Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the knees if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.

What? LOL No, a big guy like that , the KNEE is ALWAYS the weak spot, not the knee.

Step aside, pivot, snap kick to the side of the knee. He's done.
I can't fathom how killing a thug is wimpy.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.
No, you have that saying backwards

"It takes more of a man to walk away from a fight then it does to fight"

BUT, we don't pay our police to prove they are men by walking away from a fight. We pay them to ARREST CRIMINALS.
I agree, key word "arrest." I'm smart enough to know not to try to arrest "you" without a hell of a lot of backup. And especially not after I piss you off by telling you to get off your street then back up my car into your path. Why would I want to piss off a bear? Backup is on the way just "30-40seconds."

I just don't like the idea of dumb ass kids getting killed for being dumb ass kids. Hell, I
was a dumb ass kid.

Sir, as we've discussed, I've made thousands of arrests. Sometimes happen too quickly to make every decision that you would like to make.

I think I told you the story of when I was in Alaska and went into a NCO club where 6 civilians were beating up 3 soldiers.

I was alone, of course i radioed for back up, then I told the civilians they could leave before my back up arrived and that would be the end of it.

They chose instead to take a swing at me.

By the time my back up arrived it was over and the 6 citizens were in no condition to walk out.

Now I was 25 or so at the time, highly trained, and felt pretty good about my abilities, but do you really think I CHOSE to take on 6 guys? Of course I didn't but sometimes you don't have a choice.

The notion that Wilson could have just let Brown get away and then go collect him at a hospital later on is just ridiculous.

The other thing is, all this happens so quickly, the officer is probably still trying to process the actual threat as he is going through motions determined by his training. If I was him I would have in the back of my mind that the other guy he was with is still around somewhere and with Brown charging at him, being struck again is not an option. Wilson didnt choose to be in this position, shit happens and Most of it was brought on by Browns decisions. To bad for Browns Mother and Father, I feel sorry for their loss, every 18 year old is still a baby in their parents eyes but the damn people need to step back and stop
burning their own F'ing town down.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the knees if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.

What? LOL No, a big guy like that , the KNEE is ALWAYS the weak spot, not the knee.

Step aside, pivot, snap kick to the side of the knee. He's done.

Horseshit....hard to hit, much stronger than you think, and useless on the street....any martial arts instructor would embarrass you in front of the class if you tried selling that....the only KNEE attack is to PUSH not kick to the INSIDE of the opponent's knee which will collapse him, not hurt him.
I can't fathom how killing a thug is wimpy.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.
No, you have that saying backwards

"It takes more of a man to walk away from a fight then it does to fight"

BUT, we don't pay our police to prove they are men by walking away from a fight. We pay them to ARREST CRIMINALS.
I agree, key word "arrest." I'm smart enough to know not to try to arrest "you" without a hell of a lot of backup. And especially not after I piss you off by telling you to get off your street then back up my car into your path. Why would I want to piss off a bear? Backup is on the way just "30-40seconds."

I just don't like the idea of dumb ass kids getting killed for being dumb ass kids. Hell, I
was a dumb ass kid.

Sir, as we've discussed, I've made thousands of arrests. Sometimes happen too quickly to make every decision that you would like to make.

I think I told you the story of when I was in Alaska and went into a NCO club where 6 civilians were beating up 3 soldiers.

I was alone, of course i radioed for back up, then I told the civilians they could leave before my back up arrived and that would be the end of it.

They chose instead to take a swing at me.

By the time my back up arrived it was over and the 6 citizens were in no condition to walk out.

Now I was 25 or so at the time, highly trained, and felt pretty good about my abilities, but do you really think I CHOSE to take on 6 guys? Of course I didn't but sometimes you don't have a choice.

The notion that Wilson could have just let Brown get away and then go collect him at a hospital later on is just ridiculous.
Ok, why don't you tell me your guess of what would have gone down if you were the one in that SUV?

Me personally?

I do agree that Wilson made some mistakes. I just don't agree that he murdered the kid.

First, he exited his vehicle entirely too close to the suspect. Should have parked at least 25' away.

Second, IF he felt the need to pull his weapon he should have pulled it from that distance immediately, NEVER giving Brown the opportunity to fight over it in the vehicle.

So, yes Wilson made mistakes. But Brown's own actions led to the shooting.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the knees if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.

What? LOL No, a big guy like that , the KNEE is ALWAYS the weak spot, not the knee.

Step aside, pivot, snap kick to the side of the knee. He's done.

Horseshit....hard to hit, much stronger than you think, and useless on the street....any martial arts instructor would embarrass you in front of the class if you tried selling that....the only KNEE attack is to PUSH not kick to the INSIDE of the opponent's knee which will collapse him, not hurt him.

LOL okay sonny.
Pretty sure that's what I said.

read the two statements again.

You read it again sir, RKMBrown didn't say what you think he said.
He's just pi
Obviously. you have never been in Law Enforcement or served in the Military. ..... :cool:
The boy was not an enemy combatant... he was a petty crook with a chip on his shoulder.

