*Dark Clouds Over This UNION*

Sorry bout that,

1. *Darkness* abounds.
2. LINK:A possible tax hit for Sandy

" Say you incur a $20,000 personal casualty loss this year and have AGI of $100,000. Your write-off is a relatively puny $9,900 ($20,000 minus $100 minus $10,000). You get absolutely no tax break if your loss before the two required subtractions is $10,100 or less, and you have no chance at all if you don’t itemize.

But let’s assume you do have a deductible personal casualty loss from a 2012 event after the two subtractions. If the loss was caused by a disaster in a federally declared disaster area (more on that later), a special rule allows you to claim your rightful deduction either this year or last year. For example, victims of Hurricane Sandy can file amended 2011 returns and claim their losses last year. This rule allows you to get some immediate tax savings instead of having to wait until next year when you finally get around to filing your 2012 return. Remember: this special rule is only available for losses in federally declared disaster areas. You can find a by-state listing of these areas by using the interactive map on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website at FEMA.gov | Federal Emergency Management Agency ."

3. *Darkness* has no reward.
4. Or benefit of loss, *Darkness* can get to you as well, as well as those who are suffering with Sandy the Hurricane.

Sorry bout that,

1. Boeing,.....*Darkness*,......
2. LINK:Boeing Announces Big Layoffs in Defense Division - US Business News - CNBC

"Boeing announced a major restructuring of its defense division on Wednesday that will cut 30 percent of management jobs from 2010 levels, close facilities in California and consolidate several business units to cut costs."

Sorry bout that,

1. Darkness abounds over the face of America.
2. Darkness with mist.
3. Deep darkness surrounds this Union.
4. Hold on to your arms, and keepeth your powder dryeth.


I didn't know the Super Storm reach down to cast a shadow on Texas. Are you sure your not seeing deregulated cough-cough industrial smoke.:confused:
Sorry bout that,

1. *Darkness* when an election is stolen.
2. Who can poll 90% plus, of the vote, unless they stole election?
3. Machines were fixed.
LINK:Vote was astronomical for Obama in some Philadelphia wards

"Nor was Philadelphia the only place in the region with such high numbers for Obama. Five Delaware County towns topped 90 percent, led by Yeadon at 96.3. Following were Chester City (94.8), Darby Borough (93.5), Chester Township (92.3), and Colwyn (90.3)."

4. *Darkness*

Obama has anointed my income with taxes, my expenses runneth over my income. Surely, poverty and hard living will follow.
Sorry bout that,

1. *Darkness* when an election is stolen.
2. Who can poll 90% plus, of the vote, unless they stole election?
3. Machines were fixed.
LINK:Vote was astronomical for Obama in some Philadelphia wards

"Nor was Philadelphia the only place in the region with such high numbers for Obama. Five Delaware County towns topped 90 percent, led by Yeadon at 96.3. Following were Chester City (94.8), Darby Borough (93.5), Chester Township (92.3), and Colwyn (90.3)."

4. *Darkness*


It usually happens where over 50% of a populace has been disenfranchised by one candidate, before the campaign gets rolling in a predominately democrat area. The machines have Romney family ties from Baine all over them. Now this is the first election where the presence of UN inspectors could stop tampering with machines. Also the first election where Anonymous personally threaten Karl Rove to leave the machines alone or face consequences for his actions. You see, a sad fact there is more dems than reps, and when you can't rig an election, you are going to lose.
Obama has anointed my income with taxes, my expenses runneth over my income. Surely, poverty and hard living will follow.

Hmm, you should have voted those nasty Party of No out of congress who are creating more social programs that tax you. :lol:
Are you trying your hand at haiku? You're doing it wrong. It's 5-7-5... like this.

Good bye rich shyster
We will not become third world
Your mansions await
Sorry bout that,

1. *DARKNESS OF DARKNESS* Benghazi story is limping in,....will cause huge *Darkness*
2. Because its *GATHERED IN DARKNESS*.
3. *DARKNESS of media*.
4. Black as coal *DARK*.
5. LINK:Benghazi documents available to senators only when they are out of town | The Cable

"Under pressure from senators, the State Department is allowing some lawmakers to look at cables and other documents related to the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, but only today and tomorrow, when most senators are not in Washington.

Congress is gearing up for a full week of Benghazi-related hearings next week, including a Nov. 13 hearing behind closed doors of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, led by Chairman John Kerry (D-MA). Kerry has written two letters to the State Department requesting congressional access to information and documents related to the circumstances leading up to and during the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. Several sensitive documents have already been leaked to congressional offices and the media, so the State Department has decided to let some senators view Benghazi documents but not take them home."

6. The *Darkness* surrounding this is darker than death.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKEdlSTHjtU]Elmore James - The Sky is Crying - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCpzgcH0QBE]Bruce Springsteen-Darkness on the edge of town - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. Philadelphia's schools have to borrow 300 million just to pay salaries and other expenses.
2. I couldn't make this up, if I wanted too, *Darkness* begins in the North East, as I have been saying.
3. The drain is up there.
4. *Darkness Can Hurt You*.
LINK:Philadelphia's school commission borrows $300 million to pay its bills

The Philadelphia School Reform Commission moved Wednesday to borrow $300 million - money it needs just to pay teachers, heat buildings, and buy books for the rest of the school year.

Chairman Pedro Ramos made it clear that the SRC's back was to the wall and that the state of its finances constituted "dire circumstances" for the district."

5. Try not to worry, this is the end of the *DARKNESS*.......
6. *NOT*.
7. We need to hire more teachers right? Like Obama said so many times, then borrow money to pay them, no worries, its all good, *RELAX*.

Sorry bout that,


1. Obama kills future American oil.
LINK:Interior proposal would limit commercial oil shale development on federal lands in West - The Hill's E2-Wire

"The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration. It faces a 30-day protest period and a 60-day process to ensure it is consistent with local and state policies. After that, the department would render a decision for implementation."

2. Like blackness of death, *Darkness Hovers Over America*.
3. Most people don't know when their life is just about, *OVER*.


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