Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

plus, you don't go by numbers retard, you go by veracity. i wouldn't expect a far left winger like you to know anything about the truth though....

Okay, Let's go with Veracity. You had 16 eyewitnesses who really had nothing to gain or lose by testifying.


Officer Fife, who just shot a kid 8 times in the heat of passion, and had a month to get his story straight.

The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already
The people that stated that, their stories eventually changed and they were discredited. How did Brown drop dead 20 feet from a puddle of his blood? He tried to run, but turned around and charged Wilson. That was when the final shots were fired. Wilson feared for his life, so he did the right thing. I will tell you one more time, if Brown was just an innocent man. Why did he try to take Wilson's gun?

Maybe because he lives in a town where the racist cops routinely brutalize young black men?
The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already

No, it really didn't.

In fact, the forensic evidence was tainted. They took no photographs of Brown's dead body at the scene. They took no pictures of Wilson's bloody hands, not did they secure his weapon and vehicle at the scene. INstead, they let him drive his vehicle and turn in his gun at police HQ.

Now, yeah, i don't expect a small police department of 53 people to go full CSI on a scene, but when they do Barney-Fife the investigation, don't come back to me and tell me that they did a bang up job.

Ferguson testimony shows inconsistencies unorthodox forensic practices - Chicago Tribune

When Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.

Such seemingly unorthodox forensic practices emerged from the voluminous testimony released in the aftermath of a grand jury decision Monday night not to indict Wilson.

The transcript showed that local officers who interviewed Wilson immediately after the shooting did not tape the conversations and sometimes conducted them with other police personnel present. An investigator with the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office testified that he opted not to take measurements at the crime scene.

In the extended interviews, prosecutors do not come across as particularly aggressive or curious. But they do question police procedures on a couple of occasions, including the failure by Ferguson and St. Louis County investigators to tape their interviews with the officer after the shooting.

Why not tape these answers? a detective with St. Louis County was asked. "It is just common practice that we do not," the detective said.

Prosecutors also asked why Wilson was permitted to handle evidence in the case himself. "He had informed me that after he responded to the police station, he had packaged his weapon and then he directed my attention to an evidence envelope,'' said the St. Louis County detective. Is it customary for the person who was involved in such an incident "to handle and package their own gun as evidence?" the detective was asked.
The people that stated that, their stories eventually changed and they were discredited. How did Brown drop dead 20 feet from a puddle of his blood? He tried to run, but turned around and charged Wilson. That was when the final shots were fired. Wilson feared for his life, so he did the right thing. I will tell you one more time, if Brown was just an innocent man. Why did he try to take Wilson's gun?

Maybe because he lives in a town where the racist cops routinely brutalize young black men?
No, because when you tell a lie. Your story will eventually change. That's what happened, it was reported on the other day. The ones that told the truth about Brown charging wilson, their stories were the same and didn't change. Also Brown's body ended up about 20 ft from a puddle of blood. Which also confirms he was charging Wilson.
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

If people wouldn't use such events as an opportunity to loot, we'd all be talking about something else as well.
The people that stated that, their stories eventually changed and they were discredited. How did Brown drop dead 20 feet from a puddle of his blood? He tried to run, but turned around and charged Wilson. That was when the final shots were fired. Wilson feared for his life, so he did the right thing. I will tell you one more time, if Brown was just an innocent man. Why did he try to take Wilson's gun?

Maybe because he lives in a town where the racist cops routinely brutalize young black men?
If it's so routine you can provide massive amounts of evidence to back up your claim.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


"What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad."

Sounds more like, Big Mike and his Parents.

With all due respect, of course.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

That wasn't a grand jury, that was a biased trial.

As you can see by the chart below, the witnesses are all over the map about what they saw and heard.

Since there was a very divided consensus, the DA should have asked for a real trial and gotten one.


The Grand Jury decides if there should be charges filed. If they no bill, the DA can't go ahead and as for a trial anyway. All he/she can do is take it to another grand jury if new evidence is uncovered.
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Pop23 is wrong but I think its time I replaced the air tasers I've had for many years. With mine, you can put someone on the ground from about 15-20' and they'll stay down for about 25-30mins. They also have a secondary taser in case there are more than one attacker.

I prefer my Keltec .380.

View attachment 34427

Mouse gun. That pipsqueak is marginal even for stopping a big dog.

You don't know much about guns.

1. The .380 bullet has a bigger diameter than a 9MM,

2. It is the same as a .38

3. My bullets are hollow points.

4. Robert Kennedy was killed with a .22 (even that isn't
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Pop23 is wrong but I think its time I replaced the air tasers I've had for many years. With mine, you can put someone on the ground from about 15-20' and they'll stay down for about 25-30mins. They also have a secondary taser in case there are more than one attacker.

I prefer my Keltec .380.

View attachment 34427

Mouse gun. That pipsqueak is marginal even for stopping a big dog.
Only thing mousey about it is its size. Considered to be the best concealed carry gun.

