Date Rape Detector Developed - democrats oppose it


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Scientists have developed a nail polish that can detect if the date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine are present in drinks by changing color. This is another way women can protect themselves from sexual predators.

Naturally, leftists are outraged and oppose the detector. While radical leftist hate site ThinkProgress doesn't directly promote date rape, they do blast the idea that women can defend against it.

Why Rape Prevention Activists Don t Like The New Nail Polish That Can Detect Roofies ThinkProgress

Once again demonstrating that the REAL war on women is waged by the democrats.
Women are already expected to work hard to prevent themselves from becoming the victims of sexual assault....blah blah common sense blah blah.....Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces apervasive rape culture in our society.

:lol: Anti rape polish.....that would be awsome! Like a super power :lmao:
Scientists have developed a nail polish that can detect if the date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine are present in drinks by changing color. This is another way women can protect themselves from sexual predators.

Naturally, leftists are outraged and oppose the detector. While radical leftist hate site ThinkProgress doesn't directly promote date rape, they do blast the idea that women can defend against it.

Why Rape Prevention Activists Don t Like The New Nail Polish That Can Detect Roofies ThinkProgress

Once again demonstrating that the REAL war on women is waged by the democrats.

Helps at least make some sense outta The Left's recently-found love affair with Islam, doesn't it? Cause we allllllllllllllllll know how much the woman-loving Muzzies love the advent of this new nail polish. :badgrin:
Scientists have developed a nail polish that can detect if the date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine are present in drinks by changing color. This is another way women can protect themselves from sexual predators.

Naturally, leftists are outraged and oppose the detector. While radical leftist hate site ThinkProgress doesn't directly promote date rape, they do blast the idea that women can defend against it.

Why Rape Prevention Activists Don t Like The New Nail Polish That Can Detect Roofies ThinkProgress

Once again demonstrating that the REAL war on women is waged by the democrats.

Do you dumb motherfuckers EVER read something before posting it??

“I think that anything that can help reduce sexual violence from happening is, in some ways, a really good thing,” Tracey Vitchers, the board chair for Students Active For Ending Rape(SAFER), told ThinkProgress. “But I think we need to think critically about why we keep placing the responsibility for preventing sexual assault on young women.”

Repeat after me, sparky -- "a really good thing" means good.

Got it?
Women are already expected to work hard to prevent themselves from becoming the victims of sexual assault....blah blah common sense blah blah.....Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces apervasive rape culture in our society.

:lol: Anti rape polish.....that would be awsome! Like a super power :lmao:

Now what it really says:

Women are already expected to work hard to prevent themselves from becoming the victims of sexual assault. They’re told to avoid wearing revealing clothing, travel in groups, make sure they don’t get too drunk, and always keep a close eye on their drink. Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society.
Btw what leftists do you think are against this?

"Daily Mail proclaimed in a story about the new nail polish — activists working in the field aren’t convinced. They believe innovations like anti-rape nail polish are well-meaning but ultimately misguided."

Then the articles goes on to quote various anti-rape groups positions about how it isn't the woman's responsibility to prevent rape, how the culture is what needs to change, etc.

All fair points, but ultimately it's everyone's responsibility to keep themselves safe just as we don't walk down dark dodgy-looking alleys at night.

You seem to have mischaracterized the position of the anti-rape groups. They're not against this or anything else. They're simply adding how there's a greater concern than how just 2.4% of rape victims think they were drugged. And they're right.
Helps at least make some sense outta The Left's recently-found love affair with Islam, doesn't it? Cause we allllllllllllllllll know how much the woman-loving Muzzies love the advent of this new nail polish. :badgrin:

I'd expect if you're someplace serving open-glass alcoholic drinks there aren't a lot of Muslims around in the first place.
Do you dumb motherfuckers EVER read something before posting it??

“I think that anything that can help reduce sexual violence from happening is, in some ways, a really good thing,” Tracey Vitchers, the board chair for Students Active For Ending Rape(SAFER), told ThinkProgress. “But I think we need to think critically about why we keep placing the responsibility for preventing sexual assault on young women.”

Repeat after me, sparky -- "a really good thing" means good.

Got it?

Think before calling others dumb motherf**ckers...

