Dangerous Denial: Just 29% Of Democrats Say Orlando Was An Islamic Terror Attack

The Quran only compares with the Old Testament. Christianity is about the teachings of Christ, who didn't commit the heinous atrocities that Muhammad wallowed in. There is no similarity between the actions of Christians and the actions of Muslims. When was the last time anyone killed 3000 people in the name of Christ?

you want dates over the past 1700 years? ----like at least a few hundred million from 300 AD ----to NOW. Jesus was not a christian
I asked you when the last time was. That's a pretty simple question.

not a simple question at all----I don't even know why you chose the figure 3000
That's how many people were killed on 9/11.

9/11 wasn't Muslim violence, it was customer violence. You know, like San Bernardino was workplace violence. The problem is business, note how they keep driving people to commit murder, we need more socialism.

I shouldn't say this, Democrats will pick it up and start parroting it and calling the terrorists Corporate terrorists.

Oops, I shouldn't have said that either ...

9/11 was geopolitical violence. The reason for the attack was that US had troops in Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden wanted them out.
you want dates over the past 1700 years? ----like at least a few hundred million from 300 AD ----to NOW. Jesus was not a christian
I asked you when the last time was. That's a pretty simple question.

not a simple question at all----I don't even know why you chose the figure 3000
That's how many people were killed on 9/11.

9/11 wasn't Muslim violence, it was customer violence. You know, like San Bernardino was workplace violence. The problem is business, note how they keep driving people to commit murder, we need more socialism.

I shouldn't say this, Democrats will pick it up and start parroting it and calling the terrorists Corporate terrorists.

Oops, I shouldn't have said that either ...

9/11 was geopolitical violence. The reason for the attack was that US had troops in Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden wanted them out.

Bin Laden was motivated to create an ISLAMIC EMPIRE----of the sunni kind.
His ultimate plan included conquest of
Saudi arabia so that he could OWN THE BLACK ROCK. The presence of American bases in Saudi arabia was a problem for him
Whatever Dear Leader says, they believe. Why would he lie to them? LOL!!!

Ask Ds if Obama lies. I bet you would get similar results...yet he lies daily.

Can't fix stupid.[/QUOTE]

Yes he lies because he is a politician and feel free to name one politician that has never lied and I will prove they have lied and don't write Trump either!
"Dangerous Denial: Just 29% Of Democrats Say Orlando Was An Islamic Terror Attack"


Those democrats are just as wrong as you and other rightwing bigots.

And the danger is indeed the unwarranted bigotry and hate directed at Muslims by most on the right, and conservatives’ denial of the fact that Islam is not to ‘blame’ for Orlando.

Orlando was a tragic mass murder committed by a sick, deranged individual, not a mass murder committed by a religion.

And that 71 percent of democrats correctly understand that individuals alone are responsible for their actions, not religions, indicates that the vast majority of democrats are not hateful bigots with regard to Muslims and Islam.

Pity the same cannot be said for republicans.

Kiss my ass that this has nothing to do with radical Islam. And I do define it as radical Islam as does the rest of the freaking world and other world leaders except for that asshole at 1600.

You left wing wankers in the US are insane not to recognize it as such. Radical Islam hates and despises the LGBT community. Get a grip. Our friends and neighbors and co workers that are gay are at risk from extremists.

And to be in denial puts them in danger. The attacks are ramping in Europe. This has been going on for some time and the gay communities over there are not receiving much protection from their governments. It was only a matter of time where we would see this come to our shores.

AND Islamic law bans homosexuality. Deal with it.

ISIS extremists throw five men off a roof for being gay


In the ME "toss a gay" is a regularpastime. Why? The answer is based on their twisted interpretation of their religion.

“Throwing gays this way will cleanse their sins,” the source cited an ISIS Sharia official as saying.

ISIS extremists throw five men off a roof for being gay - ARA News
ISIS claims every atrocity they commit was ordered by God or sanctioned by God. Now you seem to be arguing that ISIS isn't an Islamic terrorist organization. According to your definition, no one is. Of course, that's precisely the point of your definition.

I would argue several things.

1) The fact is, one man's 'Terrorist" is another man's "Freedom Fighter". Ronald Reagan called Usama Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" in the 1980's when he was killing Russians. We called him a terrorist when he started killing Americans.

2) I don't think there is a God, so Mateen claiming he was acting for God is a bit dubious. there is an ISIS, but no one has claimed that ISIS financed, planned, supported or provided intelligence to Mateen, and if they had met Mateen in person, they'd have probably killed him for being gay. So his claims that he was acting for ISIS is about as dubious as his claim he was doing God's Will.

