Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.
Like crayons & stuffed animals for adults? Crying rooms? Howling at the moon?
Still waiting for an example of right wing tolerance. NRA inviting Dems to give speeches ?
"How dare you call us Nazi's when we march with torches and chant that Jews will not replace us."

Mott and Bailey technique:

The Dishonest Motte and Bailey Technique | Debunking Denialism

When questioned you go to the Motte position of referencing actual Nazis.

but when safe you then go into the bailey position of calling anyone on the Right Nazis.

I call anyone a Nazi who sides with Nazis. Plenty of those people on the right, on this site and in our White House.

Who are all these Nazi supporters on the site, or in the White house?
I do? Who's lumping now?

Whoops! There goes that hypocrisy that you guys are famous for.

I am specifically talking about you.

No lumping needed.

Saying nazis have 1st amendment protections isn't supporting them.
In fact, the 1st is the most critical when it comes to protecting speech we hate.

Trump defends white nazis while wanting black football players fired/deported for protesting police brutality
And colleges are setting up "free speech" zones on campus so they can restrict it elsewhere. College students and professors are rioting to violently prevent certain people from speaking. The 1st is under attack. Notice that Trump can wish all he wants, but can't force anything to happen to the football players, unlike a college student who can be suspended for voicing a conservative opinion to the wrong person.

Where was this person suspended ? I call bull flop .
Call it all you want, I said it could happen. You ASSUMED I said it did happen. If snowflakes can freak out and need a safe space because they see Trump's name on a sidewalk, the poor dears would have an absolute snit fit if somebody actually said in their presence, "We need to curb illegal immigration and make legal immigration easier".
Still waiting for an example of right wing tolerance. NRA inviting Dems to give speeches ?
Why don't you ask Max Baucus, Heidi Heitkamp, Tim Johnson, Joe Donnelly, Mark Begich, Joe Manchin, Jon Tester, Harry Reid, and their like minded democrats who support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment? Or are you stuck in the bi-polar thing, where someone's a Republican if they disagree with you and democrat if they agree?
easy observation:
The Dems have all of the hate groups like Nation of Islam, La Raza, Klan, Black Panthers, LULAC, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, Antifa.....
Hillary was the worst candidate in the history the nation. She was the personification of everything wrong with politics today.

How weird that she got more votes than any white man in history...
is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.
bring it on, son.

tolerance isn't "you do it our way or we freak the fuck out" but as usual, liberals keep redefining words to match their emo-selves.
That was Trump’s strategy and he won. Fuck him and fuck you.
Fyi. Frothing at the mouth is not an attractive look in a grown up
Can you give an example when conservatives are tolerant of others ? Never happens !
I put up with you on this site :dunno:

No you don’t . Y’all insult me all the time ! Most of you have “Timmy” gifs ready to go.

But I’ll give a real life example . The anti gay thing . Why does gay marriage bother righties? It has nothing to do with you.
I don't insult people very often, and when I do, it is almost always in retaliation/response to an insult thrown at me (or at a member that I feel is being unduly harassed or ganged up on, ha e e en defended a few lefties) ... I Try to keep my insults focused on ideas and public figures or policies

Pretty sure I have not fucked with you in a personal way :dunno:

I was always again st gay marriage and still am, my fear was that it would open the door for radical and militant homosexuals to push an egregious agenda

And look - I was right...
Actually college kids are just minds full of mush and it's liberal (democrat) professors who preach intolerance. Shades of Orwell's "1984" there are forbidden words on college campuses and (big brother) students are encouraged to inform on other students who dare to utter such words and phrases regardless of the venue. Every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus some time or numerous times in their careers.
Hillary was the worst candidate in the history the nation. She was the personification of everything wrong with politics today.

How weird that she got more votes than any white man in history...
Without Voter ID laws you will never know how many Voter really got

Illegal Russians? Yeah they could be responsible for the narrow margin of victory Trump got in Wisconsin and others.

I have yet to hear anyone say their vote was switched because of illegal Russians.
here you are stretching the definition of Nazi

Time for a little truth on DACA.

Bzzz, good try though.

Only the first one, but It disproves your point and thus further searching is unwarranted.

Thanks for playing.

Nowhere in either of the posts you decided to call out do I stretch the definition of anything. But then again, I give you an A for effort. Imagine if you put that much effort into researching the shit you post before you posted it. You might actually come across as half-way informed.

Nice dodge there, but people know what your were implying.

Can only blame yourself for not properly quoting what you were referring to.

Sloppiness on your part is not a problem on my part.

It's a shame you can't make an actual point with all of the babbling you're doing.

But then again, I don't expect much from a racist and Nazi supporter.

See, there you go. There is zero proof I support racists and Nazis, but you make the claim.

Either back it up or take it back, bitch.

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