Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Actually, brown was charging at wilson he the fatal shot was fired. True story.

16 witnesses said he had his hands up. Only 2 said he didn't. True Story.

You wouldn't know a true story.
but it's okay for zealots such as luddly to spew his hateful bigoted vulgar racist comments towards whites (or anyone) that believes Wilson, who has, a store security cam footage, forensic facts and credible witnesses to back his story.

Okay, let's look at your evidence.

The Store Footage ONLY proves that Brown took cigars. They do not prove that Wilson was in immediate danger when he shot Brown.

Forensic facts involve a cop that was allowed to wash the blood off of himself before it could be documented as evidence, a coroner who took no pictures of the body despite allowing it to sit out in the street for four hours.

and most of the witnesses contradict Wilson's story.
Still the lies rule in your lying mind. Most of those witnesses were proven wrong and changed their story. Nobody with halfs brain believes you.
plus, you don't go by numbers retard, you go by veracity. i wouldn't expect a far left winger like you to know anything about the truth though....

Okay, Let's go with Veracity. You had 16 eyewitnesses who really had nothing to gain or lose by testifying.


Officer Fife, who just shot a kid 8 times in the heat of passion, and had a month to get his story straight.
16 witnesses who most were proven wrong. Give it up fool.
The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already

No, it really didn't.

In fact, the forensic evidence was tainted. They took no photographs of Brown's dead body at the scene. They took no pictures of Wilson's bloody hands, not did they secure his weapon and vehicle at the scene. INstead, they let him drive his vehicle and turn in his gun at police HQ.

Now, yeah, i don't expect a small police department of 53 people to go full CSI on a scene, but when they do Barney-Fife the investigation, don't come back to me and tell me that they did a bang up job.

Ferguson testimony shows inconsistencies unorthodox forensic practices - Chicago Tribune

When Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.

Such seemingly unorthodox forensic practices emerged from the voluminous testimony released in the aftermath of a grand jury decision Monday night not to indict Wilson.

The transcript showed that local officers who interviewed Wilson immediately after the shooting did not tape the conversations and sometimes conducted them with other police personnel present. An investigator with the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office testified that he opted not to take measurements at the crime scene.

In the extended interviews, prosecutors do not come across as particularly aggressive or curious. But they do question police procedures on a couple of occasions, including the failure by Ferguson and St. Louis County investigators to tape their interviews with the officer after the shooting.

Why not tape these answers? a detective with St. Louis County was asked. "It is just common practice that we do not," the detective said.

Prosecutors also asked why Wilson was permitted to handle evidence in the case himself. "He had informed me that after he responded to the police station, he had packaged his weapon and then he directed my attention to an evidence envelope,'' said the St. Louis County detective. Is it customary for the person who was involved in such an incident "to handle and package their own gun as evidence?" the detective was asked.
Take your medicine, you are making a fool of yourself, oh, too late.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:
Nonsense. The grand jury agreed that the officer had the right to kill that boy. That's not the same as saying it was the correct decision.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:
Nonsense. The grand jury agreed that the officer had the right to kill that boy. That's not the same as saying it was the correct decision.

Nonsense. The grand jury determined the officer had the right to defend himself with legal force. They said nothing as to whether his decision to do so was correct or otherwise.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:
Nonsense. The grand jury agreed that the officer had the right to kill that boy. That's not the same as saying it was the correct decision.
Parsing of words doesn't change anything.

Officer Wilson gave the Gentle Giant a dirt nap and the Grand Jury seconded his action. ..... :cool:
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:
Nonsense. The grand jury agreed that the officer had the right to kill that boy. That's not the same as saying it was the correct decision.

Nonsense. The grand jury determined the officer had the right to defend himself with legal force. They said nothing as to whether his decision to do so was correct or otherwise.
Pretty sure that's what I said.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:
Nonsense. The grand jury agreed that the officer had the right to kill that boy. That's not the same as saying it was the correct decision.
Parsing of words doesn't change anything.

Officer Wilson gave the Gentle Giant a dirt nap and the Grand Jury seconded his action. ..... :cool:
You're a POS troll. Kiss off internet tough guy. ;-)
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.

Killing somebody isn't a question of manliness....it's a question of judgement about the danger posed by the target. I'm personally a proponent of wounding an aggressor with a shot to the pelvis....rarely lethal and immobilizing...hurts like a bitch to stand much less charge like a red-dogging linebacker. Of course if the aggressor is also armed, a kill shot is in order.
Because it takes a real man to "not" kill a man.

Killing somebody isn't a question of manliness....it's a question of judgement about the danger posed by the target. I'm personally a proponent of wounding an aggressor with a shot to the pelvis....rarely lethal and immobilizing...hurts like a bitch to stand much less charge like a red-dogging linebacker. Of course if the aggressor is also armed, a kill shot is in order.

PERSONALLY, I would have let him charge me then stepped to the side and destroyed his knee, then affected the arrest.

But not every person who is hired as a LEO is capable of that.

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