David Friedman: Jewish people are seeing some of the most barbaric acts since the Holocaust

Its a bit more complicated.
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It is not more complicated. Israel is attacked and some Israelis are killed. Israel responds(as they should) with a very harsh response that kills many more Palestinians. Rinse and repeat. Israel is not the aggressor here, but they aren’t a bunch of lilly-livered wimps who sit back and take it.
You’d think they’d learn…They bring on themselves what they get.

Democrats have no concept of being tough. Fortunately, Israel does, particularly Netanyahu. Democrats live in a fantasy land where they believe they could buy Hamas Starbucks gift cards and all will be ok.
It is not more complicated. Israel is attacked and some Israelis are killed. Israel responds(as they should) with a very harsh response that kills many more Palestinians. Rinse and repeat. Israel is not the aggressor here, but they aren’t a bunch of lilly-livered wimps who sit back and take it.
But they are the aggressor.
I have yet to read an article that explains, in rational terms, the reasons for the "Palestinians'" anger, and those of the rest of the Muslim countries in the Middle East. It appears to this outsider that the main "occupation" of Muslim males is being pissed off. What are the industries in Gaza? Are there any? Or are they just a big welfare state, dependent on donations from outside (including from Israel) to survive?

This kerfuffle is worse than any in a long time, but the end is always the same. Israel will retaliate violently, as Hamas struggles to ensure that lots of pathetic civilians in Gaza are killed, and the international Press will condemn Israel for its atrocities.

The gamesmanship with the Hamas hostages will be dreadful, and unprecedented on this scale.

But where did Hamas get its missiles, arms, etc? Is Iran too obviously the source?

I will be content to blame all of it on Biden.
HAMAS gets everything from Iran, and GAZA has no industry. It lives off humanitarian aid, including that from Israel.
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Democrats have no concept of being tough. Fortunately, Israel does, particularly Netanyahu. Democrats live in a fantasy land where they believe they could buy Hamas Starbucks gift cards and all will be ok.
Democrats are so naive that they think if you “talk nice” to savage thugs, they will reform their ways.
Israel is the aggressor?! Save me Lord.
Please take note…
When I think about the Palestine/Israel conflict it always reminds me of the Malcolm X quote

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Please take note…
When I think about the Palestine/Israel conflict it always reminds me of the Malcolm X quote

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
You already posted that. Sorry if I don‘t view the Arabs who are murdering innocent Israeli women, stripped them naked, battering their bodies, and then parading them through the streets as “oppressed victims” and Israel the “oppressor.”

one mans terrorist is another's freedom fighter Votar

all you're doing is labeling which are a**holes

i refuse to buy into it, not sorry

Not so much.
I mean, let's be honest, on one side you have people who just want to live in peace in an area that is 100% surrounded by people who want to end their existence.
On the other side - you have various groups of fanatical maniacs who are not so secretly supported and armed by other fanatical maniac nations.
The sides are not even close to being relative.
Not to say Israel is perfect or innocent. But when they were repeatedly attacked over and over and over - they set out to create a barrier around them for protection that was occupied by other peoples.
Can you seriously blame them?
If Israel said - "okay we will tear all the walls down and remove our military for peace's sake - they would be slaughtered.
No, it doesn’t. The only reason that all Israelis haven’t been killed altogether is that the barbarians don’t have the firepower.
Yes, it completely blows up your point. Israel is the aggressor and Gaza is an open air prison. Your thinking is wrong. Palestinians are killed at a far greater rate than Israelis. Yet you think the Palestinians are the barbarians.
Yes, it completely blows up your point. Israel is the aggressor and Gaza is an open air prison. Your thinking is wrong. Palestinians are killed at a far greater rate than Israelis. Yet you think the Palestinians are the barbarians.
Are you having an episode or something?

The number of dead Palestinians directly results from their inability to survive their stupidity.

Let's put it this way.

If someone hits you in the nose and gives you a nosebleed, and you hit them back and break both legs, THEY are still the aggressor.

Israel has the ABSOLUTE right to exist.
Are you having an episode or something?

The number of dead Palestinians directly results from their inability to survive their stupidity.

Let's put it this way.

If someone hits you in the nose and gives you a nosebleed, and you hit them back and break both legs, THEY are still the aggressor.

Israel has the ABSOLUTE right to exist.
You’re uninformed. It’s not about Israel’s existence. Nothing threatens their existence. The opposite is true. Palestinians have a right to exist, but not under Israeli apartheid rule.
You’re uninformed. It’s not about Israel’s existence. Nothing threatens their existence. The opposite is true. Palestinians have a right to exist, but not under Israeli apartheid rule.
I'm not the uninformed one.
Do not play his game. They always try to make you defend. It is a tactic.

Self Defense needs no permission.

Hamas can burn in hell Gipper.
Self defense. Lmfao. You know nothing about the situation.

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