Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.

NO ONE would teach snap kicking to the knee

Self-Defense Techniques - 4 Kicking Techniques To Use In A Self-Defense Situation


C'mon chump....who's the "best you've trained with"? Me? My dad was a semi-pro boxer....I later trained at Kronk Gym in Detroit. Fort Benning BT, Polk AIT. 5th Special Forces, MACV RECONDO school at Nha Trang. ROK Tang Soo Do instructors with 9th White Horse Division at Ninh Hoa. Shodan rank GoJu Ryu with Goshi Yamaguchi, San Franciso. Bobby Jay from the Shin GoJu Ryu school in Denver, and David Manville, ex IDF instructor Krav Maga.

Your turn.

So, I show a link to where people DO train to snap kick the knee , despite your claim that no one would, and your response is to post a list of places you've trained that may or may not be accurate? LOL
Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.
The way you side step a big guy is to feign one direction then as he shifts his weight to the direction you feigned you go the other direction. Anyone that's played football knows that.

A guy that big, I'm faster than him, sidestepping him and getting enough distance for a snap kick as he's charging me isn't that difficult.

In fact, probably no less difficult at all then getting behind him and getting him into a choke hold.

BUT, my point is, most LEOs are not trained enough to do EITHER thing, so the gun is the only option.

Good God you're a retard. Im a 4 stripe purple belt in BJJ under Relson Gracie and have kickboxed....and what you are saying the cop should've done is flat out retarded.

For one hes wearing a duty belt and vest which limits mobility quite a bit.

Two...you dont use empty hand strikes on a 6'4 300 lb man who wants the gun on your belt. Ever. Never. You DO NOT allow him to get near you. Hes violent and has shown HE WANTS THAT GUN. He isnt getting within 10 feet of me.

And you dont know who HE is. I mean...if you tried your judo on me...and you didnt know my background. ..then you get choked out with BJJ : )
You gonna tell me you can't disable a fat ass teenager without killing him?

Sure I could. But if hes going for my gun? Im not trying. I dont know him. He could be a state champion wrestler or jiujitsu guy and WIN the fight and then get my gun.

Im not obligated to give him the chance to win a fight once hes gone for my gun. Period.
True. Ok you've shot him no less than SIX TIMES. Do you finish him off with two to the head or wait for an ambulance?
Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.
The way you side step a big guy is to feign one direction then as he shifts his weight to the direction you feigned you go the other direction. Anyone that's played football knows that.

A guy that big, I'm faster than him, sidestepping him and getting enough distance for a snap kick as he's charging me isn't that difficult.

In fact, probably no less difficult at all then getting behind him and getting him into a choke hold.

BUT, my point is, most LEOs are trained enough to do EITHER thing, so the gun is the only option.
I assume you mean not trained to do either.. so yeah I understand. If he's not trained to fight I'd rather he stay in his vehicle and wait for back up than get out where he has no choice but to kill the kid to defend himself. I'm a low to the ground guy that's pretty strong. This one time playing football a 300lb guy was coming at me on a kick off it's high school I'm like 165lbs.. I put my shoulder into his gut lifted him off the ground and tossed him like a rag doll about ten feet using his momentum. Crowd went silent. Good times. Sometime's it the fight in the dog that determines the end result. This cop... he didn't have a whole lot of fight in him. Wrong job.

You say he shoulda just stayed in the car instead of chasing gentle giant.....but then say he didnt have any fight in him??

You cop haters are just plain ole retards. Your grasp on what a real fight..especially when weapons are involved...are just laughable. I mean like delusional elementary kid stuff.
The guy that didn't have any fight in him was the cop, you know the betty with the pistol. Make up your mind the cop should have kept his gun in the car or brought it out for the boy to try to come back and try to take. The boy ran... WTF do you need to get out and start shooting him for?

Leave the gun in the car???? Ok. You're too dumb to reason with.

The 18 year old man (18 year olds fight wars) did run. After assaulting a cop. The cop isnt gonna let him get away.

Fuck him. He brought his death on himself.
The way you side step a big guy is to feign one direction then as he shifts his weight to the direction you feigned you go the other direction. Anyone that's played football knows that.

A guy that big, I'm faster than him, sidestepping him and getting enough distance for a snap kick as he's charging me isn't that difficult.

In fact, probably no less difficult at all then getting behind him and getting him into a choke hold.

BUT, my point is, most LEOs are not trained enough to do EITHER thing, so the gun is the only option.

Good God you're a retard. Im a 4 stripe purple belt in BJJ under Relson Gracie and have kickboxed....and what you are saying the cop should've done is flat out retarded.

For one hes wearing a duty belt and vest which limits mobility quite a bit.