No sir , by the time he was shot he had committed at least 2 felonies in front of a police officer. Lets be honest about that shall we?
Oh hell yeah agreed. He quickly wend from petty crook with a chip on his should to petty crook that punched a cop and reached for the cops gun, probably to stop the cop from shooting him.

There is NO evidence to support Brown grabbing the gun in self defense.
There's no evidence to support Brown wasn't trying to defend himself either. Look at that video of Brown pushing the clerk. Brown's one of those guys who if you get in his face he's gonna push back.

Yes he is, and in this case THAT got him killed. Thank you for acknowledging that.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the knees if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.

What? LOL No, a big guy like that , the KNEE is ALWAYS the weak spot, not the knee.

Step aside, pivot, snap kick to the side of the knee. He's done.

Horseshit....hard to hit, much stronger than you think, and useless on the street....any martial arts instructor would embarrass you in front of the class if you tried selling that....the only KNEE attack is to PUSH not kick to the INSIDE of the opponent's knee which will collapse him, not hurt him.

LOL okay sonny.

Keep laughing dickless.....just don't try your gimp ass moves when somebody else might be in jeopardy...you I couldn't care less about.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the legs if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the knees if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.

What? LOL No, a big guy like that , the KNEE is ALWAYS the weak spot, not the knee.

Step aside, pivot, snap kick to the side of the knee. He's done.

Horseshit....hard to hit, much stronger than you think, and useless on the street....any martial arts instructor would embarrass you in front of the class if you tried selling that....the only KNEE attack is to PUSH not kick to the INSIDE of the opponent's knee which will collapse him, not hurt him.

LOL okay sonny.

Keep laughing dickless.....just don't try your gimp ass moves when somebody else might be in jeopardy...you I couldn't care less about.

Son I've trained with the best and been in more fights than I can remember.

Your notion that kicking somoene in the knee won't hurt them is ridiculous. A dude that is 6'4" 300 lbs and not in any kind of athletic shape has weak knees, guaranteed. You kick one of them hard enough you're going to break something.
read the two statements again.

You read it again sir, RKMBrown didn't say what you think he said.
He's just pi
The boy was not an enemy combatant... he was a petty crook with a chip on his shoulder.

No sir , by the time he was shot he had committed at least 2 felonies in front of a police officer. Lets be honest about that shall we?
Oh hell yeah agreed. He quickly wend from petty crook with a chip on his should to petty crook that punched a cop and reached for the cops gun, probably to stop the cop from shooting him.

There is NO evidence to support Brown grabbing the gun in self defense.
There's no evidence to support Brown wasn't trying to defend himself either. Look at that video of Brown pushing the clerk. Brown's one of those guys who if you get in his face he's gonna push back.

Yes he is, and in this case THAT got him killed. Thank you for acknowledging that.
Oh yeah no doubt... the telling the cop to "eff off" the shoving the cop's door shut.. yeah he was asking for it. Most cops don't have a lot of patience for a dumb ass.
Pretty sure that's what I said.

read the two statements again.

You read it again sir, RKMBrown didn't say what you think he said.
He's just pi
Obviously. you have never been in Law Enforcement or served in the Military. ..... :cool:
The boy was not an enemy combatant... he was a petty crook with a chip on his shoulder.

No sir , by the time he was shot he had committed at least 2 felonies in front of a police officer. Lets be honest about that shall we?
Oh hell yeah agreed. He quickly wend from petty crook with a chip on his should to petty crook that punched a cop and reached for the cops gun, probably to stop the cop from shooting him.

There is NO evidence to support Brown grabbing the gun in self defense.
There's no evidence to support Brown wasn't trying to defend himself either. Look at that video of Brown pushing the clerk. Brown's one of those guys who if you get in his face he's gonna push back.

Browns Blood and DNA was inside the patrol vehicle, and a bullet lodged in the arm rest. You really think a police officer would try to pull a suspect into the front seat? and do what at that point, handcuff him to the steering wheel? If Brown was in the cab, it occured because he was attacking. He had already slammed the door on the cop's leg, Ive already seen the store footage where Brown shows he is agressive, Toxicolgy reported Brown had 2 times the THC level in his system that would get a driver arrested for being under the influence,

Its more likely that Brown just hated Cops and especialy white ones, Brown probably felt invincible being High and being on adrenaline from robbing the store. Going for a cops gun in the holster is not defending yourself.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the legs if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably beause ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Certainly an option, but my way takes him out faster, making it less likely that he can turn the tables on you.
You'd only attack the knees if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.

What? LOL No, a big guy like that , the KNEE is ALWAYS the weak spot, not the knee.

Step aside, pivot, snap kick to the side of the knee. He's done.

Horseshit....hard to hit, much stronger than you think, and useless on the street....any martial arts instructor would embarrass you in front of the class if you tried selling that....the only KNEE attack is to PUSH not kick to the INSIDE of the opponent's knee which will collapse him, not hurt him.

