Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Thats so stupid its hard to even respond to. ANY police combat instructor who taught to count shots during combat would be fired.

Tell me...how does the military teach shot counting with a fully automatic rifle???

Well now, does the gimp want to learn something for his next pose or is he tapping out? :laugh:

In Vietnam we rarely went full-auto...normally 3 round bursts....google what that is. So you've got a 20 round magazine in a CAR-15...how many bursts do you get to still have a round chambered? C'mon copper, you got enough fingers to figure that out or were they all shot off during your bout with the drunk husband who didn't know the shotgun was loaded? You ain't even a joke anymore...you're a bad smell you fucking coward.

Oh, another Vietnam vet LOL but you know how anyone trains today.......

Bull, TWO things I've proven you are wrong about today alone in this thread and your old ass can't admit an error? Coward
Interesting. All the fights I've been in, I don't remember loosing my mind even once. More to the point, I always remember time coming to a near stop as I concentrated intently on the important aspects of the fight. I'm pretty sure that cop knew dead well that he had put two shots into that boy's chest.
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.
Its a self defense weapon. Thats how he used I

correct... It's also an weapon that can be used to intimidate and stop someone from getting away even to make someone turn and charge you that is trying to run away. That's also how he used it.
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.
Thats so stupid its hard to even respond to. ANY police combat instructor who taught to count shots during combat would be fired.

Tell me...how does the military teach shot counting with a fully automatic rifle???

Well now, does the gimp want to learn something for his next pose or is he tapping out? :laugh:

In Vietnam we rarely went full-auto...normally 3 round bursts....google what that is. So you've got a 20 round magazine in a CAR-15...how many bursts do you get to still have a round chambered? C'mon copper, you got enough fingers to figure that out or were they all shot off during your bout with the drunk husband who didn't know the shotgun was loaded? You ain't even a joke anymore...you're a bad smell you fucking coward.

Show me ONE link to any police or military instructor or school that teaches to try to count your shots during a close combat situation. Just one.

Ive looked all over the net. Nobody teaches that shit.

20 rounds in a CAR? Why wouldnt the military use the standard 30 round mag? You become less believable with each post.
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.

Very true. He should've counted his shots haha that would've calmed him down!
Thats so stupid its hard to even respond to. ANY police combat instructor who taught to count shots during combat would be fired.

Tell me...how does the military teach shot counting with a fully automatic rifle???

Well now, does the gimp want to learn something for his next pose or is he tapping out? :laugh:

In Vietnam we rarely went full-auto...normally 3 round bursts....google what that is. So you've got a 20 round magazine in a CAR-15...how many bursts do you get to still have a round chambered? C'mon copper, you got enough fingers to figure that out or were they all shot off during your bout with the drunk husband who didn't know the shotgun was loaded? You ain't even a joke anymore...you're a bad smell you fucking coward.

Show me ONE link to any police or military instructor or school that teaches to try to count your shots during a close combat situation. Just one.

Ive looked all over the net. Nobody teaches that shit.

20 rounds in a CAR? Why wouldnt the military use the standard 30 round mag? You become less believable with each post.


That's tree errors Bull, and yet still you don't have the integrity to admit to them.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

So the grand Jury didn't indict and now you call him a whimp?
Do you know most departments have stopped issuing tasers or took them away from patrols. because tasers have killed people. Charlotte no longer has theirs for that very reason
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

So the grand Jury didn't indict and now you call him a whimp?
Do you know most departments have stopped issuing tasers or took them away from patrols. because tasers have killed people. Charlotte no longer has theirs for that very reason

Not true, most PDs have got rid of tasers because liberals were crying about how mean they are to use.
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.
What's braver.. unloading your gun at the kid as the kid tries to run off. Or putting your gun in your holster and giving chase? He made his choice to use the equalizer. The boy ran off.. He knew he had help coming "seconds" away. I'm saying a braver man would have calmly got out of his car and pursued while giving direction to the cops that were mere seconds away.
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.
What's braver.. unloading your gun at the kid as the kid tries to run off. Or putting your gun in your holster and giving chase? He made his choice to use the equalizer. The boy ran off.. He knew he had help coming "seconds" away. I'm saying a braver man would have calmly got out of his car and pursued while giving direction to the cops that were mere seconds away.

Police procedure is NOT to give chase if you don't have to Mike. You don't risk letting a felon escape b/c you don't want to pull your weapon.

The bottom line is WIlson made mistakes, BUT ending up dead is ENTIRELY on Brown.
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.
What's braver.. unloading your gun at the kid as the kid tries to run off. Or putting your gun in your holster and giving chase? He made his choice to use the equalizer. The boy ran off.. He knew he had help coming "seconds" away. I'm saying a braver man would have calmly got out of his car and pursued while giving direction to the cops that were mere seconds away.

What about when the violent suspect turns back towards the officer and charges for round 2?
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.
What's braver.. unloading your gun at the kid as the kid tries to run off. Or putting your gun in your holster and giving chase? He made his choice to use the equalizer. The boy ran off.. He knew he had help coming "seconds" away. I'm saying a braver man would have calmly got out of his car and pursued while giving direction to the cops that were mere seconds away.

Police procedure is NOT to give chase if you don't have to Mike. You don't risk letting a felon escape b/c you don't want to pull your weapon.

