David Duke On Presidential Bid: "Yes, I Am Considering It"

Your words undermine your comments about self determination. You are a racist, and as such, just like Hitler's words, what you say is automatically suspect. We take your votes at election time, but we never ever let you have a say in local polity and decision making.

What words? What proof do you have that I don't support self-determination and nationalism for all people. You need to give an example.

And what does "racist" mean, and how do I fit the criteria? And how are FBI crime stats suspect because of your subjective categorization of me. How are they even connected.

Lars, you are using an article that subjectively categorizes the FBI crime statistics, not me.

Let's stay objective here. Self determination for Swaziland is not the same for its inhabitants as in South Africa or Rhodesia. You condemn yourself with your own words.
Whites are becoming the minority.
Simply not accurate. In fact, you're not even close.

2010 Census Data - 2010 Census

Whites: 56.3%
Hispanics: 16.3%
Blacks: 12.6%

In other words, there are 4 times as many whites as there are hispanics or blacks in the U.S.

What Tank said. Whites are presently the majority, but I said they were BECOMING the minority. And indeed, they are the minority in four states RIGHT NOW, whereas a decade ago they were not. The U.S. Census Bureau projects whites as the minority by 2040 in America. Right now, whites are the minority among new births.

2040 is not far away.

Very close, in fact.
What Tank said. Whites are presently the majority, but I said they were BECOMING the minority. And indeed, they are the minority in four states RIGHT NOW, whereas a decade ago they were not. 2040 is not far away.

Very close, in fact.

There are twice as many whites in this country are there are blacks AND Hispanics. There are four times as many whites as there are blacks or Hispanics. That's not remotely close to "becoming a minority."

The U.S. Census Bureau projects whites as the minority by 2040 in America.


Right now, whites are the minority among new births.

Hispanics are white by Census records. The whites no where are in danger of losing their civil liberties, other than discriminating against growing minorities.

Wow! Just as the Constitution wanted.
You have the right of private association, and I am glad you understand that. You cannot use the law anymore to discriminate, and you will never have that power again.
Hispanics are white by Census records. The whites no where are in danger of losing their civil liberties, other than discriminating against growing minorities.

Wow! Just as the Constitution wanted.

Even the individual letters in this post are wrong. That's quite a feat!
You have the right of private association, and I am glad you understand that. You cannot use the law anymore to discriminate,
If I "have the right of private association", then I have the right to discriminate with my private association.
No, it is not. You will have to do far better than that, bro.
the definition of discrimination according to dictionary.com
"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination."

Affirmative Action is making a distinction in favor of or against an individual based on their race; in favor of if they are Black or Hispanic and against if they are Asian or White.
David DICK would only get the vote of a small group of nutcase racists. He will never be President. He will just die a twisted, bitter loser who will be primarily forgotten by history.
No, it is not. You will have to do far better than that, bro.
the definition of discrimination according to dictionary.com
"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination."

Affirmative Action is making a distinction in favor of or against an individual based on their race; in favor of if they are Black or Hispanic and against if they are Asian or White.

That is your narrow definiton, unrecognized by law. That is certainly your right to believe so and sincerely, but you believe both sincerely and wrongly.
Wouldn't this be something to have David Duke go up and challenge Obama for the presidency? At least we know one thing. Duke is a natural born citizen born to 'Two' U.S. citizen parents which qualifies him for Article 2 Section 1 purposes that Obama doesn't meet. Apparently Duke was elected in the richest district of Louisiana when he ran for the House Seat that David Vitter held as well as former Governor David Treen. According to the article, Duke will go on a 25 state tour. He will get support I believe and he sure knows how to scare the media to death and they would surely give him media attention. This will be interesting to watch

David Duke on a Presidential Bid: 'Yes, I Am Considering It' - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

White Supremacists Running for Political Office in 2012 in Growing Numbers - The Daily Beast

former Louisiana state representative David Duke confirms he's mulling tossing his hat into the 2012 presidential contest.

"Yes, I am considering it,"

Story going national:

Another thing we know about Duke:

He's a former Grand Wizard in the Klan and a current White Supremacist.

He should fit right in with the Democrats then.

Can you say "Robert Byrd"?
He should fit right in with the Democrats then. Can you say "Robert Byrd"?

The Robert Byrd who repented his sins, stayed with his party, and worked to atone for his ways. That Robert Byrd?

Compared to Strom Thurmond, Democratic governor of South Carolina, presidential candidate of the uber racist DixieCrats in 1948, changed to the GOP so he would not have to change his racist past, had a black daughter out of wedlock and hid the truth from the world? That Strom Thurmond?

Take your hypocrisy elsewhere, sonny.

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