David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?

You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
you gotta know pigs love playing in the mud,,,,,and republicans have it down to a science

The party that coined the phrase 'Never let a tragedy go to waste'...

The party that engaged in so much violent political rhetoric that they inspired an attempted assassination of GOP politicians as they practiced ball in a park...

The party that promised afterwards that they would refrain from any further violent rhetoric, a promise that lasted an entire 6 days.....

The party that did not even wait until all the victims of the Vegas shooting were out of danger, still in critical condition and being operated on, before throwing themselves into public gun-grabbing, emotional manipulation mode...

The party that completely just ignored the long list of Liberal / state and local government failures and missed opportunities to prevent the Parkland shooting but instead dove headlong again into their extremely public, gun-grabbing, fact-avoiding, emotion-manipulating mode...

The party that just revealed they have turned public schools into Hitler-Youth-Style indoctrination camps where they churn out little Liberal Extremist youth, cancelling schools and pressuring children to attend political rallies instead of get a good education in the classroom ,using the children as political TOOLS to push their agenda...

is somehow insinuating that the socialist / communist, Liberal Extremist POSes doing all of this are not the pigs but that it is their political opposition that is the problem?

Bwuhahahaha! Poster Children for Mental Illness - that's what they are.

These Democrats are the same 'enemies of the state' who organized the Women's March, making their 'Leaders' and 'Key Spokeswomen' a COP KILLER WHO FELD THE COUNTRY and a woman who KIDNAPPED, TORTURED, SODOMIZED, MURDERED, AND THEN ATTEMPTED TO RANSOM AN 80+ YEAR OLD MAN.

THESE organizers of THAT march / movement are the SAME ONES who organized THIS one!

It has been PROVEN that the Russians in 2016, during their PsyOp campaign using social media to manipulate snowflakes - something Obama knew about and did not stop or say anything about - successfully got emotionally manipulated liberal snowflakes to ORGANIZE and even MARCH for them.

It was PROVEN that the Russians paid LIBERAL EXTREMIST GROUPS - who TOOK their money and did their bidding - to spread racist dissention and violence throughout the US. These groups included the BLACK FIST, BLACK LIVES MATTERS, and ANTIFA!
- Remember the thugs being bussed in to cities that were rioted, looted, burned....?

- Remember Antifa's Leader admitting they showed up with the intent of attacking the White Supremacists who were peacefully walking legally (under permit), starting the violent racist clash...?

Turns out Hillary's campaign, which paid groups to send violent thugs to Trump rallies and beat and bloody Trump supporters, had a lot in common with the Russians, Antifa,, BLM, etc....


'A Democratic operative whose organization was
helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced
Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from
the campaign aftera video revealed / showed that
he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald
Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.'

Again, despite the ACTUAL, recorded, reported FACTS, you and your fellow snowflakes continue to make false allegations, claiming others are doing what you have been and are doing and of being exactly what evidence shows you and Democrats to be.
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.

I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?

What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.
Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.
I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?

What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.
Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.

I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?

You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?

What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.
Oh? Link to the post where you were proposing such measures and describing the crime of which you were victimized which inspired you to speak up....

Bonus points if you can show you received death threats for doing that.

I never claimed to be inspired by that mugging. That's a new requirement you just sprung on me.

My motives for my various political positions is what will make America a better place for Americans.

You and yours seem impressed by victimhood, so I was willing to point it out if it drove you guys to actually listen.

I assumed that there would be some reason found that the rules would be different than me, but that finding that reason could be illuminating.

But, indeed, all the time, I discuss political positions or policies I support, for anti-crime reasons, among others, and I am personally attacked by other posters, with terribly vile slurs.
It’s not a new requirement, it’s what’s been happening with Hogg and Gonzalez since they’ve chosen to speak up about what happened to them and what they would like to see happen as a result.

If your circumstances differ from that, then never mind.
It's a pretty slick trick for the left wing coalition of crazies including Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS and others to use a kid as a spokesman and then whine that he is being picked on when he is criticized.
Great, this must mean you have some evidence you can share with the forum to show that any of those organizations are using him.....

