Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Good God you're a retard. Im a 4 stripe purple belt in BJJ under Relson Gracie and have kickboxed....and what you are saying the cop should've done is flat out retarded.

For one hes wearing a duty belt and vest which limits mobility quite a bit.

Two...you dont use empty hand strikes on a 6'4 300 lb man who wants the gun on your belt. Ever. Never. You DO NOT allow him to get near you. Hes violent and has shown HE WANTS THAT GUN. He isnt getting within 10 feet of me.

And you dont know who HE is. I mean...if you tried your judo on me...and you didnt know my background. ..then you get choked out with BJJ : )
You gonna tell me you can't disable a fat ass teenager without killing him?

Sure I could. But if hes going for my gun? Im not trying. I dont know him. He could be a state champion wrestler or jiujitsu guy and WIN the fight and then get my gun.

Im not obligated to give him the chance to win a fight once hes gone for my gun. Period.
True. Ok you've shot him no less than SIX TIMES. Do you finish him off with two to the head or wait for an ambulance?

He didnt stop charging until after those two shots. I worked 8 years at Atlanta PD. Despite what Hollywood makes you think... pistol shots often dont stop people. In fact a US Army and FBI study showed that 94% of pistol wounds are not fatal...and most times the person doesnt know they're even hit until their sympathetic nervous system calms and they see the blood.

You've obviously never been in a life or death fight.
There are levels to a fight. Or at least there used to be levels, back when men had honor. I grew up during the race riots in south florida. I just don't like to tell / talk about those stories. We used to fight all the time. But there was a lot more honor among men and cops back then. Knives and guns were mostly seen as the tools of girlie men when it came to issues of honor.

Well I mean that is true

We used to drive to school with our hunting rifles hanging in the back windows of our trucks and our pocket knives in our pockets and we got in fights everyday. NO ONE ever stabbed or shot anyone though.

But, imagine if things would be any different if instead of shooting blacks cops just went around kicking the shit out of them. Liberals ould cry about that to.

Frankly, having his ass kicked by a cop may have saved Brown's life not just in this instance, but in the future as well.
No one teaches counting your shots during combat. Thats just stupid and anyone who says otherwise doesnt understand the sympathetic nervous system in combat stess scenarios.
Interesting. All the fights I've been in, I don't remember loosing my mind even once. More to the point, I always remember time coming to a near stop as I concentrated intently on the important aspects of the fight. I'm pretty sure that cop knew dead well that he had put two shots into that boy's chest.
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.
LOL you've exposed yourself sonny.

You ever gonna name the "best" you've trained with, BOY? This is hilarious...bad asses who don't know shit about fighting much less real combat.

I've proven both things you claimed are wrong you idiot.

C'mon now....surely you can name ONE of these "experts" you've trained with....Dick the Cruiser maybe? :badgrin:

I already told you that if you admit you were wrong about the snap kick to the knee, I will tell you the name of the dojo I studied at in Japan.
LOL you've exposed yourself sonny.

You ever gonna name the "best" you've trained with, BOY? This is hilarious...bad asses who don't know shit about fighting much less real combat.

I've proven both things you claimed are wrong you idiot.

He also claims the FIRST thing they teach in combat training is to count your shots...which is so stupid its hard to even grasp.
You gonna tell me you can't disable a fat ass teenager without killing him?

Sure I could. But if hes going for my gun? Im not trying. I dont know him. He could be a state champion wrestler or jiujitsu guy and WIN the fight and then get my gun.

Im not obligated to give him the chance to win a fight once hes gone for my gun. Period.
True. Ok you've shot him no less than SIX TIMES. Do you finish him off with two to the head or wait for an ambulance?

He didnt stop charging until after those two shots. I worked 8 years at Atlanta PD. Despite what Hollywood makes you think... pistol shots often dont stop people. In fact a US Army and FBI study showed that 94% of pistol wounds are not fatal...and most times the person doesnt know they're even hit until their sympathetic nervous system calms and they see the blood.

You've obviously never been in a life or death fight.
There are levels to a fight. Or at least there used to be levels, back when men had honor. I grew up during the race riots in south florida. I just don't like to tell / talk about those stories. We used to fight all the time. But there was a lot more honor among men and cops back then. Knives and guns were mostly seen as the tools of girlie men when it came to issues of honor.

Well I mean that is true

We used to drive to school with our hunting rifles hanging in the back windows of our trucks and our pocket knives in our pockets and we got in fights everyday. NO ONE ever stabbed or shot anyone though.

But, imagine if things would be any different if instead of shooting blacks cops just went around kicking the shit out of them. Liberals ould cry about that to.

