David Friedman: Jewish people are seeing some of the most barbaric acts since the Holocaust

But they are the aggressor.

No, they are not the aggressor. Israel spends their time and money developing their nation. Palestine spends their time and money trying to figure out how to attack Israel. Israel gives work permits to Gaza residents so they came come into Israel to make money. Israel is first world and Palestine is a poor third world country jealous of the successes of their hated adversary’s successes. The extreme wing, Hamas, was elected by the people of Gaza. What does that tell you? Their only mission is to destroy infidels including the Jewish and Christians. You can’t make peace with these people as long as they have this mindset.
My worry is that the Palestinians, who elected HAMAS terrorists and have been screaming “Death to Israel”….”Death to Jews”…..will claim refugee status, and we’ll have 2 million more antisemites in America.

They vehemently hate Christians too so it would be a disaster for sure.

I wouldn’t at all be suprised if this administration welcomed them with open arms.
And P.S. My concern goes more to the tortured and murdered innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies the barbarians have slaughtered.

Yes, the Palestinians attack with the intent of killing, kidnapping and torturing anyone they can get their hands on. Israel sends SMS messages to civilians in buildings that have Hama infrastructure to allow them time to get out before the building is destroyed. There will always be collateral damage in war, but the intent is clearly different.
No, they are not the aggressor. Israel spends their time and money developing their nation. Palestine spends their time and money trying to figure out how to attack Israel. Israel gives work permits to Gaza residents so they came come into Israel to make money. Israel is first world and Palestine is a poor third world country jealous of the successes of their hated adversary’s successes. The extreme wing, Hamas, was elected by the people of Gaza. What does that tell you? Their only mission is to destroy infidels including the Jewish and Christians. You can’t make peace with these people as long as they have this mindset.
You’re uninformed. Both sides have committed atrocities, but Israel is an apartheid state and they’ve treated the Palestinians poorly for decades. This war was bound to happen.
WTF? Hamas fired the first shots here...Now they will pay.
Clearly you’re unaware of the long history of atrocities committed by BOTH sides. Please try to get informed.
No, it doesn’t. The only reason that all Israelis haven’t been killed altogether is that the barbarians don’t have the firepower.

Yep, if Hamas had nuclear weapons, they would destroy all of Israel, including the very land they portend is the focus of their hatred. The land itself is secondary to their hatred for the Jewish people. Much of the Western world, the current administraton included, is just ignorant enough to buy it.
Clearly you’re unaware of the long history of atrocities committed by BOTH sides. Please try to get informed.
Ah…..the ”both sides” argument.

Clearly you don’t understand the difference between a) barbaric people who go to a peaceful music festival of young people and murder 260 of them, and b) moral people who WARN occupants of a HAMAS building that they are about to bomb it to give them time to get out.

You antisemitic liberals disgust me.
The Palestinians lose me when they rape and murder and parade around the naked dead bodies of young girls at a music festival. Tourists as well.

This was just a cowardly act of terrorism. Hamas are cowards.
Clearly you’re unaware of the long history of atrocities committed by BOTH sides. Please try to get informed.
That's a dumb argument gipper...You know I'm in my 60s, and have lived through much of this sort of violence happening over there....And you know what history has recorded? That more often than not, it is Iranian satellites like the Hezi's, and Hamas that are constantly firing missles unprovoked into Israel and killing civilians....
Answer the question. He asked if you support HAMAS and think their massacre of innocent Jews is justified.

(Also, are you an American?)
I don’t. I oppose all war no matter where or by whom.

I’ve posted here for many years. Find one post where I’ve supported Hamas or any warring faction.

This is an example of the stupidity that reigns among so many people when wars occur. You’re either with us or against is the childlike thinking.
If he/she is a non-Jewish Democrat, the answer is yes, he supports Hamas. These are the same people that elected Omar to Congress.
And yet, we have Jews who still will vote Democrat. This would NOT have happened under Trump.

(My own niece is not speaking to me because I voted for Trump. And she’s in her 40’s - not a young adult too naive to know better.)
I don’t. I oppose all war no matter where or by whom.

I’ve posted here for many years. Find one post where I’ve supported Hamas or any warring faction.

This is an example of the stupidity that reigns among so many people when wars occur. You’re either with us or against is the childlike thinking.
Those who say “both sides” and blame Israel Is the stupid thinking.
That's a dumb argument gipper...You know I'm in my 60s, and have lived through much of this sort of violence happening over there....And you know what history has recorded? That more often than not, it is Iranian satellites like the Hezi's, and Hamas that are constantly firing missles unprovoked into Israel and killing civilians....
You aren’t informed. If a government oppresses a minority for decades, what is likely to happen? This isn’t rocket science. You're old enough now to understand.
Those who say “both sides” and blame Israel Is the stupid thinking.
Lol. Israel is the one in charge and is far more powerful.

I blame both sides. I know that is unpopular with your kind. You only see one side at fault.

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