Daniel Morley, Police Officer Serving Minority High School Has Been Identified As White Nationalist

What should happen do Daniel Morley?

  • I'm a conservative and I think nothing should happen to him.

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • I'm a conservative and I think he should at least lose his job.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think nothing should happen to him.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think he should at least lose his job.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • I'm an independent and I think nothing should happen to him.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • I'm an independent and I think he should at least lose his job.

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters
Should we have a society wherein citizens can only belong to a government-approved political party, such as they have in Iran? Ultimately, we'd end up with only one party and I think we all know what party that would be.

The fact is, if it were up to many Democrats, the GOP would be labeled a "hate group" and it would be outlawed. Those are the people to fear.
White nationalists are isolationists while the KKK tends to be more imperialist.

The real question is whether or not a government employee be permitted to belong to a political party that advocates for unpopular, but LEGAL ideas.

If he belonged to the KKK, it would seem reasonable to me to terminate his employment based on the historical, murderous, etc., actions of that organization.

I would be of the LEGAL opinion that the cop SHOULD be fired IF it's established that either or the organization to which he belongs is advocating for criminal actions against others. But, if the ideas being espoused don't reach that threshold, then I'm not sure that he can or should be terminated.

I personally think the guy is an asshole, but I also believe that free people should be free to be an asshole, as long as they're not directly harming a third party.
Cop Working at High School Revealed as White Nationalist Organizer
Identity Evropa helped plan the Charlottesville hate march. One of its members has been secretly working as a police officer alongside kids.

Photo Illustration by Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast

A Virginia police officer assigned to a high school is involved in onboarding new members for a white nationalist group, leaked chat logs reveal.

Daniel Morley, 31, is a police officer at L.C. Bird High School in Chesterfield, Virginia. He’s also an organizer for Identity Evropa, a white nationalist group. In the group’s leaked chat messages, first highlighted by Virginia anti-fascists on Monday, Morley discussed ways to downplay appearances of racism, while still promoting white nationalism.


Cop Working at High School Revealed as White Nationalist Organizer

What should happen to this guy USMB?

Why, As far as I can see, NOTHING should happen to the guy! Neither YOU nor either article actually states a SINGLE THING the guy has done wrong! In fact the guy even states he's not at all about hate. Seems all the HATE is being directed at HIM.

Just what is the "crime" here?
  • Being White?
  • Being a Nationalist?
Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at 1.01.14 AM.png

If this guy was BLACK and was recruiting for the Black Panthers, Antifa Hate Group or BLM Hate Group, you'd be all up for the guy.

STATE THE CRIME before asking what the sentence shall be.

You've just revealed yourself yet again as a white bigot fascist race hater and racist. This guy has EVERY RIGHT to pursue his own political beliefs in his private life if only you hatemongers and fearmongers can see fit to leave other people to THEIR life as they leave you to yours.

But then, this is the kind of mindless, race-baiting CRAP I've come to expect from MarcATL.
White nationalists are isolationists while the KKK tends to be more imperialist.

The real question is whether or not a government employee be permitted to belong to a political party that advocates for unpopular, but LEGAL ideas.

If he belonged to the KKK, it would seem reasonable to me to terminate his employment based on the historical, murderous, etc., actions of that organization.

I would be of the LEGAL opinion that the cop SHOULD be fired IF it's established that either or the organization to which he belongs is advocating for criminal actions against others. But, if the ideas being espoused don't reach that threshold, then I'm not sure that he can or should be terminated.

I personally think the guy is an asshole, but I also believe that free people should be free to be an asshole, as long as they're not directly harming a third party.
Again, the majority of people running education in America today are every bit as violent and hateful as the KKK.

Every single Democrat teaching kids today is an unapologetic racist against white people.
Cop Working at High School Revealed as White Nationalist Organizer
Identity Evropa helped plan the Charlottesville hate march. One of its members has been secretly working as a police officer alongside kids.

Well, let's be honest, nobody gets made a School Resource Officer because they are awesome cops... they get sent there because this is a job they would have to put an effort into fucking up.

This guy couldn't meet that low standard.
NoI is an extremely racist black nationalist organization/cult.
What have they DONE to give you that impression?
They openly call for forced abolition of race mixing

They demand that a large piece of land be given to them to form an exclusively black nation under their own leadership.

They further demand that the nation they wish to build be financially supported by the USA for at least 25 years until they can develop their own economy.

I could go on but all of these demands and more are openly stated on every issue of the final call which is the NOI's newspaper.
NoI is an extremely racist black nationalist organization/cult.
What have they DONE to give you that impression?
They openly call for forced abolition of race mixing

They demand that a large piece of land be given to them to form an exclusively black nation under their own leadership.

They further demand that the nation they wish to build be financially supported by the USA for at least 25 years until they can develop their own economy.

I could go on but all of these demands and more are openly stated on every issue of the final call which is the NOI's newspaper.

Yep and they believe 10% of the human population controls the world. The banks, the media, politics. I think we all know they're talking about Jews but at some point they sanitized if and removed the specific identifier.

Oh and they believe that an african scientist named Yakub created the abomination that is white people. They didn't bother to clean up that particular racist belief, I guess because it's not politically incorrect to hate white people yet.
Having read the initial post that he was a police officer and that what I responded to.

now after looking at the story and I see he is a resource officer at this school

Now to suggest that there is no evidence does not appear to be the case.

The Times-Dispatch reported Monday that Morley has been suspended from his duties at the high school; Chesterfield County Police have also recommended Morley be fired

So the local police department and the school have responded to this
and they believe that he has these affiliation with white nationalist

Can a white nationalist do his job in a school with a large black population?

I don't know but I can assume that at some point something will happen with a minority student and the spotlight will be on his affiliations. Why put him or students in such a situation.

get another job because it sounds like this was a recruiting expedition

to me it seems would be difficult to do his job and his personal preferences not interfere with his job

That is why even being a police officer, there are a few bad apples and Police corruption exists
How many police officers, would you wager, are either one themselves, or tied to White Nationalists groups?

Well the FBI certainly believes it so, and issued warning back in 2006.

There have been situations where it has been proven when FBI informants exposed a couple of officer in Florida (neo nazis) and there are other incidents

Still the prevalence is unknown and I would not paint the police in such a broad stroke

there are bad apples and they are in all areas of the society

Being in the police is a particular problem as I said before it is difficult to live by "protect and serve" if you have racial bias. The police have to police themselves and get rid of the bad apples.

The code of silence is ridiculous

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