David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.
You're a potential victim to attacks not committed?


Sure, ok.

Meanwhile, Hogg was a witness and a victim to the shooting.

You drove by a crime scene.

And hysterically, you actually tried to compare the two. :cuckoo:
you gotta know pigs love playing in the mud,,,,,and republicans have it down to a science

Yeah, you can see them with clipboards, watching democrats at work...
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.

I remember that shooting and I remember a CBS lawyer commenting that she had no sympathy for the victims because they were likely Trump supporters. Now that's attacking a victim.
Yes it is and that kind of shit is utterly depraved.
Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?

What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.
Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.

I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.

My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.

But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
So at least we agree he is an opportunist.

However, I don't consider him a victim because he doesn't act like he's suffering from a traumatic experience.

He's acting like a well-rehearsed spokesperson on CNN.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?

What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.
Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.

I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.

My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.

But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
So at least we agree he is an opportunist.

However, I don't consider him a victim because he doesn't act like he's suffering from a traumatic experience.

He's acting like a well-rehearsed spokesperson on CNN.

As if your biased observations mean anything.

Any student who had to hide in a closet to evade a nearby shooter, is traumatized. You sound like those conspiracy wackadoos who claim Sandy Hook was a hoax, in part because one of the dead kid’s dad didn’t grieve sufficiently for them.
What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.
Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.

I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.

My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.

I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.

But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
So at least we agree he is an opportunist.

However, I don't consider him a victim because he doesn't act like he's suffering from a traumatic experience.

He's acting like a well-rehearsed spokesperson on CNN.

As if your biased observations mean anything.

Any student who had to hide in a closet to evade a nearby shooter, is traumatized. You sound like those conspiracy wackadoos who claim Sandy Hook was a hoax, in part because one of the dead kid’s dad didn’t grieve sufficiently for them.

Everything time he gets near a microphone and a camera he feels he has to act like a CNN anchor.

Obviously he's fucked up in the head with PTSD.
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Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.

I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.

My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.

I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
I agree with your first paragragh and I would agree with your second paragraph if that were the case here, but it’s not. No one is giving them a free pass to pass the legislation they seek. What they have been given is the opportunity to have their voices because of what they went through. And by having their voices heard, it’s sparking debate which to their credit, has made some small progress.

But that is not the point here. There is nothing wrong with butting heads with them over policy. Many folks vehemently disagree with the policies they propose; and in many cases, for good reason.

The problem is they’re being attacked personally, not just politically. It’s disgusting how the right is making up rumors about them for no reason other than to discredit them. Making death threats against them and their families. Calling them liars over matters of which they’re not lying. Attacking everything from their physical appearance to their sexuality.

Attack them all you (not you per se) want over policy, but the aforementioned is fucking depraved.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.

But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
So at least we agree he is an opportunist.

However, I don't consider him a victim because he doesn't act like he's suffering from a traumatic experience.

He's acting like a well-rehearsed spokesperson on CNN.

As if your biased observations mean anything.

Any student who had to hide in a closet to evade a nearby shooter, is traumatized. You sound like those conspiracy wackadoos who claim Sandy Hook was a hoax, in part because one of the dead kid’s dad didn’t grieve sufficiently for them.

Everything time he get near a microphone and a camera he feels he has to act like a CNN anchor.

Obviously he's fucked up in the head with PTSD.
So? He was studying journalism and wanted to be a journalist. Idiots like you attack him for acting like one.
I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.

My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.

I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
I agree with your first paragragh and I would agree with your second paragraph if that were the case here, but it’s not. No one is giving them a free pass to pass the legislation they seek. What they have been given is the opportunity to have their voices because of what they went through. And by having their voices heard, it’s sparking debate which to their credit, has made some small progress.

But that is not the point here. There is nothing wrong with butting heads with them over policy. Many folks vehemently disagree with the policies they propose; and in many cases, for good reason.

The problem is they’re being attacked personally, not just politically. It’s disgusting how the right is making up rumors about them for no reason other than to discredit them. Making death threats against them and their families. Calling them liars over matters of which they’re not lying. Attacking everything from their physical appearance to their sexuality.

Attack them all you (not you per se) want over policy, but the aforementioned is fucking depraved.

I've asked questions about their positions, and have been told to shut up because I have not survived an ar-15 massacre.

I did not say they were being given a free pass to pass legislation, but they are being given a chance to speak and any rebuttal of them is being branded as though "children" are being "attacked".

This is unacceptable behavior. They kids are engaging in public discourse and they will be answered.
But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
So at least we agree he is an opportunist.

However, I don't consider him a victim because he doesn't act like he's suffering from a traumatic experience.

He's acting like a well-rehearsed spokesperson on CNN.

As if your biased observations mean anything.

Any student who had to hide in a closet to evade a nearby shooter, is traumatized. You sound like those conspiracy wackadoos who claim Sandy Hook was a hoax, in part because one of the dead kid’s dad didn’t grieve sufficiently for them.

Everything time he get near a microphone and a camera he feels he has to act like a CNN anchor.

Obviously he's fucked up in the head with PTSD.
So? He was studying journalism and wanted to be a journalist. Idiots like you attack him for acting like one.
I studied it too when I was at San Diego State. It didn't turn me into a gun-grabbing asshole.
What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:
What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:

I thought these kids were trying to change the world.