......“But I think we need to think critically about why we keep placing the responsibility for preventing sexual assault on young women.”
..... That way, rape isn’t just controlling me while I’m actually being assaulted — it controls me 24/7 because it limits my behavior. Solutions like these actually just recreate that.
.....“The problem isn’t that women don’t know when there are roofies in their drink; the problem is people putting roofies in their drink in the first place,”
.... situations when wearing anti-rape nail polish doesn’t necessarily make sense
.....stop people from perpetrating violence, as opposed to trying to personally avoid it so that the predator in the bar rapes someone else.”

Do you dumb motherfuckers EVER read something before posting it??

“I think that anything that can help reduce sexual violence from happening is, in some ways, a really good thing,” Tracey Vitchers, the board chair for Students Active For Ending Rape(SAFER), told ThinkProgress. “But I think we need to think critically about why we keep placing the responsibility for preventing sexual assault on young women.”

Repeat after me, sparky -- "a really good thing" means good.

Got it?

You're a retard; Haznonuts.

{ Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society.}

actually uncensored, you are the Jerk putting 'democrats' in your Header..... do you think all rape prevention activists are just Democrats and Republican women just sit back and take the rape like it was one of her daily chores?
actually uncensored, you are the Jerk putting 'democrats' in your Header..... do you think all rape prevention activists are just Democrats and Republican women just sit back and take the rape like it was one of her daily chores?

Well Republican women have that Force power where they choose not to get pregnant after being raped remember :)
Scientists have developed a nail polish that can detect if the date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine are present in drinks by changing color. This is another way women can protect themselves from sexual predators.

Naturally, leftists are outraged and oppose the detector. While radical leftist hate site ThinkProgress doesn't directly promote date rape, they do blast the idea that women can defend against it.

Why Rape Prevention Activists Don t Like The New Nail Polish That Can Detect Roofies ThinkProgress

Once again demonstrating that the REAL war on women is waged by the democrats.

Do you dumb motherfuckers EVER read something before posting it??

“I think that anything that can help reduce sexual violence from happening is, in some ways, a really good thing,” Tracey Vitchers, the board chair for Students Active For Ending Rape(SAFER), told ThinkProgress. “But I think we need to think critically about why we keep placing the responsibility for preventing sexual assault on young women.”

Repeat after me, sparky -- "a really good thing" means good.

Got it?
Uncensored's not very bright....
Do you dumb motherfuckers EVER read something before posting it??

“I think that anything that can help reduce sexual violence from happening is, in some ways, a really good thing,” Tracey Vitchers, the board chair for Students Active For Ending Rape(SAFER), told ThinkProgress. “But I think we need to think critically about why we keep placing the responsibility for preventing sexual assault on young women.”

Repeat after me, sparky -- "a really good thing" means good.

Got it?

You're a retard; Haznonuts.

{ Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society.}


still feeling defensive about that one time with that drunk girl in college, huh?
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Dems also oppose any oversight of the abortion industry that could potentially save the lives of the women they exploit, so I don't know why people are surprised. They don't want to make things more difficult for the human traffickers, the child molesters, the sex industry, or the scumbags who dope up girls and screw them. Those are their people.
reading the article, I don't see that they are against the idea - it is more the nutty feminist nazis that don't like that women doing something to protect themselves, because they don't want to lose sight from pointing out that men are a bunch sex fiends who all want to beat women.
Scientists have developed a nail polish that can detect if the date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine are present in drinks by changing color. This is another way women can protect themselves from sexual predators.

Naturally, leftists are outraged and oppose the detector. While radical leftist hate site ThinkProgress doesn't directly promote date rape, they do blast the idea that women can defend against it.

Why Rape Prevention Activists Don t Like The New Nail Polish That Can Detect Roofies ThinkProgress

Once again demonstrating that the REAL war on women is waged by the democrats.

Actually it is opposed only by far right reactionary nutters.
actually uncensored, you are the Jerk putting 'democrats' in your Header..... do you think all rape prevention activists are just Democrats and Republican women just sit back and take the rape like it was one of her daily chores?

Actually Care, the FACT is that far left - SOROS funded hate site ThinkProgress wrote an article ATTACKING the detection.

This is typical of democrats - because prevention impedes the "victim pimps." The last thing the leftists want is to lose the victims.

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