Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Why? He's absolutely correct. The NUMBER one rule ALL law enforcement agencies teach is NEVER EVER EVER let a suspect get your weapon.

Okay, when the fatal shot was fired, he was 60 feet away from Wilson with his hands up yelling "I don't have a gun."

Standard rule of thumb in training is that the average person can travel 10 feet in 3 seconds.

That means if he was 80 feet away , Wilson's training says he could reach him in 24 seconds. That's how fast you have to make a decision.

I'm sorry that you don't like the the outcome, but police are trained to react the same in EVERY situation. That kid would have been just as dead if he was white.

I think you mean 10yards or 30feet in 3sec, right?

yes, sorry
Bull , I ask you again, will you concede that I was correct and Wilson did not remember how many rounds he fired outside of that vehicle.
Horseshit....hard to hit, much stronger than you think, and useless on the street....any martial arts instructor would embarrass you in front of the class if you tried selling that....the only KNEE attack is to PUSH not kick to the INSIDE of the opponent's knee which will collapse him, not hurt him.

LOL okay sonny.

Keep laughing dickless.....just don't try your gimp ass moves when somebody else might be in jeopardy...you I couldn't care less about.

Son I've trained with the best and been in more fights than I can remember.

Your notion that kicking somoene in the knee won't hurt them is ridiculous. A dude that is 6'4" 300 lbs and not in any kind of athletic shape has weak knees, guaranteed. You kick one of them hard enough you're going to break something.
Esp when that knee is already holding up 500lbs or so of mass x momentum from the strain of stopping the big guy from moving forward.
Gee do the teach the formula to cops, and expect them to apply it in combat?
I've taught mass and momentum to everyone that I've taught to fight. Why would you leave it out?
YOu can post anything you want grandpa. Your claims are hilarious. you don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong about two things I proved you wrong about.

PS - Did you serve with John Kerry?

Kerry served...you haven't. Does calling me "grandpa" give you some kinda confidence now? You're nothing but a stinkin lib in drag....I'd spit in your face for that except I wouldn't want my DNA left behind.
LOL okay sonny.

Keep laughing dickless.....just don't try your gimp ass moves when somebody else might be in jeopardy...you I couldn't care less about.

Son I've trained with the best and been in more fights than I can remember.

Your notion that kicking somoene in the knee won't hurt them is ridiculous. A dude that is 6'4" 300 lbs and not in any kind of athletic shape has weak knees, guaranteed. You kick one of them hard enough you're going to break something.
Esp when that knee is already holding up 500lbs or so of mass x momentum from the strain of stopping the big guy from moving forward.
Gee do the teach the formula to cops, and expect them to apply it in combat?
I've taught mass and momentum to everyone that I've taught to fight. Why would you leave it out?

Well to be fair, most LEOs don't hone their hand to hand skills.
Keep laughing dickless.....just don't try your gimp ass moves when somebody else might be in jeopardy...you I couldn't care less about.

Son I've trained with the best and been in more fights than I can remember.

Your notion that kicking somoene in the knee won't hurt them is ridiculous. A dude that is 6'4" 300 lbs and not in any kind of athletic shape has weak knees, guaranteed. You kick one of them hard enough you're going to break something.
Esp when that knee is already holding up 500lbs or so of mass x momentum from the strain of stopping the big guy from moving forward.
Gee do the teach the formula to cops, and expect them to apply it in combat?
I've taught mass and momentum to everyone that I've taught to fight. Why would you leave it out?

Well to be fair, most LEOs don't hone their hand to hand skills.
Well I guess they don't have to since they have a gun and the privilege to kill anyone that might fight back.
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Why? He's absolutely correct. The NUMBER one rule ALL law enforcement agencies teach is NEVER EVER EVER let a suspect get your weapon.

Okay, when the fatal shot was fired, he was 60 feet away from Wilson with his hands up yelling "I don't have a gun."
Did he yell "I don't have a gun" before or after telling the officer he "was too chickenshit to shoot him"?
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


I think "wimp" is an accurate description of Wilson. He certainly wasn't qualified to be a police officer given his cowardice and fears.

Given his resemblance to a certain attorney on this forum, maybe he could have found a good lower level job at a nice firm specializing in ambulance chasing.
"cowardice and fear"??

And you have what kind of experience in life threatening situations?

I'm not a police officer, dumbass.
YOu can post anything you want grandpa. Your claims are hilarious. you don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong about two things I proved you wrong about.

PS - Did you serve with John Kerry?

Kerry served...you haven't. Does calling me "grandpa" give you some kinda confidence now? You're nothing but a stinkin lib in drag....I'd spit in your face for that except I wouldn't want my DNA left behind.

LOL DNA that was funny. Where you born an internet tough guy or is this something you've trained your whole life for?
LOL The CAR-15 seen VERY limited use during Vietnam EXCEPT with special force operators.

Here comes the " I was a Navy frogman"

I get it that you're a challenged reader....google MACV RECONDO...I've already posted it twice...maybe someday you can grab the pebble, grasshopper....but it ain't gonna be today.