You don't know much about guns.

1. The .380 bullet has a bigger diameter than a 9MM, which is only .354. It's bigger than a .357 too
2. It is the same as a .38 (38 = .380)
3. My bullets are hollow points. Quite damaging.
4. Robert Kennedy was killed with a .22 (even that isn't a
Nope....the .380 is 9x17 while the normal 9mm round parabellum is 9x19...the .380 is a 9mm short. The .38 Special round is a revolver round and can take more pressure (+p) than the shorter jacketed .380 semi auto round. Before you tell another shooter he "doesn't know anything about guns" make sure you do.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


Hey you ignorant racist douchebag:

A worthless thug is dead, the cop who did us all a favor is a free man.

Suck it dumbass.
The taser discussion is irrelevant.

Once a suspect goes for your gun...its a deadly force incident. And you dont taze people point blank. Because you could taze yourself...or have the taser taken from you. If he takes your taser and tazes you....then he can take your gun.

And then you're back to.....he aint getting my gun. Ever. Period. Even if he has to be put down like a rabid animal. Be isnt getting that gun.

Dont like it? Dont assualt cops.

Reading shit like this, I"m glad you're retired.

Why? He's absolutely correct. The NUMBER one rule ALL law enforcement agencies teach is NEVER EVER EVER let a suspect get your weapon.
I'll bet that little asian store clerk had an extra glass of rice wine after he heard he'd never have to stand by and watch the Tree Dweller steal from his store with impunity ever again. LOL!
I don't think he has a store anymore.
Yup. And tens of other asian convenience store owners are busy moving as far away from the Tree Dwellers as possible.
Now the Tree Dwellers are screaming for the stores to be rebuilt.
The Tree Dwellers have shit in their own nest again.
The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already

No, it really didn't.

In fact, the forensic evidence was tainted. They took no photographs of Brown's dead body at the scene. They took no pictures of Wilson's bloody hands, not did they secure his weapon and vehicle at the scene. INstead, they let him drive his vehicle and turn in his gun at police HQ.

Now, yeah, i don't expect a small police department of 53 people to go full CSI on a scene, but when they do Barney-Fife the investigation, don't come back to me and tell me that they did a bang up job.

Ferguson testimony shows inconsistencies unorthodox forensic practices - Chicago Tribune

When Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.

Such seemingly unorthodox forensic practices emerged from the voluminous testimony released in the aftermath of a grand jury decision Monday night not to indict Wilson.

The transcript showed that local officers who interviewed Wilson immediately after the shooting did not tape the conversations and sometimes conducted them with other police personnel present. An investigator with the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office testified that he opted not to take measurements at the crime scene.

In the extended interviews, prosecutors do not come across as particularly aggressive or curious. But they do question police procedures on a couple of occasions, including the failure by Ferguson and St. Louis County investigators to tape their interviews with the officer after the shooting.

Why not tape these answers? a detective with St. Louis County was asked. "It is just common practice that we do not," the detective said.

Prosecutors also asked why Wilson was permitted to handle evidence in the case himself. "He had informed me that after he responded to the police station, he had packaged his weapon and then he directed my attention to an evidence envelope,'' said the St. Louis County detective. Is it customary for the person who was involved in such an incident "to handle and package their own gun as evidence?" the detective was asked.

Yes it did. No entry wounds to the back. Even the Browns autopsy backed that up, making the eyewitness testimony that he was shot while running away whimsical.
The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already

No, it really didn't.

In fact, the forensic evidence was tainted. They took no photographs of Brown's dead body at the scene. They took no pictures of Wilson's bloody hands, not did they secure his weapon and vehicle at the scene. INstead, they let him drive his vehicle and turn in his gun at police HQ.

Now, yeah, i don't expect a small police department of 53 people to go full CSI on a scene, but when they do Barney-Fife the investigation, don't come back to me and tell me that they did a bang up job.

Ferguson testimony shows inconsistencies unorthodox forensic practices - Chicago Tribune

When Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.

Such seemingly unorthodox forensic practices emerged from the voluminous testimony released in the aftermath of a grand jury decision Monday night not to indict Wilson.

The transcript showed that local officers who interviewed Wilson immediately after the shooting did not tape the conversations and sometimes conducted them with other police personnel present. An investigator with the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office testified that he opted not to take measurements at the crime scene.

In the extended interviews, prosecutors do not come across as particularly aggressive or curious. But they do question police procedures on a couple of occasions, including the failure by Ferguson and St. Louis County investigators to tape their interviews with the officer after the shooting.

Why not tape these answers? a detective with St. Louis County was asked. "It is just common practice that we do not," the detective said.

Prosecutors also asked why Wilson was permitted to handle evidence in the case himself. "He had informed me that after he responded to the police station, he had packaged his weapon and then he directed my attention to an evidence envelope,'' said the St. Louis County detective. Is it customary for the person who was involved in such an incident "to handle and package their own gun as evidence?" the detective was asked.

