David Duke / Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline....

They may be racist but they aren't leaders in the House of Representatives. It doesn't even make a difference that a congressperson is or is not accused of being a racist, bigot, asshole or whatever. It counts when the party makes the person a leader and symbol of the party.
What about Obama?

What about him?

"the cambridge police acted stupidly" "The Ferguson police are racist" "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon"

need more?

I'm not sure who his son would look like, but the other two are correct.
To recap, of Sharpton’s 72 meetings:

  • One-on-one meetings: 5 (7 percent) Like I said, 5 one-on-one meetings with the president.
Comrade, ask the hate site that does your thinking for you to explain why this is supposed to be relevant?

In all but 5 meetings, the racist fuck had an entourage...

How does that make it better? Ask your masters.

  • Meetings with staff members or senior advisers, with more than one guest: 20 (27 percent)
  • Events with more than 90 people: 16 (22 percent)
  • Miscellaneous meetings or events, ranging from 3 to 700 guests: 31 (43 percent)

Giuliani 8217 s claim the White House invited Al Sharpton up to 85 times - The Washington Post

You are but a drone with no mind, pose my question to the hate sites and see if the hive can answer.
Absolutely!!! As soon as we fix this picture!


You're not planning a suicide bombing on the Republican congress, are you Comrade?

No, are you?
To recap, of Sharpton’s 72 meetings:

  • One-on-one meetings: 5 (7 percent) Like I said, 5 one-on-one meetings with the president.
Comrade, ask the hate site that does your thinking for you to explain why this is supposed to be relevant?

In all but 5 meetings, the racist fuck had an entourage...

How does that make it better? Ask your masters.

  • Meetings with staff members or senior advisers, with more than one guest: 20 (27 percent)
  • Events with more than 90 people: 16 (22 percent)
  • Miscellaneous meetings or events, ranging from 3 to 700 guests: 31 (43 percent)

Giuliani 8217 s claim the White House invited Al Sharpton up to 85 times - The Washington Post

You are but a drone with no mind, pose my question to the hate sites and see if the hive can answer.

The Washington Post is a hate site?
To recap, of Sharpton’s 72 meetings:

  • One-on-one meetings: 5 (7 percent) Like I said, 5 one-on-one meetings with the president.
Comrade, ask the hate site that does your thinking for you to explain why this is supposed to be relevant?

In all but 5 meetings, the racist fuck had an entourage...

How does that make it better? Ask your masters.

  • Meetings with staff members or senior advisers, with more than one guest: 20 (27 percent)
  • Events with more than 90 people: 16 (22 percent)
  • Miscellaneous meetings or events, ranging from 3 to 700 guests: 31 (43 percent)

Giuliani 8217 s claim the White House invited Al Sharpton up to 85 times - The Washington Post

You are but a drone with no mind, pose my question to the hate sites and see if the hive can answer.
When you lobby and have connections you get appointments and invitations to people and places. The WH is a great one. If you can get the WH to give you just a few minutes with a WH official it's golden. They people who you are trying to get donations from will be thrilled to walk the halls of the WH and talk to or hear from a genuine WH staff member. They get to go to places the WH Tour doesn't go. They may even see recognizable journalist and even politicians. All your friends at home will think you are really important because you have been given WH stuff and photo's.
When you lobby and have connections you get appointments and invitations to people and places. The WH is a great one. If you can get the WH to give you just a few minutes with a WH official it's golden. They people who you are trying to get donations from will be thrilled to walk the halls of the WH and talk to or hear from a genuine WH staff member. They get to go to places the WH Tour doesn't go. They may even see recognizable journalist and even politicians. All your friends at home will think you are really important because you have been given WH stuff and photo's.

So then you agree that the racist fuck Sharpton having one on one meetings or having an entourage means nothing? That Carla is merely blowing smoke?
I'll type this real slow so you can understand.

5 one-on-one meetings in 6 years hardly makes Sharpton, Obama's "race czar" as some of you lunatics like to claim.

Carla, you are but a termite - thought is denied to a drone such as you. You think only what the party programs you to think.

You recite your script as your masters tell you to - but your script is flawed. Whether the racist fuck Sharpton was alone meeting Obama is utterly irrelevant.
I think the most interesting thing in the Duke debate video is that he whines that he isn't the KKK/Nazi he used to be, and when asked to repudiate white supremacists groups, he does.

Well, we all know he went on to be the same KKK/Nazi fuck he always was and always will be.

Such is the way of deceivers.
What, precisely, has Al Sharpton said that is equal to David Duke's statements and actions, and his KKK/Nazi aims of white nationalism?
I think the most interesting thing in the Duke debate video is that he whines that he isn't the KKK/Nazi he used to be, and when asked to repudiate white supremacists groups, he does.

Well, we all know he went on to be the same KKK/Nazi fuck he always was and always will be.

Such is the way of deceivers.
Kind of like Klu Klux Klan Kleagle and recruiter, former democrat Senate Majority Leader aye?
Last edited:
It looks like Uncensored drank Fox News's piss. Fox News conflated a peace march that Sharpton held in DC on December 13 with an entirely separate march that took place in NYC.

Some of the protestors in NYC supposedly chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops!" and Fox tried to connect that to the entirely different march that Sharpton held in DC by interweaving clips of Sharpton in DC with those of the protest in NYC.

This is deliberate misinformation. Fox News is a full-on propaganda organ now, splicing manufactured bullshit together.

Such is the way of deceivers.

And Uncensored shoveled it right down.
So long ago........so long ago g5000. But Obama spent more time (20 years) in the anti-white Reverend Jeremiah Wrights church compared to Dukes time with the Klan. At least the former Louisiana State House Representative believed in border security to protect our sovereignty from illegal wetbacks infiltrating America. That is patriotism..

When you lobby and have connections you get appointments and invitations to people and places. The WH is a great one. If you can get the WH to give you just a few minutes with a WH official it's golden. They people who you are trying to get donations from will be thrilled to walk the halls of the WH and talk to or hear from a genuine WH staff member. They get to go to places the WH Tour doesn't go. They may even see recognizable journalist and even politicians. All your friends at home will think you are really important because you have been given WH stuff and photo's.

So then you agree that the racist fuck Sharpton having one on one meetings or having an entourage means nothing? That Carla is merely blowing smoke?
I think you have an opinion about Sharpton that some may disagree with. It obviously means something in that there are those like you who think it is wrong for the President to meet with him. What that might amount to is up for question. It appears not to count for much and that seems to frustrate you. I do not know who Sharpton met at the WH or what the meeting were about. They could have meant nothing, very little of they could have had some kind of impact. The results of any meeting with a politician are often open to debate. I have come out of meetings where half of us thought we had wasted our time and had been given a smoke and mirror show and the other half claimed huge success. The idea that a meeting at the WH or Congress or some other government agency is some kind of a big deal however is a matter of interpretation. It may be a big deal to the outsiders attending their one and only type meeting, but to people who do this as part of their livelihood these meetings are not such a big deal.

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