YOu can post anything you want grandpa. Your claims are hilarious. you don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong about two things I proved you wrong about.

PS - Did you serve with John Kerry?

Kerry served...you haven't. Does calling me "grandpa" give you some kinda confidence now? You're nothing but a stinkin lib in drag....I'd spit in your face for that except I wouldn't want my DNA left behind.

LOL okay Gramps , I'll throw you a bone.

West Point class of 93.
Ranger school graduate 95
Retired as a LTC last month.

Now that I gave you a taste let me tell you this. Unlike YOU , I don't think my OPINION is any more valid than anyones simply because I served.

Also , unlike you I use facts, not fiction, to form my opinion.

I know several Vietnam vets, you're the first I've talked to who doesn't have the integrity to admit to an error.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


I think "wimp" is an accurate description of Wilson. He certainly wasn't qualified to be a police officer given his cowardice and fears.

Given his resemblance to a certain attorney on this forum, maybe he could have found a good lower level job at a nice firm specializing in ambulance chasing.
"cowardice and fear"??

And you have what kind of experience in life threatening situations?

I'm not a police officer, dumbass.
No, you are probably a faggot that would piss his pants if a Mike Brown walked on you side of the street.
YOu can post anything you want grandpa. Your claims are hilarious. you don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong about two things I proved you wrong about.

PS - Did you serve with John Kerry?

Kerry served...you haven't. Does calling me "grandpa" give you some kinda confidence now? You're nothing but a stinkin lib in drag....I'd spit in your face for that except I wouldn't want my DNA left behind.

PS IF you spit in my face, I would wipe it off and remember that you're older than father and open your jello for you then put you back to beddy by.

that you are getting hammered

Really? Seems to me if you knew anything about the back and forth you'd have to conclude I was bitch-slapping 3 posers at once.....whatever....would you be interesting in becoming #4?

Why does a bitch who was proven wrong about something as silly as whether Wilson knew how many shots he fired claim he is bitch slapping anyone?

RKMBrown do you have an opinion on that?
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


I think "wimp" is an accurate description of Wilson. He certainly wasn't qualified to be a police officer given his cowardice and fears.

Given his resemblance to a certain attorney on this forum, maybe he could have found a good lower level job at a nice firm specializing in ambulance chasing.
"cowardice and fear"??

And you have what kind of experience in life threatening situations?

I'm not a police officer, dumbass.
No, you are probably a faggot that would piss his pants if a Mike Brown walked on you side of the street.

No. I'm a gay male, retired military, and intelligent enough not to let a person's looks or color intimidate me.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


I think "wimp" is an accurate description of Wilson. He certainly wasn't qualified to be a police officer given his cowardice and fears.

Given his resemblance to a certain attorney on this forum, maybe he could have found a good lower level job at a nice firm specializing in ambulance chasing.
"cowardice and fear"??

And you have what kind of experience in life threatening situations?

I'm not a police officer, dumbass.
No, you are probably a faggot that would piss his pants if a Mike Brown walked on you side of the street.

No. I'm a gay male, retired military, and intelligent enough not to let a person's looks or color intimidate me.
Not smart enough, you are gay.
LOL The CAR-15 seen VERY limited use during Vietnam EXCEPT with special force operators.

Here comes the " I was a Navy frogman"

I get it that you're a challenged reader....google MACV RECONDO...I've already posted it twice...maybe someday you can grab the pebble, grasshopper....but it ain't gonna be today.

YOu can post anything you want grandpa. Your claims are hilarious. you don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong about two things I proved you wrong about.

PS - Did you serve with John Kerry?

Kerry served...you haven't. Does calling me "grandpa" give you some kinda confidence now? You're nothing but a stinkin lib in drag....I'd spit in your face for that except I wouldn't want my DNA left behind.

LOL okay Gramps , I'll throw you a bone.

West Point class of 93.
Ranger school graduate 95
Retired as a LTC last month.

Now that I gave you a taste let me tell you this. Unlike YOU , I don't think my OPINION is any more valid than anyones simply because I served.

Also , unlike you I use facts, not fiction, to form my opinion.

I know several Vietnam vets, you're the first I've talked to who doesn't have the integrity to admit to an error.

West Point class of 93.
Ranger school graduate 95
Retired as a LTC last month.

I really, really, really find that hard to believe.

I haven't looked at how many posts you have made here, but, see you around a bit.

Unless you got your fuckin' legs blown off, and are house bound, I find it hard to believe a retired colonel your age would waste time at a place like this.

I really hope we are giving our officers a better retirement.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


I think "wimp" is an accurate description of Wilson. He certainly wasn't qualified to be a police officer given his cowardice and fears.

Given his resemblance to a certain attorney on this forum, maybe he could have found a good lower level job at a nice firm specializing in ambulance chasing.
"cowardice and fear"??

And you have what kind of experience in life threatening situations?

I'm not a police officer, dumbass.
No, you are probably a faggot that would piss his pants if a Mike Brown walked on you side of the street.

No. I'm a gay male, retired military, and intelligent enough not to let a person's looks or color intimidate me.

^ is this another Bode sock?

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