David Cameron: I feel connection to Jewish People

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a very nice story from the Europe ( UK ) about David Cameron and how he feels about Jewish people. Great story / video. Still under construction........

Video: David Cameron: I feel 'connection' to Jewish people - Telegraph

David Cameron: I feel 'connection' to Jewish people
In a speech to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, Prime Minister David Cameron claims to have "some sense of connection" to the Israeli people, saying his great-great-grandfather was a Jewish man from Germany
. .3:10PM GMT 12 Mar 2014
On his first visit to the country as Prime Minister, David Cameron revealed that his family tree includes a Jewish great-great-grandfather, who came Britain a century and half ago, and an ancestor who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel.

In a speech the Israeli Parliament, Mr Cameron said: "My Jewish ancestry is relatively limited but I do feel just some sense of connection.

From the lexicon of my great, great grandfather Emile Levita, a Jewish man who came from Germany to Britain 150 years ago to the story of my forefather Elijah Levita who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel.

Describing himself as a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is "unbreakable" and whose commitment to its security is "rock solid", Mr Cameron said he would always defend the country's right to defend its citizens against attack.

He promised that he would oppose any calls for boycotts, whether economic, trade or academic, designed to isolate Israel.
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His speech was to the Israeli Parliament. I'm not sure if I should have posted it under Israel and Palestine forum or Europe forum.
Post it in the dustbin. Anything coming out of the mouth of any UK politician associated with the 3 main parties is bland, boring, designed to offend no-one and say as little as possible in as many words as possible.
David Cameron: I feel 'connection' to Jewish people

Wait and I will find some money for a pay phone so you can call someone that cares......
This is a very nice story from the Europe ( UK ) about David Cameron and how he feels about Jewish people. Great story / video. Still under construction........

Video: David Cameron: I feel 'connection' to Jewish people - Telegraph

David Cameron: I feel 'connection' to Jewish people
In a speech to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, Prime Minister David Cameron claims to have "some sense of connection" to the Israeli people, saying his great-great-grandfather was a Jewish man from Germany
. .3:10PM GMT 12 Mar 2014
On his first visit to the country as Prime Minister, David Cameron revealed that his family tree includes a Jewish great-great-grandfather, who came Britain a century and half ago, and an ancestor who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel.

In a speech the Israeli Parliament, Mr Cameron said: "My Jewish ancestry is relatively limited but I do feel just some sense of connection.

From the lexicon of my great, great grandfather Emile Levita, a Jewish man who came from Germany to Britain 150 years ago to the story of my forefather Elijah Levita who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel.

Describing himself as a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is "unbreakable" and whose commitment to its security is "rock solid", Mr Cameron said he would always defend the country's right to defend its citizens against attack.

He promised that he would oppose any calls for boycotts, whether economic, trade or academic, designed to isolate Israel.

So, let's figure it out together, shall we?

Jewish great-great-grandfather, who came Britain a century and half ago, and an ancestor who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel.

Let's see, great GREAT grandfather, 150 +/- years ago.

Uh huh.

Then another ancestor is thought to have written the first EVER Yiddish novel.


So, now i put all the information in the computer and out pops the answer.

David Cameron is a filthy stinking Jooo!

Just checked, Mojo! You were never on there! Am I good or what? I can smell an anti-semite! You're going on ignore now! Farewell.

- Jeremiah

What you smell must be ball cheeze on your upper lip.

I love Israel.

I love Jews.

I was being sarcastic.

I, too, hate anti-semites.

They are in the same boat as any other racists except more so.

Cool way to IFF ping me though!

My deepest apologies, Mojo2. I cannot even tell sarcasm I am so exhausted. I'm sorry. I've been up all night and sleep a few hours. For days.

You're off ignore and repped until Jesus returns. How's that? I beg mercy on the grounds of not enough sleep! My sniffer crashed and burned after dialogue with a guy named Indofred. I'll request a new one immediately. I plead mercy! Sorry! - Jeri
[MENTION=45791]Mojo2[/MENTION] I'm sorry, Mojo.


I know I'm not what/who I appeared to be with that comment. I guess not everyone is aware of my outspoken admiration for Israel and Jews in general.

My bad.

All is well.


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