The bottom line is WIlson made mistakes, BUT ending up dead is ENTIRELY on Brown.
I can totally agree on that. Wilson made a few tactical errors...but was well within the law to defend himself.
My bet... is that if I was that cop I'd have given that boy a stern look and he would have
I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

Oh he was definitely afraid, Read the transcript of his testimony and he said as much. He was afraid he was gonna be killed in that car.

But you know what getting out and fighting after you're afraid like that is? Exactly the opposite of what the OP of this thread claims WIlson is.

Bravery isn't defined as NOT being afraid. Everyone gets scared. Bravery is doing what you have to do even though you're scared.
What's braver.. unloading your gun at the kid as the kid tries to run off. Or putting your gun in your holster and giving chase? He made his choice to use the equalizer. The boy ran off.. He knew he had help coming "seconds" away. I'm saying a braver man would have calmly got out of his car and pursued while giving direction to the cops that were mere seconds away.

Police procedure is NOT to give chase if you don't have to Mike. You don't risk letting a felon escape b/c you don't want to pull your weapon.

The bottom line is WIlson made mistakes, BUT ending up dead is ENTIRELY on Brown.
Yes, I suppose you could say my issue is with police procedure. So if this kid was 11 that still ok? Is it only ok because the criminal was a big scary guy, or is it ok because that's procedure, shoot them as they run?
Show me ONE link to any police or military instructor or school that teaches to try to count your shots during a close combat situation. Just one.

Ive looked all over the net. Nobody teaches that shit.

20 rounds in a CAR? Why wouldnt the military use the standard 30 round mag? You become less believable with each post.

Because the CAR-15 didn't have a 30 round magazine, you fucking joke. Recon teams used the smaller weapon for easier movement in the bush......write this down for your next pose. You've "looked all over the Net" to find basic infantry training? :confused-84: Damn, keep it up 5-0...you're walking deeper into the swamp with every post. I guess the obvious question some readers might have is why wouldn't you count your shots? Mysterious eh?

BTW I posted my bonafides about various types of martial arts...this fake fuzz clown suggests I look into MMA for a better resume. :laugh: Once again:

My dad was a semi-pro boxer....I later trained at Kronk Gym in Detroit. Fort Benning BT, Polk AIT. 5th Special Forces, MACV RECONDO school at Nha Trang. ROK Tang Soo Do instructors with 9th White Horse Division at Ninh Hoa. Shodan rank GoJu Ryu with Goshi Yamaguchi, San Franciso. Bobby Jay from the Shin GoJu Ryu school in Denver, and David Manville, ex IDF instructor Krav Maga.
I can't fathom how killing a thug is wimpy.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.
No, you have that saying backwards

"It takes more of a man to walk away from a fight then it does to fight"

BUT, we don't pay our police to prove they are men by walking away from a fight. We pay them to ARREST CRIMINALS.
I agree, key word "arrest." I'm smart enough to know not to try to arrest "you" without a hell of a lot of backup. And especially not after I piss you off by telling you to get off your street then back up my car into your path. Why would I want to piss off a bear? Backup is on the way just "30-40seconds."

I just don't like the idea of dumb ass kids getting killed for being dumb ass kids. Hell, I was a dumb ass kid.
How many cops did you punch and not get killed?
No, because when you tell a lie. Your story will eventually change. That's what happened, it was reported on the other day. The ones that told the truth about Brown charging wilson, their stories were the same and didn't change. Also Brown's body ended up about 20 ft from a puddle of blood. Which also confirms he was charging Wilson.

Not really. thre's all sorts of things that a puddle of blood can indicate, it might indicate he was looking for an exit in another direction. It might indicate that he wanted WIlson to see him clearly when and stop shooting at him.

But again, we don't know for sure, since the forensics were so mishandled at the scene.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.

Killing somebody isn't a question of manliness....it's a question of judgement about the danger posed by the target. I'm personally a proponent of wounding an aggressor with a shot to the pelvis....rarely lethal and immobilizing...hurts like a bitch to stand much less charge like a red-dogging linebacker. Of course if the aggressor is also armed, a kill shot is in order.

PERSONALLY, I would have let him charge me then stepped to the side and destroyed his knee, then affected the arrest.

But not every person who is hired as a LEO is capable of that.

Hmmmm....I hold rank in GoJu Ryu Karate and have studied American judo, a little Akido, and Krav Maga, Knees are hard to attack during a charge either with a foot sweep or a pistol shot.....I'd rethink that if I were you.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.

Killing somebody isn't a question of manliness....it's a question of judgement about the danger posed by the target. I'm personally a proponent of wounding an aggressor with a shot to the pelvis....rarely lethal and immobilizing...hurts like a bitch to stand much less charge like a red-dogging linebacker. Of course if the aggressor is also armed, a kill shot is in order.

PERSONALLY, I would have let him charge me then stepped to the side and destroyed his knee, then affected the arrest.

But not every person who is hired as a LEO is capable of that.

Hmmmm....I hold rank in GoJu Ryu Karate and have studied American judo, a little Akido, and Krav Maga, Knees are hard to attack during a charge either with a foot sweep or a pistol shot.....I'd rethink that if I were you.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

Are you trying to get disrespectful with me? I thought better of you than that.

However, yes of course that's the idea, you use their momentum against them then as they are going down, you take their knee out so they cant get back up.
Cops are not Special Forces, Navy SEALS, or ninjas.

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