Two...you dont use empty hand strikes on a 6'4 300 lb man who wants the gun on your belt. Ever. Never. You DO NOT allow him to get near you. Hes violent and has shown HE WANTS THAT GUN. He isnt getting within 10 feet of me.

And you dont know who HE is. I mean...if you tried your judo on me...and you didnt know my background. ..then you get choked out with BJJ : )
You gonna tell me you can't disable a fat ass teenager without killing him?

Sure I could. But if hes going for my gun? Im not trying. I dont know him. He could be a state champion wrestler or jiujitsu guy and WIN the fight and then get my gun.

Im not obligated to give him the chance to win a fight once hes gone for my gun. Period.
True. Ok you've shot him no less than SIX TIMES. Do you finish him off with two to the head or wait for an ambulance?

The six shot thing is a red herring. Its highly doubtful that Wilson even realized how many times he fired, which is pretty common in shootings.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.
Obviously. you have never been in Law Enforcement or served in the Military. ..... :cool:
The boy was not an enemy combatant... he was a petty crook with a chip on his shoulder.
That chip got him killed. Officer Wilson did his job.
Yes it did. That you think it was his job to kill the boy is the issue.

Now THIS we agree on. It wasn't Wilson's job to decide to kill this kid. It's just a sad fact that it came to that.
The majority of thag shit has been proven ineffective in the UFC by big strong guys who have good boxing and grappling.

Your Rex Kwon Do doesnt work.

Wrestling. BJJ. Boxing. And get real strong. Thats the proven formula.

Not the Flying Dragon 19th Degree Snap Kicking Systema of Combat.

Is this directed to me?
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.
The way you side step a big guy is to feign one direction then as he shifts his weight to the direction you feigned you go the other direction. Anyone that's played football knows that.

A guy that big, I'm faster than him, sidestepping him and getting enough distance for a snap kick as he's charging me isn't that difficult.

In fact, probably no less difficult at all then getting behind him and getting him into a choke hold.

BUT, my point is, most LEOs are not trained enough to do EITHER thing, so the gun is the only option.

Yeah, I would think Wilson would not have the confidence after already being struck once, to have another physical confrontation and losing the gun.
The other factor to remember is, there is only One officer at the scene, so with now back up if he goes down, physical contact cant be an option.
More reason to wait for backup.

yeah, but once Brown charged back at him, there is no waiting anymore. Unless he just sat in his car. It would be reasonable to assume as a police officer, if you point your gun and tell them to stop, they will. If they dont, then its on them. Just like if you were defending against an intruder in your home. If they didnt sto comming at you, you can only figure they want to get your weapon away from you.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.

NO ONE would teach snap kicking to the knee

Self-Defense Techniques - 4 Kicking Techniques To Use In A Self-Defense Situation


C'mon chump....who's the "best you've trained with"? Me? My dad was a semi-pro boxer....I later trained at Kronk Gym in Detroit. Fort Benning BT, Polk AIT. 5th Special Forces, MACV RECONDO school at Nha Trang. ROK Tang Soo Do instructors with 9th White Horse Division at Ninh Hoa. Shodan rank GoJu Ryu with Goshi Yamaguchi, San Franciso. Bobby Jay from the Shin GoJu Ryu school in Denver, and David Manville, ex IDF instructor Krav Maga.

Your turn.

So, I show a link to where people DO train to snap kick the knee , despite your claim that no one would, and your response is to post a list of places you've trained that may or may not be accurate? LOL

C'mon shithead....who have YOU trained with....easy question.
The way you side step a big guy is to feign one direction then as he shifts his weight to the direction you feigned you go the other direction. Anyone that's played football knows that.

A guy that big, I'm faster than him, sidestepping him and getting enough distance for a snap kick as he's charging me isn't that difficult.

In fact, probably no less difficult at all then getting behind him and getting him into a choke hold.

BUT, my point is, most LEOs are not trained enough to do EITHER thing, so the gun is the only option.

Good God you're a retard. Im a 4 stripe purple belt in BJJ under Relson Gracie and have kickboxed....and what you are saying the cop should've done is flat out retarded.

For one hes wearing a duty belt and vest which limits mobility quite a bit.

Two...you dont use empty hand strikes on a 6'4 300 lb man who wants the gun on your belt. Ever. Never. You DO NOT allow him to get near you. Hes violent and has shown HE WANTS THAT GUN. He isnt getting within 10 feet of me.

And you dont know who HE is. I mean...if you tried your judo on me...and you didnt know my background. ..then you get choked out with BJJ : )
You gonna tell me you can't disable a fat ass teenager without killing him?

Sure I could. But if hes going for my gun? Im not trying. I dont know him. He could be a state champion wrestler or jiujitsu guy and WIN the fight and then get my gun.

Im not obligated to give him the chance to win a fight once hes gone for my gun. Period.
True. Ok you've shot him no less than SIX TIMES. Do you finish him off with two to the head or wait for an ambulance?