LOL okay sonny.

Keep laughing dickless.....just don't try your gimp ass moves when somebody else might be in jeopardy...you I couldn't care less about.

Son I've trained with the best and been in more fights than I can remember.

Your notion that kicking somoene in the knee won't hurt them is ridiculous. A dude that is 6'4" 300 lbs and not in any kind of athletic shape has weak knees, guaranteed. You kick one of them hard enough you're going to break something.
Esp when that knee is already holding up 500lbs or so of mass x momentum from the strain of stopping the big guy from moving forward.
You read it again sir, RKMBrown didn't say what you think he said.
He's just pi
No sir , by the time he was shot he had committed at least 2 felonies in front of a police officer. Lets be honest about that shall we?
Oh hell yeah agreed. He quickly wend from petty crook with a chip on his should to petty crook that punched a cop and reached for the cops gun, probably to stop the cop from shooting him.

There is NO evidence to support Brown grabbing the gun in self defense.
There's no evidence to support Brown wasn't trying to defend himself either. Look at that video of Brown pushing the clerk. Brown's one of those guys who if you get in his face he's gonna push back.

Yes he is, and in this case THAT got him killed. Thank you for acknowledging that.
Oh yeah no doubt... the telling the cop to "eff off" the shoving the cop's door shut.. yeah he was asking for it. Most cops don't have a lot of patience for a dumb ass.

No, as a cop you gotta blow that shit off.

But remember, there is audio evidence that Wilson identified Brown as a possible robbery suspect. THAT is why he didn't ignore the jaywalking.
read the two statements again.

You read it again sir, RKMBrown didn't say what you think he said.
He's just pi
The boy was not an enemy combatant... he was a petty crook with a chip on his shoulder.

No sir , by the time he was shot he had committed at least 2 felonies in front of a police officer. Lets be honest about that shall we?
Oh hell yeah agreed. He quickly wend from petty crook with a chip on his should to petty crook that punched a cop and reached for the cops gun, probably to stop the cop from shooting him.

There is NO evidence to support Brown grabbing the gun in self defense.
There's no evidence to support Brown wasn't trying to defend himself either. Look at that video of Brown pushing the clerk. Brown's one of those guys who if you get in his face he's gonna push back.

Browns Blood and DNA was inside the patrol vehicle, and a bullet lodged in the arm rest. You really think a police officer would try to pull a suspect into the front seat? and do what at that point, handcuff him to the steering wheel? If Brown was in the cab, it occured because he was attacking. He had already slammed the door on the cop's leg, Ive already seen the store footage where Brown shows he is agressive, Toxicolgy reported Brown had 2 times the THC level in his system that would get a driver arrested for being under the influence,

Its more likely that Brown just hated Cops and especialy white ones, Brown probably felt invincible being High and being on adrenaline from robbing the store. Going for a cops gun in the holster is not defending yourself.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the legs if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably beause ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Certainly an option, but my way takes him out faster, making it less likely that he can turn the tables on you.
Agreed. Probably one of those things I would not do.. cause I wouldn't want to destroy some guys knees. I'd rather incapacitate and talk him down hold him there waiting for backup.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the legs if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably beause ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Certainly an option, but my way takes him out faster, making it less likely that he can turn the tables on you.
Agreed. Probably one of those things I would not do.. cause I wouldn't want to destroy some guys knees. I'd rather incapacitate and talk him down hold him there waiting for backup.

Destroying a knee is better than shooting him dead.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably because ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Uh huh....well believe what and who you please....this "bear" character is a fraud....Further, there's no way in the world you want to close quarters with a guy of that size and strength and you're not going to side-step him because he's too wide....one of his arms with gather you in and you're fucked. Any streetfighter knows that....any martial arts instructor will just laugh at the idea...like I have been.
When you side step someone they will either fall or plant a leg to recover. When they plant the leg..

But I guess you know that right? Being an expert at all forms of hand to hand combat.

You'd only attack the legs if you had ahold of the guy and can swing his weight one way and then footsweep the ankle, not the knee. And you're assuming the guy would rush past you like a charging bull but it rarely works that way. You'd likely end up on your back with Brown on top of you......and you'd be right where Zimmerman was with Trayvon.
I also studied Judo and was a state champ wrestler. He was running. Thus you use his momentum against him. But yeah if he's going low right into you I'm probably going on top with an arm under the chin in a choke hold and pushing his face into the concrete under my weight. But I'm not "Smarterthantheaveragebear." If he says he's gonna take the guys knee out.. it's probably beause ... he's gonna take the guy's knees out.

Certainly an option, but my way takes him out faster, making it less likely that he can turn the tables on you.
Agreed. Probably one of those things I would not do.. cause I wouldn't want to destroy some guys knees. I'd rather incapacitate and talk him down hold him there waiting for backup.

Destroying a knee is better than shooting him dead.
Ayup! Knees can be rebuilt. Can't put the guy's brains back in.

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