David Cameron is right


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Too Bad Obama and the libs just don't get it...

Prime Minister of England, David Cameron, talks of the lessons learned from a country being too permissive. We should adopt the same solutions! But we never will with our current president, who is no leader.

From a speech to the Munich Security Conference.

Part 2

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Too Bad Obama and the libs just don't get it...


the problem with so many conservatives is not just that they are wrong..

it's that they are so stupid .....

look, my stupid friend....this man is saying exactly what liberals have been saying...;
(you idiot)

"normal, peaceful muslims are NOT THE SAME as extremist violent muslims!"

which is the opposite of what so many idiotic cons (like YOU) have been saying; "islam is evil!"

you've got it (surprise) completely backwards!

further...he says that BRITISH MUSLIMS should embrace british values....

i'll venture no opinion on that but I will ask;

"and what about christians in the muslim world? should they be preaching christianity (in defiance and counter to islamic values)?
or should they just keep their mouths shut and EMBRACE islamic values?"

I have no doubt that YOUR answer is; "they should do what we tell them in OUR countries and we should do what we want to in THEIR countries"
Too Bad Obama and the libs just don't get it...


the problem with so many conservatives is not just that they are wrong..

it's that they are so stupid .....

look, my stupid friend....this man is saying exactly what liberals have been saying...;
(you idiot)

"normal, peaceful muslims are NOT THE SAME as extremist violent muslims!"

which is the opposite of what so many idiotic cons (like YOU) have been saying; "islam is evil!"

you've got it (surprise) completely backwards!

further...he says that BRITISH MUSLIMS should embrace british values....

i'll venture no opinion on that but I will ask;

"and what about christians in the muslim world? should they be preaching christianity (in defiance and counter to islamic values)?
or should they just keep their mouths shut and EMBRACE islamic values?"

I have no doubt that YOUR answer is; "they should do what we tell them in OUR countries and we should do what we want to in THEIR countries"

I like that you are so entrenched in your opinions that you don't let facts interfere with your stupidity.

Too Bad Obama and the libs just don't get it...


Actually no.

It's conservatives that don't get it.

Cameron is talking about the difference between a very small minority of people that follow an extremely twisted version of a certain faith..that breaks with the original faith.

Conservatives want all Muslim followers, destroyed.

actually, neither extreme gets it... not the neocon loons who run around spewing "bomb bomb bomb iran" and not the far left and far right israel-hating trash who think anything that injures US interests in the mid-east and/or israel is a good thing... and most definitely not the ron paul types who have no clue about mideast policy or its subtleties..
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the problem with so many conservatives is not just that they are wrong..

it's that they are so stupid .....

look, my stupid friend....this man is saying exactly what liberals have been saying...;
(you idiot)

"normal, peaceful muslims are NOT THE SAME as extremist violent muslims!"

which is the opposite of what so many idiotic cons (like YOU) have been saying; "islam is evil!"

you've got it (surprise) completely backwards!

further...he says that BRITISH MUSLIMS should embrace british values....

i'll venture no opinion on that but I will ask;

"and what about christians in the muslim world? should they be preaching christianity (in defiance and counter to islamic values)?
or should they just keep their mouths shut and EMBRACE islamic values?"
I have no doubt that YOUR answer is; "they should do what we tell them in OUR countries and we should do what we want to in THEIR countries"

:clap2: Wow name calling...How intelligent you are. It seems you hate conservatives so much you refuse to see the truth. In case you didn't know genus, Christians are second class citizens in the Muslim world (what’s left of them) no they can't proselytize because they would be KILLED or Imprisoned, but that’s not the point here, the point is embracing the country and culture they chose to live in, its not about religion just be Americans... be English ect.. You choose to live here be part of our society don’t be something separate get it?


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