3) The problem here is not "Terrorism", its' that crazy people have access to guns. Lanza, Holmes, Cho, Loughner, Roof and Mercer were not "Islamists", but they easy access to very deadly weapons a bunch of slave rapists 200 years ago could not have conceived of.
Bin Laden was motivated to create an ISLAMIC EMPIRE----of the sunni kind.
His ultimate plan included conquest of
Saudi arabia so that he could OWN THE BLACK ROCK. The presence of American bases in Saudi arabia was a problem for him

Again, the zionists are sooooo cute when they try to get us to fight their fights for them.
you want dates over the past 1700 years? ----like at least a few hundred million from 300 AD ----to NOW. Jesus was not a christian
I asked you when the last time was. That's a pretty simple question.

not a simple question at all----I don't even know why you chose the figure 3000
That's how many people were killed on 9/11.

9/11 wasn't Muslim violence, it was customer violence. You know, like San Bernardino was workplace violence. The problem is business, note how they keep driving people to commit murder, we need more socialism.

I shouldn't say this, Democrats will pick it up and start parroting it and calling the terrorists Corporate terrorists.

Oops, I shouldn't have said that either ...

9/11 was geopolitical violence. The reason for the attack was that US had troops in Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden wanted them out.

The lengths libturds will go to in their zeal to avoid using honest terminology like "Islamic terrorism" are truly astounding
ISIS claims every atrocity they commit was ordered by God or sanctioned by God. Now you seem to be arguing that ISIS isn't an Islamic terrorist organization. According to your definition, no one is. Of course, that's precisely the point of your definition.

I would argue several things.

1) The fact is, one man's 'Terrorist" is another man's "Freedom Fighter". Ronald Reagan called Usama Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" in the 1980's when he was killing Russians. We called him a terrorist when he started killing Americans.

2) I don't think there is a God, so Mateen claiming he was acting for God is a bit dubious. there is an ISIS, but no one has claimed that ISIS financed, planned, supported or provided intelligence to Mateen, and if they had met Mateen in person, they'd have probably killed him for being gay. So his claims that he was acting for ISIS is about as dubious as his claim he was doing God's Will.

3) The problem here is not "Terrorism", its' that crazy people have access to guns. Lanza, Holmes, Cho, Loughner, Roof and Mercer were not "Islamists", but they easy access to very deadly weapons a bunch of slave rapists 200 years ago could not have conceived of.

  1. Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter."
  2. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. ISIS does.
  3. People who believe in Islam are crazy, by definition.
Conclusion: you're a douche bag.
ISIS claims every atrocity they commit was ordered by God or sanctioned by God. Now you seem to be arguing that ISIS isn't an Islamic terrorist organization. According to your definition, no one is. Of course, that's precisely the point of your definition.

I would argue several things.

1) The fact is, one man's 'Terrorist" is another man's "Freedom Fighter". Ronald Reagan called Usama Bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" in the 1980's when he was killing Russians. We called him a terrorist when he started killing Americans.

Perhaps this relativist philosophy is the problem here. Anyone sane would classify this man as a terrorist and not as a freedom fighter.

Exactly how is slaughtering 50 gay people related to freeing muslim culture? I didn't realize that the gay people who are thrown off rooftops are oppressing Muslims.
If there was ever proof that Dims are a bunch of brainwashed drones, this is it.

Radical Islam: Omar Mateen could not have been more clear or more emphatic about his motivation for killing 49 people and wounding 53 others at an Orlando gay nightclub. [snip] Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.

Once again, Finger Boy proves that he's full of shit.

Report: Investigators Suspect Orlando Attack Had Little Or Nothing To Do With ISIS
  1. Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter."
  2. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. ISIS does.
  3. People who believe in Islam are crazy, by definition.
Conclusion: you're a douche bag.

1- Reagan called the people fighting Russia in Afghanistan Freedom Fighters. Bin Laden was one of those people. Therefore, Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".
2- So by that logic, God is totally good with what ISIS does.
3- How is their belief in a magic sky man any crazier than your belief in a magic sky man?

Conclusion- Logical reasoning is one of those things that escapes you.

Nobody is blaming "All Gun Owners". We simply don't think there's any good reason for civilians to own guns, or at a minimum, that guns shouldn't be as easy to get as they are.

