why". Why isn't as important, as you are just as dead at Sandy Hook as at Orlando.

1. Bush Sr. praised all the troops who fought the first Gulf War. Apparently you believe that means he was specifically praising McViegh for blowing up the building in Oklahoma. You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving what a profound douche bag you are.

McVeigh wasn't a major leader in the Iraq War. Bin Laden was a major leader in the Afghan war. That's the whole point. Reagan praised the Jihadists who traveleed from all over hte world making sure those dirty commies didn't teach Afghan girls how to read. He instigated a civil war that is still doing on today.

9-11 and Orlando are Blowback.

You're a 200 proof jack ass.

Sounds to me like you can dish it out but can't take it. How is cracking jokes about inbreeding hte middle east okay and the red states not?
1. Thanks for admitting that Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter." Your theory amounts to saying that since Clinton praised the troops, that he was praising Timothy McViegh.

2. God isn't responsible for what ISIS says, moron

3. I am an atheist. So how do your moronic justifications square with that?

1. Reagan praised the guys who were fighting a specific fight, including Bin Laden. in fact, Bin Laden was a major leader in that fight, unlike McVeigh, who never got past E-6.

2. God isn't responsible for anything. He's a figment of your imagination.

3. sucking up to the Bible thumpers makes you a little bit worse, actually.

God isn't responsible for anything. He's a figment of your imagination.

That is kind of like Obama and his birth certificate because no one has ever seen it before.
Their parents weren't born here, and the wife who participated in San Bernardino certainly wasn't born here. On thing is beyond question, if we had never allowed immigration from Islamic countries, these attacks wouldn't have occurred. Your idiotic parroting of the lame "they were Americans" narrative only fool the gullible.

Except 30 years ago when they immigrated here, these places weren't our enemy yet. We wuz too worried about the Godless Commies to worry about the Jihadis.

I'm more worried about the "how" of mass shootings than the "why". Why isn't as important, as you are just as dead at Sandy Hook as at Orlando.

1. Bush Sr. praised all the troops who fought the first Gulf War. Apparently you believe that means he was specifically praising McViegh for blowing up the building in Oklahoma. You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving what a profound douche bag you are.

McVeigh wasn't a major leader in the Iraq War. Bin Laden was a major leader in the Afghan war. That's the whole point. Reagan praised the Jihadists who traveleed from all over hte world making sure those dirty commies didn't teach Afghan girls how to read. He instigated a civil war that is still doing on today.

9-11 and Orlando are Blowback.

You're a 200 proof jack ass.

Sounds to me like you can dish it out but can't take it. How is cracking jokes about inbreeding hte middle east okay and the red states not?

I'm glad you feel justice was done on 911. The next time you feel such an urge to bring justice to America please inform the FBI first.
If there was ever proof that Dims are a bunch of brainwashed drones, this is it.

Radical Islam: Omar Mateen could not have been more clear or more emphatic about his motivation for killing 49 people and wounding 53 others at an Orlando gay nightclub. [snip] Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.

What if, for sake of argument, the attack was all about homophobia?

Isn't that just as bad?

I totally agree that this was about Homophobia (stupidest sounding word in the English language) but a lot of Islamist really hate gays a lot so it could actually be both.
1. Thanks for admitting that Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter." Your theory amounts to saying that since Clinton praised the troops, that he was praising Timothy McViegh.

2. God isn't responsible for what ISIS says, moron

3. I am an atheist. So how do your moronic justifications square with that?

1. Reagan praised the guys who were fighting a specific fight, including Bin Laden. in fact, Bin Laden was a major leader in that fight, unlike McVeigh, who never got past E-6.

2. God isn't responsible for anything. He's a figment of your imagination.

3. sucking up to the Bible thumpers makes you a little bit worse, actually.

1. Bush Sr. praised all the troops who fought the first Gulf War. Apparently you believe that means he was specifically praising McViegh for blowing up the building in Oklahoma. You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving what a profound douche bag you are.

2. I'm an atheist, douche bag. God isn't in my imagination.

3. How do I "suck up" to the Bible thumpers?

It is only acceptable to suck up to kORAN thumpers.
Their parents weren't born here, and the wife who participated in San Bernardino certainly wasn't born here. On thing is beyond question, if we had never allowed immigration from Islamic countries, these attacks wouldn't have occurred. Your idiotic parroting of the lame "they were Americans" narrative only fool the gullible.

Except 30 years ago when they immigrated here, these places weren't our enemy yet. We wuz too worried about the Godless Commies to worry about the Jihadis.

I'm more worried about the "how" of mass shootings than the "why". Why isn't as important, as you are just as dead at Sandy Hook as at Orlando.

1. Bush Sr. praised all the troops who fought the first Gulf War. Apparently you believe that means he was specifically praising McViegh for blowing up the building in Oklahoma. You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving what a profound douche bag you are.

