Dastardly Devin Nunes may have unintentionally helped Mueller build cases against Trump associates

I think you've kinda missed the point there partner. The article is about the damage Nunes might have done.

"might have"

He hasn't. That's just leftist mudfishing, since they have nothing else left.
I think the author makes a pretty good case. These people knew nobody was gonna fact-check them so they just said whatever.
You mean Mueller? yes, I agree.
Don't be deliberately thick.
Which you wouldn't recognize if it was made of actual iron and fell on your head.
Maybe Democrats will release information when they take over congress
There is no "maybe". For one, they will immediately release transcripts of Trump Jr's congressional testimony to the Mueller team -- something the republicans refused to do -- placing Jr in immediate legal jeopardy.
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Maybe Democrats will release information when they take over congress
There is no "maybe". For one, they will immediately release transcripts of Trump Jr's congessional testimony to the Mueller team -- something the republicans refused to do -- placing him in immediate legal jeopardy.
Good I hope they do
They will also be looking into the depth of corruption of the efforts of Nunes, the administration, and its lawyers to conspire to mislead the public and investigators and to try to block the investigation , which could be considered obstruction. Depending on the info made available by McGahn, and their ability to corroborate it, Nunes could be indicted and/or thrown out of congress.
All you have to say is "Slate" and we know it's....


The only thing fake about this is your comment Odd dude.
Maybe Democrats will release information when they take over congress

There is no "maybe". For one, they will immediately release transcripts of Trump Jr's congessional testimony to the Mueller team -- something the republicans refused to do -- placing him in immediate legal jeopardy.

Good I hope they do

They will also be looking into the depth of corruption of the efforts of Nunes, the administration, and its lawyers to conspire to mislead the public and investigators and to try to block the investigation , which could be considered obstruction. Depending on the info made available by McGahn, and their ability to corroborate it, Nunes could be indicted and/or thrown out of congress.

Will one half of one term of President Trump lead to more prosecutions in his Administration than Nixon and Reagan's combined?

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