David Cameron says Muslims "give so much to our country"

Cameron is exactly like Obama in that he refuses to face reality, every time some mayor Islamic inspired incident occurs both are very quick to state Islam is not responsible but instead are random individually inspired.

They are both terrified of offending anyone in the terrorist Islamic communities...after all one "has to be very nice to them"...in the meantime the butchering goes on!!!!

When will they wake up? Probably when an Islamist knocks on their doors, after their heads!
The British may just have had it with this and give the muslims the street war they want.
Cameron is exactly like Obama in that he refuses to face reality, every time some mayor Islamic inspired incident occurs both are very quick to state Islam is not responsible but instead are random individually inspired.

They are both terrified of offending anyone in the terrorist Islamic communities...after all one "has to be very nice to them"...in the meantime the butchering goes on!!!!

When will they wake up? Probably when an Islamist knocks on their doors, after their heads!

Do you really need to wonder why they are terrified of the islamic community? Hell, they might be the next ones run over with a car and hacked to death on a busy street in broad daylight. That's what terrorism is all about.
David Cameron is Conservative.

If he is what the British consider "coservative" then they won't stand a chance against Islam.

The poster who provided that "He's a conservative, so there!" post has no understanding of the situation.

It was a kind of 'gotcha' that doesn't work.

The way we mean conservative is one who values ideas such as sovereignty.
Cameron is in favor of the EU....which is based on giving up national sovereignty, as Liberals would like the US to give up to the UN.

" David Cameron is facing a new Conservative rebellion over Europe as his MPs challenge his authority by renewing their demands for a referendum.... Tory ... “The objective is to keep the Government focused on this issue. It would send a clear message that we are not going away and that there is a large body of opinion inside and outside this place that believes that legislation is right for a EU referendum.”
David Cameron faces latest Tory rebellion as MPs aim to force EU membership vote - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
David Cameron is Conservative.

No he isn't, he's a centre-left fraud masquarading as a "Conservative". The last real Conservative in No. 10 was Mrs. Thatcher.

Conversely, Cameron most probably thinks we should push every single Muslim into the sea like every other Englishman and woman (bar self-hating liberals). But, like any other politician that lives as far removed from the multicultural experiment as Cameron does, he's afraid of what the press will say if he said what we all know he most likely thinks.
David Cameron is Conservative.

No he isn't, he's a centre-left fraud masquarading as a "Conservative". The last real Conservative in No. 10 was Mrs. Thatcher.

Conversely, Cameron most probably thinks we should push every single Muslim into the sea like every other Englishman and woman (bar self-hating liberals). But, like any other politician that lives as far removed from the multicultural experiment as Cameron does, he's afraid of what the press will say if he said what we all know he most likely thinks.

The exact same thing can be said of our elected "conservatives", like Bush who said Islam is the religion of peace. His idiotic belief that we could establish a democracy in Muslim countries like Iraq and Afghanistan was wrong. Islam is not compatible with democracy and freedom, in fact, it is completely intolerant of freedom. For instance, it drives Muslims nuts just to hear anyone speak ill of their religion, their false god, or their pedophile prophet.

I give Bush credit for at least fighting back after we were attacked, but he should of just carpet bombed the entire middle east, not put soldiers on street patrol to be subject to their barbarism. Barbarism that is now showing up on our shores because western nations refuse to acknowledge the inherit evil in Islam. Instead of banishing these animals, we're giving them visas, citizenship, welfare checks, and on top of that surrendering our freedoms and lives to them.

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