McVeigh wasn't a major leader in the Iraq War. Bin Laden was a major leader in the Afghan war. That's the whole point. Reagan praised the Jihadists who traveleed from all over hte world making sure those dirty commies didn't teach Afghan girls how to read. He instigated a civil war that is still doing on today.

9-11 and Orlando are Blowback.

You're a 200 proof jack ass.

Sounds to me like you can dish it out but can't take it. How is cracking jokes about inbreeding hte middle east okay and the red states not?

The "liberals" want to blame firearms - the "why's : are not important

they want to forget that the laws motivating the jihadists and the criminally insane were enacted by the same entity



(2) Harry S Truman's , steal Palestine from 1.3 million Palestinians then use US military power to enforce the edict.

ISIS claims every atrocity they commit was ordered by God or sanctioned by God. Now you seem to be arguing that ISIS isn't an Islamic terrorist organization. According to your definition, no one is. Of course, that's precisely the point of your definition.

I would argue several things.

1) The fact is, one man's 'Terrorist" is another man's "Freedom Fighter". Ronald Reagan called Usama Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" in the 1980's when he was killing Russians. We called him a terrorist when he started killing Americans.

2) I don't think there is a God, so Mateen claiming he was acting for God is a bit dubious. there is an ISIS, but no one has claimed that ISIS financed, planned, supported or provided intelligence to Mateen, and if they had met Mateen in person, they'd have probably killed him for being gay. So his claims that he was acting for ISIS is about as dubious as his claim he was doing God's Will.

3) The problem here is not "Terrorism", its' that crazy people have access to guns. Lanza, Holmes, Cho, Loughner, Roof and Mercer were not "Islamists", but they easy access to very deadly weapons a bunch of slave rapists 200 years ago could not have conceived of.

That is horseshit because the Afghan resistance against the U.S.S.R. were fighting other soldiers. They were not bombing innocent people. It is a huge difference when it is bombing us because it is us that is being harmed. Unless, someone changed the rules that says no one in the world is allowed to defend themselves.
McVeigh was a great right wing terrorist and because of this right wing politics are deemed as a dangerous idealogy but the orlando shooter's 'idealogy' isn't an issue. I bet it would if their was a muslim party competing with the democrats.
Their parents weren't born here, and the wife who participated in San Bernardino certainly wasn't born here. On thing is beyond question, if we had never allowed immigration from Islamic countries, these attacks wouldn't have occurred. Your idiotic parroting of the lame "they were Americans" narrative only fool the gullible.

Except 30 years ago when they immigrated here, these places weren't our enemy yet. We wuz too worried about the Godless Commies to worry about the Jihadis.

I'm more worried about the "how" of mass shootings than the "why". Why isn't as important, as you are just as dead at Sandy Hook as at Orlando.

You aren't worried about the "why?" I literally busted out laughing when I read that idiocy. You just proved that you are incapable of rational thought. How do you resolve a problem if you don't know why it occurs?

1. Bush Sr. praised all the troops who fought the first Gulf War. Apparently you believe that means he was specifically praising McViegh for blowing up the building in Oklahoma. You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving what a profound douche bag you are.

McVeigh wasn't a major leader in the Iraq War. Bin Laden was a major leader in the Afghan war. That's the whole point. Reagan praised the Jihadists who traveleed from all over hte world making sure those dirty commies didn't teach Afghan girls how to read. He instigated a civil war that is still doing on today.

9-11 and Orlando are Blowback.

Now you're quibbling about irrelevant details. Your theory was that if a president praised a group of people that he was responsible for every single thing any individual member of that group does. Now you're saying that isn't true. It depends on the details - unless they happen to be a Republican you want to slander, of course.

Once again, you only prove that you're an idiot.

You're a 200 proof jack ass.

Sounds to me like you can dish it out but can't take it. How is cracking jokes about inbreeding hte middle east okay and the red states not?

It wasn't a joke, douche bag. It's a fact. Muhammad commanded Muslims to marry their first cousins, and a great many of them do. This has lead to an extremely high rate of birth defects and low average intelligence.

You aren't worried about the "why?" I literally busted out laughing when I read that idiocy. You just proved that you are incapable of rational thought. How do you resolve a problem if you don't know why it occurs?

Because the how is more important. If it was ONLY Islamic extremism causing mass shootings, you might have a point. But Merser, cho, Lanza, Loughner, Holmes - not a one ofthese guys was a muslim. They were all able to get guns, just like Hasan and Mateen.

Now you're quibbling about irrelevant details. Your theory was that if a president praised a group of people that he was responsible for every single thing any individual member of that group does. Now you're saying that isn't true. It depends on the details - unless they happen to be a Republican you want to slander, of course.

Once again, you only prove that you're an idiot.

Reagan didn't just "praise" them. He armed them, equipped them, provided them with intelligence, created a whole network of funding, and kept doing so even when Gorbachev begged him to stop. Because they were "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians. They became "Terrorists" when they started killing Americans.

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