I will concede that the majority of gun owners are never, ever going to kill anyone, but they give someone the potential to kill people with absolutely no benefit. Therefore, they should be restricted.
Perhaps this relativist philosophy is the problem here. Anyone sane would classify this man as a terrorist and not as a freedom fighter.

Exactly how is slaughtering 50 gay people related to freeing muslim culture? I didn't realize that the gay people who are thrown off rooftops are oppressing Muslims.

We've heard weeks and weeks of posts here about how gay folks are repressing Christians by making them bake cakes they promised to bake and by getting married.

I find it amusing that right wingers suddenly care about the gays when they were calling them Sodomites a few weeks ago.
Are the people less dead if the shooter was an Islamic Terrorist?

Why is it so important to some of you that this shooting be labelled an act of Islamic Terrorism. This guy didn't shoot for religious reasons, he's just another crazy asshole with a gun. You have a lot of them in the US. When a crazy asshole with a gun starts shooting people, the reason really doesn't matter. What matters is he was able to get that weapon without interference or question, thanks to the NRA and the politicians they've paid off.

I do think that trying to pigeonhole this hate crime as "Islamic Terrorism" is utterly pointless. I understand that those of you who favour unrestricted access to semi-automatic weapons like an AR15 might have a wee bit of an agenda in doing so, but labelling shootings as "terrorist" or not is the most pointless attempt at deflecting the role that easy access to deadly weapons plays in these mass shootings.
You must remember that Obama told them it wasn't so they have to accept it. So many of us have been conditioned to believe that the president, whoever he is, is telling the truth and that he cares. The fact that the average democrat viewed the pope more favorably because Obama 'blessed' him should make it pretty obvious how much their exist a cult like status around this man.

He is a Muslim who claimed allegiance to ISIS on commitment of this act.
  1. Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter."
  2. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. ISIS does.
  3. People who believe in Islam are crazy, by definition.
Conclusion: you're a douche bag.

1- Reagan called the people fighting Russia in Afghanistan Freedom Fighters. Bin Laden was one of those people. Therefore, Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".
2- So by that logic, God is totally good with what ISIS does.
3- How is their belief in a magic sky man any crazier than your belief in a magic sky man?

Conclusion- Logical reasoning is one of those things that escapes you.

1. Thanks for admitting that Reagan never called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter." Your theory amounts to saying that since Clinton praised the troops, that he was praising Timothy McViegh.

2. God isn't responsible for what ISIS says, moron

3. I am an atheist. So how do your moronic justifications square with that?

Nobody is blaming "All Gun Owners". We simply don't think there's any good reason for civilians to own guns, or at a minimum, that guns shouldn't be as easy to get as they are.

I will concede that the majority of gun owners are never, ever going to kill anyone, but they give someone the potential to kill people with absolutely no benefit. Therefore, they should be restricted.

Aren't "all gun owners" included in the definition of "civilians?"

It doesn't matter what you think because the 2nd Amendment says they can own guns. Until you overturn that amendment your whining is meaningless.

BTW, using your logic we should ban all Muslims. We admit the vast majority will never kill anyone, but if it prevents even one mass shooting, they should be banned. Don't you agree?
If there was ever proof that Dims are a bunch of brainwashed drones, this is it.

Radical Islam: Omar Mateen could not have been more clear or more emphatic about his motivation for killing 49 people and wounding 53 others at an Orlando gay nightclub. [snip] Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.

Omar was a Closet Homosexual, he was in the club trying to pick up guys before... This is not the behaviour of a Islamic Fundamentalist Extremist...

He was a conflicted person who was mentally disturbed and struggling with being homophobic and homosexual at the same time... He needed help but Florida cut mental heath services...
If there was ever proof that Dims are a bunch of brainwashed drones, this is it.

Radical Islam: Omar Mateen could not have been more clear or more emphatic about his motivation for killing 49 people and wounding 53 others at an Orlando gay nightclub. [snip] Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism.

Omar was a Closet Homosexual, he was in the club trying to pick up guys before... This is not the behaviour of a Islamic Fundamentalist Extremist...

He was a conflicted person who was mentally disturbed and struggling with being homophobic and homosexual at the same time... He needed help but Florida cut mental heath services...

The fact that radical Islamists are mentally unstable is beside the point. We still need to keep them out of the country. The beasts who did the 9/11 mass murder all went to strip clubs before they ran civilian airliners into the WTC in the name of Allah.

Many people in the Middle East suffer from mental retardation and below normal intellects because of severe in breeding.

Expecting people who do such things to be "rational" by western standards is absurd.

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