David Attenborough’s anti-human miserabilism.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
A Perfect Planet presents humanity as a plague.

Our planet is wonderful, but it sure isn’t A Perfect Planet, as the title of David Attenborough’s latest BBC spectacular declares. To claim so is a statement of blind faith, not an observation grounded in reality. And the fact this is the central rhetorical claim of Attenborough’s latest programme is startlingly revealing, as well as misleading.

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The planet is chaotic, mostly, and, to our eyes, sometimes cruel. Yes, the universe follows certain orderly laws which we understand to a high degree thanks to scientific observation. Atoms came together and formed a ball, thanks to gravity, and complex life evolved due to the process of genetic mutation and natural selection. But each mutation, atomic vibration and tectonic shift is without plan or purpose. So to call the state of the natural world ‘perfect’ at any one point in time is not only nonsensical but anti-scientific.

After all, was the Earth perfect when a meteor smashed into it, killing 99 per cent of life? Was it perfect when toxic volcanic glasses spread across entire continents and blocked out the Sun for years? Was it perfect when the bubonic plague killed millions, triggering the only major fall in the human population in history? Would humanity not mobilise all of its technology and resources to fight such terrifying natural events should they happen again? Or would we declare them part of our ‘perfect planet’ and meekly succumb to fate?
A Perfect Planet presents humanity as a plague.

Our planet is wonderful, but it sure isn’t A Perfect Planet, as the title of David Attenborough’s latest BBC spectacular declares. To claim so is a statement of blind faith, not an observation grounded in reality. And the fact this is the central rhetorical claim of Attenborough’s latest programme is startlingly revealing, as well as misleading.

You guys over there with the BBC and other outlets know more about American newz than half the dumb asses here and in this country...lol
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A Perfect Planet presents humanity as a plague.

Our planet is wonderful, but it sure isn’t A Perfect Planet, as the title of David Attenborough’s latest BBC spectacular declares. To claim so is a statement of blind faith, not an observation grounded in reality. And the fact this is the central rhetorical claim of Attenborough’s latest programme is startlingly revealing, as well as misleading.

You guys over there with the BBC and other outlets know more about American newz than half the dumb asses here and in this country...lol
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A Perfect Planet presents humanity as a plague.

Our planet is wonderful, but it sure isn’t A Perfect Planet, as the title of David Attenborough’s latest BBC spectacular declares. To claim so is a statement of blind faith, not an observation grounded in reality. And the fact this is the central rhetorical claim of Attenborough’s latest programme is startlingly revealing, as well as misleading.

You guys over there with the BBC and other outlets know more about American newz than half the dumb asses here and in this country...lol

A lot of these whack jobs would genocide billions if they could.

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution."

Venice...is now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."

Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

“Mankind faces a crossroads.
One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness.
The other, to total extinction.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”
Woody Allen
Oh dear.You characters have no shame.
My Lord. Coming from you..LOLOLOL
I have Tommy on ignore. Does he still have the avatar that looks like Anglo Hitler, wearing a crappy sweater, and a facial expression like he has a corn cobb shoved up his rear end?
I always wondered who or what the fuck that avatar is. His expression is somewhat pleased, but it looks like he wish he had a longer and wider corn cob insertion.

You see Tommy is retarded and I give him a lodda slack. You probably didn't know Tommy was a melon head didja? .

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