That invites "attack" from those who don't like the change they are pushing.

As is right and proper.

It is you who are in the wrong, by expecting this young people to get a pass.
This Hogg prick sure likes to jump across the line between adult enough to make policy and back to just a child that can't be debated or questioned on a whim. What a special little snowflake...
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.

My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.

I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
I agree with your first paragragh and I would agree with your second paragraph if that were the case here, but it’s not. No one is giving them a free pass to pass the legislation they seek. What they have been given is the opportunity to have their voices because of what they went through. And by having their voices heard, it’s sparking debate which to their credit, has made some small progress.

But that is not the point here. There is nothing wrong with butting heads with them over policy. Many folks vehemently disagree with the policies they propose; and in many cases, for good reason.

The problem is they’re being attacked personally, not just politically. It’s disgusting how the right is making up rumors about them for no reason other than to discredit them. Making death threats against them and their families. Calling them liars over matters of which they’re not lying. Attacking everything from their physical appearance to their sexuality.

Attack them all you (not you per se) want over policy, but the aforementioned is fucking depraved.

I've asked questions about their positions, and have been told to shut up because I have not survived an ar-15 massacre.

I did not say they were being given a free pass to pass legislation, but they are being given a chance to speak and any rebuttal of them is being branded as though "children" are being "attacked".

This is unacceptable behavior. They kids are engaging in public discourse and they will be answered.
From what I have seen, the people being accused of attacking children are the ones attacking them personally.
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
So at least we agree he is an opportunist.

However, I don't consider him a victim because he doesn't act like he's suffering from a traumatic experience.

He's acting like a well-rehearsed spokesperson on CNN.

As if your biased observations mean anything.

Any student who had to hide in a closet to evade a nearby shooter, is traumatized. You sound like those conspiracy wackadoos who claim Sandy Hook was a hoax, in part because one of the dead kid’s dad didn’t grieve sufficiently for them.

Everything time he get near a microphone and a camera he feels he has to act like a CNN anchor.

Obviously he's fucked up in the head with PTSD.
So? He was studying journalism and wanted to be a journalist. Idiots like you attack him for acting like one.
I studied it too when I was at San Diego State. It didn't turn me into a gun-grabbing asshole.
Who says studying journalism has anything to do with promoting gun control??

What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:

I thought these kids were trying to change the world.

That invites "attack" from those who don't like the change they are pushing.

As is right and proper.
Again — attack their policy. Don’t attack them personally. Don’t lie about them. Don’t claim they weren’t there when they were. And again, not you per se; about those abusing them.

It is you who are in the wrong, by expecting this young people to get a pass.
Their age has nothing to do with it. What they went through does.
My inspiration is my seeing my fellow Americans as my brothers and my desire to see them prosper and live.

That's not good enough? Only personal fear and pain is a valid inspiration worthy of respect?

That seems very arbitrary. And not reasonable.
So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.

I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
I agree with your first paragragh and I would agree with your second paragraph if that were the case here, but it’s not. No one is giving them a free pass to pass the legislation they seek. What they have been given is the opportunity to have their voices because of what they went through. And by having their voices heard, it’s sparking debate which to their credit, has made some small progress.

But that is not the point here. There is nothing wrong with butting heads with them over policy. Many folks vehemently disagree with the policies they propose; and in many cases, for good reason.

The problem is they’re being attacked personally, not just politically. It’s disgusting how the right is making up rumors about them for no reason other than to discredit them. Making death threats against them and their families. Calling them liars over matters of which they’re not lying. Attacking everything from their physical appearance to their sexuality.

Attack them all you (not you per se) want over policy, but the aforementioned is fucking depraved.

I've asked questions about their positions, and have been told to shut up because I have not survived an ar-15 massacre.

I did not say they were being given a free pass to pass legislation, but they are being given a chance to speak and any rebuttal of them is being branded as though "children" are being "attacked".

This is unacceptable behavior. They kids are engaging in public discourse and they will be answered.
From what I have seen, the people being accused of attacking children are the ones attacking them personally.
This Hogg prick and his commie dyke girlfriend along with the rest of his crew have been attacking us personally since day one. Anyone who is pro 2A is a murderer and wants dead kids? Now they've decided they can call for boycotts and not be ridiculed? Fuck them.
What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:

I thought these kids were trying to change the world.

That invites "attack" from those who don't like the change they are pushing.

As is right and proper.
Again — attack their policy. Don’t attack them personally. Don’t lie about them. Don’t claim they weren’t there when they were. And again, not you per se; about those abusing them.

It is you who are in the wrong, by expecting this young people to get a pass.
Their age has nothing to do with it. What they went through does.
What they went through doesn't mean jack shit when they decide we have to listen only to them and if we don't like what they have to say we have to shut up because they're just traumatized kids. Well guess what cupcake I don't give a crap what you went through when you decide to be the loudest voice in the room.

So you and them better decide quick. They're kids just acting out and should be ignored for the emotional tools they are or they are serious adults that have something to bring into the arena to be debated. Pick one and fuck off with the other.

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