Frankly, having his ass kicked by a cop may have saved Brown's life not just in this instance, but in the future as well.
Eggzactly. Clearly Brown was a bully that needed to be taught a lesson in humility. If I'm hiring a cop I'd be looking for someone that could handle himself in a fight... not someone that looks like he cries when he looses a game of call of duty.
Haha. Ok. Im just gonna call bullshit then. No police academy in the WORLD teaches counting your shots DURING combat haha!!! Thats just stupid. You know when you run out? When the slide locks back. Then you do a combat reload.

So the military teaches to count your shots...with a full auto gun?? Dude... thats just plain laughable.

As for the rest..sounds like you just threatened me on a forum haha. Mmmkay. Id submit you in less than a minute. But ill defer to your "killing arts". Let me guess...they teach you to count your punches too hahaha???

As I suspected....you're a broken down fool without any police training....just another USMB pose.

For the readers here who may be confused, don't let these clowns lead you astray.....in a combat situation, counting your shots focuses your mind to avoid the chaos you're involved in...tunnel vison....remember during an adrenaline rush your smaller muscles (fingers) might stiffen so don't let your trigger finger wander outside the trigger guard. The trick is to continue surveying the area in and around your target...that way you don't shoot one of your brothers or an innocent.

Thats so stupid its hard to even respond to. ANY police combat instructor who taught to count shots during combat would be fired.

Tell me...how does the military teach shot counting with a fully automatic rifle???
LOL you've exposed yourself sonny.

You ever gonna name the "best" you've trained with, BOY? This is hilarious...bad asses who don't know shit about fighting much less real combat.

I've proven both things you claimed are wrong you idiot.

He also claims the FIRST thing they teach in combat training is to count your shots...which is so stupid its hard to even grasp.

It's not literally the first thing they teach, but yes the military does emphasize counting your rounds as you fire. But it's an entirely different scenario than a cop who may fire his weapon ONCE in his career and probably not enough to worry about making sure he doesn't run out of ammunition. I mean look at Wilson, he fired 2 inside the vehicle and 6 outside the vehicle out of an available 13 rounds. An infantry man could fire 6 rounds in 3 seconds in a firefight, COMPLETELY different scenario.
He also claims the FIRST thing they teach in combat training is to count your shots...which is so stupid its hard to even grasp.

Excellent...you gonna say "mkay" again, copper? So your vast knowledge of police work (watching CHIPs) doesn't include counting your shots...just spray and pray and hope for the best right? You're one of the most obvious poses here...always butting in, trying to out-expert obviously more skilled men, joining forces with other fakes when you get your face slapped? Pitiful and amateurish.....
Sure I could. But if hes going for my gun? Im not trying. I dont know him. He could be a state champion wrestler or jiujitsu guy and WIN the fight and then get my gun.

Im not obligated to give him the chance to win a fight once hes gone for my gun. Period.
True. Ok you've shot him no less than SIX TIMES. Do you finish him off with two to the head or wait for an ambulance?

He didnt stop charging until after those two shots. I worked 8 years at Atlanta PD. Despite what Hollywood makes you think... pistol shots often dont stop people. In fact a US Army and FBI study showed that 94% of pistol wounds are not fatal...and most times the person doesnt know they're even hit until their sympathetic nervous system calms and they see the blood.

You've obviously never been in a life or death fight.
There are levels to a fight. Or at least there used to be levels, back when men had honor. I grew up during the race riots in south florida. I just don't like to tell / talk about those stories. We used to fight all the time. But there was a lot more honor among men and cops back then. Knives and guns were mostly seen as the tools of girlie men when it came to issues of honor.

Well I mean that is true

We used to drive to school with our hunting rifles hanging in the back windows of our trucks and our pocket knives in our pockets and we got in fights everyday. NO ONE ever stabbed or shot anyone though.

But, imagine if things would be any different if instead of shooting blacks cops just went around kicking the shit out of them. Liberals ould cry about that to.

Frankly, having his ass kicked by a cop may have saved Brown's life not just in this instance, but in the future as well.
Eggzactly. Clearly Brown was a bully that needed to be taught a lesson in humility. If I'm hiring a cop I'd be looking for someone that could handle himself in a fight... not someone that looks like he cries when he looses a game of call of duty.

We agree
No one teaches counting your shots during combat. Thats just stupid and anyone who says otherwise doesnt understand the sympathetic nervous system in combat stess scenarios.
Interesting. All the fights I've been in, I don't remember loosing my mind even once. More to the point, I always remember time coming to a near stop as I concentrated intently on the important aspects of the fight. I'm pretty sure that cop knew dead well that he had put two shots into that boy's chest.
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.
LOL you've exposed yourself sonny.

You ever gonna name the "best" you've trained with, BOY? This is hilarious...bad asses who don't know shit about fighting much less real combat.