He didnt stop charging until after those two shots. I worked 8 years at Atlanta PD. Despite what Hollywood makes you think... pistol shots often dont stop people. In fact a US Army and FBI study showed that 94% of pistol wounds are not fatal...and most times the person doesnt know they're even hit until their sympathetic nervous system calms and they see the blood.

You've obviously never been in a life or death fight.
I can't fathom how killing a thug is wimpy.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.
No, you have that saying backwards

"It takes more of a man to walk away from a fight then it does to fight"

BUT, we don't pay our police to prove they are men by walking away from a fight. We pay them to ARREST CRIMINALS.
I agree, key word "arrest." I'm smart enough to know not to try to arrest "you" without a hell of a lot of backup. And especially not after I piss you off by telling you to get off your street then back up my car into your path. Why would I want to piss off a bear? Backup is on the way just "30-40seconds."

I just don't like the idea of dumb ass kids getting killed for being dumb ass kids. Hell, I
was a dumb ass kid.

Sir, as we've discussed, I've made thousands of arrests. Sometimes happen too quickly to make every decision that you would like to make.

I think I told you the story of when I was in Alaska and went into a NCO club where 6 civilians were beating up 3 soldiers.

I was alone, of course i radioed for back up, then I told the civilians they could leave before my back up arrived and that would be the end of it.

They chose instead to take a swing at me.

By the time my back up arrived it was over and the 6 citizens were in no condition to walk out.

Now I was 25 or so at the time, highly trained, and felt pretty good about my abilities, but do you really think I CHOSE to take on 6 guys? Of course I didn't but sometimes you don't have a choice.

The notion that Wilson could have just let Brown get away and then go collect him at a hospital later on is just ridiculous.
Ok, why don't you tell me your guess of what would have gone down if you were the one in that SUV?
What Wilson did.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.

NO ONE would teach snap kicking to the knee

Self-Defense Techniques - 4 Kicking Techniques To Use In A Self-Defense Situation


C'mon chump....who's the "best you've trained with"? Me? My dad was a semi-pro boxer....I later trained at Kronk Gym in Detroit. Fort Benning BT, Polk AIT. 5th Special Forces, MACV RECONDO school at Nha Trang. ROK Tang Soo Do instructors with 9th White Horse Division at Ninh Hoa. Shodan rank GoJu Ryu with Goshi Yamaguchi, San Franciso. Bobby Jay from the Shin GoJu Ryu school in Denver, and David Manville, ex IDF instructor Krav Maga.

Your turn.

So, I show a link to where people DO train to snap kick the knee , despite your claim that no one would, and your response is to post a list of places you've trained that may or may not be accurate? LOL

C'mon shithead....who have YOU trained with....easy question.

No, you don't get to make things up and then get my personal history as a reward. You don't even have the decency to say "hey you did prove that people do train to snap kick to the knee even though I said otherwise"
The six shot thing is a red herring. Its highly doubtful that Wilson even realized how many times he fired, which is pretty common in shootings.

Except the FIRST thing you're trained to do in combat is to count your shots....you're a fucking joke.

no shit you fucking moron. But Cops aren't in combat, nor are they trained like the military is. It is QUITE common for them to not remember how may rounds they fired in these type of shootings.

Which is why I have argued MANY times on this board that only ex military should be hired as LEOs.

C'mon chump....who's the "best you've trained with"? Me? My dad was a semi-pro boxer....I later trained at Kronk Gym in Detroit. Fort Benning BT, Polk AIT. 5th Special Forces, MACV RECONDO school at Nha Trang. ROK Tang Soo Do instructors with 9th White Horse Division at Ninh Hoa. Shodan rank GoJu Ryu with Goshi Yamaguchi, San Franciso. Bobby Jay from the Shin GoJu Ryu school in Denver, and David Manville, ex IDF instructor Krav Maga.

Your turn.

So, I show a link to where people DO train to snap kick the knee , despite your claim that no one would, and your response is to post a list of places you've trained that may or may not be accurate? LOL

C'mon shithead....who have YOU trained with....easy question.

No, you don't get to make things up and then get my personal history as a reward. You don't even have the decency to say "hey you did prove that people do train to snap kick to the knee even though I said otherwise"

That's what I thought. :laugh:

Admit you were wrong about the snap kick to the knee and I will tell you the name of the Dojo in Japan where I studied.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.

NO ONE would teach snap kicking to the knee

Self-Defense Techniques - 4 Kicking Techniques To Use In A Self-Defense Situation

I am belted in Amercan Kenpo and a first degree black in Tae Kwon Do. In Kenpo the knee was the first target with a snap kick I was taught. It only takes what 14lbs of pressure to snap a knee. Not as hard as you think.

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