Yes it did. No entry wounds to the back. Even the Browns autopsy backed that up, making the eyewitness testimony that he was shot while running away whimsical.
It won't change his mind, facts are liberals kryptonite.
The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already

No, it really didn't.

In fact, the forensic evidence was tainted. They took no photographs of Brown's dead body at the scene. They took no pictures of Wilson's bloody hands, not did they secure his weapon and vehicle at the scene. INstead, they let him drive his vehicle and turn in his gun at police HQ.

Now, yeah, i don't expect a small police department of 53 people to go full CSI on a scene, but when they do Barney-Fife the investigation, don't come back to me and tell me that they did a bang up job.

Ferguson testimony shows inconsistencies unorthodox forensic practices - Chicago Tribune

When Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.

Such seemingly unorthodox forensic practices emerged from the voluminous testimony released in the aftermath of a grand jury decision Monday night not to indict Wilson.

The transcript showed that local officers who interviewed Wilson immediately after the shooting did not tape the conversations and sometimes conducted them with other police personnel present. An investigator with the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office testified that he opted not to take measurements at the crime scene.

In the extended interviews, prosecutors do not come across as particularly aggressive or curious. But they do question police procedures on a couple of occasions, including the failure by Ferguson and St. Louis County investigators to tape their interviews with the officer after the shooting.

Why not tape these answers? a detective with St. Louis County was asked. "It is just common practice that we do not," the detective said.

Prosecutors also asked why Wilson was permitted to handle evidence in the case himself. "He had informed me that after he responded to the police station, he had packaged his weapon and then he directed my attention to an evidence envelope,'' said the St. Louis County detective. Is it customary for the person who was involved in such an incident "to handle and package their own gun as evidence?" the detective was asked.

Yes it did. No entry wounds to the back. Even the Browns autopsy backed that up, making the eyewitness testimony that he was shot while running away whimsical.

Pops , do yourself a huge favor. Don't engage JoeB, he's a completely dishonest person. You are wasting your time.
The physical evidence backed up the officers testimony.

Enough of this foolishness already

No, it really didn't.

In fact, the forensic evidence was tainted. They took no photographs of Brown's dead body at the scene. They took no pictures of Wilson's bloody hands, not did they secure his weapon and vehicle at the scene. INstead, they let him drive his vehicle and turn in his gun at police HQ.

Now, yeah, i don't expect a small police department of 53 people to go full CSI on a scene, but when they do Barney-Fife the investigation, don't come back to me and tell me that they did a bang up job.

Ferguson testimony shows inconsistencies unorthodox forensic practices - Chicago Tribune

When Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.

Such seemingly unorthodox forensic practices emerged from the voluminous testimony released in the aftermath of a grand jury decision Monday night not to indict Wilson.

The transcript showed that local officers who interviewed Wilson immediately after the shooting did not tape the conversations and sometimes conducted them with other police personnel present. An investigator with the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office testified that he opted not to take measurements at the crime scene.

In the extended interviews, prosecutors do not come across as particularly aggressive or curious. But they do question police procedures on a couple of occasions, including the failure by Ferguson and St. Louis County investigators to tape their interviews with the officer after the shooting.

Why not tape these answers? a detective with St. Louis County was asked. "It is just common practice that we do not," the detective said.

Prosecutors also asked why Wilson was permitted to handle evidence in the case himself. "He had informed me that after he responded to the police station, he had packaged his weapon and then he directed my attention to an evidence envelope,'' said the St. Louis County detective. Is it customary for the person who was involved in such an incident "to handle and package their own gun as evidence?" the detective was asked.

Yes it did. No entry wounds to the back. Even the Browns autopsy backed that up, making the eyewitness testimony that he was shot while running away whimsical.

Pops , do yourself a huge favor. Don't engage JoeB, he's a completely dishonest person. You are wasting your time.

We are put on this earth to help the mentally challenged!

And dammit, I'll keep tryin!
Unless it hits an eyesocket, a lot of guys will not NOTICE a .22 hit. (It will frequently deflect off the skull.) Again: .44 Magnum on the low end, and preferably, something with more steam than that! Think .454 Casull, .460 S&W, .50 DE, or .480 Ruger.

A .22 will punch a hole through a skull with no problem unless it's at an extreme angle.
What a sweeping statement.

A high velocity hollow point, like a CCI Stinger, will explode and likely not penetrate a skull.

Are you suggesting cops carry .22's?

Not in the least. You need to read the content of the posts before to get my context.
And I know for a fact a .22 will penetrate a deer skull without much problem,add that to the fact that assassins use the .22 for head shots....
Or why don't you just admit that if Brown didn't assault a cop, he would still be alive. He made a choice, it was a bad choice.

I don't think Cops should be shooting people just because they piss them off.

And neither do you. I hope.

At the point he was shot, he was not a danger. Period.
Only in your warped and delusional mind. You still believe the lies from the lying thugs don't you? Good thing smart people know the truth.

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