I've proven both things you claimed are wrong you idiot.

He also claims the FIRST thing they teach in combat training is to count your shots...which is so stupid its hard to even grasp.

It's not literally the first thing they teach, but yes the military does emphasize counting your rounds as you fire. But it's an entirely different scenario than a cop who may fire his weapon ONCE in his career and probably not enough to worry about making sure he doesn't run out of ammunition. I mean look at Wilson, he fired 2 inside the vehicle and 6 outside the vehicle out of an available 13 rounds. An infantry man could fire 6 rounds in 3 seconds in a firefight, COMPLETELY different scenario.

A sniper or infantry shooting from a hundred yards away...maybe.

NO ONE teaches counting shots in close quarter fighting...when the bad guy is on top of you or within reach of you. Thats just flat out dumb and will get you killed.
No one teaches counting your shots during combat. Thats just stupid and anyone who says otherwise doesnt understand the sympathetic nervous system in combat stess scenarios.
Interesting. All the fights I've been in, I don't remember loosing my mind even once. More to the point, I always remember time coming to a near stop as I concentrated intently on the important aspects of the fight. I'm pretty sure that cop knew dead well that he had put two shots into that boy's chest.
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
No one teaches counting your shots during combat. Thats just stupid and anyone who says otherwise doesnt understand the sympathetic nervous system in combat stess scenarios.
Interesting. All the fights I've been in, I don't remember loosing my mind even once. More to the point, I always remember time coming to a near stop as I concentrated intently on the important aspects of the fight. I'm pretty sure that cop knew dead well that he had put two shots into that boy's chest.
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.
Its a self defense weapon. Thats how he used I
Bull, how come you are such a cowardly , lying pussy that you can't even admit that I was right and you were wrong and Wilson did not know how many shots he fired outside the vehicle?
LOL you've exposed yourself sonny.

You ever gonna name the "best" you've trained with, BOY? This is hilarious...bad asses who don't know shit about fighting much less real combat.

I've proven both things you claimed are wrong you idiot.

He also claims the FIRST thing they teach in combat training is to count your shots...which is so stupid its hard to even grasp.

It's not literally the first thing they teach, but yes the military does emphasize counting your rounds as you fire. But it's an entirely different scenario than a cop who may fire his weapon ONCE in his career and probably not enough to worry about making sure he doesn't run out of ammunition. I mean look at Wilson, he fired 2 inside the vehicle and 6 outside the vehicle out of an available 13 rounds. An infantry man could fire 6 rounds in 3 seconds in a firefight, COMPLETELY different scenario.

A sniper or infantry shooting from a hundred yards away...maybe.

NO ONE teaches counting shots in close quarter fighting...when the bad guy is on top of you or within reach of you. Thats just flat out dumb and will get you killed.

That's what I said, its a completely different thing.
Thats so stupid its hard to even respond to. ANY police combat instructor who taught to count shots during combat would be fired.

Tell me...how does the military teach shot counting with a fully automatic rifle???

Well now, does the gimp want to learn something for his next pose or is he tapping out? :laugh:

In Vietnam we rarely went full-auto...normally 3 round bursts....google what that is. So you've got a 20 round magazine in a CAR-15...how many bursts do you get to still have a round chambered? C'mon copper, you got enough fingers to figure that out or were they all shot off during your bout with the drunk husband who didn't know the shotgun was loaded? You ain't even a joke anymore...you're a bad smell you fucking coward.
Interesting. All the fights I've been in, I don't remember loosing my mind even once. More to the point, I always remember time coming to a near stop as I concentrated intently on the important aspects of the fight. I'm pretty sure that cop knew dead well that he had put two shots into that boy's chest.
Then yyou've never fought for your life.
Yes, I have.

This one time I'm getting my head bashed into the concrete, he was easily twice my size. I beat the crap out of him, but I didn't kill him.

Before that point in time, I knew how to fight but fighting became different after that point in time.

BUT, it is different when you're a LEO and carrying a weapon.

I get that. Yet, his job is to protect and serve, and the very weapon he's carrying to help him do that job turns him into a cold blooded killer of the people he's sworn to protect. Strange problem.

I don't think cold blooded applies Mike, I really don't. You've no idea what the man is going through after having to kill another human being. Unless he's a complete monster, he's devastated. It's not the same as killing someone on CoD.
Thx.. you're right. I meant to say the fear he felt clearly drove him to kill someone to save his own butt. I suppose that's not cold blooded. Wrong term. But listen to the tape of his recollection of the fight. I'm listening to his explanation of how he's thinking to himself, can I get away with shooting this guy, with killing this guy? He was afraid, he had the time to think about what he was doing ... and when the guy got closer he finished him off.

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