Celebrity and corporate support[edit]
Amal and George Clooney donated $500,000 to support the march and announced they would attend. Oprah Winfrey matched the Clooney donation to support the march.[34][35] Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn also contributed $500,000.[36] Film director and producer Steven Spielberg and actress Kate Capshaw Spielberg donated $500,000, also matching the donation of the Clooneys.[37] On February 23, Gucci announced they were also donating $500,000 towards the march.[38] Other people and organizations offering support have included Justin Bieber,[39] Gabby Giffords, Lauren Jauregui, Alyssa Milano, Moms Demand Action, Amy Schumer, St. Vincent, Harry Styles,[40] Hayley Williams,[41][42] Paul McCartney,[43] Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian.[44][45] John Legend and Chrissy Teigen donated $25,000.[46] Jimmy Fallon pledged to attend an event with his family.[47] Samantha Bee interviewed kids.[48] Jim Jefferies interviewed participants in San Diego.[49] Other celebrities including Taylor Swift have donated an undisclosed amount of money toward the campaign.[50]

James Corden promoted the March for Our Lives event.[51] John Zimmer and Logan Green, the co-founders of Lyft, announced their support of the rallies and stated that their company would provide free rides for those attending demonstrations.[52] Dating app Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd subsequently announced that they were supporting the NeverAgain movement by banning all images of firearms on their dating application.[53]

March for Our Lives - Wikipedia

Seems they forgot Blumbergs Every Town and Gifford Courage.

Each sibling march is an independent student-led initiative. Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords Courage, among others, will be assisting in the coordination of sibling marches around the country. More information regarding sibling marches can be found here.

FAQ for March 24 Gun Violence March | March For Our Lives

Thanks for showing they weren’t backed by “Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS.”

I just provided the ones that I could come up with quickly, I never said it was all inclusive. The only ones you mentioned I haven't found so far is BLM, even though they were there, and OWS.

Since then, major players and organizations — including Everytown, Giffords, Move On, Planned Parenthood, and the Women’s March LA — told BuzzFeed News they are helping the students with logistics, strategy, and planning for next month’s March for Our Lives rally and beyond. Much of the specific resources the groups are providing to the Parkland students remains unclear — as is the full list of supporting organizations — but there are broad outlines.

Who’s Behind Anti-Gun ‘March for Our Lives?’ Take a Wild Guess

They also organized where they could use dark money without revealing their donors.

When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?

You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
It's a pretty slick trick for the left wing coalition of crazies including Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS and others to use a kid as a spokesman and then whine that he is being picked on when he is criticized.
Great, this must mean you have some evidence you can share with the forum to show that any of those organizations are using him.....

Celebrity and corporate support[edit]
Amal and George Clooney donated $500,000 to support the march and announced they would attend. Oprah Winfrey matched the Clooney donation to support the march.[34][35] Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn also contributed $500,000.[36] Film director and producer Steven Spielberg and actress Kate Capshaw Spielberg donated $500,000, also matching the donation of the Clooneys.[37] On February 23, Gucci announced they were also donating $500,000 towards the march.[38] Other people and organizations offering support have included Justin Bieber,[39] Gabby Giffords, Lauren Jauregui, Alyssa Milano, Moms Demand Action, Amy Schumer, St. Vincent, Harry Styles,[40] Hayley Williams,[41][42] Paul McCartney,[43] Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian.[44][45] John Legend and Chrissy Teigen donated $25,000.[46] Jimmy Fallon pledged to attend an event with his family.[47] Samantha Bee interviewed kids.[48] Jim Jefferies interviewed participants in San Diego.[49] Other celebrities including Taylor Swift have donated an undisclosed amount of money toward the campaign.[50]

James Corden promoted the March for Our Lives event.[51] John Zimmer and Logan Green, the co-founders of Lyft, announced their support of the rallies and stated that their company would provide free rides for those attending demonstrations.[52] Dating app Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd subsequently announced that they were supporting the NeverAgain movement by banning all images of firearms on their dating application.[53]

March for Our Lives - Wikipedia

Seems they forgot Blumbergs Every Town and Gifford Courage.

Each sibling march is an independent student-led initiative. Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords Courage, among others, will be assisting in the coordination of sibling marches around the country. More information regarding sibling marches can be found here.

FAQ for March 24 Gun Violence March | March For Our Lives

Thanks for showing they weren’t backed by “Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS.”

I just provided the ones that I could come up with quickly, I never said it was all inclusive. The only ones you mentioned I haven't found so far is BLM, even though they were there, and OWS.

Since then, major players and organizations — including Everytown, Giffords, Move On, Planned Parenthood, and the Women’s March LA — told BuzzFeed News they are helping the students with logistics, strategy, and planning for next month’s March for Our Lives rally and beyond. Much of the specific resources the groups are providing to the Parkland students remains unclear — as is the full list of supporting organizations — but there are broad outlines.

Who’s Behind Anti-Gun ‘March for Our Lives?’ Take a Wild Guess

They also organized where they could use dark money without revealing their donors.

Well someone claimed, without evidence, that PP, BLM, OWS, and Move On were backing them. I still have not seen evidence of this.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?

You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.
Get back to me when you can legally require a criminal to get a firearms license or register their firearms. I'll be damned if I will comply with a requirement that criminals can't be forced or prosecuted for noncompliance.

You can legally require criminals to do whatever you want. But you can't force them. Liberals are like Jennifer Grey in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. They spend all their time whining and complaining, but in the end they're making out with a drug addict with HIV.

Wrong answer, SCOTUS said you can't prosecute a criminal for having an unregistered firearm because it requires self incrimination to fill out the registration.

By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?

You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.
So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?

You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.

But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:

A few minutes before.
Camera Hogg was hiding in a classroom closet asking everyone about how they feel about guns and gun laws. I was wasn't talking to anyone. I was looking at a the police presence, flashng lights on squad cars, and trying to check for loose eyeballs.
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.

There weren't "thousands of others who were shot" in LV.


You're done.

We're talking about victims of shootings. Who knows from where you drew that analogy. :cuckoo:

David Hogg was on campus and hiding in a closet knowing there was an active shooter also on campus and believed he could be killed.

That's traumatic.

And even you admitted being traumatized by a crime meets the definition of being a victim.
During the attack he didn't know it wasn't a drill.
The only thing he could possibly claim was he pissed his pants after it was over once he knew it was real.
This doesn't make you a victim.
It makes you a pussy.

The real victims are dead or spent time in the hospital being treated.
Of course he knew it wasn’t a drill. He said he heard gunfire and then was ushered into s closet as the school was locked down. He even recorded himself in case he was killed.

You’ve already admitted he’s a victim. You tried, and failed, to draw equivalence to your own experience of being driven past a body. You tried, and failed, to comparing it to you not wearing a dress outside of the Pulse nightclub, you tried, and failed, to compare it to an athlete in a locker room. And now you’re simply flat out lying.

Like I said, you’re done. You have no argument left.
Only in your mind.

To this day the killer, or killers are still at large. I suspect he was one of the guys who was stationed with me. He pulled a 357 on me once. He and another guy used to hang out on Hotel Street alot. Couple of crazy motherfuckers.
But they never could prove who killed those Benny Boys.
Nicholas Cruz is behind bars..... so Camera Hogg is safe.

You’re still trying?

You’re still losing.

It matters not that Cruz is behind bars. Hogg was still traumatized.

By the definition you gave, that establishes him as a victim. That doesn’t change for him just because Cruz is locked up; just like people Cruz shot are still victims even though Cruz is locked up.

But none of this makes Camera Hogg a victim or a witness.

All this makes him is an opportunist. :iagree:
And yet, he’s both. You’ve already admitted it yourself. Now all you’re doing is arguing against yourself since I agree with you that he’s both a victim and a witness. I also agree he’s an opportunist.
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.

There weren't "thousands of others who were shot" in LV.

Sorry, I meant to say “shot at.” Thanks for the correction.
A few minutes before.
Camera Hogg was hiding in a classroom closet asking everyone about how they feel about guns and gun laws. I was wasn't talking to anyone. I was looking at a the police presence, flashng lights on squad cars, and trying to check for loose eyeballs.
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.

I remember that shooting and I remember a CBS lawyer commenting that she had no sympathy for the victims because they were likely Trump supporters. Now that's attacking a victim.

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